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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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He has choose what he believes to be the easier option, and reject the better supported Leave campaign into the bargain, do pardon me if i find that a bit off. The PM has always had the air of a salesman, and he's certainly slithered off to ITV in this instance.
Yeah I can understand why you'd be peeved, and slippery is definitely how you'd describe Cameron. Just glad I'm on this side of it for once :lol:
That could also be said for members of the Cabinet who have sided with Remain. Or fairly mediocre politicians of all stripes, who wouldn't mind the cushy job of EU Commissioner one day.

I think it applies to over 90% of all politicians of all parties and beliefs, don't believe many are in politics for "the good of the people".
Misleading the people from both sides and worryingly the people are voting on something most know virtually nothing about and even less what the consequences will be.
Boris should choose to debate Corbyn for the BBC one.

Imagine if Corbyn decided to act as the sacrificial lamb just to piss of Cameron in the most almighty way possible by some deliberately terrible in the debate.:lol:
Vote leave in a right old strop today
Cameron vs farrage (so they make threats to itv)
Bank of England do their job and they call for the chief to be sacked

"Cameron vs Farage (so they make threats to itv)" It would probably help others if you explained what you mean but as I have read the story I know what you are talking about.

I don't know if I would call it a strop or if what is being reported is accurate but people have a right to be frustrated when David Cameron avoids directly debating anyone, just as he did with the general election. Be that down to ITV or David Cameron himself, if he is so confident remaining in the EU is the right choice then he should be able to debate it but he knows he would be probably be destroyed in a debate with Farage so he will do all he can to avoid it.
I've decided to vote stay as an exit means property value may fall, economy may go into recession, may feck things up for foreign property owners, and much more.

If we stay in then things pretty much stay the same.

Better then devil you know.
I've decided to vote stay as an exit means property value may fall, economy may go into recession, may feck things up for foreign property owners, and much more.

If we stay in then things pretty much stay the same.

Better then devil you know.
The reverse may happen also.
I've decided to vote stay as an exit means property value may fall, economy may go into recession, may feck things up for foreign property owners, and much more.

If we stay in then things pretty much stay the same.

Better then devil you know.
I don't know if I would call it a strop or if what is being reported is accurate but people have a right to be frustrated when David Cameron avoids directly debating anyone, just as he did with the general election. Be that down to ITV or David Cameron himself, if he is so confident remaining in the EU is the right choice then he should be able to debate it but he knows he would be probably be destroyed in a debate with Farage so he will do all he can to avoid it.
He is debating Farage - the easy option. Farage, as shown in the election campaign, isn't good at all at reaching out beyond those he's already convinced. Cameron will look Prime Ministerial, while Farage will come across as repugnant, wound-up, and potentially hysterical by way of comparison.

Hence why Boris and the gang are so unhappy.
He is debating Farage - the easy option. Farage, as shown in the election campaign, isn't good at all at reaching out beyond those he's already convinced. Cameron will look Prime Ministerial, while Farage will come across as repugnant, wound-up, and potentially hysterical by way of comparison.

Hence why Boris and the gang are so unhappy.

No, he isn't debating Farage. The format of the so called debate is Farage starting with half an hour to make the case for leaving the EU, then David Cameron is given the chance to make the opposing case without having to debate Farage directly at all. Leaving the viewers with Cameron's case fresh in mind and with Cameron escaping any direct debate. Hence the frustration from some of the leave camp.
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I've decided to vote stay as an exit means property value may fall, economy may go into recession, may feck things up for foreign property owners, and much more.

If we stay in then things pretty much stay the same.

Better then devil you know.

That is just as likely to happen with us staying in the EU. In fact Europe and the US and the West in general is heading for massive economic collapse from what I have read so being off to the sidelines a little might actually benefit us.

Give Brexit the Move a watch mate:
No, he isn't debating Farage. The format of the so called debate is Farage starting with half an hour to make the case for leaving the EU, then David Cameron is given the chance to make the opposing case without having to debate Farage directly at all. Hence the frustration from some of the leave camp.
They're frustrated because they don't like Farage and he isn't in the Vote Leave campaign. They want it to be Gove or BJ for the ITV interview.
They're frustrated because they don't like Farage and he isn't in the Vote Leave campaign. They want it to be Gove or BJ for the ITV interview.

