Gaming Fallout 76

There seems to be a lot of commentary in here of people moaning about it who don't actually seem to have played it to be fair.

I don't really understand why those who haven't are in here commenting on its quality :wenger:

Nobody needs to buy and play this game to understand its fault. Majority of people who played it are calling it shit and rushed. When a game is getting ridiculed left and right, the last thing I would advise is people to go buy it and play it.

I’m one of Bethesda’s biggest fans. Over the last few years they pushed single player games like Evil Within, Prey, Doom and Dishonored 2. This game is just a rushed cash grab.

Many people predicted before it was out that it just didn’t really look great. The sales in the UK totally bombed.

This isn’t like two or three bad reviews out of 10. Majority of the reviews have been bad and people who played it the majority that I read don’t think it’s good. Like someone pointed out that sites like IGN and Gamespot rarely give AAA games low scores. This got 5 and 4 respectively on those sites, which is embarrassing for AAA game.

So come off it that you don’t understand. It’s sitting on 50 at metacritic after 26 reviews for PS4. That’s just embarrassing. This isn’t a case that it’s getting 7s or 8s that people are shitting on it. If it was sitting on metacrituc with average of 75 or 80 rather than 50, then yeah I agree the criticism would be over the top.

If they didn’t charge full price and put it as early access then maybe the criticism would be less harsh because this is basically a early access game


I've played it, its decent. Had some terrible performance first couple of days though. Seems better now. Its just more Fallout but with the ability to do stuff with your friends.
I watched an hour of someone playing this on YouTube earlier. I was that bored.

It’s awful. There are no NPCs to chat with. All of the quests are assigned via fecking holotapes. Occasionally you come across a robot to interact with.

And this player I watched didn’t come across one real player because it’s only 23 players per server. Which is baffling considering the ‘hook’ here is that it’s online and supposed to be played with others.

This game is a bigger pile of steaming crap than Mass Effect Andromeda and that’s saying something.

I loved Fallout 1, 2 and 3. FO:NV was good after the bugs were patched out. Even Fallout 4 was ok. But avoid this at all costs.
To expand on what I said earlier, this game is so bad that I'm worried about how ES6 is going to turn out since Howard said Bethesda will use the same core game engine they used for this game. link

It's a shame too because West Virginia is a beautiful place in real life that I've visited multiple times and I was excited to see it made it to a fallout game. To be honest the scenery of WV in this game is actually quite beautiful but that'll all be forgotten because this game is getting panned left and right, justifiably so.

If ES6 is even half as this game then Bethesda is done, especially since I imagine most consumer trust with Bethesda brand has been dissipated (I know mine did) after this release.
I watched an hour of someone playing this on YouTube earlier. I was that bored.

It’s awful. There are no NPCs to chat with. All of the quests are assigned via fecking holotapes. Occasionally you come across a robot to interact with.

And this player I watched didn’t come across one real player because it’s only 23 players per server. Which is baffling considering the ‘hook’ here is that it’s online and supposed to be played with others.

This game is a bigger pile of steaming crap than Mass Effect Andromeda and that’s saying something.

I loved Fallout 1, 2 and 3. FO:NV was good after the bugs were patched out. Even Fallout 4 was ok. But avoid this at all costs.

You can play solo. There is story, lore and characters they just arent human npcs, or the human npcs have already left and you need to find out what happened and where they went.

Or you can play with friends. Or kill other players if you want to, although thats mostly just to take over camps that give you resources.

So far I don't like it any less than Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 I didnt really get into. But again the first few days had some terrible performance

What a shitshow of a game. Anyone still defending it. Maybe they should have used that customer service response to describe the full game.

What a shitshow of a game. Anyone still defending it. Maybe they should have used that customer service response to describe the full game.
:lol: It looks like a bag I got for signing up at a gym many years ago. It was free so I couldn't complain. But the quality was horrendous.
If that bag wasn't a West-Tek bag and just a normal one like Tescos, Asda or Poundshop, we'd all love it.

But no, because of the name we have to call it shit. We should all be ashamed.
That line will become synonymous with Bethesda.

Bethesda Games: We aren't planning on doing anything about it.

Still, it'll just be a meme. It won't affect them in the long term because everyone, including myself probably, will sign up for the same bullshit bugs when the new Elder Scrolls releases.

What a shitshow of a game. Anyone still defending it. Maybe they should have used that customer service response to describe the full game.
They've actually said on Twitter that they'll give 500 atoms (the in game currency) to the people disappointed with that collection.

Problem is that's worth about $5, and it buys you next to feck all in the game anyway. Such a mess :lol:

I just read the collectors edition with this bag cost 200 dollars. No idea how much in the UK.

Crazy money and they still cheap out on the bag.
They've actually said on Twitter that they'll give 500 atoms (the in game currency) to the people disappointed with that collection.

