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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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I find it unbelievable that this is even up for debate. WTF is the government doing even having a referendum? We vote governments in to make decisions for us and not to cop out when some right wing feckwit makes a fuss.

Out would be a disaster.

The lies and utter bullshit from the leave campaign is astounding as is people's willingness to believe some anecdotal bollocks over actual evidence and information. Lets deal with the bullshit first.

1) Linking sexual trafficing/sexual abuse to Britex as I see every day on various social media is not only ludicrous but downright insulting to the victims. The Rotherham case is frequently used as an example involved as many as 1400 victims over a decade was a failure of council in their care homes and the perpetrators were either British or non-European. So nothing to do with trafficking and nothing to do with free movement of labour in the EU.

2) Refugees (almost none of who are European BTW) get preference for public housing and higher rates of social benefits. No matter what a good friend of your Aunt's dog groomer said this is bullshit. It would be illegal as these are governed by legislation not anecdote.

3) Migrants are apparently stealing our jobs and sitting on the dole taking our hard earned money. Make your fecking mind up. Which one? The actual evidence is that people who move to the UK from elsewhere in the EU give a massive net gain to the UK as on average they earn and pay tax then go home if there is no work. Refugees, if allowed to work, also claim relatively little and tend to both work hard either doing the menial jobs we think are beneath us or setting up small businesses. If we leave the lazy dole bludgers who are the real problem will remain as they are British and the rest are systemic failures of government employment policy over 4 decades.

4) The biggest lie is about the cost of membership. Britex quote a figure that excludes the rebate we negotiated decades ago. The actual cost is less than other non-EU Scandanavian nations pay just for economic access. In other words we would end up paying the same or more for far far less. Madness. And this is without taking in to account the money we get back billions of which has been spent in Northern Ireland and the NE amongst other places. The actual costs is very small indeed compared to the benefits of membership.


5) The economic arguments for exit are also laughably wrong. We do the vast majority of trade with other EU nations. We do more trade within the EU than with all other countries combined. Individually we do more trade with Holland, Germany, France and Ireland than we do with China. To lose free access to our biggest market not to mention that many of our trade deals with non-EU nations are with the EU and not with the UK is economic suicide. All these agreements and a new one with the EU would need to be negotiated and these things take years, often decades.

6) Anyone want to work in Europe? Get in line with all other non-Europeans for a work visa that may or may not be granted. Want to retire to the sun? Sorry but you can't buy property, claim any social benefits and you will have to pay the full economic costs of medical services. Until your visa expires that is.

7) Who are you going to trust to look after employment law? It is bad enough with things like zero hour contracts and reduced/removed penalty rates but remove EU law and things will get much much worse.

Of course the EU could do with some reform but leaving is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The UK hasn't been a world power since WW2 - get over it. Leave and we will be a banana republic. The Zimbabwe of Europe.
Huh, I didn't know all this. Thanks. So not only will the current immigrants stay, but they will probably be able to continue to enter Britain 'unrestricted' for 2 more years? That seems to defeat a lot of what Leave wants to accomplish. I don't know how or if Britain will be able to stop the rush.

Seems like there will be an immediate economic backlash but then also a longer, possibly stronger downturn if a new trade agreement isn't settled quickly. I think most Leave supporters agree with this as well, they just believe a quick, favorable agreement is possible? Worrying times.

Yeh the leave campaigners are peddling the line an agreement will come quickly, but I think anyone voting leave must understand it is a long term decision looking 15-20 years into the future where maybe Britain will be in a stronger position more to their liking.

I'm all for long term decisions, I just don't like the 'maybe'.
In what way has your life been controlled so far?

Has someone told you where you should live, who you spend your time with? What you have to do as a job, who you can vote for?

What do you actually mean aside from the platitudes?

The very fact that a referendum exists is proof that what you say isn't remotely true, any mug can have his say, despite the opportunity for disaster.

It is progressing, we still have most freedoms at this point. Yes someone has told me who or what I cant vote for, remain or remain. The fact that Cameron and co are those funding the remain campaign are literally bullying the public with a different scare story every week shows you how badly they want to keep the centralisation moving forward. You say the fact that a referendum exists is proof that what I say isn't remotely true. If their scare tactics don't work, do you think they will actually let us leave the EU? If we do actually vote to leave and it isnt rigged then the EU will
I see your latest brainwashing lesson from Brexit was a success

It isn't me who's brainwashed.
This is the problem with many people who want to vote remain. They see leaving the EU as turning our back on Europe, going backwards in time and dividing society. Then they see staying in the EU as the way forward as it signals unity and peace and togetherness. How could we possibly pull out of this utopia where everyone loves each other and works together for the greater good?