Fair enough, I understand that side of the frustration from leave too, there are also people frustrated for the reasons I mentioned and for Cameron escaping direct debate again.
That is just as likely to happen with us staying in the EU. In fact Europe and the US and the West in general is heading for massive economic collapse from what I have read so being off to the sidelines a little might actually benefit us.

Give Brexit the Move a watch mate:

I can't watch a video with Farage in it and take it seriously. He appeared after about 3 minutes.

There are counter arguments to everything mentioned so nobody knows for sure. If there is an economic collapse globally as you suggest I think that's a better scenario to just Britain having an economic collapse on its own.
I can't watch a video with Farage in it and take it seriously. He appeared after about 3 minutes.

There are counter arguments to everything mentioned so nobody knows for sure. If there is an economic collapse globally as you suggest I think that's a better scenario to just Britain having an economic collapse on its own.

You cant watch it yet you know there are counter arguments to everything mentioned? Farage is only in it very briefly, for a couple of minutes overall.
Here is the link to the full "Brexit the Movie" film if anyone's interested:

Vote Leave
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You cant watch it yet you know there are counter arguments to everything mentioned? Farage is only in it very briefly, for a couple of minutes overall.

Couple of minutes is enough to undermine the whole thing I'm afraid. I refuse to watch anything that takes anything that UKIP says seriously.

Is there anything in the video that is a definite fact that has no counter argument then?
I've decided to vote stay as an exit means property value may fall, economy may go into recession, may feck things up for foreign property owners, and much more.

If we stay in then things pretty much stay the same.

Better then devil you know.

It's already happening, property prices falling in London, foreigners not investing, pound losing value , all because of fears of a Brexit - that's only the start I believe.
Couple of minutes is enough to undermine the whole thing I'm afraid. I refuse to watch anything that takes anything that UKIP says seriously.

Is there anything in the video that is a definite fact that has no counter argument then?

It is a crowd funded film from donations to show the other side of the story rather than the usual Pro EU propaganda we often get from mainstream media. Its obviously going to have some snippets from people like Farage who have been anti EU for years. The film itself has nothing to do with UKIP etc.

It has many definite facts about the regulations the EU put on this country and how it has had a negative impact. I leave it up to you mate, cant hurt to watch it.
Watched the movie. It was well put together apart from Mackenzie who seems to be able to drag anything he's in down. Looking forward to Brexit The Movie 2 "What went wrong"
It is a crowd funded film from donations to show the other side of the story rather than the usual Pro EU propaganda we often get from mainstream media. Its obviously going to have some snippets from people like Farage who have been anti EU for years. The film itself has nothing to do with UKIP etc.

It has many definite facts about the regulations the EU put on this country and how it has had a negative impact. I leave it up to you mate, cant hurt to watch it.

I just think if you put someone who's real motivations are routed in racism you undermine any genuine arguments in there.
That is just as likely to happen with us staying in the EU. In fact Europe and the US and the West in general is heading for massive economic collapse from what I have read so being off to the sidelines a little might actually benefit us.

Give Brexit the Move a watch mate:

If the USA and Europe and the West are heading for a massive economic collapse this will affect the UK the same if they are in or out of the EU because they will surely be trading with them and if they can't afford to buy Uk's wonderful production who are the Uk going to sell to - I know there's this mystery country that these fantastic new deals that the Uk are going to finalise once they leave the EU but no-one has yet said which country it is - is Brexit going to keep it a secret until after the referendum?
I just think if you put someone who's real motivations are routed in racism you undermine any genuine arguments in there.

I don't think so and not watching something because it contains someone you think is racist for a couple of minutes is just being needlessly stubborn.

