Gaming Fallout 76

What are your 3 favourite video games in modern times (that have been released within the last year or two)?

There's been a fair few we are spoiled by. It's tough, but among them would definitely be God of War, Dead cells and Breath of the Wild. RDR2 is giving a good time too right now. But I hate lists like that as there's tons I'll be reminded of, like Persona said above, that I've forgotten.

I'm not actually as harsh on games as joked about, I'm just not a hype merchant ;)
There's been a fair few we are spoiled by. It's tough, but among them would definitely be God of War, Dead cells and Breath of the Wild. RDR2 is giving a good time too right now. But I hate lists like that as there's tons I'll be reminded of, like Persona said above, that I've forgotten.

I'm not actually as harsh on games as joked about, I'm just not a hype merchant ;)
Dead Cells is great. I have GOW sitting on my PS4 hard drive but I still haven’t got round to starting it.
I’m digging the Yakuza games at the moment. Yakuza zero is easily the best thing I’ve played this year, and it’s a couple years old...
Watched 2-3 hours of that on Twitch and don't think it's for me but looks like there's tons of things to do. Seems to have a big fanbase.
Not gonna lie, I’m getting some joy seeing all the horrible reviews this game is getting. The less successful it is, the less likely Bethesda are to try and force online on us in their future titles.
What I don't get, is why people hate on a game, just cause it has a name to it.
The game isn't bad, I am having quite a lot of fun with it. If it wasn't called Fallout and had a slightly different skin, people would probably give it good reviews.

Game is similar to a lot of survival games out at the moment. Rust, Conan etc
People enjoy those games, just like they enjoy this, but because the name Fallout is attached to it, nobody wants it.

They where clear from the start how the game was going to play. Not something you enjoy? don't buy it. Simple, but leaving negative reviews just cause is stupid.
I get it isn't like other Fallout games, and yes, I'd much rather have had another proper Fallout game, but it isn't that, I was still interested in it.

Same with the new Pokemon, it isn't exactly what I wanted, so I've skipped it, but I've not ran around bad mouthing it cause it wasn't the game I wanted.
I want it to crash and burn so they leave the Fallout brand alone with their shit. New Fallout from Black Isle veterans or GTFO.
What I don't get, is why people hate on a game, just cause it has a name to it.
The game isn't bad, I am having quite a lot of fun with it. If it wasn't called Fallout and had a slightly different skin, people would probably give it good reviews.
What are you basing that on? Bethesda get more of a free ride than anyone when it comes to reviews for their games.
What are you basing that on? Bethesda get more of a free ride than anyone when it comes to reviews for their games.

I'm just basing it on other survival type games. Stuff like Rust and Conan are popular, have decent / good reviews in general. They're not perfect, but people accept them for what they are. They suit a certain person and that person enjoys them.
People are judging this on a Fallout game, which obviously it is, but they're trying something different, never tried to deceive and was open from the start.
A new Fallout was never going to come out so quickly after 4. We've seen it with all their games, the gaps are huge. Nobody expected a Fallout game to be announced earlier this year, so people expecting a full on Fallout game wasn't getting it

The bashing and hate started before the game even came out. Most people with their negative views haven't even touched the game, their just salty it isn't the game they wanted.
I'm just basing it on other survival type games. Stuff like Rust and Conan are popular, have decent / good reviews in general. They're not perfect, but people accept them for what they are. They suit a certain person and that person enjoys them.
People are judging this on a Fallout game, which obviously it is, but they're trying something different, never tried to deceive and was open from the start.
A new Fallout was never going to come out so quickly after 4. We've seen it with all their games, the gaps are huge. Nobody expected a Fallout game to be announced earlier this year, so people expecting a full on Fallout game wasn't getting it

The bashing and hate started before the game even came out. Most people with their negative views haven't even touched the game, their just salty it isn't the game they wanted.
Exactly. It's a Bethesda game. An AAA game. Of course it's going to be judged harsher than independent/indie games.

Honestly you've the first person I've read online who has played it and doesn't find it to be absolute shite.
What I don't get, is why people hate on a game, just cause it has a name to it.
The game isn't bad, I am having quite a lot of fun with it. If it wasn't called Fallout and had a slightly different skin, people would probably give it good reviews.

