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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but if Brexit happens, do folks expect the Scottish Independence movement use that as justification for leaving the UK?
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but if Brexit happens, do folks expect the Scottish Independence movement use that as justification for leaving the UK?

Its a possibility but most opinion polls show the majority of Scotland don't want another independence referendum.
Its a possibility but most opinion polls show the majority of Scotland don't want another independence referendum.
I hope not (granted, I don't have a dog in the fight other than ancestry). I just think Britain exiting the EU would seemingly undercut their argument against Scotland doing the same to them. Aside from Britain not using the Euro, obviously.
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but if Brexit happens, do folks expect the Scottish Independence movement use that as justification for leaving the UK?
I don't think they have a right to call another one tbh- it would be the UK government. Their voices would certainly get louder though.
I don't think they have a right to call another one tbh- it would be the UK government. Their voices would certainly get louder though.
Gotcha. At least you all had a referendum vote about it. Last time my state thought about leaving we had a bit of a dust up.
I can see the EU offering a fast track EU option to Scotland in a bid to tip the balance to keep Scotland in the Union. The rest will find it very hard to access the EU market
I can see the EU offering a fast track EU option to Scotland in a bid to tip the balance for it leaving the Union. The rest will find it very hard to access the EU market
You say fast track but I can't see the uk government giving a referendum to Scotland immediately - possibly after the next election if labour needed snp support to form a government... Probably 5 years away though
You say fast track but I can't see the uk government giving a referendum to Scotland immediately - possibly after the next election if labour needed snp support to form a government... Probably 5 years away though

All I'm saying is that it's ridiculous for the British to think that Britain can show the EU the middle finger without them reacting to it. We are heading into one he'll of a shitstorm
Bearing in mind that an independent Scotland wouldn't actually be a member of the EU, they might as well wait to see what sort of deal emerges from the UK's negotiations. It is also possible that a fully federal UK might be considered before another referendum north of the border.

But much like Osborne's deteriorating grasp of economic matters, the wheels are already in motion for another referendum (only at a slower rate).
All I'm saying is that it's ridiculous for the British to think that Britain can show the EU the middle finger without them reacting to it. We are heading into one he'll of a shitstorm

They are going to encourage a devolved yet constituent part of a friendly country to secede from that nation? Spain are just going to love that idea.

They could always react by reforming the sorry mess that the EU ha become... Yah, i know, don't be silly.
They are going to encourage a devolved yet constituent part of a friendly country to secede from that nation? Spain are just going to love that idea.

Spain is in the EU, the UK will not be in the EU. Also how friendly can deserters be? Weren't EU workers stealing your jobs, abusing from your welfare state and clogging the M4?

After Brexit few EU countries will see Britain as friendly.
They probably would if it was Gibraltar
But yeah for obvious reasons they may well look to veto and Scottish application

They wont. Spain have a higher then average unemployment rate. Scotland is a decent country for them to move and find work. If they are given assurances that dissenters within its lands wont be supported then I cant see them using the veto
I mean, I know you Brexit lot love a good conspiracy but surely old Rupe is the biggest conspiracy target in the universe and he wants us to leave the EU. Piss on the old snake's chips and vote to stay.

Conspiracy? LOL, that word always gets churned out when someone posts a strong view on politics or whats going on in the world with banks, oil and wars etc. It basically means two or more people plotting something, therefore in courts all across the UK there's a conspiracy to rob, kidnap or bomb by people in most cities every week or month if you check the courts or papers. Its MADNESS to believe the rich families, business men or companies don't try and plot to move a certain way on things and influenced the public.

