You may have fooled me this time, Bethesda, but I assure you it will be the last time you ever do!
Let's start with the dialogue system, which is nothing other than an abomination. Not only is it a literal cut and paste of the Mass Effect wheel, Bethesda have spectacularly managed to make this system even WORSE than it is in Mass Effect games.. There is no choice, there is no ability to roleplay, you are absolutely a set character with 4 dialog choices, two of which basically amount to "yes" and "no". What's even worse is that these characters are as typically bland and grating as any a character Bethesda has ever written, and the voices themselves incredibly irritating (and you will be hearing them a lot!). In fact the writing itself is just cringeworthy for the vast majority of the game, I found my eyes rolling into the back of my skull within the opening 5 minutes.
And Bethesda had the AUDACITY to market this game still as a "be whoever you want/do whatever you want", it is bordering on fraudulent.
Now we move onto the technical issues, which STILL plague this game. Despite the visuals being clearly sub-par, despite the game not being any larger or denser than even Skyrim (arguably less so in both fields), despite the massive leap in available memory and other hardware, IT CANNOT EVEN MAINTAIN 30FPS FOR HUGE SECTIONS OF THIS GAME!!! This is almost unbelievable..
These things could all be overlooked in the past, when Bethesda was a big fish in a small pond, but this is no longer the case and what Bethesda is offering in Fallout 4 pales in almost every aspect to several big competitors out there, which remarkably have far smoother and more stable games to boot.
This game is like some mutant offspring from an unholy union of Minecraft and Destiny, it's insulting to Fallout fans, it's insulting to Bethesda fans. This game is a PURE CASH GRAB and it's absolutely disgusting.
The reason it gains even 4 points is because AT TIMES (few and far) there are still glimmers of that old Bethesda in there, there are some tiny things for the RPG fans, but any brief joy at the inclusion of these is soon crushed by the unforgiveable butchering of almost all depth and RPG elements in this game. I'm honestly so angry I can't even form it into a coherent review on this game, I just **** hate this piece of **** and I am **** done with AAA gaming..
**** you, Bethesda, you **** pieces of **** Go shove Fallout 4 up your **** asses you mother****ers!