Also just to add the film doesn't actually even mention immigration once if my memory serves me correctly so please don't think just because Farage is in it, its going to be all about immigration etc. That is actually a credit to the film that they have made a case for leaving the EU and haven't mentioned immigration at all which is usually one of the main arguments people have for leaving.
If the USA and Europe and the West are heading for a massive economic collapse this will affect the UK the same if they are in or out of the EU because they will surely be trading with them and if they can't afford to buy Uk's wonderful production who are the Uk going to sell to - I know there's this mystery country that these fantastic new deals that the Uk are going to finalise once they leave the EU but no-one has yet said which country it is - is Brexit going to keep it a secret until after the referendum?

You want a specific country named? We could just list every other country in the world that isn't inside the EU and who are not in economic decline like Europe. No one has said yet which country it is as we haven't left yet. Your argument doesn't stand up at all, are you implying no country is going to trade with us? Of course countries will, China will, Canada will, Australia will, India will, there's some countries named for you. We cant say exactly what going to happen but for you to keep implying that countries wont trade with us is nonsense.
You want a specific country named? We could just list every other country in the world that isn't inside the EU and who are not in economic decline like Europe. No one has said yet which country it is as we haven't left yet. Your argument doesn't stand up at all, are you implying no country is going to trade with us? Of course countries will, China will, Canada will, Australia will, India will, there's some countries named for you. We cant say exactly what going to happen but for you to keep implying that countries wont trade with us is nonsense.

I heard about the Canada Australia New Zealand one before, Commonwealth and they speak English, population total about 60 million, less than France, high shipping costs etc but they speak English but why would they or indeed China and India do fantastic deals with the UK. China are having serious economic problems already by the way.
Didn't say countries won't trade with the Uk but whatever deals the Uk does get why would they be better than in the Eu, makes zero sense, they have to be worse.

Started watching the Brexit film; after about four minutes couldn't take any more...

One interesting point I would like to know is - is the UK being targeted singularly for not making their own laws - because all this nonsense about holidays and maternity leave and minimum wage etc is nothing to do with the EU. France does not have the same system whatsoever as the UK so why can France have their own laws and the Uk can't or is it just another lie or have people been brainwashed into thinking this.

The UK has currently less than half the unemployment of France, the wages are higher in the UK, the tax/NI contributions are less, the pound was doing really well, property in London was booming , foreign investors were coming to the Uk - and it looks as if all this is all going to go up in smoke - why in heaven's name , madness
I heard about the Canada Australia New Zealand one before, Commonwealth and they speak English, population total about 60 million, less than France, high shipping costs etc but they speak English but why would they or indeed China and India do fantastic deals with the UK. China are having serious economic problems already by the way.
Didn't say countries won't trade with the Uk but whatever deals the Uk does get why would they be better than in the Eu, makes zero sense, they have to be worse.

Started watching the Brexit film; after about four minutes couldn't take any more...

One interesting point I would like to know is - is the UK being targeted singularly for not making their own laws - because all this nonsense about holidays and maternity leave and minimum wage etc is nothing to do with the EU. France does not have the same system whatsoever as the UK so why can France have their own laws and the Uk can't or is it just another lie or have people been brainwashed into thinking this.

The UK has currently less than half the unemployment of France, the wages are higher in the UK, the tax/NI contributions are less, the pound was doing really well, property in London was booming , foreign investors were coming to the Uk - and it looks as if all this is all going to go up in smoke - why in heaven's name , madness

To be honest I nearly turned the film off after a few minutes too and i'm anti EU, the first half was rather drab but it did get a lot better towards the end.

I'm sure the UK can make many of its own laws, I don't blame everything on the EU, in fact I think the Tories are just as bad but at least we get the chance to get rid of them every few years unlike the EU. The laws that the EU make cannot be challenged by us and their powers are ever increasing further towards a dictatorship so it needs to be stopped now.
I don't think so and not watching something because it contains someone you think is racist for a couple of minutes is just being needlessly stubborn.

Also just to add the film doesn't actually even mention immigration once if my memory serves me correctly so please don't think just because Farage is in it, its going to be all about immigration etc. That is actually a credit to the film that they have made a case for leaving the EU and haven't mentioned immigration at all which is usually one of the main arguments people have for leaving.

