EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Where did that money come from in the first place?

From other countries of the EU including Britain. Thats the concept. People like you will not understand what great effort it is for every EU country -also for Britain- that you as an citizen of the EU can decide where to live where to work freely, and having EU projects which pays for something youre Neoliberal politicians would never pay. You want to tell me, that the British politicians of Torries or the Ukip would pay for such things? They would call it "communist-ideas" if a goverment cares for the infrastructure, the education or the peoples health. You will loose a lot of things if Brexit happens. All the Brexit people dont get how much Britain have developed cause of the EU. Blaming the EU for own faults and get the efforts without thinking about. For example the exeption of Polish workers, Germany and other countries made some aggreement taht they have to wait some years, your goverment didnt, and then you blame the EU for Polish workers in your country. It was your goverment who was not able to have good talks in the EU. And if Brexit happens, all the Brexit politicians will want all the things from the EU, but then they wont be able to talk about, they have to eccept what the EU says. Its a globalized world, there are thousand of things which are connected to the European mainland, with a Brexit these connections wont go away, but you wont have a voice to talk about the conditions.
Is there going to be a big spectacle of an announcement made or will it just trickle out on the news?

"I can't do without EU"

The Tale of Us remix of this is so nice :drool: Heard it in DC10 for the first time and had a moment.
"Today’s poll (which gives Remain a four point lead) still shows immigration as the issue of most concern at 32% but concerns about the impact of Brexit on economy has closed the gap to 31%. This may explain how the swing to Remain has taken place"

This was entirely predictable (from the Guardian's live blog). I suspect in the booth the economy will be ahead in people's minds.
Years ago, I was watching Arte Reportage, they had a subject about Manchester's sidewalks* who were in a bad state and the city wasn't able or willing to fund the renovations but the EU did it without to much questions, that's the little things that the EU does for your daily life, fund sidewalks.

Edit: *The thing you call "pavement".
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Years ago, I was watching Arte Reportage, they had a subject about Manchester's sidewalks who were in a bad state and the city wasn't able or willing to fund the renovations but the EU did it without to much questions, that's the little things that the EU does for your daily life, fund sidewalks.

Now you've gone all American, it's pavement in England (which means road in the USA) how confusing:lol:
Years ago, I was watching Arte Reportage, they had a subject about Manchester's sidewalks who were in a bad state and the city wasn't able or willing to fund the renovations but the EU did it without to much questions, that's the little things that the EU does for your daily life, fund sidewalks.

Good example. Thx for sharing this information.
What a load of rubbish. If we vote remain we will not be given another chance to vote leave for generations. If we vote leave it is likely the EU would have us back if it came to that. These repeated comments from Cameron etc saying this vote is final is just to scare people to vote remain. The EU will be weaker when we leave and if you believe remain then the UK would also be weaker so there is no reason the EU wouldn't have us back to carry on with their plans if Brexit failed. No doubt they would try and punish us for it though if we came crawling back but I don't think we would need to go back if we left.
If we leave and the EU collapses we could start over with lessons learned. EU2.
Happy Supplication Day all.

In celebration of the man himself being in the Remain camp:


I haven't voted in previous elections partly due to a complete lack of interest in politics, general apathy through everything thanks to depression and the fact that St. Helens is solidly Labour (and of course there are solidly Tory/Lib Dem/SNP/whatever places in the country) so even if I voted something else it never would've seemed to make a difference. The voting system for general elections is flawed but I'll vote in the next one.

I knew this made a difference though so I read up on it and the potential pitfalls of both. Was extremely hard trying to sift through all the bullshit though.

I'm the same age as you, also haven't voted.

Woman at polling station wasn't impressed I haven't voted before. Politicians are all the same, lie about promises and fail to deliver, this vote is actually important though so I followed it closely for 10 months.
I'm the same age as you, also haven't voted.

