F1 2024 Season

Can we have a red flag surely there's a tonne of sweeping to do (plus I'm bored so give us a restart at least)
At least Ferrari keeping us entertained doing multiple fake pit calls only to feck up the actual pit. Lewis is going to spiral into a full on depression next year.
Surely if they did a sc straight away it's 2 laps max as someone can just run and pick it up, now we need to wait for it to be fully swept
Surely if they did a sc straight away it's 2 laps max as someone can just run and pick it up, now we need to wait for it to be fully swept

It's mind bogglingly stupid, they seemed to be betting that nobody would deviate from the racing line for the rest of the race, which was never going to happen.
This race is making up for all those races wehre we DIDN'T have the SC this year.