EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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He was poor on Marr this morning. Making promises he can't possibly keep.
Today not a good day for Leave at all.
Today not a good day for Leave at all.

Fear not, David Cameron to the rescue.

"...if you vote to leave the EU, the continent of Europe could descent into war!"

*Cue images of British citizens run around in blind panic a la War of the Worlds*
Cameron really is getting desperate isn't he. People should know by now to do the opposite of what he asks.

Vote Leave.
Even if leaving the EU was a disaster, which it wont be, the EU are so desperate for us to stay they would have us back instantly if we were to change our minds. I know its not that simple but the EU need us, we are Europes second biggest economy and if Brexit really was that bad we could quite easily go crawling back with our tails between our legs. But we wont be going back as we will be leaving a disaster zone that is only going to get worse.
Even if leaving the EU was a disaster, which it wont be, the EU are so desperate for us to stay they would have us back instantly if we were to change our minds. I know its not that simple but the EU need us, we are Europes second biggest economy and if Brexit really was that bad we could quite easily go crawling back with our tails between our legs. But we wont be going back as we will be leaving a disaster zone that is only going to get worse.
Nah, dont think so. If they were desperate for us they wouldve made more of an effort when Dave was renegotiating earlier this year.

The EU barely gave ground when Greece was set to walk away, i doubt they will flinch if the UK votes for Bexit. If anything they will be desperate to prove to the world what a big mistake the Uk made and punish us accordingly.
Nah, dont think so. If they were desperate for us they wouldve made more of an effort when Dave was renegotiating earlier this year.

The EU barely gave ground when Greece was set to walk away, i doubt they will flinch if the UK votes for Bexit. If anything they will be desperate to prove to the world what a big mistake the Uk made and punish us accordingly.

They gave Dave nothing because for one he is most probably useless at negotiating and two I don't believe they really think Britain will leave the EU. Also you cant really compare us to Greece who are a country with major issues and a failing economy where as we are one of the few power house economies in the EU and are helping to prop it up. They need us, they are now petrified we are going to leave.
They gave Dave nothing because for one he is most probably useless at negotiating and two I don't believe they really think Britain will leave the EU. Also you cant really compare us to Greece who are a country with major issues and a failing economy where as we are one of the few power house economies in the EU and are helping to prop it up. They need us, they are now petrified we are going to leave.
Agree to disagree on the bolded bit - speculation.

Yeah ok, Greece have a small failing economy but they are also members of the single currency.

Why do they need us so much? I just dont see it.
Get a grip Dave for fecks sake you were prepared to leave six months ago if you didn't get the super duper reforms you didn't get.

Now leave = war.
Cameron may have gone a little far with that world war three speech. Don't think he needs to try so hard for the remain team.
If you don't think it is then you really aren't paying much attention.

I'm here sitting in France in Europe and we are not petrified.

Being British born, in fact, I was hopeful the UK would not be that stupid but so fed up with the little olde worlde hoping to go back to the good old days, that they deserve everything they get if they do decide to leave. Only inconvenience for me would be to take French citizenship because if the UK is outside the EU, for a Brit living in Europe it is going to be a pain with red tape.
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Even if leaving the EU was a disaster, which it wont be, the EU are so desperate for us to stay they would have us back instantly if we were to change our minds. I know its not that simple but the EU need us, we are Europes second biggest economy and if Brexit really was that bad we could quite easily go crawling back with our tails between our legs. But we wont be going back as we will be leaving a disaster zone that is only going to get worse.
Europe doesnt need the UK. Half of the companies currently trading in the UK stock market will be out of the UK quicker than the ink will dry on the ballot papers. Whats better commercially for a company, free access to markets with 508 million consumers or 61million consumers. Once that happens your economy will shrink, cost of good imported will go up, exports will go down. Jobs will be lost and if that happens why would the EU want you back in. UK is better off staying in and trying to influence policy at EU level so that your concerns are addressed, like immigration etc.
Nah, dont think so. If they were desperate for us they wouldve made more of an effort when Dave was renegotiating earlier this year.

The EU barely gave ground when Greece was set to walk away, i doubt they will flinch if the UK votes for Bexit. If anything they will be desperate to prove to the world what a big mistake the Uk made and punish us accordingly.

One answer to your first point, is that never saw a win for Leave as being a genuine possibility. To them, this is but a bump in the road, an irritating example of democracy.

Any attempt at petty trade wars can only rebound on the broader European economy; if they want to show the world that they are no better a spilt child, that shall be their folly. Stupidity will not garner respect.

