Leave Klopp alone!!!
Where did that money come from in the first place?
From other countries of the EU including Britain. Thats the concept. People like you will not understand what great effort it is for every EU country -also for Britain- that you as an citizen of the EU can decide where to live where to work freely, and having EU projects which pays for something youre Neoliberal politicians would never pay. You want to tell me, that the British politicians of Torries or the Ukip would pay for such things? They would call it "communist-ideas" if a goverment cares for the infrastructure, the education or the peoples health. You will loose a lot of things if Brexit happens. All the Brexit people dont get how much Britain have developed cause of the EU. Blaming the EU for own faults and get the efforts without thinking about. For example the exeption of Polish workers, Germany and other countries made some aggreement taht they have to wait some years, your goverment didnt, and then you blame the EU for Polish workers in your country. It was your goverment who was not able to have good talks in the EU. And if Brexit happens, all the Brexit politicians will want all the things from the EU, but then they wont be able to talk about, they have to eccept what the EU says. Its a globalized world, there are thousand of things which are connected to the European mainland, with a Brexit these connections wont go away, but you wont have a voice to talk about the conditions.