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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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I honestly would and the point is farage is only in it for literally 2 minutes out of a film that is over an hour long.

And I still fail to believe that there isn't one person in this world who you couldn't stand watching a video of.

As Archimedes said, give me a place to stand and a big enough cnut and I would move you to not watch his video. Or something.
And I still fail to believe that there isn't one person in this world who you couldn't stand watching a video of.

As Archimedes said, give me a place to stand and a big enough cnut and I would move you to not watch his video. Or something.

Its a pointless argument lol. I get what your saying but I would still watch a video of someone I despise and if that person is only in a film for 2 minutes out of an hour then it certainly wouldn't stop me from watching it.
Its a pointless argument lol. I get what your saying but I would still watch a video of someone I despise and if that person is only in a film for 2 minutes out of an hour then it certainly wouldn't stop me from watching it.

What if the video containing the odious cnut also argued the total opposite argument of the side you believe in :D
I'll leave it at this - just remember what Farrage and Johnson said about Obama and discounting his statement based on him being stroppy cos of his dad's heritage couple of weeks ago. I don't have to listen to anything these Katie Hopkinsesque cnuts say because no matter what valid points they may have said in the past, they instantly invalidate in my eyes when they let their true racist colonialist colours show.
Today's report wasn't from the Bank of England. It's was from the monetary policy watchdog made up of entirely independent economists. Carney was just relaying what they have deduced.
The monetary policy watchdog have the responsibility to asses risks to the economy and relay it to the public. Something they have consistently done for ages. This time should be no different.
I'll leave it at this - just remember what Farrage and Johnson said about Obama and discounting his statement based on him being stroppy cos of his dad's heritage couple of weeks ago. I don't have to listen to anything these Katie Hopkinsesque cnuts say because no matter what valid points they may have said in the past, they instantly invalidate in my eyes when they let their true racist colonialist colours show.

Well now you have shown why you are really arguing the point. You wont watch it because you see these people as racist. I didn't say you had to watch it, I was asking someone else to give it a watch and you joined in on our discussion. I also will say again Farage is only in it for two minutes so you don't have to listen to what he says and the other names you mentioned aren't in it at all so it might be fair to listen to the others in the film before tarring them with the same brush.

The film is about everything other than immigration so couldn't be classed as racist at all. Your mind is clearly already made up on the subject anyway. Leave it at that.
Well now you have shown why you are really arguing the point. You wont watch it because you see these people as racist. I didn't say you had to watch it, I was asking someone else to give it a watch and you joined in on our discussion. I also will say again Farage is only in it for two minutes so you don't have to listen to what he says and the other names you mentioned aren't in it at all so it might be fair to listen to the others in the film before tarring them with the same brush.

The film is about everything other than immigration so couldn't be classed as racist at all. Your mind is clearly already made up on the subject anyway. Leave it at that.

What the other person said

I just think if you put someone who's real motivations are routed in racism you undermine any genuine arguments in there.


You posted the link to the movie three times in the space of one page and pushed it hard in every other post. Did you have a hand in making it or something?
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Here is the link to the full "Brexit the Movie" film if anyone's interested:

Vote Leave

What a pile of propagandistic xenophobic shite that video is, it's pathetic.
I don't mind people wanting a Brexit if their arguments are honest. If people want out of the EU because they want nothing to do with Brussels and are willing to make sacrifices to the economy, civil liberties, social welfare, state security, etc. of the UK population then fine by me. If you still believe in British liberal empirial values and therefore want out, great! Everybody's entitled to their opinion.
However, to base the argument for a Brexit on lies, distortions, falsifications, predjudices, spin, hopelessly over-optimistic promises, etc. is an absolute abomination in my opinion. The thing that frightens me the most is the irony of the politicians who claim the EU to be undemocratic, yet who themselves are as democratic as my unwiped ring pice. It is the politicians like Farrage, Gove, Duncan Smith, Johnson who aren't exactly champions of social justice & equality.
Is the EU perfect? No, you're damn right it isn't. But, the EU is an organisation that 1) provides the UK with the single most important market for equal free trade, and 2) is the single most important instrument for social justice, social equality, social welfare, protection of civil liberties and labour rights in the entire World.
IMF warning that Brexit could cause a stock market crash and steep house price falls.

