F1 2022 Season

Not that outlandish. The amount spent on actual car development is only a very small part of the overall budget.
Its hyperbole is what it is. Teams spend millions over a season, upto 4 or 5 a minimum and hardly gain a few tenths.
Its hyperbole is what it is. Teams spend millions over a season, upto 4 or 5 a minimum and hardly gain a few tenths.

It's not hyperbole. All the other teams have said similar, that a couple of million overspend is a couple of tenths a lap and their reasoning for this is the same: spent on actual car development, that extra couple of million is huge.

I'll add context to this by saying I think RB have got off quite lightly, and since their own argument is that the overspend was nothing to do with the development of the car - i.e., catering for their staff and that doesn't affect a car's development, then the other teams have it right. RB can't have it both ways.
It's not hyperbole. All the other teams have said similar, that a couple of million overspend is a couple of tenths a lap and their reasoning for this is the same: spent on actual car development, that extra couple of million is huge.

I'll add context to this by saying I think RB have got off quite lightly, and since their own argument is that the overspend was nothing to do with the development of the car - i.e., catering for their staff and that doesn't affect a car's development, then the other teams have it right. RB can't have it both ways.
Doesn't the tax credit thing make the overspending to about 500k as per the FIA?
Alonso stirring the pot again...

oh fernando…

if anything this title has been the most 1 sided for a long time. at least hamilton had a rival!
It was. The vast majority was a tax issue and the actual overspend was around 400k

Still a chunk of 'car development' money. I don't make the breakdown criteria, and am inclined to argue that technically every penny spent ultimately benefits the car, but by F1's own numbers even 400k is almost 10% of money spent on the actual development of the car.
Puts everyone on ignore this lad.

It's literally all he talks about, I reckon he has everyone who is non Hamilton fan on ignore by now.

2021 budget affects 2021 car and beyond. Nobody is starting development from scratch annually.

With new rules, this year's cars are basically new cars. You can't have it both ways, 1,8m is really not that much extra development for one season, and especially not for two seasons.

Cost cap was introduced in 2021, like someone said, why weren't Ferrari so much better than anyone else in last ten years or so if 1,8m extra gives you so much advantage?

And again, this is coming from a Ferrari fan. Red Bull cheated, 1% over cost cap is ridiculously low considering how far ahead everyone they are this season.
Nobody gives the ignore function a better work out than the caf's Hamilton fans.
Ferrari unhappy with the ruling.


"..Ferrari believes the overspend equates to a performance gain of two tenths and reiterated the team’s discontent at the “very limited’ penalty its rival had been given.

“We at Ferrari do not understand how the 10% reduction of the ATA can correspond to the same amount of lap time,” said Mekies.

“Furthermore, there is another problem in that since there is no budget cap reduction in the penalty, the basic effect is to push the competitor to spend the money elsewhere.

“It has total freedom to use the money it can no longer spend on use of the windtunnel and CFD due to the 10% reduction, on reducing the weight of the car or who knows what else.

Our concern is that the combination of these two factors means the real effect of the penalty is very limited....”
Zac Brown not happy with the ruling either.

“Nine teams got it right, and it was confirmed that one team was clearly in breach, so that’s a positive outcome.

But on the negative side, it’s also clear that from my point of view that the penalty clearly doesn’t fit the breach. I just hope that moving forward we have stricter penalties in place.”

Someone should ask these idiots why they agreed to the proposals (including the punishments) beforehand.
It's literally all he talks about, I reckon he has everyone who is non Hamilton fan on ignore by now.

With new rules, this year's cars are basically new cars. You can't have it both ways, 1,8m is really not that much extra development for one season, and especially not for two seasons.

Cost cap was introduced in 2021, like someone said, why weren't Ferrari so much better than anyone else in last ten years or so if 1,8m extra gives you so much advantage?

And again, this is coming from a Ferrari fan. Red Bull cheated, 1% over cost cap is ridiculously low considering how far ahead everyone they are this season.
Not if the bulk of it was spent on engine development. There’s an engine development freeze from 2022 till 2026 and if Red Bull exceeded the budget to do more development last year it would have given them a head start which most teams will be unable to catch up due to the development freeze.