Game is similar to a lot of survival games out at the moment. Rust, Conan etc
People enjoy those games, just like they enjoy this, but because the name Fallout is attached to it, nobody wants it.

They where clear from the start how the game was going to play. Not something you enjoy? don't buy it. Simple, but leaving negative reviews just cause is stupid.
I get it isn't like other Fallout games, and yes, I'd much rather have had another proper Fallout game, but it isn't that, I was still interested in it.

Same with the new Pokemon, it isn't exactly what I wanted, so I've skipped it, but I've not ran around bad mouthing it cause it wasn't the game I wanted.
Not going to get too involved in this debate because I haven't played the game but it kinda works both ways when it comes to the brand name doesn't it?

They'll get a lot of buys purely from the name Fallout that they probably wouldn't if it was named something different. So if they fail to meet the expected standard associated with that name then they're going to get a lot more negative comments than a smaller, originally named game would.

Does that make sense? Feel like I'm rambling a bit as kinda stoned.
Exactly. It's a Bethesda game. An AAA game. Of course it's going to be judged harsher than independent/indie games.

Honestly you've the first person I've read online who has played it and doesn't find it to be absolute shite.

But a game shouldn't just be judged on who published it, but on the type of game it is.
Your review of it would be negative, but by the sounds of it probably haven't even played it, so you, like a lot of others dismiss and give negative opinions without even playing it.

The bugs, the issues, especially on console (I play on PC) exactly need sorting, and that is down to Bethesda and they do need to sort that stuff out. Of course it's got issues, but beyond all that, there is a decent game in there, one that I, like many others (Just cause you've not read the positive responses from people) are enjoying in many different ways.
People want it to fail cause it has Fallout slapped on it, and it's not a Fallout game they know
Not going to get too involved in this debate because I haven't played the game but it kinda works both ways when it comes to the brand name doesn't it?

They'll get a lot of buys purely from the name Fallout that they probably wouldn't if it was named something different. So if they fail to meet the expected standard associated with that name then they're going to get a lot more negative comments than a smaller, originally named game would.

Does that make sense? Feel like I'm rambling a bit as kinda stoned.

I agree, but is that Bethesda's fault? or is it cause people are idiots?
From the start they've been very clear on what the game is. If people don't know what they're buying then it's their fault, not Bethesda's
I agree, but is that Bethesda's fault? or is it cause people are idiots?
From the start they've been very clear on what the game is. If people don't know what they're buying then it's their fault, not Bethesda's
It's Bethesda's fault that they've released a game with a creaking old engine, that's full of bugs, that includes a huge online world with only 24 players per server meaning it's rare you actually come across anyone despite it being 'an online adventure', that's basically, from what I can gather, a turd of a game.

Plus it's a full price game. People that have bought FO76 are well within their rights to complain about it, in my opinion.

I cannot say if I think it's shite because I haven't played it but going from the masses of negative reviews, I won't be going near it until it's in the sale which will be very soon by the looks of things.

Bethesda need to get with the times, their games look and play like games from 10+ years ago now.
I agree, but is that Bethesda's fault? or is it cause people are idiots?
From the start they've been very clear on what the game is. If people don't know what they're buying then it's their fault, not Bethesda's
There are always idiots yeah, but I'd say Bethesda still hold most of the blame. Not necessarily because it isn't the usual single-player Fallout experience but because from what I've seen from others the world is incredibly sparse and the game is very buggy.

The former shouldn't be the case in an AAA game and despite the latter being a Bethesda trademark, it feels even less acceptable in an online game as at least with the offline games the modding community can fix those issues.

I can't really say much more than this as I haven't played it myself. For what it's worth I have read a few reviews where the reviewer has clearly had fun but even then the above issues were obvious enough to talk about at length.
But a game shouldn't just be judged on who published it, but on the type of game it is.
Your review of it would be negative, but by the sounds of it probably haven't even played it, so you, like a lot of others dismiss and give negative opinions without even playing it.

