EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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You do have a valid point and I think you've hit the most affected here. My original point was only that it's impact isn't as general as you were perhaps implying. The vast majority of EU migrants don't negatively impact but a smaĺl amount will unless countered by good policy.

The issues you've listed are ones the goverment needs to handle in order to ensure workers don't abuse the abundance of resource. Perhaps that's a better target for change than removing the free movement principles that have largely served us well?

I think your sentiments are quite popular in this debate. The government has done well in portraying they have no power or will to help the working class on this issue, thus it's reasonable for them to want to control one of the causes themselves by removing EU migrants. I just don't think many will forsee the economic impacts of that.

They won't forsee we'll end up with free movement even if we do leave. I'm 99% certain of that.
i don't doubt thier will be massive impact, and i certainly don't think we should remove the migrants that are here, people who have made a home hear have every right to stay! i just think we should limit people to skills we need going forward.

and you maybe right as we that we will end up with free movement if we do leave, i do think it is in governments intrest to keep a supply of cheap labour coming into the country, because if your a business owner you going to want to employ, people who will except zero hour contracts at mimimum wage, which a lot o British citizens rightly or wrongly won't as it nearly impossible to make a life like that.

but like i say i can't think of any other answer to try other then to leave the EU, maybe things will go south, and i completely understand people fears about that i am terrified myself, but i just can't see anyway that this amount of workers coming into an already saturated employment market is sustainable, and isnt going to cause bigger problems long term then issues that would be cause if we leave.

but that is just my opnion
Haven't been in this thread for a while, still the naïvety, stupidity and prejudice survives.
17 days to go till decision time for millions of voters who understand practically nothing about what they're voting for, insanity

Sadly, that's very, very, very, true.

unfortunately my Facebook news feed is now full of people posting pictures of Union jacks and saying they are voting to leave because people died in WW2 to make Britain free of being in forced unions with countries who make all the decisions on our behalf or people banging on about immigrants being a sneaky invasion of muslims. I saw one thread demanding that UK becomes a Christian country again! (like Christians have no bloody history at all..)


Our lives are potentially about to change forever and its going to be voted on by uninformed voters.
Sadly, that's very, very, very, true.

unfortunately my Facebook news feed is now full of people posting pictures of Union jacks and saying they are voting to leave because people died in WW2 to make Britain free of being in forced unions with countries who make all the decisions on our behalf or people banging on about immigrants being a sneaky invasion of muslims. I saw one thread demanding that UK becomes a Christian country again! (like Christians have no bloody history at all..)


Our lives are potentially about to change forever and its going to be voted on by uninformed voters.

It is really frightening, I'm so glad I no longer live in the UK
i am reading your points over and over you keep saying it doesnt matter how large are ecconmy is now becuase it will be smaller if we left the EU and i have agreed, yet you keep repeating it and repeating it.

does that mean we wont be a large ecconmy? No, does that mean we wont be inviting trade partener with the EU(who has vested in keeping some trade with us)and with out as we what ever happens wiil will be large ecconmy that buys more then it sells which makes attractive trading partner.

but like i have said over and over i agree you, you right the UK economy would take a big hit if we leave, ive not once tried to say it wouldn't, i just think that is a price worth paying as i belive the bigger problem going forward will be caused by migration over population and lack of jobs needed to run a society because of automation.
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I've had enough political argument for a while but

This self-defeating shit was exactly what the Uk was like from the early 70's or even earlier until the 80's, I lived through that , the unions are far too powerful, the leaders like Hollande, Sarkozy are weak - what France needs is someone like Thatcher, this will go down well.... .

This has yet again very little to do with Europe and even actually proves a point that the countries do have their own sovereignty and their own rules to a very large extent. France and the Uk could not be much more different
The UK workers are not clamouring for a 35 hour week, retirement at 60, not working on Sundays, working when it suits them and not the company they work for, getting lengthy holidays, could go on forever. This has nothing to do with practices being forced on them by being in the EU. I've even run a company in France, you cannot imagine how difficult it is. The workers have so much protection and will strike for the least little reason - not saying that it's not always justified.
But the Uk will not go back to this formula whether it stays in or leaves the EU.

Being in the EU will not make the UK like the French system. I love France for the way of life , that's why I live here - but getting into the employment sector, a different kettle of fish, France needs major reforms and it will not happen until they get a strong leader, and the election next year will change little, whether it be Hollande or Sarkozy who gets elected.

I used to have to oversee a team in Sweden handing Nordic business. The guys over there could go on paternity leave for like 6 months. Here in Ireland we get 2 weeks. I think its similar in the UK. Some of the leave campaign make it sound like the UK is governed from Brussels. Its not, its badly governed by its own elected people
I wish I knew where this person got the numbers from but he/she does this breakdown on reddit every time job figures are released.