Not something that would go down well in middle England.
Likely, there is more truth in that video than the EU's supporters would like to acknowledge.

Economic uncertainty and eventual decline, infringement upon civil liberties, damage to human rights, these are all charges that one could make against the European Union and its leading proponents. Not some essay of mights, ifs and maybes, but actual indisputable events of recent history

And by way of some certainty, the Eurozone has once again had its growth revised downward.

IMF warning that Brexit could cause a stock market crash and steep house price falls.

Not something that would go down well in middle England.

Let me see if i can get all of my ducks in a row here. According to supporters of Remain, the following shall occur if we vote for Brexit: higher wages, cheaper food, and a temporary but welcome fall in house prices?

I would probably focus a little more on corruption and the inherent undemocratic character of the EU, as well as increases in the Britain's financial burden through continued membership, but theirs is commendably pithy. Vote Leave should put that on billboards up and down the country.
Likely, there is more truth in that video than the EU's supporters would like to acknowledge.

Economic uncertainty and eventual decline, infringement upon civil liberties, damage to human rights, these are all charges that one could make against the European Union and its leading proponents. Not some essay of mights, ifs and maybes, but actual indisputable events of recent history

Let me see if i can get all of my ducks in a row here. According to supporters of Remain, the following shall occur if we vote for Brexit: higher wages, cheaper food, and a temporary but welcome fall in house prices?

I would probably focus a little more on corruption and the inherent undemocratic character of the EU, as well as increases in the Britain's financial burden through continued membership, but theirs is commendably pithy. Vote Leave should put that on billboards across the country.
You dont own a house or have a pension then?
Bad to very bad...
though Im sure vote leave will dismiss it what with her being French and all that

Christine Lagarde said she had "not seen anything that's positive" about Brexit and warned that it could "lead to a technical recession".

When someone demonstrates such an obvious bias, not to mention a quite astounding lack of awareness, i find it quite difficulty to take them seriously.

No benefits in Brexit? Even I, for all that I despise what the EU has become, would not come out with something so daft. Lagard also seems to be overlooking the years of economic damage and stagnation brought about the Eurozone itself.
Why would wages be higher if the UK leave -Uk wages are high already - with more unemployment they're going to drop, why would food be cheaper -extremely unlikely if the UK is importing , why would people welcome a fall in house prices - shoot themselves in the foot. Only those trying to get on the property ladder would welcome a drop in prices.

How can the head of the IMF be called biased and showing an astounding lack of awareness - I think she might be more knowledgeable than most on here.

The more I read about Brexit, the more lies and confusion they are trying to brainwash the British public with.
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When someone demonstrates such an obvious bias, not to mention a quite astounding lack of awareness, i find it quite difficulty to take them seriously.
Oh go on please tell me how they are biased (rather than just not agreeing with you)

To help you this is what they do

The IMF's responsibilities: The IMF's primary purpose is to ensure the stability of the international monetary system—the system of exchange rates and international payments that enables countries (and their citizens) to transact with each other. The Fund's mandate was updated in 2012 to include all macroeconomic and financial sector issues that bear on global stability.
this is how they are funded.

this will be fun...
When someone demonstrates such an obvious bias, not to mention a quite astounding lack of awareness, i find it quite difficulty to take them seriously.

No benefits in Brexit? Even I, for all that I despise what the EU has become, would not come out with something so daft. Lagard also seems to be overlooking the years of economic damage and stagnation brought about the Eurozone itself.
Pot & kettle spring to mind.

Most people in this thread have bias so lets not start acting holier than thou.
You dont own a house or have a pension then?

I have no intention of selling this year, although i might wish to buy. And in any event, Brexit isn't about to defeat the laws of supply and demand. I do have a nicely burgeoning SIPP as it happens, not that the EU has been proof against the fluctuations of the market (quite the contrary in some cases).

Once, the EU had the potential to be a prize fruit, now it is just rotten. Remainers might favour a future of such spoil, whereas i'd rather plant a new tree and reach for something which is not tainted with blight. What is so very regrettable, is that there are people will vote for Remain in the full knowledge of the EU's failure. In what even they must suspect to be a forlorn hope, they cling to the remote remote possibility of change, accepting that the European Union will do further harm.
I have no intention of selling this year, although i might wish to buy. And in any event, Brexit isn't about to defeat the laws of supply and demand. I do have a nicely burgeoning SIPP as it happens, not that the EU has been proof against the fluctuations of the market (quite the contrary in some cases).