And again, this budget overspend was for last season where they lost to Mercedes and fluked out a championship for Max. We’ll only know how much Red Bull spent for this season next year but it’ll be dodgy again given how most teams had to cut staffs to make the budget while Red Bull was snapping up staffs.
Honestly feel it's a pretty big punishment given the low amount (<400k) and the mitigating circumstances like the post submission rule change among others. Ferrari and Mercedes have a lot more CFD and wind tunnel time for next season so should be able to overtake Red Bull. No excuses for them now. Game on.
Did red bull have extra money to spend on this years car when the claim back there tax? also on the tax isn’t it a bit silly that this is counted as teams are set up in different countries with different tax rates. If a team really want to gain extra money they could shift there headquarters to country with low corporations tax.
Ooh I wanna be ignored by dino too.

Hamilton is shit and he had it easy with a great car and Max deserved the win last year and this year is showing how average Lucky Lewis is without the best car amirite guys?
1,8m is really not that much extra development for one season, and especially not for two seasons.

It's about 20% of a development budget for a single season. It's a significant amount considering the up roar from Horner over 10% reduction on just wind tunnel and CFD time.
Cant be arsed. Adding you to my ignore list. Bye.
So because someone has a different opinion to you, you put them on ignore? You Merc fans are unreal.

I remember when there wasn't this bitterness between fans of different teams of this sport, god I wish those days were back now. Between here and reddit it's just a cesspool, nowhere to just discuss F1 without it turning in to the childish crap that's goes on here :rolleyes:
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So when Lewis and Bottas smashed into Red Bull cars in 2021, and caused $3m worth of damage between them, applying current Ferrari and Merc logic we can say they were also robbing RB of at least a second in lap time.

What clever bastards
This is actually a good point, it seems kind of unfair that a team has to use so much of its budget after a massive crash like those that costs millions doesn't it? And I'm saying this as a fan of neither team, but surely a big crash like that, that was clearly caused by another driver/team, shouldn't then have to come out of the aggreived teams budget?

I'm not saying the other team should pay for it either though, that's a bit much, but it just seems a bit unfair to me.
I thought it was a good The Day Today joke personally

Seems a bit sensitive. Has me on ignore as well. I didn't remember talking to them so I had a look and can't see any good reason. Ironically, I only realised when I tried to give them advice on how to block someone who had their settings on private and they asked about it again after I'd replied a couple of times.
It's about 20% of a development budget for a single season. It's a significant amount considering the up roar from Horner over 10% reduction on just wind tunnel and CFD time.

1,8m over 145m isn't 20%.

Also, if you are talking about just development, again, it has nothing to do with Hamilton this season since he has Ferrari guys and his teammate between him and Redbull which was what started this discussion initially few posts back.

Not if the bulk of it was spent on engine development. There’s an engine development freeze from 2022 till 2026 and if Red Bull exceeded the budget to do more development last year it would have given them a head start which most teams will be unable to catch up due to the development freeze.

And again, this budget overspend was for last season where they lost to Mercedes and fluked out a championship for Max. We’ll only know how much Red Bull spent for this season next year but it’ll be dodgy again given how most teams had to cut staffs to make the budget while Red Bull was snapping up staffs.

Are you sure about that?
1,8m over 145m isn't 20%.

Also, if you are talking about just development, again, it has nothing to do with Hamilton this season since he has Ferrari guys and his teammate between him and Redbull which was what started this discussion initially few posts back.

Development budgets are about circa 10m. You were saying that 1.8m isn't that much in the context of an entire budget, in the context of development it's a significant part of the budget.
Development budgets are about circa 10m. You were saying that 1.8m isn't that much in the context of an entire budget, in the context of development it's a significant part of the budget.
Except it wasn't 1,8m. It was less than 400k.
Except it wasn't 1,8m. It was less than 400k.

You're tripping yourself up on your own quoted numbers. If you're going back to the original, after the calamitous calculations from the RB accounts, figures net of the tax rebate then the penalty is fair in my opinion. If a teams car is 1kg under the weight for a race then it's disqualified. If we're running a cost cap, then we need the same discipline. Not a sliding scale of based on the overspend, and I believe the penalty that was awarded was in line with what was agreed. I have no complaints.

What surprised me more wasn't the value that they went over by, it was the fact it was thirteen separate issues which constituted the breach. Issues which are pretty basic business as usual things like staff pay.