I agree it's unsustainable but reducing immigration is just the most simplistic answer. If cheap labour is gone from the UK, some companies will move - will that make the poor any better off? It depends on the numbers but it's not just a simple "yes".

Of course, cheap labour in itself is a problem, especially when there is a race to the bottom in terms of wages. However, I'm unconvinced the UK will do any better on this outside the EU. The EU is better on workers' rights. Boris Johnson has a hard-on for TTIP. Jeremy Hunt wants us to work harder, because we're all just plebs. Labour no longer represents large portions of the working class, so even if the Conservatives lose, would Labour really do any better?

Personally, I think a lot of these problems are down to the UK, not the EU. Austerity has made things worse for people at the bottom. Tuition fees make it really hard for people to retrain when they become redundant. The Conservatives have slashed everything, such as the NHS, making it more expensive (proportionally) for the poor. It's expensive to be poor - literally. We could use a massive infrastructure building programme (and not fob and overpay it to a crony for once) to create jobs. Developing outside of the M25 would also be helpful. All UK issues.
you make alot of great points, and i agree with a lot of our problems come from our own government. but it comes down to every 5 years we vote, we ever vote for a diffrent bunch of idiots who make all new F*k ups or the ones who are in power who continue making the same ones. ad if your asking me who would i rather run our country brussels or westminster i probably would vote brussels, as most of the laws they right seem alot fairer, ie: worker rights, health and safty int the work place......

but for me i just can't by the fact, that right now as we stand thier isnt enough full time work for every adult who wants it in this country, and yet we are adding 300,000+ people to the country every year..... we also live ina more automated society, where it takes less people to run it..... you add that up and i can't see anyway at all that long term it can not end in absolute disaster, worse then any problems leave the EU would cause
you make alot of great points, and i agree with a lot of our problems come from our own government. but it comes down to every 5 years we vote, we ever vote for a diffrent bunch of idiots who make all new F*k ups or the ones who are in power who continue making the same ones. ad if your asking me who would i rather run our country brussels or westminster i probably would vote brussels, as most of the laws they right seem alot fairer, ie: worker rights, health and safty int the work place......

but for me i just can't by the fact, that right now as we stand thier isnt enough full time work for every adult who wants it in this country, and yet we are adding 300,000+ people to the country every year..... we also live ina more automated society, where it takes less people to run it..... you add that up and i can't see anyway at all that long term it can not end in absolute disaster, worse then any problems leave the EU would cause

so you're voting to leave, despite admitting that EU does a lot of good stuff that the UK doesn't. Your reason to leave is because theres too many 'johnny foreigners' coming in
i am reading your points over and over you keep saying it doesnt matter how large are ecconmy is now becuase it will be smaller if we left the EU and i have agreed, yet you keep repeating it and repeating it.

does that mean we wont be a large ecconmy? No, does that mean we wont be inviting trade partener with the EU(who has vested in keeping some trade with us)and with out as we what ever happens wiil will be large ecconmy that buys more then it sells which makes attractive trading partner.

but like i have said over and over i agree you right the UK economy would take a big hit if we leave, ive not once tried to say it wouldn't, i just think that is a price worth paying as i belive the bigger problem going forward will be cauased by migration over population and lack of jobs needed to run a society because of automation.

No, what I keep repeating over and over is that if we leave the EU we will not be the 5th largest economy in the world. Because you keep saying that we will be, and it isn't true. That's why I keep repeating it, to counter the untruth that you keep posting. What we are right now is irrelevant, because we're not talking about right now. If you agree, then stop saying that we will be the 5th largest economy in the world when we negotiate trade deals with the EU, because we won't be. You're apparently posting things you don't agree with. And stop saying that I keep saying the EU won't want to do deals with us, because I've told you now numerous times that that isn't what I'm saying but still you keep replying saying I am.
Sadly, that's very, very, very, true.

unfortunately my Facebook news feed is now full of people posting pictures of Union jacks and saying they are voting to leave because people died in WW2 to make Britain free of being in forced unions with countries who make all the decisions on our behalf or people banging on about immigrants being a sneaky invasion of muslims. I saw one thread demanding that UK becomes a Christian country again! (like Christians have no bloody history at all..)


Our lives are potentially about to change forever and its going to be voted on by uninformed voters.

This is the one I'm seeing today...


