I guess I am presupposing, because I am imagining how I would line up with a signing we haven't made yet, when I'm not even the manager! But that's all any of us are really doing isn't it? It's OK to all have different opinions on this, we'd all be different managers given the chance. I'm not sure what part you think is ludicrous. If we sign a CDM and assume that Pogba and Herrara keep their place then my preferred formation woudl be 4-3-3, yes. That may change from game to game, players can come in and out. But that's how I would generally envisage it. That's not "ludicrous" as you say is it? How does the bit about us "lacking" relate to this? I honestly don't know what you mean by that, I know we're lacking have been for a long time. But how does that tie in with you thinking my approach to this is ludicrous? Not my fault we're lacking

we're lacking a solid CDM and I'd like us to sign one for sure.