Your not offering any sensible advice your just throwing out there what you think might happen. You have claimed that our border control agreement with France is down to the EU and will stop if we leave when this is not true, it is a bilateral agreement with the UK and franc, the French have even come out and said this would not change. You claim Sterling will devalue by 20%, this is another guess.
Positives for leaving the EU, there are many. The obvious one that most talk about is controlling our boarders and for those that say it wont make a difference, it will. When Turkey becomes a member of the EU and millions more people start flooding over here we would have power to refuse citizenship if we Brexit, in the EU we wont have that power. TTIP, if we Brexit we will likely not be part of this or will at least get to make some decisions on it and find out what it entails before it is just forced on us. The huge fees we pay just to be a member of the EU can be spent on our public services. Our fishing industry which was huge before the EU and now has been largely taken away from us, it will be back in British hands. There are many many positives.