This is where these people are mistaken. The EU is not about peace and togetherness. It is about centralisation of power, removal of democracy, a one world government, power to corrupt elites at the top and poverty for the masses at the bottom but it is disguised as peace and unity by the media and those in on the agenda.

So when we are told that everyone that wants to leave the EU is breeding hatred or is a right wing nutter that wants to divide society and the world, that is complete nonsense. We just want out of a system that is set up to to benefit the top 1% and to keep the other 99% on their hamster wheel. We want to be able to govern ourselves and have some control over our own destiny rather than handing more and more power over to the EU and those that control it.

If I thought the EU was the best way forward for world peace and unity I would vote remain but it isn't. Vote Leave.

So Jeremy Clarkson is in favor of remaining, which side does that endorsement help?
Remain, probably, as Clarkson's popular with a subset of the UK population more likely to vote for Leave. Wouldn't make any real difference though as the majority will have made their minds up by now.
Well said @Wibble i think no.6 has been massively overlooked.

I just dont see there is any economic argument for exit.

I've seen figures of between 750,000 and 1.25m expats living in Spain , majority "old" - what if most of them decided to move back to the UK because they could no longer live in Spain, I wonder what sort of strain that would put on the NHS and the economy
Hmm I guess investor and consumer confidence dropping would alone have a pretty big impact on the economy as you say.

What exactly does 'discussing severance' entail? Also, does the trade deal stay in effect for two years while the re-negotiations take place (however long they take) or is it gone as soon as the votes are counted?

This is a good video that explains it all.

I've seen figures of between 750,000 and 1.25m expats living in Spain , majority "old" - what if most of them decided to move back to the UK because they could no longer live in Spain, I wonder what sort of strain that would put on the NHS and the economy

In that scenario Proceeds of Crime receipts should increase to alleviate some of that strain though, tbf.
I've seen figures of between 750,000 and 1.25m expats living in Spain , majority "old" - what if most of them decided to move back to the UK because they could no longer live in Spain, I wonder what sort of strain that would put on the NHS and the economy

Given that Boris and Gove want to privatise/charge people to use it I doubt they care.
Yeh the leave campaigners are peddling the line an agreement will come quickly, but I think anyone voting leave must understand it is a long term decision looking 15-20 years into the future where maybe Britain will be in a stronger position more to their liking.

I'm all for long term decisions, I just don't like the 'maybe'.

Just for reference: it took Switzerland 10 years to negotiate their trade agreement and it's arguably more with the UK being much bigger (and of course the EU having much more members now). A time in which the economy had less growth than all neighbouring countries which underlines the economic impact of not having access to the single market can have.
I've seen figures of between 750,000 and 1.25m expats living in Spain , majority "old" - what if most of them decided to move back to the UK because they could no longer live in Spain, I wonder what sort of strain that would put on the NHS and the economy
It'd be worth it to have Grant Mitchell back in the country.
In what way has your life been controlled so far?

Has someone told you where you should live, who you spend your time with? What you have to do as a job, who you can vote for?

What do you actually mean aside from the platitudes?

The very fact that a referendum exists is proof that what you say isn't remotely true, any mug can have his say, despite the opportunity for disaster.

I didn't claim we were at that stage yet, we still have most freedoms but it is a gradual progression. Look at freedom of speech and political correctness. You can't say anything these days without being labeled as xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic, anti-semitic, whatever it might be. If someone famous dare say something slightly out of line they are destroyed by the press. Facebook and twitter are becoming more and more censured as they cut down on 'hate speech' more like cut down on free speech. This is just the beginning.

'The very fact that a referendum exists is proof that what you say isn't remotely true'
No it doesn't. It is an illusion of choice. Do you really believe this referendum will be a fair honest vote? First of all the powers that be use every tactic in the book to scare us out of voting to leave which you see from certain media outlets and Osborne, Cameron and co on a weekly basis. If that doesn't work they begin to demonize the Leave campaign and imply all voting leave are right wing and want to divide society. You now see it with the sad death of the MP Jo Cox, with many top media outlets and politicians using phrases like 'In tribute to Jo Cox we must drive out hatred, division and intolerance' (David Camerons words). They will use this to push voters to vote remain, claim we must unite and fight against hatred, ie stick together, fight against the far right (brexit), sick I know. That is one small example but they will use anything to push their own agenda. If that doesn't work the referendum will either be a rigged or if they somehow magically do let us leave they will try and punish Britain and push us into poverty until we are begging to be back into the EU.