Woman at polling station wasn't impressed I haven't voted before. Politicians are all the same, lie about promises and fail to deliver, this vote is actually important though so I followed it closely for 10 months.

Really? It shouldn't be up to her, thought they were meant to be impartial.
I live in an elderly neighborhood. When I hear them complain about immigration, I ask then what impact has immigration had on them personally. They can't give me an answer.
Is there going to be a big spectacle of an announcement made or will it just trickle out on the news?

The Tale of Us remix of this is so nice :drool: Heard it in DC10 for the first time and had a moment.

I'm a big fan of it too, adds a nice dancey vibe to it! Can imagine it in the early hours of the morning being particularly magical
I live in an elderly neighborhood. When I hear them complain about immigration, I ask then what impact has immigration had on them personally. They can't give me an answer.
That's always the way

"I hate these muslims, they stop us from being British!"

"How exactly do they stop you from being British?"

I live in an elderly neighborhood. When I hear them complain about immigration, I ask then what impact has immigration had on them personally. They can't give me an answer.

You can probably sum up all the leave votes by South Park clips like "they took our jobs".
Just saw someone's Facebook comment on a status.

'Dun my vote but its fixed'

Alright then mate. Lots of people complaining about the leavers being mocked, but people like the above guy are a huge part of that side. I'm sure he's voted for the right reasons though and is 'as entitled as everyone else to have his say' on one of the biggest, most complex political decisions of our lifetime.
I live in an elderly neighborhood. When I hear them complain about immigration, I ask then what impact has immigration had on them personally. They can't give me an answer.

I saw a post on Facebook yesterday by an elderly fella explaining how things used to be 'back in the day' for the benefit of any young voters. Things like house prices being affordable for one and all. Universities were all completely free. People didn't even need an interview to get a job. Companies would just put their arm around you and give you the benefit of a short trial for a few days to see if you liked the job. If you ever wanted a job you'd just walk straight into a new one the very next day. Everybody had lots of disposable income for having fun as well as plenty to put in savings.

Apparently, the only reason things aren't like this now is the EU and our open borders... and they could be just like this again, as long as we all vote 'out'.
Gordon Brown can be a bloody great speaker at times

It's actually crazy. In government he had the charisma of a sieve.
I saw a post on Facebook yesterday by an elderly fella explaining how things used to be 'back in the day' for the benefit of any young voters. Things like house prices being affordable for one and all. Universities were all completely free. People didn't even need an interview to get a job. Companies would just put their arm around you and give you the benefit of a short trial for a few days to see if you liked the job. If you ever wanted a job you'd just walk straight into a new one the very next day. Everybody had lots of disposable income for having fun as well as plenty to put in savings.

Apparently, the only reason things aren't like this now is the EU and our open borders... and they could be just like this again, as long as we all vote 'out'.

How old was this elderly chap?
Just out of pure curiousity can someone explain to me how come people in Gibraltar can vote but people in Jersey, guernesey, IOM etc...cannot?
I saw a post on Facebook yesterday by an elderly fella explaining how things used to be 'back in the day' for the benefit of any young voters. Things like house prices being affordable for one and all. Universities were all completely free. People didn't even need an interview to get a job. Companies would just put their arm around you and give you the benefit of a short trial for a few days to see if you liked the job. If you ever wanted a job you'd just walk straight into a new one the very next day. Everybody had lots of disposable income for having fun as well as plenty to put in savings.

Apparently, the only reason things aren't like this now is the EU and our open borders... and they could be just like this again, as long as we all vote 'out'.
Y'know, that sounds awfully like the contemporary version of a saying I often read in historical works through the centuries, long before the EU: "It was merrie in England when (etc etc)."
What is the feeling in Wales? In or out?
In. Out. Shake it all about.

Christ knows. Do you think I'm some kind of roving reporter or what?!? I don't have time to canvass opinions from troglodye neighbours - I've a full and vibrant social life.
*starts knitting again*
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