Driving me wild. People can't be arsed to do 2 minutes of research to see that this picture being painted is complete bollocks, and they never stop to ask WHY they're doing so well. Nor do the leave campaign tell you why they're doing well, because a.) it wouldn't fit on a meme and b.) if they told you why Switzerland were doing well people would say 'hang on a minute, that sounds fecking awful, why on Earth would we want to do that?'
No, what I keep repeating over and over is that if we leave the EU we will not be the 5th largest economy in the world. Because you keep saying that we will be, and it isn't true. That's why I keep repeating it, to counter the untruth that you keep posting. What we are right now is irrelevant, because we're not talking about right now. If you agree, then stop saying that we will be the 5th largest economy in the world when we negotiate trade deals with the EU, because we won't be. You're apparently posting things you don't agree with. And stop saying that I keep saying the EU won't want to do deals with us, because I've told you now numerous times that that isn't what I'm saying but still you keep replying saying I am.
no i have constantly said we are the 5th largest economy now but i know that will take a hit if we leave the EU, but we will still be a very large economy........ to which you respond we wont be be the 5th largest economy if we leave, and i say yes but we will still be a large economy and we go round and round......
so you're voting to leave, despite admitting that EU does a lot of good stuff that the UK doesn't. Your reason to leave is because theres too many 'johnny foreigners' coming in
no my reason for leaving is we have to many people coming in that the country long term cant deal with, i couldn't give a crap where their from, sorry to break your illusion but not every voting out is a racist
if free immigration is such a great thing why doesn't every country in the world do it?

an the problem is you don't just get the best you get the worst as well you get everyone, and we don't need any more unskilled labour as we have far to many as it is. and to be honest we don't need more graduates unless they are in specific areas as most graduates in this country struggle to find jobs graduate level jobs.
But your right we do need skilled workers, we need nurses, we need engineers desperately, but i don't see any evidence that If someone wants to come an live in this country and has a set of skills we need that they will have a problem applying for a visa, everywhere else in the world manages to deal with that i don't see why we can't?

as for immigration not been an issue in over population, last year the population grew by 491,000( and net imigration was 330,000( so that leaves only 160,000 that was natural population growth the rest was immigration. how is immigration not causing a problem to over population?

Working in engineering, my experience is that the hassles associated with visas are a big disincentive to employing graduates from outside the EU. As a global company, it'll be much simpler to just recruit and grow in our non-UK offices, so the UK offices will grow less, and so contribute less to the UK economy.

On your last point, it's best not to combine different sets of figures, as they're not always directly comparable. Your first link says the population growth was 491,000 to June 2014, of which around half was due to immigration. Of that immigration, maybe half is from the EU. So at best, leaving the EU, if we don't allow any migration AT ALL from the EU, will reduce population growth to around 75% of its current level. But then, of course, UK nationals moving abroad to work will be harder, so people that would have emigrated will stay, pushing net migration higher, so overall the effect on population growth will be completely negligible.

At the same time, we'll have put a massive stumbling growth in the way of a not-exactly-secure economic recovery, so it'll be harder to pay for services like care for the elderly, the health service, social housing, etc etc.
If you look at the trade figures, then you would see that of the 68 billion trade surplus with the UK, Germany and the Netherlands account for most of it. They have the self interest in trading with the UK and they are the ones who lose out if large tariffs are introduced. If this was the case for Greece or Spain I could see the EU perhaps going through with it, not with it being Germany. That is the point you keep making isn't it, self interest. So your argument for punitive tariffs is based on Germany ignoring its self interest on principle. Like with the recent deal with Turkey over migrants where principle won a major victory.

Germany won't want to lose their exports to the UK, but I very much doubt they're worried that they would even if the UK is punished with tariffs for rejecting free movement. Have a look at what they export to the UK and 30% of it is cars, mostly at the high end of the market where we already pay over the odds anyaway. I don't see the Merc, BMW, Audi and Porsche drivers buying British in protest not least because we barely produce anything any more and switching to Chevrolet or Tata just isn't going to cut it. It's not even like the Beetle drivers switching to Minis would have any effect as the Mini is now part of BMW. After that it's heavy machinery, pharmaceuticals, plastics etc and again, we've not got the production of much of the stuff we import and it's exactly the same story for the Netherlands but without the cars.

The irony is that much of the machinery, pharmaceuticals, plastics and even foodstuffs we import from Holland and Germany comes from companies who at one time were seen as being part of the UK industrial landscape but who successive UK governments have regulated, taxed and bullied to the point where their UK manufacturing operations were moved to Europe. We carry on buying much of it believing it is still a Great British product without even realising it is manufactured in Germany or the Netherlands. Dulux paint with the Old English Sheep Dog although still owned by a technically British company in Akzo Nobel is all manufactured in the Netherlands these days, I work for a separate UK owned firm that is a spin off from Akzo and we're exactly the same with all our plastic goods with zero UK manufacture left despite the company forming in Dundee. Hell even Werther's Originals, marketed as a quintessentially British sweet are and always have been made in Westphalia.

Tariffs would do very little to the size of the German or Dutch trade with the UK but even if it did we're talking about 8 and 10% of their respective exports versus 48% of ours that go into the EU.

I would have no problem with imigration if the country had the infrastructure to deal with it, but thier simply is no way long term where ever gonna be able to provide enough jobs for the amount off people who are wanting to come and live here.

Do you know what stops our infrastructure from being updated, properly maintained and running smoothly? Our own democratically elected governments who for the last 30+ years have abandoned it to rot.

