EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Not sure I read much into the odds at the moment, I may bet on Leave just in case the worst happens and I need to dry my tears with money.
Someone I know just told me that he doesn't give a feck about any of the economy crap, that he has extreme Islamaphobia and he would sit on the town hall with a sniper rifle. And that because I voted remain, when the civil war comes and I'm 'running with the Muslims' he will kill me with them. Jesus wept.
What I will never come to terms with, is that at this very moment there are thousands or millions of people putting an X on a piece of paper and they have no idea what the consequences of this simple action could be.
Is that much different to what we do every 4-5 years? This is more important but I'm not sure we're any less clueless in general elections.
Someone I know just told me that he doesn't give a feck about any of the economy crap, that he has extreme Islamaphobia and he would sit on the town hall with a sniper rifle. And that because I voted remain, when the civil war comes and I'm 'running with the Muslims' he will kill me with them. Jesus wept.

:lol: I'd un know that person. Sounds like a lunatic.

I voted nice and early this morning. Remain for me, was a no brainer frankly.
Someone I know just told me that he doesn't give a feck about any of the economy crap, that he has extreme Islamaphobia and he would sit on the town hall with a sniper rifle. And that because I voted remain, when the civil war comes and I'm 'running with the Muslims' he will kill me with them. Jesus wept.

Well, I bet you took him off your Christmas Card list.
Do you think people who haven't worked for 10-12 years should be able to vote (never worked a day in their lives)? should it only be tax payers that get to vote?
Is that much different to what we do every 4-5 years? This is more important but I'm not sure we're any less clueless in general elections.

True but, at least you can vote out the MPs and even the MEPs in the EU, who the hell voted for UKIP anyway, however, this an almost irreversible decision
Someone I know just told me that he doesn't give a feck about any of the economy crap, that he has extreme Islamaphobia and he would sit on the town hall with a sniper rifle. And that because I voted remain, when the civil war comes and I'm 'running with the Muslims' he will kill me with them. Jesus wept.
You need to stop hanging out at EDL meetings, Zarlak

Is that much different to what we do every 4-5 years?
The difference is, this time the effect will be felt for decades.
I will be glad when it is all over, I voted this morning and my Facebook is still littered with morons who are voting out because they hate the Tories...what does a vote to determine remaining in or leaving the EU have to do with who runs our government. And all those spouting about immigration, when more people come from non eu's laughable, should we then leave the commonwealth too lol
Someone I know just told me that he doesn't give a feck about any of the economy crap, that he has extreme Islamaphobia and he would sit on the town hall with a sniper rifle. And that because I voted remain, when the civil war comes and I'm 'running with the Muslims' he will kill me with them. Jesus wept.

fecking hell! I'd cease any association with that person asap!

No, you were right about bookmakers. Their adjust their odds according the money bet. They have to set initial odds, but they only accept small bets at those odds, quickly changing them as the bets, and attempted bets, come in.

Yea true, market movement will be a more accurate barometer.
Do you think people who haven't worked for 10-12 years should be able to vote (never worked a day in their lives)? should it only be tax payers that get to vote?

Basically you're anti scousers
Basically you're anti scousers

I'm against the people in Britain who don't ever want to work, and are a bigger drain on the economy (benefits britain) than brussels, yet those complain about NHS being underfunded if they worked and contributed to society the NHS wouldn't be in that position. whilst they set on their collective bums feeling entitled, they get a vote in how the country is run, I don't understand it.

'Stay Britain, if you stay in the EU we will acknowledge that the Wembley goal was a goal'

Also: Won't make jokes about Prince Charles' ears
Won't wear suncream at the beach in solidarity with your sunburns.
We'll forgo having a goalkeeper at the next penalty shoutout to make it more exciting.
We'll willingly play the bad guy in every James Bond film.
We'll put our clocks back an hour.
We'll make an EU regulation banning foam on beer.
We'll reserve the sunbeds at the Hotel Pool in the morning for you.
Jogi Low will protect your crown jewels
We'll all come to the the Queen's 100th birthday.

Someone I know just told me that he doesn't give a feck about any of the economy crap, that he has extreme Islamaphobia and he would sit on the town hall with a sniper rifle. And that because I voted remain, when the civil war comes and I'm 'running with the Muslims' he will kill me with them. Jesus wept.

