Here is ze plannings guys and girls.
Phase 1: Buy his goal machine striker cousin Albert Tjaaland from Molde and send him on loan to Leeds.
Phase 2: See if he becomes the new Haaland at Leeds scoring plenty of goals.
Phase 3: If he does well, keep him as our new ST and get Haaland too. If he doesn't do well, still get Haaland.
Magic of this is that Triple the odds in our favour because we have solskjaer, his cousin Tjaaland and his home town down the motorway where he has family he can watch Coronation Street with in the evenings
Imagine Tjaaland bullying Chelsea and we sub on Haaland too. The joys.
Anyways, I've just woken up so not quite up to my senses... Let's just wait for next summer to try and get Haaland in with the rest of the hyenas... But... No harm slapping 2m down for Tjaaland. Could be a masterstroke and Molde will bite our hands off for it. (In 500k yearly installments of course