From Beeching cutting swathes out of the rail network to the Tories finally selling it off to the profit of their wealthy mates and then legislating the companies who stupidly bought it into bankruptcy whilst the lines and rolling stock continue to decay to our underfunded roads that are allowed to crumble into a state of disrepair, projects that are put out to tender yearly at the expense of the Engineering industry who quote them only to see them axed year after year on trumped up environmental, logistical or budgetary grounds;

I finished my whole schooling and qualified as an Engineer who did the design work on part of the M60 that was first announced as running through our family home in Stockport at the cost of over half our property value in 1973. After tendering the same section of the A21 in Tunbridge Wells 6 times in 7 years as well as umpteen other shelved projects and seeing our business struggle through receivership I quit the UK for Asian shores for the last 14 years to see how countries that are serious about infrastructure work.

I'm back now and lo and behold only 22 years after I first tendered it the A21 widening is finally approaching completion but the rest of the infrastructure network is as bad, if not worse than it was when I left yet we still pay more in rail fares, car tax, fuel duty, duty on new vehicles and insurance tax than anywhere else in Europe where the infrastructure is invariably far better. If they spent that tax they take every year on the projects it was intended for we would create the jobs you bemoan the lack of, hell with a reinvigorated Civil Engineering industry we could even tackle the housing problems people seem to believe the 1 migrant every 10 square miles are causing us.

It's not the EU stopping us spending on infrastructure though, hell the Welsh, Scottish and Irish apply for the grants we are all eligible for to improve their infrastructure and attract business. It's purely British elected bureaucracy at it's worst that strangles our country and keeps us stuck in the same rutted and potholed slow lane. I live in the vain hope that our country might one day realise how far down the league table we have fallen and force the politicians to loosen the purse strings to reinvigorate our country and our economy but if we do vote leave then I'll seriously be considering rejoining the brain drain out of this place yet again.
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Working in engineering, my experience is that the hassles associated with visas are a big disincentive to employing graduates from outside the EU. As a global company, it'll be much simpler to just recruit and grow in our non-UK offices, so the UK offices will grow less, and so contribute less to the UK economy.

On your last point, it's best not to combine different sets of figures, as they're not always directly comparable. Your first link says the population growth was 491,000 to June 2014, of which around half was due to immigration. Of that immigration, maybe half is from the EU. So at best, leaving the EU, if we don't allow any migration AT ALL from the EU, will reduce population growth to around 75% of its current level. But then, of course, UK nationals moving abroad to work will be harder, so people that would have emigrated will stay, pushing net migration higher, so overall the effect on population growth will be completely negligible.

At the same time, we'll have put a massive stumbling growth in the way of a not-exactly-secure economic recovery, so it'll be harder to pay for services like care for the elderly, the health service, social housing, etc etc.
i don't no the in's and out of visa's, so i wont claim to comment, but the rest of the world seems to work just fine so i'm sure it is survivable.

75% is a massive amount, and as the figures i showed where net immigration (the amount of people coming in after taking into account the people leaving) the number of people leaving has already been taken into account. so it will still be around 75%

but i agree with your last point us leaving will balls up the economy at the very least in the short term and who knows in the long term, but by personal point of view is that is a price worth paying, because i believe in the long term problems with immigration over population and shrinking job markets are going to be the bigger issues.

but everyone has their own opinions and thats just mine
i don't no the in's and out of visa's, so i wont claim to comment, but the rest of the world seems to work just fine so i'm sure it is survivable.

75% is a massive amount, and as the figures i showed where net immigration (the amount of people coming in after taking into account the people leaving) the number of people leaving has already been taken into account. so it will still be around 75%

but i agree with your last point us leaving will balls up the economy at the very least in the short term and who knows in the long term, but by personal point of view is that is a price worth paying, because i believe in the long term problems with immigration over population and shrinking job markets are going to be the bigger issues.

but everyone has their own opinions and thats just mine

You ignored his point. He said that if we impose Visa restricted travel on EU countries, or even cut immigration to 0, EU countries would repay that in kind. So whilst we may be able to reduce immigration we would similarly cut emigration leading to a real-terms 'benefit' of far less than the headline figure would imply.
Polls are shifting towards Brexit.

Bookies odds have shortened from 6/1 a few of weeks ago to 21/10.

The nationalists are going to destroy our country - how ironic.
yes and we simply apply a visa system that the rest of the world does, if we you have skills we need then you can come and live in our country, works in the rest of the world no reason it can't work here.
The whole crux of the current system is that it allows free and unimpeded movement of workers. If that changes and people from other European countries can't come here with ease, they won't come, I predict. When I was a young nurse, we filled those gaps with Commonwealth and Asian doctors who had a right to come to the UK - this left a skills shortage in those people's home countries, and you could argue that they need their health professionals there more than we need them.
Do you know what stops our infrastructure from being updated, properly maintained and running smoothly? Our own democratically elected governments who for the last 30+ years have abandoned it to rot.