Europe doesnt need the UK. Half of the companies currently trading in the UK stock market will be out of the UK quicker than the ink will dry on the ballot papers. Whats better commercially for a company, free access to markets with 508 million consumers or 61million consumers. Once that happens your economy will shrink, cost of good imported will go up, exports will go down. Jobs will be lost and if that happens why would the EU want you back in. UK is better off staying in and trying to influence policy at EU level so that your concerns are addressed, like immigration etc.

Evidently i missed the memo, for it would seem that May 9th was International Hyperbole Day (or other less courteous descriptions).

Perhaps you would care to list some of these companies? Although quite they would act so precipitously, i honestly don't know.
One answer to your first point, is that never saw a win for Leave as being a genuine possibility. To them, this is but a bump in the road, an irritating example of democracy.

Any attempt at petty trade wars can only rebound on the broader European economy; if they want to show the world that they are no better a spilt child, that shall be their folly. Stupidity will not garner respect.

Evidently i missed the memo, for it would seem that May 9th was International Hyperbole Day (or other less courteous descriptions).

Perhaps you would care to list some of these companies? Although quite they would act so precipitously, i honestly don't know.
Ill see if I can find all the articles Ive read but heres a couple to start.

Im on my phone so finding it difficult to find the article I read about companies weighing up relocating to the ISEQ from FTSE but Ill keep looking and post it for you. Pretty sure it was either or


I know some of the articles are almost a year old but I think thenpicture is pretty clear.
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All this scaremongering about how disastrous a Leave vote would be makes me wonder how we ever survived before we made the catastrophic error of joining the EU. Talk about staying in and reforming it from the inside is nonsense, as shown by Cameron's dismal attempt at negotiating reforms.

We have a trade deficit with the EU, meaning we bring in more than we sell to them, so who would be the bigger loser if we left?

And as for that busybody no-mark of a president, Obama, warning that we would be at the back of the queue for a trade agreement with the US - well, I don't know if he's noticed but we've got on perfectly well for centuries without one.
And as for that busybody no-mark of a president, Obama, warning that we would be at the back of the queue for a trade agreement with the US - well, I don't know if he's noticed but we've got on perfectly well for centuries without one.

Well there was a huge reason for that, largely having an empire where we forced countries to make us their only or first choice trading partner often means that you will be doing perfectly well for a while. So it's a bit difficult to compare the situation right now to back centuries ago.

Also ignoring the fact that the world is a lot more competitive now and trading blocs are becoming the norm.
Well there was a huge reason for that, largely having an empire where we forced countries to make us their only or first choice trading partner often means that you will be doing perfectly well for a while. So it's a bit difficult to compare the situation right now to back centuries ago.

Also ignoring the fact that the world is a lot more competitive now and trading blocs are becoming the norm.
So if we left the EU tomorrow, how would that affect our trade with the US the day after? It wouldn't, would it?
Their own president just said it would, so I assume there might be some change.
No, he said we'd be at the back of the queue for a trade agreement with the USA. We currently have no trade agreement with the USA anyway, so there would be absolutely no change. The USA and the EU are currently negotiating a trade deal and we wouldn't be part of that.

Quite aside from that, he wouldn't be in power anyway by the time we exited the EU so how can he say what the situation would be?
So if we left the EU tomorrow, how would that affect our trade with the US the day after? It wouldn't, would it?
At a guess any US companies with headquarters in the UK would start to make contingency plans to re-site into Europe for ongoing access into the free market... almost certainly any investment plans would be shelved until any long term deal was thrashed out
Exchange rates would undoubtedly see some big fluctuations which adds more risk into buying / selling at fixed $/£ prices... this would probably have some immediate effect as well
It's amazing how people wanting an exit don't seem to understand basic principles of law and markets.
Voting no means still following the rules of the EU, but without having a say in the process of making these rules.

Talking about how a trade deficit with the EU is harmful for Britain and meaning a Brexit would hurt the EU is so painfully unaware of basic principles of trade and market theory, you have to wonder if people ever really thought about it.
No, he said we'd be at the back of the queue for a trade agreement with the USA. We currently have no trade agreement with the USA anyway, so there would be absolutely no change. The USA and the EU are currently negotiating a trade deal and we wouldn't be part of that.

Quite aside from that, he wouldn't be in power anyway by the time we exited the EU so how can he say what the situation would be?

Yeah we would be at the back of the queue which indicates that there would be an impact. The US would understandably favour a trade agreement with a larger entity and then come to us later.

I know he won't be in power after January but his sucessor will still most likely favour trading with whoever benefits them the most.
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