It is the same with the Election of US presidents. Just an illusion of choice. Every president continues the same agenda. Both candidates for election will be part of that agenda so whichever side you vote for it doesn't matter. I'm not sure on trump, maybe for the first time in years a candidate has managed to get in who isn't actually part of the system, due to his wealth but again he will just be demonized and torn apart by the media and the system and he won't get into power.

Think what you want, you will likely claim it a load of nonsense but there is a globalist agenda being pushed and they will do whatever it takes to get what they want, while keeping up the illusion of choice to keep the masses under control.
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@BringNaniBack don't you think that the issues at hand are bit too complex for you to have it all figured out? The "know it all" approach you seem to be using is if anything making you less credible.
I didn't claim we were at that stage yet, we still have most freedoms but it is a gradual progression. Look at freedom of speech and political correctness. You can't say anything these days with being labeled as xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic, anti-semitic, whatever it might be. If someone famous dare say something slightly out of line they are destroyed by the press. Facebook and twitter are becoming more and more censured as they cut down on 'hate speech' more like cut down on free speech. This is just the beginning.

'The very fact that a referendum exists is proof that what you say isn't remotely true'
No it doesn't. It is an illusion of choice. Do you really believe this referendum will be a fair honest vote? First of all the powers that be use every tactic in the book to scare us out of voting to leave which you see from certain media outlets and Osborne, Cameron and co on a weekly basis. If that doesn't work they begin to demonize the Leave campaign and imply all voting leave are right wing and want to divide society. You now see it with the sad death of the MP Jo Cox, with many top media outlets and politicians using phrases like 'In tribute to Jo Cox we must drive out hatred, division and intolerance' (David Camerons words). They will use this to push voters to vote remain, claim we must unite and fight against hatred, ie stick together, fight against the far right (brexit), sick I know. That is one small example but they will use anything to push their own agenda. If that doesn't work the referendum will either be a rigged or if they somehow magically do let us leave they will try and punish Britain and push us into poverty until we are begging to be back into the EU.

It is the same with the Election of US presidents. Just an illusion of choice. Every president continues the same agenda. Both candidates for election will be part of that agenda so whichever side you vote for it doesn't matter. I'm not sure on trump, maybe for the first time in years a candidate has managed to get in who isn't actually part of the system, due to his wealth but again he will just be demonized and torn about by the media and the system and he wont get into power.

Think what you want, you will likely claim it a load of nonsense but there is a globalist agenda being pushed and they will do whatever it takes to get what they want, while keeping up the illusion of choice to keep the masses under control.

I think you have a serious problem, what have they done to you
Now the referendum is going to be rigged:wenger: (assuming Leave lose)
Who are these mysterious people that are trying to push Europe into one state, what nationality are they , is this paranoia
@BringNaniBack don't you think that the issues at hand are bit too complex for you to have it all figured out? The "know it all" approach you seem to be using is if anything making you less credible.

Yes they are way to complex for me to work out. Sorry if I have come across as a "Know it all" I haven't intended too at all.

I don't claim to know exactly what is going on, I know very little. Know one really knows what is happening. I just think there is a globalist agenda going on and the more I look into it the more it makes sense.
I don't claim to know exactly what is going on, I know very little. Know one really knows what is happening. I just think there is a globalist agenda going on and the more I look into it the more it makes sense.
"I don't know, therefore conspiracy"

Please tell me that's not gonna be how you decide how to vote.
I think you have a serious problem, what have they done to you
Now the referendum is going to be rigged:wenger: (assuming Leave lose)
Who are these mysterious people that are trying to push Europe into one state, what nationality are they , is this paranoia

'They' haven't done anything to me. I believed in this stuff long before the referendum. What is going on with this referendum just matches up to what I already thought. If people can't see the globalist elites are doing whatever it takes to keep us in the EU then they are blind. But I imagine they can see it, they just assume it is being done for our benefit.
"I don't know, therefore conspiracy"

Please tell me that's not gonna be how you decide how to vote.

I don't know everything no, just as know one else does. I know there is a globalist agenda, pushing towards one world government and the EU is part of it. So yes I will vote leave.

"I think I know, because my tv or lying politician told me, therefore I will vote remain" That's how most will vote.
Great post until you over-egged it with
I don't claim to know exactly what is going on, I know very little. Know one really knows what is happening. I just think there is a globalist agenda going on and the more I look into it the more it makes sense.