From Beeching cutting swathes out of the rail network to the Tories finally selling it off to the profit of their wealthy mates and then legislating the companies who stupidly bought it into bankruptcy whilst the lines and rolling stock continue to decay to our underfunded roads that are allowed to crumble into a state of disrepair, projects that are put out to tender yearly at the expense of the Engineering industry who quote them only to see them axed year after year on trumped up environmental, logistical or budgetary grounds;

I finished my whole schooling and qualified as an Engineer who did the design work on part of the M60 that was first announced as running through our family home in Stockport at the cost of over half our property value in 1973. After tendering the same section of the A21 in Tunbridge Wells 6 times in 7 years as well as umpteen other shelved projects and seeing our business struggle through receivership I quit the UK for Asian shores for the last 14 years to see how countries that are serious about infrastructure work.

I'm back now and lo and behold only 22 years after I first tendered it the A21 widening is finally approaching completion but the rest of the infrastructure network is as bad, if not worse than it was when I left yet we still pay more in rail fares, car tax, fuel duty, duty on new vehicles and insurance tax than anywhere else in Europe where the infrastructure is invariably far better. If they spent that tax they take every year on the projects it was intended for we would create the jobs you bemoan the lack of, hell with a reinvigorated Civil Engineering industry we could even tackle the housing problems people seem to believe the 1 migrant every 10 square miles are causing us.

It's not the EU stopping us spending on infrastructure though, hell the Welsh, Scottish and Irish apply for the grants we are all eligible for to improve their infrastructure and attract business. It's purely British elected bureaucracy at it's worst that strangles our country and keeps us stuck in the same rutted and potholed slow lane. I live in the vain hope that our country might one day realise how far down the league table we have fallen and force the politicians to loosen the purse strings to reinvigorate our country and our economy but if we do vote leave then I'll seriously be considering rejoining the brain drain out of this place yet again.

im not arguing that the uk government is better at dealing with things then the EU, ive said in a lot of my posts i think the EU government has done a lot better at job at making laws and legislation then our government has been. I work in theatres, doing mainly Lighting and Rigging, and a large part of that job is Risk assesments, and making sure what we do complies within legislation, and you look at the amount of laws that where written in brussels compared to here, it really worries me the amount of protection workers will lose if we leave the EU.

but even with that and with obvious problems that leaving will have on the economy, im still gonna vote out, as none of the problems seems as large as how we deal with the massive growth in population, having such a large work force in a world with increased automation means it takes less people to run a society.
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im not arguing that the uk government is better at dealing with things then the EU, ive said in a lot of my posts i think the EU government has done a lot better at job at making laws and legislation then our government has been. I work in theatres, doing mainly Lighting and Rigging, and a large part of that job is Risk assesments, and making sure what we do complies within legislation, and you look at the amount of laws that where written in brussels compared to here, it really worries me the amount of protection workers will lose if we leave the EU.

but even with that and with obvious problems that leaving will have on the economy, im still gonna vote out, as none of the problems seems larre as how we deal with the massive growth in population, having such a large work force in a world with increased automation means it takes less people to run a society.

I think people are confused by the paradox's that you leave with your posts.

'The EU are better at dealing with things than the UK government, therefore what I propose is that we leave the EU and leave everything to the government that I just conceded are useless'. This does not make sense.

'We will probably get free movement of EU nationals back in a trade deal which will bring all the immigration back, but immigration is the reason I want to leave, to fix it. But I accept that we will get it back with our trade deal, so nothing will be solved but we will have economic hardship still for no reason'. This does not make sense.
The whole crux of the current system is that it allows free and unimpeded movement of workers. If that changes and people from other European countries can't come here with ease, they won't come, I predict. When I was a young nurse, we filled those gaps with Commonwealth and Asian doctors who had a right to come to the UK - this left a skills shortage in those people's home countries, and you could argue that they need their health professionals there more than we need them.
your predicting that, but the evidence shows the opposite, the rest of the world survives without free movement, countries like america australian canada new zealand....... all cope, thier is no reason to believe we wouldn't either.
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I think people are confused by the paradox's that you leave with your posts.

'The EU are better at dealing with things than the UK government, therefore what I propose is that we leave the EU and leave everything to the government that I just conceded are useless'. This does not make sense.

'We will probably get free movement of EU nationals back in a trade deal which will bring all the immigration back, but immigration is the reason I want to leave, to fix it. But I accept that we will get it back with our trade deal, so nothing will be solved but we will have economic hardship still for no reason'. This does not make sense.
what im saying is very straight forward, we have to at least try and limit movement, because i don't think their is a a bigger issue in the long term to this country then over population and lack of employment.

but like i say i concede our government is mostly useless and may panic and put us in a worse position, i also fully admit that the EU does lots of great things.

but i don't think anything out weighs the chance of regaining some control over our borders which i belive is going to be the biggest issue going forward, so we have to at least try, becuase if we don't things will go to pot and be unrepairable because their is no way that this kind of population growth is sustainable.