The bugs, the issues, especially on console (I play on PC) exactly need sorting, and that is down to Bethesda and they do need to sort that stuff out. Of course it's got issues, but beyond all that, there is a decent game in there, one that I, like many others (Just cause you've not read the positive responses from people) are enjoying in many different ways.
People want it to fail cause it has Fallout slapped on it, and it's not a Fallout game they know
Man that's such bullshit. People don't want games to fail, people want games to be good because then they can play and enjoy them. If the game turns out to be shit, then people will slate it, which is what's happening with this, just like it happened with Andromeda last year. And people will absolutely judge games harsher from the big publishers than they would from indie devs, and rightly so, big publishers have far more resources at their disposal and should deliver more polished games.

Bethesda have been getting away with releasing their games as big, buggy, unpolished messes for years now so it's about time they got some fecking backlash for it. Fallout 4 was probably the most overrated piece of trash i've ever played, if this one's basically it but online and even buggier then no wonder the reviews are shit.
I will never understand gamers that blindly support certain game developers or series. Do you think Bethesda/EA/whoever give two shites about us as consumers? Do they feck.

They care about money, money and money. They can get to feck. Sorry but I'm fed up with seeing the same old arguments rolled out. Fallout 76 costs SIXTY DOLLARS. I expect my money's worth, not the same old crap regurgitated over and over again.

The game sounds like it should have just been the multiplayer side of Fallout 4, not it's own game. Bethesda know they have a loyal fanbase and they're taking advantage of it.
How dare I love a game series only for it to be turned to a different genre and trashed on!

Yeah, I'm the problem here, not the guy buying it anyway despite it basically being worse than a reskinned Cod game because they've actually taken out content too.

It's a sad day when people actually argue dumbed games are not the problem, people who want better are.
How dare I love a game series only for it to be turned to a different genre and trashed on!

Yeah, I'm the problem here, not the guy buying it anyway despite it basically being worse than a reskinned Cod game because they've actually taken out content too.

It's a sad day when people actually argue dumbed games are not the problem, people who want better are.

Obviously that's aimed at me

All I'm saying is, if this wasn't branded the name Fallout, and was just some other game brought out by Bethesda or whoever, people wouldn't have much of an issue.
They'd look at it, 'nope, not a game for me' and move on. Simple.

You love Fallout, so do I. You might not have fun with this game, but I am.
Fallout games are spread out over a lot of years, just like Elder Scrolls and so on. We shouldn't even have a Fallout game this quickly after 4. So for some, maybe the minority, we're thankful we've been given a game we like, for the rest, why should it matter?
I'd rather have Fallout 76 than no Fallout game at all. If you think different, just don't buy the game, you don't need to hate on it. Just pretend it doesn't exist.

As I said earlier, games like Rust, Conan, DayZ and others have a following. They don't have NPCs, they don't have quests as such either, but people enjoy them. Bethesda have just tried to do something different is all, and have put the Fallout brand to it.
Yeah the price might be high, you could even call this game a side project, but they've give it a go.
Obviously that's aimed at me

All I'm saying is, if this wasn't branded the name Fallout, and was just some other game brought out by Bethesda or whoever, people wouldn't have much of an issue.
They'd look at it, 'nope, not a game for me' and move on. Simple.

You love Fallout, so do I. You might not have fun with this game, but I am.
Fallout games are spread out over a lot of years, just like Elder Scrolls and so on. We shouldn't even have a Fallout game this quickly after 4. So for some, maybe the minority, we're thankful we've been given a game we like, for the rest, why should it matter?
I'd rather have Fallout 76 than no Fallout game at all. If you think different, just don't buy the game, you don't need to hate on it. Just pretend it doesn't exist.

As I said earlier, games like Rust, Conan, DayZ and others have a following. They don't have NPCs, they don't have quests as such either, but people enjoy them. Bethesda have just tried to do something different is all, and have put the Fallout brand to it.
Yeah the price might be high, you could even call this game a side project, but they've give it a go.
But you're the one getting worked up at people being negative towards the game. If you like it then just go play it and ignore them. I'll never understand why people get so pissed at others dissing a game they enjoy. Maybe because they paid the money for it and feel they need to defend the purchase?

Sure people go OTT but if it's getting so much flak then it probably is for a reason.
Obviously that's aimed at me

Sorry mate, it was a little harsh but also aimed more broadly too.