Problem is that's worth about $5, and it buys you next to feck all in the game anyway. Such a mess :lol:

It's virtual currency, so it's literally costing them nothing to give it out, and they're still only offering a humiliating pittance.

I don't know how they could have handled this whole thing any worse :lol:

What a shitshow of a game. Anyone still defending it. Maybe they should have used that customer service response to describe the full game.

Pray tell, what has a bag actually got to do with the game

Did FO76 do something to you directly? It seems to have cause you a great deal of angst, especially for someone who indicated they had no interest in it from when they first showed.

It seems like it's your girlfriend trying something new that she's never tried before and you don't like it or want to be part of it. She isn't forcing you to do it but your scared she might leave you forever for this new experience, things will never be the same! Obviously this isn't the case and she will still enjoy doing all the old stuff you guys have always done, I mean that's what your relationship was built on isn't it. It's okay that your not into it but don't take it to heart, you don't need to bad mouth it to make sure she will still do the same stuff you've always done together
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Pray tell, what has a bag actually got to do with the game

Did FO76 do something to you directly? It seems to have cause you a great deal of angst, especially for someone who indicated they had no interest in it from when they first showed.

Best not speak positively about the game here mate, need to make a new thread for that
Pray tell, what has a bag actually got to do with the game

Did FO76 do something to you directly? It seems to have cause you a great deal of angst, especially for someone who indicated they had no interest in it from when they first showed.

It seems like it's your girl friend trying something new that she's never tried before and you don't like it or want to be part of it. She isn't forcing you to do it but your scared she might leave you forever for this new experience, things will never be the same! Obviously this isn't the case and she will still enjoy doing all the old stuff you guys have always done, I mean that's what your relationship was built on isn't it. It's okay that your not into it but don't take it to heart, you don't need to bad mouth it to make sure she will still do the same stuff you've always done together

What are you jabbering on about?

I posted very important news about how a publisher treats customers who spend 200 dollars on a collectors edition and you give the biggest bullshit fanboyism reply ever. You love the game, great. Funny how this thread was dead for days. Did you have fun playing it? Brilliant. I honestly don’t give a shit if you love the game.

I tend not to buy games that sit with 50 on metacritic. I know like it’s been pointed out that you a bit upset that you paid full price and it’s been discounted already. But that doesn’t matter. It happens to me always. I tend to buy the majority of games on launch. Well the ones that are above 50 on metacritic. I bought Hitman and it was discounted within a week. I was happy with the game though.

This is the issue with gaming. We got publishers abusing the trust of consumers with unfinished games and then half arsed collectors edition. Then give a pathetic response to it. But people like this seem to think it’s ok. I understand you buying the game, you are free to buy whatever you want. But don’t sit here defending their practices to me with your stupid shit post.
Yes was thinking the same


It's actually a decent game. The thing is, people haven't / won't give it a chance and to many people, reviewers as well, wrote it off before it came out. Impressions stick and people don't like to change their minds.
They got a lot wrong with this game, I won't even defend that.

I agree the price could be considered high, especially considering most of it does look copy and paste from Fallout 4.
It definitely feels more like a side project than a full game.
I agree that with no NPCs, the world can feel empty at times.
I agree that there are quite a lot of bugs and issues with the game which make it frustrating to play
Basically, there's issues with the game.

But it's actually a decent game.
Plenty to do. A huge map to explore, plenty of landmarks. Plenty of lore, linking with other Fallout games also.
It's great seeing a map, and seeing people randomly all over the place, all different levels etc. Shows how differently people can play the same game.
One thing I do hope, especially with all the bad press, is that when they do open a new vault, it brings some NPCs into the world, and hopefully, gradually over time, that results into settlements.
I for one am happy they brought it out, but I can also be happy that with all the criticism, I get the best of both worlds.
A game that I'm enjoying, a game that will have plenty of future content, and a company being pestered to improve, so hopefully future games are better.

As for the Fallout franchise, I get people who are unhappy with how things went, being fans of Fallout 1 and 2, but I reckon a lot in here, me included haven't even played them, so the path from 3 > Vegas > 4 wasn't a problem.
I really enjoyed 3, absolutely loved Vegas, and then enjoyed 4. I've been happy with all of them so far, so I look forward to 5 also


Ironically, I didn't even notice / care about the bag, I bought the £175 version for the helmet. (I have a massive Fallout collection) I didn't even look at the bag :lol:. but I'll be complaining and try to push for more than some atom tokens
Oh and gibby every gaming media and entertainment site is covering the situation about the bag before you get your panties in a twist. Are you going to cry about them too? Call them haters and not trendy enough maybe?
What are you jabbering on about?

I posted very important news about how a publisher treats customers who spend 200 dollars on a collectors edition and you give the biggest bullshit fanboyism reply ever. You love the game, great. Funny how this thread was dead for days. Did you have fun playing it? Brilliant. I honestly don’t give a shit if you love the game.

