Gaming Fallout 4

I always find out I spend half my time using some dreadful melee weapon because I keep running out of ammo, or getting close to doing so.

Is there a trick to avoid this or somewhere specifically to find loads of ammo?
Start out using .38 ammo as most raiders use it and it is common and use other ammo types really sparingly.

Conserve as much 10mm ammo as you can as the pistol can be a headshot machine.
I hate the way Raiders can just fling a grenade at you and you have around 2 seconds to react. Highly frustrating in indoor situations.
Is it possible to play this game without fighting a lot. Like more emphasis on role play and chatacter building, or is it the offspring of skyrim and bulletstorm?
Is it possible to play this game without fighting a lot. Like more emphasis on role play and chatacter building, or is it the offspring of skyrim and bulletstorm?

No. Get 3, or better yet, 2 and 1.

In those you also fight a lot, but you actually character build. 4 is more like a ropey fps/tps with some very vague memories of an rpg. Like skyrim, but with even more removed.
Is it possible to play this game without fighting a lot. Like more emphasis on role play and chatacter building, or is it the offspring of skyrim and bulletstorm?
No you can't just talk your way through the game like Fallout:New Vegas. It's a lot more of a shooter now.

Man the framerate is pretty awful for me now. Was in the Corvega plant and there were some raiders in there and the game wouldn't stop stuttering. How is it even possible considering it doesn't even look that great
I find it a bit difficult, even on Normal.

The first two softshell mirelurks or whatever they're called tore me apart. With a controller, hip firing isn't really an option - if you're good enough to aim with analog sticks, more power to you but I find it impossible - and I run out of APs fast for VATS.

I might have to give up couch gaming and go back to sitting in front of the PC for keyboard + mouse to have a chance. Right now I'm mostly avoiding combat and trying to get XP without fighting. It doesn't help that combat is a very tedious affair, once again, even when it goes well.
It's so hard to decide what to spend leveling points on. I want so many of the perks, but I want to become a better sniper as well so want to spend points on perception and luck.
Be careful with using Safes in this game. Had all my fusion cores, 60+ stimpaks and all of the other drugs in one of them and it bugged out and the game wouldn't register it was there. Had to go back to a save from hours ago to get it working again.
It's so hard to decide what to spend leveling points on. I want so many of the perks, but I want to become a better sniper as well so want to spend points on perception and luck.

I'd recommend putting quite a lot of points in charisma depending how far you are on the game.
I don't know what your aim is, but there are some quite important speech challenges in the main quest, depending on how much you care anyway :lol:
I'd recommend putting quite a lot of points in charisma depending how far you are on the game.
I don't know what your aim is, but there are some quite important speech challenges in the main quest, depending on how much you care anyway :lol:

I'm level 17 or thereabouts now, my charisma is okay and I usually switch to some CHR boosting gear when I know I need it. My stats are:

Strength 4
Perception 6
Endurance 4
Charisma 6
Intelligence 8
Agility 4
Luck 3

I like using rifles and shotguns so I've put two points into Rifleman.. also got local leader x2, lockpicking, armorer, blacksmith and so forth.. and there's a ton of stuff I want, but especially better criticals (luck lv 6) and sniper (perception level 8). Don't know if it would be worth investing 5 points in SPECIAL stats though. On the other hand it seems like there's quests (XP) all over the place, so maybe it doesn't really matter.
Be careful with using Safes in this game. Had all my fusion cores, 60+ stimpaks and all of the other drugs in one of them and it bugged out and the game wouldn't register it was there. Had to go back to a save from hours ago to get it working again.
Classic bethesda. This game couldnt be more bethesda if it tried! i reckon they do it on purpose as part of the "charm"
At what level should i try to find virgil in the glowing sea? I'm currently level 21, and i've basically been wandering around since lv 11, doing random quests and stacking up ammo ..
Anyone else have the game crash when going into the helicopter for the mission with the brotherhood of steel? Always crashes when I walk next to that area on the river where the pillars of the community cult is. Happens in a couple of other places as well. Hard to play the game properly when it just stops working so often.
At what level should i try to find virgil in the glowing sea? I'm currently level 21, and i've basically been wandering around since lv 11, doing random quests and stacking up ammo ..

Level 21 will be totally fine. I think I was about 17-18 when I did that mission
From reading the net, some people seem to be doing loads, like pimping up their companions with gear, rapidly expanding their settlements, modding the shit out of weapons, getting lots of power gear etc.

I'm too fecking lazy to do all that. It takes so long! I've basically made my settlement strong enough for them to be fairly happy, and every now and again I mod weapons if I feel they're not good enough, but that's about it.
Finally finished it. Excellent game. Really not a big step up from fallout 3 though.
I feel kinda let down. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing in it's own regard. But the story/length of the really meaningful quests feel short. I love lots of the missions, also a couple of the sidequests. But the game is going towards completion and I'm just a little over a week in.

Feck CD projekt Red for setting a standard no one can live up to :P

8.5/10 for me.
:lol: That's why I'm sticking with Dogmeat (unless there are tripwires around)
Has anyone gone back to that quarry after helping the guy fix those pipes?

I thought that was a pretty neat touch, having it drained and full of his raider clan. He was far too high a level for me (I was around level 12 I think) when I finally got down there but I let the caged mirelurks out and they distracted him while I took potshots from a distance. He dropped some really nice armour.
How are the first two games? I've only played Fallout 3 and quite liked that but I'm not too keen on the way the dialogue etc. has gone in the latest instalment.
How are the first two games? I've only played Fallout 3 and quite liked that but I'm not too keen on the way the dialogue etc. has gone in the latest instalment.
The first two games are wonderful, full of creativity, humour, charm, depth, choices, great dialogue.

They are very old games though. If you care about graphics, dislike isometric view and turn-based combat, stay away. If you don't mind these, they are still among the best games around. Both start quite slow though, especially the second. But it's worth it.
The first two games are wonderful, full of creativity, humour, charm, depth, choices, great dialogue.

They are very old games though. If you care about graphics, dislike isometric view and turn-based combat, stay away. If you don't mind these, they are still among the best games around. Both start quite slow though, especially the second. But it's worth it.
Cheers. I don't care too much about graphics too be honest, my laptop isn't the best anyway (have played Skyrim on it though) and I'm not thinking of buying a new one soon. The KotOR games are still two of my favourite games and I played them a few years after their release. The upshot is Fallout 1 and 2 will probably be cheap as at the minute.
How are the first two games? I've only played Fallout 3 and quite liked that but I'm not too keen on the way the dialogue etc. has gone in the latest instalment.
The first two games are wonderful, full of creativity, humour, charm, depth, choices, great dialogue.

They are very old games though. If you care about graphics, dislike isometric view and turn-based combat, stay away. If you don't mind these, they are still among the best games around. Both start quite slow though, especially the second. But it's worth it.

Pretty much this. They are both still the best Fallout games for me.