Explosions at Boston Marathon

I wonder if they'll attack again now that their photos are out there? They're hardly likely to just wait to be arrested. How easy is it to get access to firearms in Massachusetts and its neighbouring states?

Alternatively they could have fortified a location and be waiting for the authorities to come to them. And then there's the possibility that they planned to flee the country.

All we need now is Paul Ryan and it'll be just like old times.

ETA: Highly tenuous link with Boston allows Mitt to mention his saving the Winter Olympics. :lol:

think the FBi want to spook these guys to make a run for it?

Possibly, but then they'd know what not to look like.

It could be though that some or all of their clothes were bought recently just for Boston. If they didn't buy them on the internet there is the chance that they might come by better quality CCTV after a shop worker recognises one of them [more than that if there was a reason for them to talk to the individual].
I'm disappointed with the internet. Usually someone would've found a facebook or twitter page for the suspects by now.
On my phone so it's kind of hard to see but is the first suspect wearing something over his face in the top two pictures?
Don't think so.

The first suspect is bloody hard to recognize from those pics. The second one at least might be.
Actually watching on TV, it seems he is wearing shades.
just heard the family that lost the boy had a girl that also lost a leg.

how terribly tragic.

What do you do if you are the doctors and the family and situation like that, he news about her leg would be traumatic enough but to add the death of her brother? Just awful.

these guys look young. cannot imagine the hate they must be filled with to do this to people they don't even know.

For all we know there might be some elder figure who for all intents and purposes indoctrinated them.
I'm disappointed with the internet. Usually someone would've found a facebook or twitter page for the suspects by now.

Looks like 4chan/reddit may have identified one of the suspects.


Sunil Tripathi.

Went missing last month, apparently has suicidal tendencies and had a nervous breakdown.
How on earth did they find that guy's facebook from a picture?

Also, just the fact he's interested in running doesn't automatically prove innocence.

The whole thing is stupid.

Probably someone who already has him on facebook recognised his picture and spread it from there.
Good job that gigantic red arrow was there.
REVERE, Mass. — A teenager said he is scared to go outside after he was portrayed on the Internet and on the front page of the New York Post as connected to the deadly Boston Marathon bombings.

Photos of Salah Eddin Barhoum, 17, and friend Yassine Zaime were posted on websites whose users have been scouring marathon finish line photos for suspects. The two were also on the Post's front Thursday with the headline: "Bag men: Feds seek these two pictured at Boston Marathon."

The Post reported later Thursday that the pair weren't considered suspects, and the FBI has since identified two other men as suspects in Monday's bombings, which killed three people and injured more than 180.

But Barhoum, a track runner at Revere High School, said he is convinced some will blame him for the bombings, no matter what.

He was so fearful on Thursday that he ran back to the high school after a track meet when he saw a man in a car staring at him, talking into a phone, he said.

Barhoum added he received more than 200 messages online Wednesday, with one commenter from Oregon asking: "How could you do that? Did you even think about the consequences?"

Barhoum said he won't feel safe until the bombers are caught.

"I'm going to be scared going to school," Barhoum said. "Workwise, my family, everything is going to be scary."

Attempts to reach Zaime were not immediately successful.

Barhoum's father, El Houssein Barhoum, who moved his family from Morocco five years ago, said he is worried his son will be shot and fears for his wife and two young daughters. He said he can't go to his job as a baker in Boston.

"Right now, we are not secure," he said. "So, the news (media), when they put something, they should be sure about the information."

In a statement, New York Post editor Col Allan said, "We stand by our story. The image was emailed to law enforcement agencies yesterday afternoon seeking information about these men, as our story reported. We did not identify them as suspects."

The photos show Barhoum with a black Nike athletic bag, wearing a blue and black track suit. Zaime is carrying a black backpack, wearing a white cap and black track clothes.

Men with bags at the marathon have been a focus of Internet scrutiny, because officials believe that's how the bombers carried in the explosives.

Barhoum said there are only two reasons he's been labeled a suspect: his bag and his brown skin.

Barhoum said he was at the marathon with Zaime, a friend from the running club, hoping to run a portion of it behind the official field. They took the subway, and Barhoum's bag was for his running gear.

