EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
A lot of coastal towns with run down fishing industries will vote leave, which doesnt help as the UK is largely coast.
On my phone and get to feck if you think I'm digging up the obvious for you.

Provide me the ones who believe we won't suffer outside the EU. And make them credible.

I'm not the one making outlandish statements. If you're backtracking from can't be successful to only suffering from Brexit then fair enough.
Probably the one time being in the southern hemisphere has benefited me when following something.
Think I'm done for the most part, sorry lads/ladies. Will post the odd live result but been a bit overwhelmed by onrush of results. Good to see more posting now though, keep thread alive until the death.

BBC Referendum twitter where all results are being posted if some can post the odd tweet or whatever:

and if you've appreciated the coverage, a cheeky vote for Damien for most helpful mod 2016 won't go amiss in the end of year votes.
Thanks for your enthusiasm! Will be here till the end!
How does one judge what is controversial?

It's more of a perception than an exact science, and to be quite honest, often largely an age thing. Something the overwhelmingly youth orientated social and televisual medias are ill equipped to convey accurately..

It's something that will continue to increase as a phenomena in such a rapidly expanding and ageing population. There's a genuine argument to be made about whether voting should have a cut off age. When the old outnumber the young, is it still fair to let them sway decisions they'll never see the consequences of?
I'm a bit on edge tbh. We'd lose about 30% of our clients if Leave wins, that'd be catastrophic.

Don't worry, some bloke who works in a chipshop will soon tell you its just scaremongering and you'll actually GAIN 90% more clients because of Great Britain magic.
Think I'm done for the most part, sorry lads/ladies. Will post the odd live result but been a bit overwhelmed by onrush of results. Good to see more posting now though, keep thread alive until the death.

BBC Referendum twitter where all results are being posted if some can post the odd tweet or whatever:

and if you've appreciated the coverage, a cheeky vote for Damien for most helpful mod 2016 won't go amiss in the end of year votes.
No worries man, have a good one
It's more of a perception than an exact science, and to be quite honest, often largely an age thing. Something the overwhelmingly youth orientated social and televisual medias are ill equipped to convey accurately..

It's something that will continue to increase as a phenomena in such a rapidly expanding and ageing population. There's a genuine argument to be made about whether voting should have a cut off age. When the old outnumber the young, is it still fair to let them sway decisions they'll never see the consequences of?
No but alas my suggestions that folk should be euthanased at 60 don't seem to be popular.
Blackpool leave, I hope they leave the UK too.

Went to Blackpool last year, worst place I've ever been.
Wales way more leave-y than expected :(
Think I'm done for the most part, sorry lads/ladies. Will post the odd live result but been a bit overwhelmed by onrush of results. Good to see more posting now though, keep thread alive until the death.

BBC Referendum twitter where all results are being posted if some can post the odd tweet or whatever:

and if you've appreciated the coverage, a cheeky vote for Damien for most helpful mod 2016 won't go amiss in the end of year votes.

You have done a grand job Damien.
UKIP did well in the recent Welsh Assembly elections, not a massive shock that they're leaning towards Leave.

Yep mate. Like i said when i was working there i was in clear remain majority enviroment. Not a real representative sample