So trying something is better then doing nothing!
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You ignored his point. He said that if we impose Visa restricted travel on EU countries, or even cut immigration to 0, EU countries would repay that in kind. So whilst we may be able to reduce immigration we would similarly cut emigration leading to a real-terms 'benefit' of far less than the headline figure would imply.
im not ignoring at all,

last year 630,000 people immigrated to the UK, while 297,000 left, so if now one left and no one came, the population would be down by 330,000.
Polls are shifting towards Brexit.

Bookies odds have shortened from 6/1 a few of weeks ago to 21/10.

The nationalists are going to destroy our country - how ironic.

Cameron needs to be quickly thrown out of the door if this happens. He's massively messed up by promising this referendum, the man nearly caused us to break with Scotland and now this.

On top of that he's eroded any argument for staying when he's gone from claiming he'd consider leaving to suddenly claiming it'll be the end of the world. Playing right into the "experts no nothing" crowd and giving Boris /Gove plenty of ammunition.

I think we'll have another referendum though, this vote should only be to open the discussions and once we have the detail there needs to be another.
I used to have to oversee a team in Sweden handing Nordic business. The guys over there could go on paternity leave for like 6 months. Here in Ireland we get 2 weeks. I think its similar in the UK. Some of the leave campaign make it sound like the UK is governed from Brussels. Its not, its badly governed by its own elected people

Other than all the benefits the average french worker wants, which normally cannot be afforded by the company that employs them, if the company they work for goes bust, those that have been made redundant will get a year's full salary for just staying at home, the second year if they agree to a retraining programme they will get something like 57% of their salary plus full free retraining.
A guy I knew was a top manager getting good money on €8000 a month was made redundant and was entitled to the bonus (4 months salary, a 13th month (because of the 35hour week) and ended up being paid €250k for sitting at home, all paid by the state, if he'd had sought to get another job he would have lost his entitlements as soon as he restarted work.
This is an example of why the French economy is in such problems, the Uk isn't like this - has absolutely zero to do with the EU.
your predicting that, but the evidence shows the opposite, the rest of the world survives without free movement, countries like america australian canada new zealand....... all cope, tier is no reason to believe we wouldn't either.
You keep quoting Australia's great control on migration and are probably swayed by the occasional media images of right wing Aussie politicians encouraging their navy to scupper refugee ships off the shores of Indonesia. Their population consists of of 27% who were born outside Australia though whilst ours stands at only 11.3%, they control their immigration through a skilled workers programme but it's honestly not that difficult to get in and find work and over 40% of their immigration consists of families of others who have been previously accepted regardless of skills. Not that different to our own situation really where the bulk of the EU migrants heading in already have work lined up so they are either skilled or are filling a gap in the market for unskilled labour, our attempts to reduce the non-EU migrants where we have control of our borders are invariably scuppered on familial rights grounds which is why more than 2/3 of our immigrant population is still from outside the EU.

im not ignoring at all,

last year 630,000 people immigrated to the UK, while 297,000 left, so if now one left and no one came, the population would be down by 330,000.

But less than half of those 630,000 arrivals came from within the EU free movement zone. The rest are controlled by our skills or familial rights regulations and Theresa May and her almost fascistic zeal and our painfully slow border forces can't find a reason to "Keep 'em Out" so I fail to see how being in or out of the EU will change things. Successive labour and tory governments have vowed to do something to control immigration, which has to have been focused on the non-EU immigration yet all have failed. Whether that is just another example of how little they can do, how little you can trust their word, how little they genuinely care about the issues or indeed how much we need the migrants to reinvigorate our economy is left to our own imaginations/paranoia but should make it clear to all that immigration should not be a deciding issue in this referendum despite the exit side using it as a rallying call.
I think we'll have another referendum though, this vote should only be to open the discussions and once we have the detail there needs to be another.
personally what i'd like to see is, if we did vote out(which even with todays polls i'm highly skeptical we will as most people vote with the short term future in mind and it seems fairly obvious short term it better to stay in the EU, and this is coming from someone who is voting to leave) but any if we do vote out i'd like to see us go back and see if we can arrange a better deal where we have control over our borders, as then we get the best of both worlds, but sadly i don't think that will happen.

also as for experts knowing nothing, the scariest thing about this campaign has been the fact that both sides have seems so little ideas about the future no one has any idea what will truly happen if we leave, no one has a clear idea what to do about immigration issues or how to support the failing markets in the EU if we stay.