I can sympathise with him wanting to end you.

But the rest of that is crap. Remove him from your life (before he removes you from his)
What I will never come to terms with, is that at this very moment there are thousands or millions of people putting an X on a piece of paper and they have no idea what the consequences of this simple action could be.

Is that much different to what we do every 4-5 years? This is more important but I'm not sure we're any less clueless in general elections.

Exactly. This is a criticism of democracy generally. Most people have no clue about the big questions of politics or the longer term implications of nice-sounding populist policies. So decisions should really only be taken by a small number of people with the time to consider all the evidence and think things through, without accountability to voters who may not like the short term implications of decisions taken for the longer term good.

So what we really need is benevolent dictatorship, or at least rule by a benevolent but unaccountable bureaucracy.

Something like Europe, in fact.

Vote remain.
fecking hell! I'd cease any association with that person asap!

Yea true, market movement will be a more accurate barometer.

Your work is affecting your posts.
I will be glad when it is all over, I voted this morning and my Facebook is still littered with morons who are voting out because they hate the Tories...what does a vote to determine remaining in or leaving the EU have to do with who runs our government. And all those spouting about immigration, when more people come from non eu's laughable, should we then leave the commonwealth too lol

Exactly! Got some moron my facebook saying "Vote Leave - Install State Socialism" - Aye that will happen with Boris and Gove in charge.

'Stay Britain, if you stay in the EU we will acknowledge that the Wembley goal was a goal'

Also: Won't make jokes about Prince Charles' ears
Won't wear suncream at the beach in solidarity with your sunburns.
We'll forgo having a goalkeeper at the next penalty shoutout to make it more exciting.
We'll willingly play the bad guy in every James Bond film.
We'll put our clocks back an hour.
We'll make an EU regulation banning foam on beer.
We'll reserve the sunbeds at the Hotel Pool in the morning for you.
Jogi Low will protect your crown jewels
We'll all come to the the Queen's 100th birthday.



'Stay Britain, if you stay in the EU we will acknowledge that the Wembley goal was a goal'

Also: Won't make jokes about Prince Charles' ears
Won't wear suncream at the beach in solidarity with your sunburns.
We'll forgo having a goalkeeper at the next penalty shoutout to make it more exciting.
We'll willingly play the bad guy in every James Bond film.
We'll put our clocks back an hour.
We'll make an EU regulation banning foam on beer.
We'll reserve the sunbeds at the Hotel Pool in the morning for you.
Jogi Low will protect your crown jewels
We'll all come to the the Queen's 100th birthday.


What about driving on the left?
I'm against the people in Britain who don't ever want to work, and are a bigger drain on the economy (benefits britain) than brussels, yet those complain about NHS being underfunded if they worked and contributed to society the NHS wouldn't be in that position. whilst they set on their collective bums feeling entitled, they get a vote in how the country is run, I don't understand it.

As said you're anti scousers ;):p

You're right of course. However in this particular case if I had to exclude somebody are the elderly people. Why would they vote for something that will have no impact on their life whatsoever?
After going back and forth for past month, having no one on the leave campaign been able to put to rest my economic concerns, but no one on the stay campaign has been able to quell my immigration concerns.

Ive been called racist for voting out, i've been called not British for voting in..... the whole thing has been disgusting when all most people are trying to do is figure out whats right and vote that way, and all you get in return most of the time is hate and abuse from both sides!

so i just don't know, and i'm not gonna pretend i do, so I'm not gonna vote.

If you don't know which way to go, it makes sense to vote remain. What you do know, I'm guessing, is that things ain't too bad.
I'm going through the same thing at the moment with my South African wife... and, whilst it's a bit annoying that I've had to go through a whole procedure to get her a visa, don't really blame the EU for it. Ultimately, that's just how things work.

Its not the EUs fault, its a choice by this government. Further even if we stop all EU migration we are still above 100,000 net migration a year so the leave side would make it even harder for the likes of you and me (my misses is moroccon) to get them in. One of the biggest lies the leave side told is how they want to make things easier from outside the EU
Exactly! Got some moron my facebook saying "Vote Leave - Install State Socialism" - Aye that will happen with Boris and Gove in charge.
There are an awful lot of people who seem to think voting leave means we get to live in whatever their vision of utopia is.