Do you think Corbyn is part of this agenda, or just too stupid to know about it?
I don't see the problem with one-world government. A united planet should be the ultimate goal of the human race. You just hope it isn't an evil one.
I don't know everything no, just as know one else does. I know there is a globalist agenda, pushing towards one world government and the EU is part of it. So yes I will vote leave.

"I think I know, because my tv or lying politician told me, therefore I will vote remain" That's how most will vote.
Globalization of the economy began in the 15th century. No reason to be alarmed by it now in the 21st.

How do you know? Do you have evidence? Care to share it with us? Does it have something to do with the Illuminati?
'They' haven't done anything to me. I believed in this stuff long before the referendum. What is going on with this referendum just matches up to what I already thought. If people can't see the globalist elites are doing whatever it takes to keep us in the EU then they are blind. But I imagine they can see it, they just assume it is being done for our benefit.

No country in the EU is going to accept becoming part of a United States of Europe, they all have their own idea of their sovereignty. Haven't you noticed in recent history that there has been a trend for more countries becoming independent but also staying in an economic alliance and thus promoting harmony and peace within Europe and helping the economies of fellow countries . What you describe sounds like the USSR with the iron curtain, we've been moving away from that for the past 25 years or so
I don't see the problem with one-world government. A united planet should be the ultimate goal of the human race. You just hope it isn't an evil one.

It is an evil one. That's the problem. A one world government sounds good if it is for united planet but it isn't being set up for the purpose of good.
It is an evil one. That's the problem. A one world government sounds good if it is for united planet but it isn't being set up for the purpose of good.

Yes it will, it'll move on to exploiting other planets and we'll just be enslaved but relatively happy with telly and cake.
No country in the EU is going to accept becoming part of a United States of Europe, they all have their own idea of their sovereignty. Haven't you noticed in recent history that there has been a trend for more countries becoming independent but also staying in an economic alliance and thus promoting harmony and peace within Europe and helping the economies of fellow countries . What you describe sounds like the USSR with the iron curtain, we've been moving away from that for the past 25 years or so

I hope your right but if that was the case European nations shouldn't have excepted the Euro. Next it will be a one world currency and then one world government.
Great post until you over-egged it with

Do you think Corbyn is part of this agenda, or just too stupid to know about it?

No I think Corbyn is probably against the agenda but knows he cannot come out as such at this early stage as it would stop him ever being elected as PM. I'm sure he wants out of the EU but he is waiting for the right time.
What I find astonishing is he Brexit campaign accusing other of scaremongering. They have been dog it for ten years.
I didn't claim we were at that stage yet, we still have most freedoms but it is a gradual progression. Look at freedom of speech and political correctness. You can't say anything these days with being labeled as xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic, anti-semitic, whatever it might be. If someone famous dare say something slightly out of line they are destroyed by the press. Facebook and twitter are becoming more and more censured as they cut down on 'hate speech' more like cut down on free speech. This is just the beginning.

'The very fact that a referendum exists is proof that what you say isn't remotely true' No it doesn't. It is an illusion of choice. Do you really believe this referendum will be a fair honest vote? First of all the powers that be use every tactic in the book to scare us out of voting to leave which you see from certain media outlets and Osborne, Cameron and co on a weekly basis. If that doesn't work they begin to demonize the Leave campaign and imply all voting leave are right wing and want to divide society. You now see it with the sad death of the MP Jo Cox, with many top media outlets and politicians using phrases like 'In tribute to Jo Cox we must drive out hatred, division and intolerance' (David Camerons words). They will use this to push voters to vote remain, claim we must unite and fight against hatred, ie stick together, fight against the far right (brexit), sick I know. That is one small example but they will use anything to push their own agenda. If that doesn't work the referendum will either be a rigged or if they somehow magically do let us leave they will try and punish Britain and push us into poverty until we are begging to be back into the EU.

It is the same with the Election of US presidents. Just an illusion of choice. Every president continues the same agenda. Both candidates for election will be part of that agenda so whichever side you vote for it doesn't matter. I'm not sure on trump, maybe for the first time in years a candidate has managed to get in who isn't actually part of the system, due to his wealth but again he will just be demonized and torn apart by the media and the system and he won't get into power.

Think what you want, you will likely claim it a load of nonsense but there is a globalist agenda being pushed and they will do whatever it takes to get what they want, while keeping up the illusion of choice to keep the masses under control.

I hope your right but if that was the case European nations shouldn't have excepted the Euro. Next it will be a one world currency and then one world government.

The Euro was to make trade between the members of the EU easier so no exchange rates to worry about, the UK and many others decided not to adopt the Euro and they are not forced into doing so. There will not be a world currency or a world government, I guarantee that
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