the main problem with this debate has been the people at the top(on both sides) do know nothing and that is terrifying what ever happens!
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But less than half of those 630,000 arrivals came from within the EU free movement zone. The rest are controlled by our skills or familial rights regulations and Theresa May and her almost fascistic zeal and our painfully slow border forces can't find a reason to "Keep 'em Out" so I fail to see how being in or out of the EU will change things. Successive labour and tory governments have vowed to do something to control immigration, which has to have been focused on the non-EU immigration yet all have failed. Whether that is just another example of how little they can do, how little you can trust their word, how little they genuinely care about the issues or indeed how much we need the migrants to reinvigorate our economy is left to our own imaginations/paranoia but should make it clear to all that immigration should not be a deciding issue in this referendum despite the exit side using it as a rallying call.
ow i completely agree their needs to be large restrictions on none EU migrants too, but just cos we are making a balls of up of something one area doesn't mean we should ignore the problem in another area.

as for Australia, im not gonna touch the illegal immigration point, as i don't think any one on the planet has an idea how to deal with that, everyone wants to live in the richer countries... can we stop them, do we have the right too? i have absolutely no idea....

and yes of course ther is always going to be immigration of family members, that is natural, and i of course members of peoples immediate family should be allowed to go live with there family member. will that cuase some problems, of course, but not as many as unchecked immigration where anyone can live any where when their isn't enough jobs for those who are their.

Their is no perfect system, or completely fair one, anyone who says their is, is either mad or lying, but the way things are now isn't sustainable
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i don't no the in's and out of visa's, so i wont claim to comment, but the rest of the world seems to work just fine so i'm sure it is survivable.

75% is a massive amount, and as the figures i showed where net immigration (the amount of people coming in after taking into account the people leaving) the number of people leaving has already been taken into account. so it will still be around 75%

but i agree with your last point us leaving will balls up the economy at the very least in the short term and who knows in the long term, but by personal point of view is that is a price worth paying, because i believe in the long term problems with immigration over population and shrinking job markets are going to be the bigger issues.

but everyone has their own opinions and thats just mine

I think you've misunderstood my point. The figures show that we would still have 75% of the population growth without any immigration from the EU. So, yes, 75% is a massive amount - and leaving the EU does nothing to touch it. Once we take account of the immigration we actually need from the EU, and the reduction in emigration, you're probably looking at reducing population growth by less than 10% at the very very most.

Essentially, population growth is absolutely not an argument for leaving the EU.
I think you've misunderstood my point. The figures show that we would still have 75% of the population growth without any immigration from the EU. So, yes, 75% is a massive amount - and leaving the EU does nothing to touch it. Once we take account of the immigration we actually need from the EU, and the reduction in emigration, you're probably looking at reducing population growth by less than 10% at the very very most.

Essentially, population growth is absolutely not an argument for leaving the EU.
how do you work that out when the population grew by 490 thousand and the net immigration was 330,000 how does that mean that 75% of the population growth wasnt from immigration?

im lost sorry :s
Other than all the benefits the average french worker wants, which normally cannot be afforded by the company that employs them, if the company they work for goes bust, those that have been made redundant will get a year's full salary for just staying at home, the second year if they agree to a retraining programme they will get something like 57% of their salary plus full free retraining.
A guy I knew was a top manager getting good money on €8000 a month was made redundant and was entitled to the bonus (4 months salary, a 13th month (because of the 35hour week) and ended up being paid €250k for sitting at home, all paid by the state, if he'd had sought to get another job he would have lost his entitlements as soon as he restarted work.
This is an example of why the French economy is in such problems, the Uk isn't like this - has absolutely zero to do with the EU.

Is this true? I'm amazed if the state pays that out. Can't find anything online apart from the usual (quite generous) unemployment benefits which is capped at 6k for 24 months but you have to show willing to work for that.

Or is this some kind of insurance scheme certain employers afford?
how do you work that out when the population grew by 490 thousand and the net immigration was 330,000 how does that mean that 75% of the population growth wasnt from immigration?

im lost sorry :s

As I pointed out, the figures you're using there are for two different years, so aren't comparable.

Just looking at the first link you provided, which was for up to June 2014:

the population grew by 491,100.
Of that, natural population growth accounted for 226,200

So that's 46% which has nothing to do with immigration.

Then, of the 259,700 that was due to net migration, the article doesn't specify, and I'm open to challenge, but I understand that typically EU and non-EU immigration numbers are pretty similar. So around 130,000 net migration from the EU. Which is 26% of the total population growth.

So leave the EU and shut down all EU immigration, and you cut population growth by 25%. Except that assumes that all the people that would leave the UK under the current freedom of movement laws still leave, which is unlikely. So you're cutting population growth by less than 25%. Pulling a number out of my backside, let's say we're still cutting by 20%.

And then it'll turn out we actually NEED a certain proportion of those EU immigrants for their various expertise, and to keep our Universities populated with students, so maybe half of that cut in population growth disappears as well. Then we've messed up the economy for a 10% cut in population growth. Population growth that we're now much less well-equipped to deal with because of the buggered economy.