All I'm saying is, if this wasn't branded the name Fallout, and was just some other game brought out by Bethesda or whoever, people wouldn't have much of an issue.
They'd look at it, 'nope, not a game for me' and move on. Simple.

You love Fallout, so do I. You might not have fun with this game, but I am.
Fallout games are spread out over a lot of years, just like Elder Scrolls and so on. We shouldn't even have a Fallout game this quickly after 4. So for some, maybe the minority, we're thankful we've been given a game we like, for the rest, why should it matter?
I'd rather have Fallout 76 than no Fallout game at all. If you think different, just don't buy the game, you don't need to hate on it. Just pretend it doesn't exist.

But that's missing one crucial aspect: 4 was trash too, and 3 was already dumbed. It's not one offs, it's the trend. Elder Scrolls too, Oblivion was already dumbed somewhat but at least was close enough to Morrowind to still be considered the same genre, Skyrim was just a different genre and the next one will no doubt be the same.

These aren't just spin offs, they are changing the core series and this fallout just continues on from 4. You can't call it a spin off.

As I said earlier, games like Rust, Conan, DayZ and others have a following. They don't have NPCs, they don't have quests as such either, but people enjoy them. Bethesda have just tried to do something different is all, and have put the Fallout brand to it.
Yeah the price might be high, you could even call this game a side project, but they've give it a go.

Those games are what they are though, Fallout 76 isn't just a game they've done on the side, it's a cash grab of an already trashed series and most people seem to be able to see through that. It's hardly a comparable situation.
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Gamespot - 4/10, IGN - 5/10. Ouch! You know you dun fecked up when two of the most generous reviewers give your game a score less than 7.

Not gonna lie, I’m getting some joy seeing all the horrible reviews this game is getting. The less successful it is, the less likely Bethesda are to try and force online on us in their future titles.

I want it to crash and burn so they leave the Fallout brand alone with their shit. New Fallout from Black Isle veterans or GTFO.

Same here. Much like EA doesn't deserve Star Wars, I no longer think Bethesda deserves ES or Fallout. I mean heck New Vegas is probably the best 3d-era Fallout game and that was made by a studio Bethesda outsourced to who had 17 months to work on it.

Really hope they ditch the multiplayer/games as services nonsense and actually update their fecking engine now.
Obviously that's aimed at me

All I'm saying is, if this wasn't branded the name Fallout, and was just some other game brought out by Bethesda or whoever, people wouldn't have much of an issue.
They'd look at it, 'nope, not a game for me' and move on. Simple.

You love Fallout, so do I. You might not have fun with this game, but I am.
Fallout games are spread out over a lot of years, just like Elder Scrolls and so on. We shouldn't even have a Fallout game this quickly after 4. So for some, maybe the minority, we're thankful we've been given a game we like, for the rest, why should it matter?
I'd rather have Fallout 76 than no Fallout game at all. If you think different, just don't buy the game, you don't need to hate on it. Just pretend it doesn't exist.

As I said earlier, games like Rust, Conan, DayZ and others have a following. They don't have NPCs, they don't have quests as such either, but people enjoy them. Bethesda have just tried to do something different is all, and have put the Fallout brand to it.
Yeah the price might be high, you could even call this game a side project, but they've give it a go.
It's not really that quick when you look at the rest and that there is no elder scrolls in between

morrowind - 2002
oblivion - 2006
fallout 3 - 2008
new vegas (obsidian) - 2010
skyrim - 2011
fo4 - 2015
76 - 2018

considering they spent 3 years making it (and a lot of the assets look just the same as fo4 so i guess time was saved there, like how nv used the same stuff from fo3) i wouldn't really say its a side project. if it was then you'd expect starfield or es6 to be coming soon but doesn't seem like it
Same here. Much like EA doesn't deserve Star Wars, I no longer think Bethesda deserves ES or Fallout. I mean heck New Vegas is probably the best 3d-era Fallout game and that was made by a studio Bethesda outsourced to who had 17 months to work on it.

Really hope they ditch the multiplayer/games as services nonsense and actually update their fecking engine now.