I tend not to buy games that sit with 50 on metacritic. I know like it’s been pointed out that you a bit upset that you paid full price and it’s been discounted already. But that doesn’t matter. It happens to me always. I tend to buy the majority of games on launch. Well the ones that are above 50 on metacritic. I bought Hitman and it was discounted within a week. I was happy with the game though.

This is the issue with gaming. We got publishers abusing the trust of consumers with unfinished games and then half arsed collectors edition. Then give a pathetic response to it. But people like this seem to think it’s ok. I understand you buying the game, you are free to buy whatever you want. But don’t sit here defending their practices to me with your stupid shit post.
She's already said she plans to see that next chic flick with you, don't get so upset.

It's a fallout/Bethesda game;
It doesn't look great (check)
It has bugs on release (check)
They even said as someone pointed out there would be problems on release, this may not be ideal but they've tried to manage the expectations on that

Everyone wants a nice polished game on release, it is what it is, then you have reviews like the one you posted originally that's as dramatic as the reviewers expectations on what the game would be are fantasy. Wonder how many clicks he got for that

Call me a fanboy and my post shit all you want, I assume it helps with that complex

I still fail to see why you're so offended by a game you've no interest in, but in truth i really care that much
Oh and gibby every gaming media and entertainment site is covering the situation about the bag before you get your panties in a twist. Are you going to cry about them too? Call them haters and not trendy enough maybe?
You understand irony, right?:lol:
I didn't even notice / care about the bag

It seems to have just got coverage now, despite it being two weeks after launch

I guess I'd be pissed at that too but I'd never spend that money on those collector/ultimate edition things so who knows
She's already said she plans to see that next chic flick with you, don't get so upset.

It's a fallout/Bethesda game;
It doesn't look great (check)
It has bugs on release (check)
They even said as someone pointed out there would be problems on release, this may not be ideal but they've tried to manage the expectations on that

Everyone wants a nice polished game on release, it is what it is, then you have reviews like the one you posted originally that's as dramatic as the reviewers expectations on what the game would be are fantasy. Wonder how many clicks he got for that

Call me a fanboy and my post shit all you want, I assume it helps with that complex

I still fail to see why you're so offended by a game you've no interest in, but in truth i really care that much

Offended? You were the one who was calling everyone haters earlier in this thread including all the gaming media who were saying negative stuff about the game. They all haters according to you and trying to sink it. It was sinking before the reviews were even posted.

What are you going on about again? I was posting news that every media outlet was reporting before you started crying again. You love Fallout 76. I don’t give a shit if you love it nor do I care about your opinion on anything gaming related. You clearly care about mine. I’m probably one of those trying to sink it. Yes, sink a game where publisher releases full price game with half the game and bugs galore. Treats it like some Early access. We should have more of those type of games. Not.

Are you feeling ok gibby? This is a forum. Go create a Fallout 76 positive things only thread. See how long that lasts.
It seems to have just got coverage now, despite it being two weeks after launch

I guess I'd be pissed at that too but I'd never spend that money on those collector/ultimate edition things so who knows

It’s got coverage because of the idiotic response from the company you love defending.
Before Gibby cries again.

As if the Fallout subreddit was not already hectic enough, this story suggests that Bethesda gave free canvas bags to Fallout 76 influencers at its Greenbrier promo event.

The event was meant to give content creators and influencers an opportunity to experience Fallout 76first, as well as to convince them that it is worth playing. Those attending would have had no way to know about the bait-and-switch that would occur a month later, yet Bethesda may very well have.

So they were to expensive to produce for people who actually paid for them. But not expensive enough to give them out for free. Makes sense. I’m sure the usual people will be spinning this and we all haters when all I’m pointing out how a company is treating their consumers like shit. It isn’t acceptable when EA or Activision do it. And it isn’t acceptable when Bethseda do it
The funny thing is the 500 atoms they’re offering as an apology isn’t enough to cover buying the virtual version of that bag in the game :lol:
Used 1200 .45 bullets today at whitesprings. Jumped from level 31-39 in a few hours :lol:
While I've been doing other things today, I've so far made nearly 900 .45 bullets back at the ammo factory

Errr, I mean, what a shit game
White text...
Used 1200 .45 bullets today at whitesprings. Jumped from level 31-39 in a few hours :lol:
While I've been doing other things today, I've so far made nearly 900 .45 bullets back at the ammo factory

Errr, I mean, what a shit game
White text...

Ammo factory is pretty great. Some nice changes coming with the 2 new patches. Not losing our camps to another player being there before us is a great QoL improvement.
Ammo factory is pretty great. Some nice changes coming with the 2 new patches. Not losing our camps to another player being there before us is a great QoL improvement.

Yeah absolutely. Just simple things can make it so much better.
I'd probably like a bigger amount of players per map to be honest. The map is so huge