EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Just out of pure curiousity can someone explain to me how come people in Gibraltar can vote but people in Jersey, guernesey, IOM etc...cannot?

Because Gibraltar is an English territory while the other islands are just British.
I saw a post on Facebook yesterday by an elderly fella explaining how things used to be 'back in the day' for the benefit of any young voters. Things like house prices being affordable for one and all. Universities were all completely free. People didn't even need an interview to get a job. Companies would just put their arm around you and give you the benefit of a short trial for a few days to see if you liked the job. If you ever wanted a job you'd just walk straight into a new one the very next day. Everybody had lots of disposable income for having fun as well as plenty to put in savings.

Apparently, the only reason things aren't like this now is the EU and our open borders... and they could be just like this again, as long as we all vote 'out'.

By voting leave, we don't turn our backs on globalisation and competition. Leaving the EU doesn't mean a stop to immigration, a block to international competition to our companies and workers.

This whole, I was there before the EU and things were better, that a lot of older people trot out is complete nonsense. Back then we lived in a more racist society, workers had a lot fewer rights, the environment was dying a lot quicker than it is now and unemployment was actually higher.

Either way, the changes, good and bad, are not purely down to the EU.
After going back and forth for past month, having no one on the leave campaign been able to put to rest my economic concerns, but no one on the stay campaign has been able to quell my immigration concerns.

Ive been called racist for voting out, i've been called not British for voting in..... the whole thing has been disgusting when all most people are trying to do is figure out whats right and vote that way, and all you get in return most of the time is hate and abuse from both sides!

so i just don't know, and i'm not gonna pretend i do, so I'm not gonna vote.
Just checked and it says his birth year is 1949... apologies if calling that elderly offends any of our older and wiser posters on the CAF :D

No offence taken but , I just wondered if he lived in the same world as I did, thankfully I am a few years younger than him .Not many people went to university, unemployment was terrible, the country was in a mess, immigrants coming in from the commonwealth, rinse and repeat. - this is the 60s. I remember in the mid/late 70s buying my first flat, weekly shopping was £10 for a family of 3. £5 filled up you car with petrol and I still could barely afford the mortgage of £49/month despite having a good job.
I'm 22, and I haven't voted for anything since I've been 18 as I haven't really had much interest in politics.

I've been pushed into making a vote this time, and now I'm glad I have. Definitely seems the most important vote I'll need to do for a very long time.
To me, it's a no-brainer.
After going back and forth for past month, having no one on the leave campaign been able to put to rest my economic concerns, but no one on the stay campaign has been able to quell my immigration concerns.

Ive been called racist for voting out, i've been called not British for voting in..... the whole thing has been disgusting when all most people are trying to do is figure out whats right and vote that way, and all you get in return most of the time is hate and abuse from both sides!

so i just don't know, and i'm not gonna pretend i do, so I'm not gonna vote.
Welcome to the club :)

Make sure you vote though, even if it's to spoil your ballot.
Looking on oddschecker and the Remain odds are now averaging around 1/8 and 1/9. Looks more and more likely we're definitely staying at this stage, Leave odds drifting.
After going back and forth for past month, having no one on the leave campaign been able to put to rest my economic concerns, but no one on the stay campaign has been able to quell my immigration concerns.

Ive been called racist for voting out, i've been called not British for voting in..... the whole thing has been disgusting when all most people are trying to do is figure out whats right and vote that way, and all you get in return most of the time is hate and abuse from both sides!

so i just don't know, and i'm not gonna pretend i do, so I'm not gonna vote.

If it helps, our annual migration accounts for a population rise of 0.5% ... which really isn't an uncontrollable amount. Also, as most of our immigration comes from outside the EU, we have to sort out our own countries immigration policy, as opposed to simply blaming the EU.
There are going to be 2 polls released at 10pm. Actual results are expected around 7am tomorrow.
I read something yesterday, in the FT I think, that said we should have a clear idea by about 3.30am tomorrow morning, unless it it very, very close. Then we'll have seen what way enough marginal areas are going to see the broader trend.
If it helps, our annual migration accounts for a population rise of 0.5% ... which really isn't an uncontrollable amount. Also, as most of our immigration comes from outside the EU, we have to sort out our own countries immigration policy, as opposed to simply blaming the EU.

Yeah, that's part of where I'm struggling to understand the Leave camp's argument. We're not restricted by the EU when it comes to non-EU immigration...yet it's still well over 100,000. So how would leaving the EU act as a fix towards that? I'm not sure it's been explained well, if at all.
Surely any fluctuations in betting odds at this stage are based purley on betting patterns, given the lack of exit polls?
Yeah, that's part of where I'm struggling to understand the Leave camp's argument. We're not restricted by the EU when it comes to non-EU immigration...yet it's still well over 100,000. So how would leaving the EU act as a fix towards that? I'm not sure it's been explained well, if at all.
Its because its actually not really about stopping immigration, its about finding a scapegoat to deflect working class anger away from the politicians who have cut their services.

That's why Boris and everyone else who is asked directly refuses to actually say they will cut immigration to the tens of thousands level they say they want if they get control of their borders. They only say that is what they would like to do.

Its because once they get control (if they do) theyll be faced with the reality that we need hard working immigrants to come in, work, pay taxes and pay the pensions for our aging population.
I'm expecting leave to win, as someone who lives in a safe Tory seat where local elections are usually uncontested it's nice to feel like my vote's worth something for once though.
The result is going to be announced in Manchester Town Hall apparently. Might pop down if the result is likely to be favourable.
I'm expecting leave to win, as someone who lives in a safe Tory seat where local elections are usually uncontested it's nice to feel like my vote's worth something for once though.


I think this is the first time in my life me and my MP have ever been on the same side of anything.
no one at ours apart from me & 3 bored-looking Polling Official persons,

1-0 to REMAIN
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