But the pair got the address wrong and ended up at the finish line instead of where they wanted to start the race. Barhoum said they decided to stick around to see the top runners, then left.

Barhoum said that late Wednesday, friends started flagging the online photos and commenters started their work. He said he was so upset, he visited police early Thursday to clear his name. He said they advised him to restrict access to his Facebook account.

When the Post published the photo later Thursday, a bad situation got worse, Barhoum said.

"It hurts because the person who did it must be happy right now, looking at the people who are getting blamed," he said. "And I'm one of them."
You see, this is where the internet can turn into a pack of hyenas. based on that blurry image people would drag that guy's family into this, and they've probably been fearing the worst for more simple reasons.

Now whilst it could conceivably turn out to be him and such a mental state could put him in the way of a more cold and calculating mind, there needs to be a considerable amount of caution when it comes to slapping a bullseye on somebody.
This the big problem with all this internet sleuthing, a lot of wannabe detectives who are frankly dangerous, particularly when they get access of names and high schools. Only takes one person to go a step further and become a real life vigilante and suddenly things get a whole lot worse.

It wouldn't be so bad if they saw the picture, someone recognised him and handed the name to the police to check out, but its pretty much people trying to pin guilt on people based on nonsense like "he's not paying attention in this picture", or my particular favourite - the guy was an internet suspectb because he ran away from a explosion, never mind the same gif showed the people at the bottom of the picture running away also.
You see, this is where the internet can turn into a pack of hyenas. based on that blurry image people would drag that guy's family into this, and they've probably been fearing the worst for more simple reasons.

Now whilst it could conceivably turn out to be him and such a mental state could put him in the way of a more cold and calculating mind, there needs to be a considerable amount of caution when it comes to slapping a bullseye on somebody.

This the big problem with all this internet sleuthing, a lot of wannabe detectives who are frankly dangerous, particularly when they get access of names and high schools. Only takes one person to go a step further and become a real life vigilante and suddenly things get a whole lot worse.

It wouldn't be so bad if they saw the picture, someone recognised him and handed the name to the police to check out, but its pretty much people trying to pin guilt on people based on nonsense like "he's not paying attention in this picture".

Yep. Agreed.

I think you can't tell conclusively based on that image anyway. As a lot of people can match that profile.

For example google Basketball player Ricky Rubio as someone pointed out on twitter -


Apparently the guy whose legs were blown off and was saved by the Cowboy saw Suspect #1.

I agree. When it's posted on two of the biggest sites on the internet(Reddit/4Chan), it's obviously going to be looked at by the media, who've shown negligible judgement in publish photos.

The "sleuthing" was well intentioned but should have largely been left to the FBI. It's the most capable forensic/investigation agency in America, and arguably the world. The biggest problem with the crowd-sourcing of this is also one of its strengths. One person looking at a picture might not see anything but someone else might.
"Bag men: Feds seek these two pictured at Boston Marathon."

Damn, that's terrible. It's one thing these unnacounted hacks doing it on the internet with everyone with a bag there, and it's another a newspaper / portal publishing it.

Why the feck would they do it, anyways until investigators have officially released the pics ? Even if they were actual suspects maybe they didn't want to release the pics and it could tamper with investigations.

Should be able to sue them for this, atleast? Terrible Journalism.

Apparently the guy whose legs were blown off and was saved by the Cowboy saw Suspect #1.

I agree. When it's posted on two of the biggest sites on the internet(Reddit/4Chan), it's obviously going to be looked at by the media, who've shown negligible judgement in publish photos.

The "sleuthing" was well intentioned but should have largely been left to the FBI. It's the most capable forensic/investigation agency in America, and arguably the world. The biggest problem with the crowd-sourcing of this is also one of its strengths. One person looking at a picture might not see anything but someone else might.

Good on him, all the more so under the circumstances.

It is obviously welcome if people can use the net as a tool, they have have to leave the final analysis and public announcements to those at the FBI as you say.
Well this fits then.