Bethesda bought Fallout from Interplay who were insolvent because they're a fecking joke and were putting out shit like Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 1 & 2 before cancelling the Van Buren project, everyone seems to forget that when they're criticizing Bethesda. So Bethesda create Fallout 3 which breathed new life into a dead franchise. Fallout 3 received universal praise from the critics and fans. Interestingly, it scored higher than New Vegas did.

So then Bethesda hand Obsidian the entire engine built for fallout 3 including assets and said go nuts with the story. Not sure how much you know about Van Buren or the designers but Chris Avellone and Josh Sawyer are the Messi and Ronaldo of RPGs. Obsidian with Sawyer directing and leading used a ton of material from the cancelled Van Buren project into Fallout New Vegas. It was their love letter to say good bye to the franchise. They had way way more than 17 months to work on the game. The writing alone for New Vegas would have taken 2-3 years. So it's a bit misleading to say they just shat out a gem in 17 months.

You're also conveniently forgetting that Fallout New Vegas at launch was a fecking unplayable mess of a game.

Within hours of the game's release on October 19, 2010, players of Fallout: New Vegas began reporting a variety of technical issues (saved games becoming corrupted, the game freezing, players becoming stuck within the terrain, and random NPCs appearing behind the player, initiating combat out of context).[41][42] Bethesda Game Studios stated that they, in conjunction with Obsidian, were actively working on an update for release "as soon as possible" to address in-game issues. They also urged customers to keep their copies of New Vegas rather than return them to stores, stating that providing the best possible experience to their users was a priority.

In hindsight Fo3 and F:NV were both great games and it doesn't really matter which one people prefer. All that to say I'm having an absolute blast in Fallout 76 and it really doesn't deserve the hate it's getting.
Bethesda bought Fallout from Interplay who were insolvent because they're a fecking joke and were putting out shit like Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 1 & 2 before cancelling the Van Buren project, everyone seems to forget that when they're criticizing Bethesda. So Bethesda create Fallout 3 which breathed new life into a dead franchise. Fallout 3 received universal praise from the critics and fans. Interestingly, it scored higher than New Vegas did.

So then Bethesda hand Obsidian the entire engine built for fallout 3 including assets and said go nuts with the story. Not sure how much you know about Van Buren or the designers but Chris Avellone and Josh Sawyer are the Messi and Ronaldo of RPGs. Obsidian with Sawyer directing and leading used a ton of material from the cancelled Van Buren project into Fallout New Vegas. It was their love letter to say good bye to the franchise. They had way way more than 17 months to work on the game. The writing alone for New Vegas would have taken 2-3 years. So it's a bit misleading to say they just shat out a gem in 17 months.

You're also conveniently forgetting that Fallout New Vegas at launch was a fecking unplayable mess of a game.

In hindsight Fo3 and F:NV were both great games and it doesn't really matter which one people prefer. All that to say I'm having an absolute blast in Fallout 76 and it really doesn't deserve the hate it's getting.
I know very much about Van Buren and the lead up to Fallout 3 becoming a reality. As for NV, the development time did take 17 months. Even if they spent a decade doing the writing do you know how long it takes to build a game of that scale? For them to actually dish out a bloody great game (bugs aside) in that short time was nothing short of a miracle.

And the reason NV was riddled with bugs was because they had to use Bethesda’s shitty Creation Engine because of their time constraints.

I’m glad you’re enjoying Fallout 76, but to me it doesn’t excuse the fact that Bethesda with all their resources could only put out a dated looking game that looks like it belongs in 2008, runs like treacle and consists pretty much of recycled Fallout 4 assets. And if that wasn’t enough they take out NPCs and tangible quests and have the audacity to charge us full price + micro transactions for what’s essentially a shit Fallout 4 multiplayer mod. It’s pure arrogance and laziness.
I'm just basing it on other survival type games. Stuff like Rust and Conan are popular, have decent / good reviews in general. They're not perfect, but people accept them for what they are. They suit a certain person and that person enjoys them.
People are judging this on a Fallout game, which obviously it is, but they're trying something different, never tried to deceive and was open from the start.
A new Fallout was never going to come out so quickly after 4. We've seen it with all their games, the gaps are huge. Nobody expected a Fallout game to be announced earlier this year, so people expecting a full on Fallout game wasn't getting it

The bashing and hate started before the game even came out. Most people with their negative views haven't even touched the game, their just salty it isn't the game they wanted.