I can see how it sounds needlessly stubborn but it's moralistic for me. Imagine someone who you resent supporting a propaganda video, would you give it the time of day?
To be honest I nearly turned the film off after a few minutes too and I'm anti EU, the first half was rather drab but it did get a lot better towards the end.

I'm sure the UK can make many of its own laws, I don't blame everything on the EU, in fact I think the Tories are just as bad but at least we get the chance to get rid of them every few years unlike the EU. The laws that the EU make cannot be challenged by us and their powers are ever increasing further towards a dictatorship so it needs to be stopped now.

I think there are far less laws that the EU make that are forced on individual countries, this is a myth. I lived in the Uk most of my life and France for the last 9 years. I would say 95% of the laws or systems are completely different and I would guess the same applies to other countries within the EU.
Europe has a parliament and if the Uk voted for proper MEP's instead of voting for UKIP who don't both turning up.- if you want some form of democracy then use the vote sensibly but democracy whether in state form or EU form is vastly over-rated. Whether it's the Tories or Labour in power in the UK, no-one is ever going to agree with all the policies of each party.

I loved England when I was growing up in the 60s but that little old England has gone and well before it joined the EEC and there are a lot of people who think that if the Uk leave the EU, suddenly they'll be transported back in time. The world has changed.

Edit: I did what the last half a dozen parts of the film and it got worse, it's all meaningless rubbish .They don't mention what would happen about duties and taxes etc that would be imposed this is what the trade deals mean. Of course you can trade with other countries, I am an international trader but it's a bit more complicated than they are trying to make out and this is so unfair to put it like this to the British people
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I can see how it sounds needlessly stubborn but it's moralistic for me. Imagine someone who you resent supporting a propaganda video, would you give it the time of day?

Yes I would watch it to be honest just out of curiosity to see what it shows. Even if that's just to prove to myself its the load of crap I thought it would be lol. Like I say farage is in it for a couple of minutes and immigration is not even mentioned so farage does not represent the film at all, hes only on it as he has been to the EU parliament and briefly explains how you cant even propose new laws/ideas or challenge old ones there.
Yes I would watch it to be honest just out of curiosity to see what it shows. Even if that's just to prove to myself its the load of crap I thought it would be lol. Like I say farage is in it for a couple of minutes and immigration is not even mentioned so farage does not represent the film at all, hes only on it as he has been to the EU parliament and briefly explains how you cant even propose new laws/ideas or challenge old ones there.

Not really you wouldn't though, come on. Why would anyone want to watch anyone they abhor and consider to talk utter inciteful guff? Farage burned any credibility he hoped to have to a crisp in the GE debates.
Not really you wouldn't though, come on. Why would anyone want to watch anyone they abhor and consider to talk utter inciteful guff? Farage burned any credibility he hoped to have to a crisp in the GE debates.

I honestly would and the point is farage is only in it for literally 2 minutes out of a film that is over an hour long.
both sides peddling shit as expected, it's just gonna get worse with the bullshitting and scaremongering
Brexit may worsen unemployment, Bank of England warns

I guess we know why he got the job now.

He may well be correct in his view but at the moment it seems like a payroll roll call. If you had asked all the establishment about deregulation of the banks they would all have lined up to talk about the necessity of light touch regulation and the disastrous consequences of trying to tighten controls. The establishment clearly think we should carry on as we are but are they correct? Do they hold this view impartially or because it serves them well to hold and express this opinion?

I don't know whether I trust those who have left office and gain/lose nothing by their analysis more than I trust current holders on this issue.
If the USA and Europe and the West are heading for a massive economic collapse this will affect the UK the same if they are in or out of the EU because they will surely be trading with them and if they can't afford to buy Uk's wonderful production who are the Uk going to sell to - I know there's this mystery country that these fantastic new deals that the Uk are going to finalise once they leave the EU but no-one has yet said which country it is - is Brexit going to keep it a secret until after the referendum?

It could be the UK itself given the level of imports. I suppose you can come up with some way the EU would stop us buying our own products and services, even if we vote leave, if you try hard enough.
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