WASHINGTON—Calling the last four days of American life just...I mean, talk about a goddamned punch in the gut, citizens across the nation confirmed today that, Jesus, this week.

This fecking week, sources added.


“Seriously, can we wrap this up already?” Maryland resident James Alderman told reporters, echoing the thoughts of all 311 million Americans, who have just about reached their weekly goddamned quota for carnage, misery, confusion, heartbreak, and rage. “Because, you know, I’m pretty sure we’ve all had our hearts ripped out of our chests and stomped on enough times for one seven-day period, thank you very much.”

“Man oh man,” Alderman added, shaking his head. “Can you believe this? Can you honestly believe the kind of piece-of-shit week we’re having here?”

According to a new poll by the Pew Research Center, when reached for comment on this week, 93 percent of Americans responded “Okay, enough’s enough here, you have seriously got to be kidding me with this week,” with 84 percent saying “Is it Sunday yet? What? How in the hell are we only at Thursday? What the hell is going on?” and 100 percent of Americans responding “No, no, go ahead, just pile some more horrific shit on this hellish shitshow of a week. Have at it.”

Following what could only be described by witnesses as the goddamned week to end all soul-crushing weeks, sources all across the nation reported that, sorry, is all this shit really happening at once? Because if all this shit is really happening at once, multiple reports verified, then this might actually be, honest to God, one of the worst weeks of all time.

No joke, added anyone with a set of working eyes and ears. Of all time.

“Maybe next time we have a week, they can try not to pack it completely to the fecking brim with explosions, mutilations, death, manhunts, lies, weeping, and the utter uselessness of our political system,” said basically every person in America who isn’t comatose or a complete sociopath. “You know, maybe try to spread some of that total misery across the other 51 weeks in the year. Just a thought.”

“Gotta hand it to this week, though,” added the entire American populace, laughing and crying at the same time. “It’s a motherfecker.”

At press time, sources confirmed that, you know what? Forget this week. 2013 as a whole can pretty much go straight to hell where it belongs.
Rep McCaul saying it's a terrorist cell and probably more involved. How he knows this I've no idea. Sounds like he's heavy on speculation.
Well this fits then.

WASHINGTON—Calling the last four days of American life just...I mean, talk about a goddamned punch in the gut, citizens across the nation confirmed today that, Jesus, this week.

This fecking week, sources added.


“Seriously, can we wrap this up already?” Maryland resident James Alderman told reporters, echoing the thoughts of all 311 million Americans, who have just about reached their weekly goddamned quota for carnage, misery, confusion, heartbreak, and rage. “Because, you know, I’m pretty sure we’ve all had our hearts ripped out of our chests and stomped on enough times for one seven-day period, thank you very much.”

“Man oh man,” Alderman added, shaking his head. “Can you believe this? Can you honestly believe the kind of piece-of-shit week we’re having here?”

According to a new poll by the Pew Research Center, when reached for comment on this week, 93 percent of Americans responded “Okay, enough’s enough here, you have seriously got to be kidding me with this week,” with 84 percent saying “Is it Sunday yet? What? How in the hell are we only at Thursday? What the hell is going on?” and 100 percent of Americans responding “No, no, go ahead, just pile some more horrific shit on this hellish shitshow of a week. Have at it.”

Following what could only be described by witnesses as the goddamned week to end all soul-crushing weeks, sources all across the nation reported that, sorry, is all this shit really happening at once? Because if all this shit is really happening at once, multiple reports verified, then this might actually be, honest to God, one of the worst weeks of all time.

No joke, added anyone with a set of working eyes and ears. Of all time.

“Maybe next time we have a week, they can try not to pack it completely to the fecking brim with explosions, mutilations, death, manhunts, lies, weeping, and the utter uselessness of our political system,” said basically every person in America who isn’t comatose or a complete sociopath. “You know, maybe try to spread some of that total misery across the other 51 weeks in the year. Just a thought.”

“Gotta hand it to this week, though,” added the entire American populace, laughing and crying at the same time. “It’s a motherfecker.”

At press time, sources confirmed that, you know what? Forget this week. 2013 as a whole can pretty much go straight to hell where it belongs.

Pretty fecking shitty week alright.