Once, the EU had the potential to be a prize fruit, now it is just rotten. Remainers might favour a future of such spoil, whereas i'd rather plant a new tree and reach for something which is not tainted with blight. What is so very regrettable, is that there are people will vote for Remain in the full knowledge of the EU's failure. In what even they must suspect to be a forlorn hope, they cling to the remote remote possibility of change, accepting that the European Union will do further harm.
I wish i were as relaxed as you about the possible impact of brexit. Here's hoping your SIPP doesnt take a hit as a result of your vote.

Ive never pretended that the EU is anywhere near perfect by the way. I just dont believe the alternative is better.
Bad to very bad...
though Im sure vote leave will dismiss it what with her being French and all that

They will just say it's not true, as they have with every other forecast that doesn't suit them.

The cumulative result just looks like being in denial though, and as a strategy it's doomed. Take earlier in the week, Boris Johnson was asked by an incredulous interviewer whether he really thought the pound wouldn't fall on Brexit, and his answer was that it wouldn't, and would probably rise. Now he could have met that challenge head on, accepted that it would fall, and pointed out what a good thing that would be to help with the re-balancing of the British economy, and how much we needed a lower pound to make our exports beat the competition.

Instead of talking up the benefits, he gave the usual knee-jerk denial, which is simply too negative to win voters over.
They will just say it's not true, as they have with every other forecast that doesn't suit them.

The cumulative result just looks like being in denial though, and as a strategy it's doomed. Take earlier in the week, Boris Johnson was asked by an incredulous interviewer whether he really thought the pound wouldn't fall on Brexit, and his answer was that it wouldn't, and would probably rise. Now he could have met that challenge head on, accepted that it would fall, and pointed out what a good thing that would be to help with the re-balancing of the British economy, and how much we needed a lower pound to make our exports beat the competition.

Instead of talking up the benefits, he gave the usual knee-jerk denial, which is simply too negative to win voters over.

He actually said that?:lol: It's already fallen 9% in the last 5 months and the UK haven't left yet.

However, as the UK imports much more than it exports , although the exports will be theoretically cheaper for customers, the imports will be more expensive and that doesn't take into account additional levies, duties and taxes. Maybe that's why he's not telling the truth again.
He actually said that?:lol: It's already fallen 9% in the last 5 months and the UK haven't left yet.

However, as the UK imports much more than it exports , although the exports will be theoretically cheaper for customers, the imports will be more expensive and that doesn't take into account additional levies, duties and taxes. Maybe that's why he's not telling the truth again.

I think you're probably right Paul, but my point is that Leave are hardly even making a case, they just keep denying everything.
The IMF are from the same Cabal as the rest of the big cooperation's that have their own agenda for wanting us to remain in the EU.

So the IMF say the "UK Economy Could Suffer From Brexit" Yes of course it could. It could also benefit from it. All of the European economies are in bad shape anyway and are most probably headed for a major collapse so staying in isn't necessarily going to benefit us and it may in fact save us a great deal economically if we leave. Everyone harps on about how we will struggle to trade with Europe when we leave etc even if it that were the case, why would we want to hang around and be stuck inside the walls of a failing system when we can branch out and trade with the rest of the world who are growing economically and have a brighter future. We can make the Switzerland comparison, but then remain will shout that they still have to pay the EU fees and agree to free movement of people etc well ok but they also have a lot more freedom to make their own decisions and their own trade deals, have their own democracy and still get the same benefits from the EU that fully fledged members do. They have the lowest unemployment in Europe, higher wages than us and are one of the richest countries in the world per capita, as are Norway who also have a similar deal with the EU. Now i'm not saying that we will be exactly the same as these countries but it doesn't sound to bad does it and the EU isn't the be all and end all for us.

But yes lets just stay in the corrupt EU while it gradually turns into a total dictatorship while we also get all of the benefits of trading with their failing hindering economies at the same time.

How ironic that as I type this there is an ad on the page saying "The average UK household £4,300 worse off if we leave Europe" the remain camp really have gone all out with the money they have been handed by the government and big companies who want us to stay in the EU. Throwing these things out there like they are facts.