Is this true? I'm amazed if the state pays that out. Can't find anything online apart from the usual (quite generous) unemployment benefits which is capped at 6k for 24 months but you have to show willing to work for that.

Or is this some kind of insurance scheme certain employers afford?

This is true, you'd be amazed at what the state pays out. I know for a fact - I was there, arranging the closure - It wasn't only him, there were 280 other workers obviously on much less salaries and benefits. The company where my sister in law worked has just closed down - she's also definitely entitled to a year's full salary and she's going to be retrained for an IT job, she knows little about.
You realise that the level of National Insurance in France is just over 50%, usually around 20% paid by the employee and the rest by the company.
My son-in-law is a builder in France, sort of self-employed but he pays over 50% of what he gains in profits in contributions.
Tax is much less but not included.

Edit: I would add to be clear that this is in the case of a company going bust -thus the company has no funds to pay the redundancy. naturally if you were just making someone redundant the company itself would have to pay.
But this is even frightening, you see people earning €1500/€2000 a month and getting paid €35k+ in redundancy, this would be paid by the company
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As I pointed out, the figures you're using there are for two different years, so aren't comparable.

Just looking at the first link you provided, which was for up to June 2014:

the population grew by 491,100.
Of that, natural population growth accounted for 226,200

So that's 46% which has nothing to do with immigration.

Then, of the 259,700 that was due to net migration, the article doesn't specify, and I'm open to challenge, but I understand that typically EU and non-EU immigration numbers are pretty similar. So around 130,000 net migration from the EU. Which is 26% of the total population growth.

So leave the EU and shut down all EU immigration, and you cut population growth by 25%. Except that assumes that all the people that would leave the UK under the current freedom of movement laws still leave, which is unlikely. So you're cutting population growth by less than 25%. Pulling a number out of my backside, let's say we're still cutting by 20%.

And then it'll turn out we actually NEED a certain proportion of those EU immigrants for their various expertise, and to keep our Universities populated with students, so maybe half of that cut in population growth disappears as well. Then we've messed up the economy for a 10% cut in population growth. Population growth that we're now much less well-equipped to deal with because of the buggered economy.

that is atcually the best post ive ever read on this subject.... thank you.... first post all day that gives me pause for thought.
thank you!
Cameron needs to be quickly thrown out of the door if this happens. He's massively messed up by promising this referendum, the man nearly caused us to break with Scotland and now this.

On top of that he's eroded any argument for staying when he's gone from claiming he'd consider leaving to suddenly claiming it'll be the end of the world. Playing right into the "experts no nothing" crowd and giving Boris /Gove plenty of ammunition.

I think we'll have another referendum though, this vote should only be to open the discussions and once we have the detail there needs to be another.
I can see the trinity of Brexit winning, Johnson in and Trump being elected happening. Scary.
The issue at hand with our country isn't being a member of the EU. Our political system is the real issue and things won't change until someone decides to change how it works. I've had enough of people like Cameron, Blair, Clegg and co dictate how our country should be run with idiots in charge of our services who have no experience of that service. Frankly, i'd much prefer someone who's had a lifetime of experience in the service to tell us how to run it rather than some muppet who's gone to university, trained as some bullshit solicitor, chummed up to the right people and boom they suddenly become secretary of state.

Feck that.
I can see the trinity of Brexit winning, Johnson in and Trump being elected happening. Scary.

I would honestly drive down to London and protest if that happened. Can't stand the twat, I feckin hate Cameron but Johnson shouldn't be anywhere near a position of power, he shouldn't be in politics at all. He's a bumbling oaf that people think is 'funny', like a monkey wearing a fez.
This is true, you'd be amazed at what the state pays out. I know for a fact - I was there, arranging the closure - It wasn't only him, there were 280 other workers obviously on much less salaries and benefits. The company where my sister in law worked has just closed down - she's also definitely entitled to a year's full salary and she's going to be retrained for an IT job, she knows little about.
You realise that the level of National Insurance in France is just over 50%, usually around 20% paid by the employee and the rest by the company.
My son-in-law is a builder in France, sort of self-employed but he pays over 50% of what he gains in profits in contributions.
Tax is much less but not included.

Edit: I would add to be clear that this is in the case of a company going bust -thus the company has no funds to pay the redundancy. naturally if you were just making someone redundant the company itself would have to pay.
But this is even frightening, you see people earning €1500/€2000 a month and getting paid €35k+ in redundancy, this would be paid by the company

The public spending ratio in France is about 56%-58%. That is exceeds the UK/Germany ratio by more than 10%. Completely mental.
What do you expect Boris to do exactly? And in which areas do you think they share common ground, immigration?

I don't actually mind Boris as I tend to find i agree with many of his articles. What I worry is that like Trump he'll consistently go for the crowd pleasing option everytime. I think we've seen it with this EU debate where he's put politics before his own ideals (imo anyway)
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