There's no way way the UK is leaving the EU regardless of what the public initially want. Its a waste of time voting for a party who we want to lead the people in a two party race of a first past the post system where no one else can win but voting in this might actually be worth it. Assuming its not rigged this would be a great chance for the people to do something for themselves that the elites and big companies don't want, pull out. They'd hate it and lets be honest its the only 'power' they let us have, to vote on it. Everything else we just get to vote every 4 years, vote on which party/leader we want to be corrupted and shaft us by. More taxes, more laws, less freedoms as a giving etc.
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Gotcha. At least you all had a referendum vote about it. Last time my state thought about leaving we had a bit of a dust up.
Aye, bit of a different time, mind. Seriously though, so many people a stuck in another century, believing we are still a major global power, rather than a clapped out country trading on its history, Liverpool-style.
Conspiracy? LOL, that word always gets churned out when someone posts a strong view on politics or whats going on in the world with banks, oil and wars etc. It basically means two or more people plotting something, therefore in courts all across the UK there's a conspiracy to rob, kidnap or bomb by people in most cities every week or month if you check the courts or papers. Its MADNESS to believe the rich families, business men or companies don't try and plot to move a certain way on things and influenced the public.

There's no way way the UK is leaving the EU regardless of what the public initially want. Its a waste of time voting for a party who we want to lead the people in a two party race of a first past the post system where no one else can win but voting in this might actually be worth it. Assuming its not rigged this would be a great chance for the people to do something for themselves that the elites and big companies don't want, pull out. They'd hate it and lets be honest its the only 'power' they let us have, to vote on it. Everything else we just get to vote every 4 years, vote on which party/leader we want to be corrupted and shaft us by. More taxes, more laws, less freedoms as a giving etc.
Surely that would still leave us in the MADNESS over voting for one of two parties, regardless of whether or not we are in the EU. A fair chunk of the 'establishment and rich' are backing the Out campaign, in case you failed to notice.
Aye, bit of a different time, mind. Seriously though, so many people a stuck in another century, believing we are still a major global power, rather than a clapped out country trading on its history, Liverpool-style.
Don't feel so down about it. We are fast approaching that status ourselves.

It is one of the conundrums of building a nation with a high standard of living I think... eventually you get to a point where, if you allow businesses to do as they wish, you price yourselves out of jobs and begin destructing the standard of living you worked so hard to create. We are in the same boat having to deal with too many imports and too much of our economies focused on service industry.

Unfortunately, we both have large segments who believe that the solution is exiting a larger marketplace and making those in the larger market mad at us to boot.
They wont. Spain have a higher then average unemployment rate. Scotland is a decent country for them to move and find work. If they are given assurances that dissenters within its lands wont be supported then I cant see them using the veto
Catalonia and basque are part of an eu country. Scotland will not
Correct they refused to accept the result of the Catalonia referendum... There would be riots bordering on civil war if they suddenly accepted the Scottish one... Especially setting a precident that an independent Catalonia could get eu membership
They simply won't do it
Correct they refused to accept the result of the Catalonia referendum... There would be riots bordering on civil war if they suddenly accepted the Scottish one... Especially setting a precident that an independent Catalonia could get eu membership
They simply won't do it

European membership is not automatic else everyone who apply would join. The eu countries can allow Scotland in while refusing access to Catalonia.

Also what the worry? Surely the brexiteera wouldn't want to force a nation to stay in a union they don't want to be in
European membership is not automatic else everyone who apply would join. The eu countries can allow Scotland in while refusing access to Catalonia.

Also what the worry? Surely the brexiteera wouldn't want to force a nation to stay in a union they don't want to be in
Dunno... Personally I'd like to stay in the EU but boot Scotland out of the uk... Sadly not an option on the 23rd
The funny part of all this is Brexiters accusing others of not understanding economic matters , unfortunately for them it won't be so funny when reality finally hits them
This is about how I felt watching the Scottish referendum from the sidelines. Couldn't understand for the life of me how some expected Scotland to make it on their own.
This is about how I felt watching the Scottish referendum from the sidelines. Couldn't understand for the life of me how some expected Scotland to make it on their own.