Everyone keeps saying the brexit side haven't said what is going to happen when we leave, well they cant as know one knows for sure but remain seem to think they know exactly what will happen and apparently it will all be negative.
The IMF are from the same Cabal as the rest of the big cooperation's that have their own agenda for wanting us to remain in the EU.
The IMF is tasked primarily with ensuring stability of the international monetary system... it is funded by 188 countries with no funding from the EU - the UK contributions would remain the same if we voted in or out and the Uk contributes under 5% of the total budget.
what exactly do you suppose this agenda is? (other than you know actually doing their job that they are paid to do on behalf of nations around the world?) and in what way are they like a big corporation as in they are not a commercial entity?
The IMF is tasked primarily with ensuring stability of the international monetary system... it is funded by 188 countries with no funding from the EU - the UK contributions would remain the same if we voted in or out and the Uk contributes under 5% of the total budget.
what exactly do you suppose this agenda is? (other than you know actually doing their job that they are paid to do on behalf of nations around the world?) and in what way are they like a big corporation as in they are not a commercial entity?
Good question - im dying to hear the answer!
The IMF are from the same Cabal as the rest of the big cooperation's that have their own agenda for wanting us to remain in the EU.

So the IMF say the "UK Economy Could Suffer From Brexit" Yes of course it could. It could also benefit from it. All of the European economies are in bad shape anyway and are most probably headed for a major collapse so staying in isn't necessarily going to benefit us and it may in fact save us a great deal economically if we leave. Everyone harps on about how we will struggle to trade with Europe when we leave etc even if it that were the case, why would we want to hang around and be stuck inside the walls of a failing system when we can branch out and trade with the rest of the world who are growing economically and have a brighter future. We can make the Switzerland comparison, but then remain will shout that they still have to pay the EU fees and agree to free movement of people etc well ok but they also have a lot more freedom to make their own decisions and their own trade deals, have their own democracy and still get the same benefits from the EU that fully fledged members do. They have the lowest unemployment in Europe, higher wages than us and are one of the richest countries in the world per capita, as are Norway who also have a similar deal with the EU. Now i'm not saying that we will be exactly the same as these countries but it doesn't sound to bad does it and the EU isn't the be all and end all for us.

But yes lets just stay in the corrupt EU while it gradually turns into a total dictatorship while we also get all of the benefits of trading with their failing hindering economies at the same time.

How ironic that as I type this there is an ad on the page saying "The average UK household £4,300 worse off if we leave Europe" the remain camp really have gone all out with the money they have been handed by the government and big companies who want us to stay in the EU. Throwing these things out there like they are facts.

Everyone keeps saying the brexit side haven't said what is going to happen when we leave, well they cant as know one knows for sure but remain seem to think they know exactly what will happen and apparently it will all be negative.

You're believing this film too much, it's rubbish- they are not telling you the truth - I will repeat again, levies duties and taxes not mentioned, pound devaluation not mentioned, Norway and Switzerland have tiny populations compared to the Uk - their exports are nothing like the UK especially Switzerland.

It's a leap in the dark for Brexit and they have no idea where they will land. Economically makes no sense, for the legal side it makes no sense as the laws of the country are not made by the EU, what is left - immigration - and this is really all it boils down to and Brexit are now trying to stay well clear of this issue. But the UK also needs immigration.
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You're believing this film too much, it's rubbish- they are not telling you the truth - I will repeat again, levies duties and taxes not mentioned, pound devaluation not mentioned, Norway and Switzerland have tiny populations compared to the Uk - their exports are nothing like the UK especially Switzerland.

It's a leap in the dark for Brexit and they have no idea where they will land. Economically makes no sense, for the legal side it makes no sense as the laws of the country and not made by the EU, what is left - immigration - and this is really all it boils down to and Brexit are now trying to stay well clear of this issue. But the UK also needs immigration.

I meant it as a bit of a joke to see what his reaction would be, but I'm really starting to think that it's mates of his who made that video or that indeed he did have a hand in making it :D
The CE forum has had an awful lot of loons over my time here, but BringBackNani has to be one of the looniest.
Oh go on please tell me how they are biased (rather than just not agreeing with you)

To help you this is what they do

this is how they are funded.

this will be fun...