Rust has 69 on metacritic. Conan is sitting on 68. No idea what reviews you been looking at.

Both games had early accesss and cost 30 dollars then the prices increased by 10 dollars when the full games released.

Where as Fallout was full price release, which won’t be for long as retailers are already discounting it.
All I'm saying is, if this wasn't branded the name Fallout, and was just some other game brought out by Bethesda or whoever, people wouldn't have much of an issue.
They'd look at it, 'nope, not a game for me' and move on. Simple.
I'd just like to point out how amazingly pointless this argument is. "If it weren't called Fallout" - but it is!

If Valve comes out with Half-Life 3 and it absolutely sucks, you can bet the reaction will be different than if any other random studio comes out with a random FPS. Obviously.
One thing that really amuses me recently is all the people who actually like FO76 saying that all the bad reviews that the game is getting are just the game reviewers jumping on the hate train to generate clicks :lol:

I mean, is it not just possible that the people reviewing the game just don’t like it? If you like the game so much why does it bother you if it’s getting bad reviews?

I’m not sure if this has ever happened before, but for me game reviews are normally fair. I’ve never really read a review of a game that I owned and disagreed with it.
You see it in pretty much every game thread on here. Someone says something negative about the game or a less than stellar review comes out and there's always at least 1 poster who can't live with this and makes it his mission to drown out the haters.
Has anyone noticed a sizeable jump in enemy toughness and damage output when they hit around 24/5

I was breezing through then last night level 16/20 mons started giving me more hassle than previously (or so I felt)
You see it in pretty much every game thread on here. Someone says something negative about the game or a less than stellar review comes out and there's always at least 1 poster who can't live with this and makes it his mission to drown out the haters.
Imagine you'd paid 60 quid pre-ordering a game and then it gets absolutely battered by the media and everyone laughs at people who actually bought it on pre-order, especially when it's half price already. I guess your butthole would be so hurt that you'd feel the need to defend it.
Imagine you'd paid 60 quid pre-ordering a game and then it gets absolutely battered by the media and everyone laughs at people who actually bought it on pre-order, especially when it's half price already. I guess your butthole would be so hurt that you'd feel the need to defend it.
Aye, true enough :lol:
Has anyone noticed a sizeable jump in enemy toughness and damage output when they hit around 24/5

I was breezing through then last night level 16/20 mons started giving me more hassle than previously (or so I felt)

Yeah, I started struggling in the mid twenties but you'll get stronger. I'm struggling with lvl 50 sentry bots. Those missile launchers hurt.
Bethesda is in damage control mode, there are reports of them refunding the game left right and center, even after 10-20 hours played.
Yeah, I started struggling in the mid twenties but you'll get stronger. I'm struggling with lvl 50 sentry bots. Those missile launchers hurt.
Good to know I'm not going cazy, from having to throw away those heavy ass stim packs all the time and still having 20 of them at all times to now having two diluted stims, cry
Imagine you'd paid 60 quid pre-ordering a game and then it gets absolutely battered by the media and everyone laughs at people who actually bought it on pre-order, especially when it's half price already. I guess your butthole would be so hurt that you'd feel the need to defend it.

There seems to be a lot of commentary in here of people moaning about it who don't actually seem to have played it to be fair.

I don't really understand why those who haven't are in here commenting on its quality :wenger:
Utter fecking garbage, worst video game I have personally played since Superman 64 back in 2003, which is all the more disappointing because I was looking forward to this franchise's tackle on multiplayer which seemed interesting in theory when it was first revealed but all we got was a butchered mess of a "multiplayer" because that feature we craved so much is completely pointless in this game.

There are plenty of videos that point out what's wrong with this game so I won't belabor major talking points. If even mainstream critics who give out generous reviews to big publisher games dish out scores like 5 that's telling on its own. In fact I think even those scores are generous. (I guess nothing's changed then)

Fortunately there's other great games that I can play like RDR2, Spyro, etc. instead of wasting time on this heap of crap. Can't get the $60 back but I guess that's a price to pay for my foolishness on multiple fronts. (pre-ordering digitally, overexcitement from brand loyalty)