Explosions at Boston Marathon

Maybe back during the McCarthy days (which is 60 years ago) but 30 years ago no the average citizen in the US was not thinking that commie spies were ready to plant bombs all over. A movie or two played out that scenario but nobody mistook that for reality.

CNN no reporting an arrest has been made. Video from Lord and Taylor shows person placing bomb. Male (didn't think it would be female).

My bad, I was half asleep at the time and I always go low on my date estimates, I can't believe 30 years ago was '83. I'm so old!
CNN showing pictures that might be the suspect. A photographer taking some video/pictures noticed one guy who was running away from blast site. Unlike others who appeared shocked, cover their ears, etc. This guy appears to be reacting differently. So it will be interesting to see if this actually is the guy who was arrested.
Fox News now reporting a source that says no arrest has been made.
Some interesting, though amateur, film & photographic analysis here:


If he was on the phone, they may also be after whomever he was talking to.
Some interesting, though amateur, film & photographic analysis here:



That's basically everyone with a bag at the marathon who has been caught on some form of tape. Not sure what they are trying to show ?

Anyways, surely if there were CCTV above the spot, they would have caught someone keeping the bag and also from where the explosion happened ?
Looking now like no arrest has been made, more "sources" saying no arrest, only a suspect has been identified (not by name of course) in the videos. One guy on CNN making a good point it seems from what they are hearing the identificiation happened this morning some time so it would be surprising if a name was placed to the face that quickly.

Just have to wait and see how it all plays out. Atlanta Olympic Bombing, Unabomber both took years to reach the conclusion.

Apparently it's that guy right in the middle of the smoke. There's also a GIF file that shows him running away. Someone on 4chan or Reddit made this yesterday.


feck knows, though. There's also pictures of some other guy running away so I don't see how that looks particularly guilty, I mean if a bomb goes off then you run.
Should I delete that post, guys?
Well, different people will react differently in that situation. Hardly proves anything that he is running away.

Doubt the guy placing the bomb would be standing next to it either, unless he was a suicide bomber.

Apparently it's that guy right in the middle of the smoke. There's also a GIF file that shows him running away. Someone on 4chan or Reddit made this yesterday.


feck knows, though. There's also pictures of some other guy running away so I don't see how that looks particularly guilty, I mean if a bomb goes off then you run.

Yeah, no shit. Not much of a smoking gun.
I think the only think suspicious about that guy is that while everyone around him is ducking, holding their ears, recoiling in shock, he doesn't look at all shocked. As I said in my earlier post where I mentioned these photos it will be interesting to see if he is the same guy they are looking for/have arrested.
CNN seems to be highlighting that guy on their broadcast and saying he is being investigated along with another one.
According to Reuters security officers order staff, media to clear Boston courthouse.
Some of those images are pretty interesting. Specially the one with the bag that look like it's hanging off the scaffolding and looks exactly the same as some bloke was carrying. But the bombs were floor level were they not?

Pics of people wearing a bag then not wearing a bag are obviously going to be massive clues but they could easily have given it to someone else to wear or have it by their feet.
Some of these news sites are just.....At what point are you no longer a news source?
Media sources are more interested in being first to report regardless of being wrong.

CNN: Breaking news - we don't have s**t.
BREAKING: 'The Onion' In Kill Range Of Boston Bomber Suspect
Do We Take The Shot? Tweet Us Your Votes

BOSTON—Saying that we have a clear shot and we are ready to fire if given the go-ahead, The Onion has confirmed it will take out the Boston Marathon bomber if Twitter users give us enough “yes” votes to do so. “Folks, it is now or never, so tweet @TheOnion ‘Yes, kill the terrorist,’ or ‘No, stand down,’ depending on what you want us to do,” confirmed this reporter. “It’s a head shot, but we can do something less messy if you want. We will tabulate the votes in 40 seconds.” Sources said the terrorist looks like he’s on the move, so get to the social networking site immediately.

UPDATE: ‘The Onion’ Apologizes For Killing Innocent Boston Man Tom Mahoney
We Spoke Too Soon

BOSTON—Saying that we spoke too soon and probably should have looked at all the facts and information first before pulling the trigger, The Onion has issued an apology to the family of Boston resident Tom Mahoney, who was shot and killed by the news organization at 2:10 p.m. today. “We have learned that, contrary to our prior reports, Mr. Mahoney was in fact just a school teacher and not the Boston Marathon bomber,” read an official statement from The Onion. “Next time, instead of creating a media firestorm, misleading the public with uncorroborated information, and murdering an innocent man, we will make sure to confirm the identity of the bomber with the proper officials before taking a shot.” The Onion once again apologizes.

Out of interest, when was the last time a 'left wing agitator' bombed a public place

Could we call the Unabomber "left wing"? He was hitting targets into the late 80's? Can't remember for sure and too lazy to look it up.
Apparently 2 passengers of Arab descent had to be taken off the plane in Boston on the evening of the blasts - some passengers refused to fly whilst they were on the flight.

It was because they were speaking in arabic to each other.
"not another bombing! hopefully there won't be any hysteria this time. Should we speak in English?"

"nah, we're doctors, not terrorists. Americans aren't that stupid.
plus we're Sikhs, not Arabs. Keep speaking Punjabi, we'll be fine......"

:lol: at the Onion clips above.