A 'fun' entirely of your own contrivance unfortunately. I criticised the use of foolish absolutes, and the inference that recession is somehow a a threat unique to he UK, if you disagree...*shrugs*

I wish i were as relaxed as you about the possible impact of brexit. Here's hoping your SIPP doesnt take a hit as a result of your vote.

Ive never pretended that the EU is anywhere near perfect by the way. I just dont believe the alternative is better.

I should be far more easy if it thought we were about to spurn the most important vote of my lifetime. And regards the future success of my SIPP, well it has taken hits whilst we have been a part of the EU, and Brexit shall carry its own risks.

The alternative is for us to shape and build, whereas a European Union beyond any meaningful reform offers no such hope. The EU has some admirable aims and commendable examples of cooperation, which we will seek to maintain. It is the authoritarian government, unappreciated centralisation, and endemic corruption that we intend to shed. The IMF cares little or not at all about these concerns, simply preferring a known quantity flaws and all.

I think you're probably right Paul, but my point is that Leave are hardly even making a case, they just keep denying everything.

You would presume to speak of denial, when Remain and its supporters have repeatedly claimed that there are no positives whatsoever to Brexit? You are laying it on rather too thick there.
The problem with the IMF is, that their track-record of predicting the trajectory of the economy of countries is so extraordinary bad that nobody should take them seriously. Sure, if you make enough predations, some will turn out right, but anyone with an ounce of common sense could come up with a different but equally plausible projection.
Not often that I refer to Brian Cox when discussing the EU, but enjoyed this

You can also replace IDS with BringNaniBack for much the same effect.
Not often that I refer to Brian Cox when discussing the EU, but enjoyed this

You can also replace IDS with BringNaniBack for much the same effect.

Does he mean the economists and politicians who were wrong about the Euro, and the people merrily sipping on the fizz prior to the financial crisis? The IMF had to misjudgements when forecasting British economic performance before, such could very well be the case here. Additionally, the organisations favours the imposition of TTIP, reforms or no.

Fair enough... Though somehow you managed to say the imf were biased without providing any reason as to why that is the case...

To say that there are no benefits whatsoever to Brexit (no room for nuance or local concerns there), is reason to doubt her judgement in my view. If, for instance, you look at her earlier political career, she was a firm supporter of the Lisbon Treaty and evinced hopes for further EU centralisation. Maybe the bias is subconscious and borne out of fear of the unknown, but either way it was a stupid remark. If a Eurosceptic said that the EU had done no good at all over the years, or that we shouldn't wish to maintain any of the rights and standards we've come by during our time as a member, i'd think them equally silly.
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You would presume to speak of denial, when Remain and its supporters have repeatedly claimed that there are no positives whatsoever to Brexit? You are laying it on rather too thick there.

Unfortunately for Leave they have allowed Remain to pick the battlefield so far, and that's 'the economy, stupid' in spades.
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Does he mean the economists and politicians who were wrong about the Euro, and the people merrily sipping on the fizz prior to the financial crisis? The IMF had to misjudgements when forecasting British economic performance before, such could very well be the case here. Additionally, the organisations favours the imposition of TTIP, reforms or no.
This keeps on being mentioned - which exactly were in favour? OECD? IFS? I've seen some people say the Treasury were after they put out their estimates, which is flat out incorrect.

And it's a good job for Leave that Leave.EU didn't get official campaign status, this is a guaranteed vote loser:
Unfortunately for Leave they have allowed Remain to pick the battlefield so far, and that's 'the economy, stupid' in spades.

How so? Were they not supposed to the Treasury's farce of a report, or similarly that of the OECD and IMF?

This keeps on being mentioned - which exactly were in favour? OECD? IFS? I've seen some people say the Treasury were after they put out their estimates, which is flat out incorrect.

It was not my intention to restrict 'economists and politicians' to a certain country, although it is well known that a pro-Euro faction existed within the BoE. Likewise, a quite sizeable chunk of Labour and Lib Dems were too. I would need to do a little trawling through archived media from the late-90s for specifics on other organisations. If i can, i'll edit this post later.

It is perfectly right to raise concerns over sovereignty, i'm just not sure 'd trust Farage to be the mouthpiece for it. Justice, taxation, civil liberties, billions in foreign aid being lost through corruption, defence, fisheries, immigration e.t.c.
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