I can understand why you felt like that, I am completely perplexed, why would you shoot yourself in the foot, Brexiters think, or rather hope, it will heal quickly, it's more likely to turn gangrenous
I can understand why you felt like that, I am completely perplexed, why would you shoot yourself in the foot, Brexiters think, or rather hope, it will heal quickly, it's more likely to turn gangrenous
Would it shock you that there are still states here that banty about the idea of secession even today. :eek:
Spain is in the EU, the UK will not be in the EU. Also how friendly can deserters be? Weren't EU workers stealing your jobs, abusing from your welfare state and clogging the M4?

After Brexit few EU countries will see Britain as friendly.

You seem to think the EU is less a free trade area you join willingly and more a Mafia organisation which once joined you can never be allowed to leave.
You seem to think the EU is less a free trade area you join willingly and more a Mafia organisation which once joined you can never be allowed to leave.

Not really. In matter of fact the European had created regulations to allow countries to leave

However if you leave a group than you can't expect the same rights given inside that group. It's that simple. Do you think that England will treat Scotland the same way if it left the union?

Things gets worse if the ones leaving has a tendency of insulting the people coming from those countries. You can't expect free trade after working so hard to close the door to the same people you want to make free trade with

Brexit or not the UK will survive just as the Eu will survive. However don't expect favors from the very same group you deserted and the very same people you insulted. Also as a citizen of a small island country myself I assure you, the big fish always eats the small fish especially if the former is pissed off. There's no empire backing you up I am afraid.
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I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but if Brexit happens, do folks expect the Scottish Independence movement use that as justification for leaving the UK?
That Scottish woman (her name escapes me at the moment....leader of the SNP) doesn't need an excuse to want another referendum, that her whole raison d'etre isn't it. It's all she seems to harp on about whenever she speaks. It's got to the point where I'm so sick of hearing her rattle on about a Scottish referendum that I switch channels now whenever she appears. Won't be long before people get so weary of listening to her that they'll be begging Scotland to leave the UK just so they can get her off the TV.
Now i know that Remainers are suddenly very trusting of official Treasury reports, but even they must acknowledge that there are grounds to question the validity of Osborne's conclusions. Or to put it more frankly, the intentional misleading of the public. Leave's argument of brining money back to the UK is at least rooted in a premise which exists, whereas the Treasury has just gone and made stuff up.

@Cheesy - Scottish-English trade to fall by 80%? You must've been laughing to the point of tears when they came out with that one.

To be fair, I've said before that I was flirting with the idea of leaving the EU and I'll often take forecasts from various financial institutions etc with a pinch of salt. But when all of them seem to be on the one side, and I'm not really being offered a coherent campaign from the Leave side (although I know Obama probably hates Britain because of his Kenyan heritage:lol:), then I'm not particularly going to be convinced by the Out campaign's case. Especially when I genuinely can't think of a single way in which the EU is negatively affecting my life day to day.

The Scottish referendum was a bit different. We kind of feel the impact of not being independent on a day-to-day basis (ie not getting governments we voted for), and while that's the case with the EU commission - again, it's not having a particularly major impact on my life. Not to mention that the Yes campaign was both coherent (although admittedly with some flaws), unified and led by people who (whatever you think of them) genuinely support independence and have done so for much of their life...instead of one being led by opportunistic arseholes like Boris and Gove who are doing this solely for the benefit of their political careers. I don't look at the Out campaign and see anyone I'd even begin to trust. And that doesn't help.

That Scottish woman (her name escapes me at the moment....leader of the SNP) doesn't need an excuse to want another referendum, that her whole raison d'etre isn't it. It's all she seems to harp on about whenever she speaks. It's got to the point where I'm so sick of hearing her rattle on about a Scottish referendum that I switch channels now whenever she appears. Won't be long before people get so weary of listening to her that they'll be begging Scotland to leave the UK just so they can get her off the TV.

The Scottish and UK Tories talk far, far more about a second referendum than Sturgeon does.
You can now add Rupert Murdoch to the ever growing list of cnuts who want Brexit (note not all Brexiters are cnuts, just there is a long list..)
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