F1 2022 Season

Which makes me wonder: do teams consider driving style when contacting drivers? Like in this case: McLaren would have known what their car was like, and probably could have known Ricciardo's driving style. Put those two together, and the issue is clear. Is that something they consider ("it'll be a slow start for him in the car, but we are confident that he'll manage to adapt"), or do they look higher level ("great talent, proven winner, very markettable, let's get him") ?

The latter would be a bit like a team getting Ronaldo because, you know, "fecking hell, Ronaldo!" - even if he's not a fit for the team's playstyle at all.
Its a very good question. My guess would be the latter.
Apparently the porposing Mercedes are experiencing is different to the porposing they have experienced this season. The stiffness of the car (which fixed the porposing in spain) has created a new issue at Monaco's poor surface.

Its worse on low fuel runs and they are struggling to come up with a fix.
Its a very good question. My guess would be the latter.
It sounds a bit like it with the Ricciardo situation. I mean, even if you would expect him to adapt, you'd also have to accept the significant risk that, given how long he's been using his existing style, it will take a long time for his adaptation and might never work perfectly.

But then F1 is the ultimate data sport, and it's hard to believe that they wouldn't crunch the heck out of driver vs car potential.
How can caftards not like this beautiful bastard?!

The Mercs are way off.
I think they may struggle to make Q3. Apparently its not aero related but mechanical.

This season is becoming a long testing year to get the car ready for next season at this rate. Shame as we need Mercs in the mix with ferrari and RB.

Apparently there is a standoff between dominicali and the monaco auto club (ACM) who negotiate the contract with f1. ACM are a bunch of old white rich dinosaurs who keep refusing F1 requests to make changes to Monaco layout i.e. exit of the tunnel.

Can only hope that a renewal doesnt happen or at worse it becomes a alternative year event.

Apparently there is a standoff between dominicali and the monaco auto club (ACM) who negotiate the contract with f1. ACM are a bunch of old white rich dinosaurs who keep refusing F1 requests to make changes to Monaco layout i.e. exit of the tunnel.

Can only hope that a renewal doesnt happen or at worse it becomes a alternative year event.


This was the noise I was referring to in March...

Obviously Russia will be cut, but they’ll rotate some of the European races (France and Germany most likely) and i expect Imola to be cut or rotated from 2023 as they don’t need two races in Italy.

I expect noise around Monaco to start in the next few months as they don’t have a contract for a race next year.
I dislike like Monaco GP but when Sky introduced Horner with "Christian joins us from the put wall for the 3rd time this year", think I might just skip this one. Second it feels way from then 3.
Ricciardo is finished. He doesn't deserve another year in this car.