'Stay Britain, if you stay in the EU we will acknowledge that the Wembley goal was a goal'

Also: Won't make jokes about Prince Charles' ears
Won't wear suncream at the beach in solidarity with your sunburns.
We'll forgo having a goalkeeper at the next penalty shoutout to make it more exciting.
We'll willingly play the bad guy in every James Bond film.
We'll put our clocks back an hour.
We'll make an EU regulation banning foam on beer.
We'll reserve the sunbeds at the Hotel Pool in the morning for you.
Jogi Low will protect your crown jewels
We'll all come to the the Queen's 100th birthday.

'Stay Britain, if you stay in the EU we will acknowledge that the Wembley goal was a goal'

Also: Won't make jokes about Prince Charles' ears
Won't wear suncream at the beach in solidarity with your sunburns.
We'll forgo having a goalkeeper at the next penalty shoutout to make it more exciting.
We'll willingly play the bad guy in every James Bond film.
We'll put our clocks back an hour.
We'll make an EU regulation banning foam on beer.
We'll reserve the sunbeds at the Hotel Pool in the morning for you.
Jogi Low will protect your crown jewels
We'll all come to the the Queen's 100th birthday.

:lol: That's great.
Am I the only one whose scared shit of seeing Boris leading the country? I had more faith in Moyes leading Man United
If it helps, our annual migration accounts for a population rise of 0.5% ... which really isn't an uncontrollable amount. Also, as most of our immigration comes from outside the EU, we have to sort out our own countries immigration policy, as opposed to simply blaming the EU.
i really don't want to get into debate, ive gone back and forth listen to experts from both sides.... yes 0.5% sounds little amount and ill go alright that doesnt sound so bad, but then some one points out the number is 330,000 a year which is roughly the population of wigan, and adding that to population, with amount of schools dr, jobs, roads, houses.... suddenly you relaise that 0.5% every single year is quite a large number. and according to national sastictis immigration from outside the eu and inside are about the same.

but im tired of debating, honestly through this whole thing ive tried to work out which side is best, and vote that way.... and every time you get advice, you realise people have spun the facts to suit their point of view and arn't trying to help just to get you to vote the same as them.

so after all that basically ive come to the conclusion that the stay campaign doesn't want to admit immigration is an issue and the leave campaign doesn't want to admit the economy is an issue...... and all the time i can't help thinking maybe just maybe if people on both sides accepted both where a problem we may actually get some where.... but that probably just the old hippy in me.

either way come to the conclusion neither side is entirely wrong, but neither side is right, and the way both campaigns have acted during this debacle means i do not want to be on either of their sides

'Stay Britain, if you stay in the EU we will acknowledge that the Wembley goal was a goal'

Also: Won't make jokes about Prince Charles' ears
Won't wear suncream at the beach in solidarity with your sunburns.
We'll forgo having a goalkeeper at the next penalty shoutout to make it more exciting.
We'll willingly play the bad guy in every James Bond film.
We'll put our clocks back an hour.
We'll make an EU regulation banning foam on beer.
We'll reserve the sunbeds at the Hotel Pool in the morning for you.
Jogi Low will protect your crown jewels
We'll all come to the the Queen's 100th birthday.

i really don't want to get into debate, ive gone back and forth listen to experts from both sides.... yes 0.5% sounds little amount and ill go alright that doesnt sound so bad, but then some one points out the number is 330,000 a year which is roughly the population of wigan, and adding that to population, with amount of schools dr, jobs, roads, houses.... suddenly you relaise that 0.5% every single year is quite a large number. and according to national sastictis immigration from outside the eu and inside are about the same.

but im tired of debating, honestly through this whole thing ive tried to work out which side is best, and vote that way.... and every time you get advice, you realise people have spun the facts to suit their point of view and arn't trying to help just to get you to vote the same as them.

so after all that basically ive come to the conclusion that the stay campaign doesn't want to admit immigration is an issue and the leave campaign doesn't want to admit the economy is an issue...... and all the time i can't help thinking maybe just maybe if people on both sides accepted both where a problem we may actually get some where.... but that probably just the old hippy in me.

either way come to the conclusion neither side is entirely wrong, but neither side is right, and the way both campaigns have acted during this debacle means i do not want to be on either of their sides

But it's not. It simply is not. 330,000 descending on Wigan would be a large number. 330,000 descending on our entire country is not.
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