Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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ETH shouldn't be lagging off his players in public but Sancho has been gash ever since he got here. Idk who he thinks he's appealing to with that statement.

Also I think Antony has been bobbins too.

love the use of bobbins here it reminds me of the legendary Frank sidebottom!
This looks like a response to people questioning why Garnacho was starting over Sancho.
Yup. I remember seeing it at the time thinking exactly that. The more I think about this the more pissed off I am that a player’s reaction to a manager saying he hasn’t been good enough in training to make a squad is to call his manager a liar and effectively say he’s been great in training.
Who's this now? Garnacho brother or?

Things have started to unravel quickly. In my opinion it needs to unravel as quick as possible for us to ship all the deadwood and pseudo footballers we have in the team. Come what may, we will ride the storm.

Nobody is getting out alive anyway.

Edit.. Seems it's from 18 August, 2023 not today.

Like said, this is why we get Sweet FA for players. Also be careful what you wish for, might not be only the players who fans think are shit that arent happy.
God knows but I think we all can see from the first few games, things arent right.
The problem when managers come out with this stuff, he can easily lose the respect of others (even if he is right)......
a: The owners have taken the club off the market because nobody is fecking insane enough to pay £10 billion.

b: Shite start to the season capped off with a 3 - 1 loss to Arse.

c: Sancho (£350k per week) is playing shite (amongst others).

Happy Sunday’s….
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We've been here before. The club has to side with the manager in disputes with players. If the player doesn't like that, he can feck off elsewhere. This applies to all players.
You just know that, right now, Sancho is in a game of Call of Duty with JLingz and Paul the Pogba, slagging off United and how hard they've all had it.
Not a very smart answer from ETH, just invites unnecessary drama.
Kind of feel like we might be trying to move him on, played him a fair bit in pre season almost as if in the shop window and basically need him to accept about half his salary elsewhere to have bay hope of shifting him.

I was a massive fan, you can see the technical player there is potentially phenomenal but there’s zero grit or tenacity. I reckon he’d be an awesome player if you’re battering teams and everyone confident, he’d just lay on assist after assist and get goals but when the level is equal and you’ve got a full back who is your physical superior waiting for you or some imposing DM when you come inside, he’s into his shell.
Yep. This group of players have had previous. Going against an English player in his home country isn't the best idea either, much less 2 in successive weeks.

Agreed. I trust ETH in his judgement of character and impact to team harmony. I can only think of 2 reasons for him going so public:
1. He thinks this will light a fire up Sancho's arse
2. Sancho's already being pretty toxic because of his lack of playing time and training performances.
Or there has been agent activity around Sancho the last week of the window. Hag has said earlier that he cannot use players with their heads elsewhere, so he is punishing Sancho. Just in case, sort of saying.
Him saying he's a scapegoat after 2 years of atrocious performances is absolutely disgusting. My least favourite player to have ever played for us. The thing that makes it so annoying is I think he had the talent, but his mentality is beyond redemption.
There are people on this site who believe him. They cannot accept he's awful, only the other players and managers are to blame.
So which CB should he have brought on when Lindelof had to go off? The imaginary one the club signed for him this summer?

Meanwhile he gave Sancho 3 months off lst season. He didnt public shame Sancho, he simply said he was not injured and was not selected due to training performance. Nothing wrong with what he said.

If Sancho can’t perform well enough in training not to get selected ahead of Vivek and Pellestri after getting special treatment last season then he needs to look at himself

You put someone else there or you use an u21 player. No ones going to doubt or criticise a manager for being really unlucky with injuries in a game. They are if he chooses to bring on a player who wasn't good enough for a team that got relegated. It's very difficult to apply standards to players if you only apply it to some of them.

There's not much wrong with what ETH has said but he didn't need to say it to the media and that my gripe. Its a needless risk.

If you're losing games and then criticising your players to others it really isn't a good look, whether you are right or not. It risks losing the respect of the players

What was the other option?

See above. I really don't get it.

Do you think Pep would sign Jonny Evans and then bring him on away to Arsenal? Or would he just make do with a youth player if he had to rather than start signing players that are absolutely miles away from the standards required?

Well it doesn't really, EtH unlike our previous managers has the power. If he's outed Ronaldo out and looked good from that, then this is nothing compared that. Sancho who hasn't been performing for years will always be the one that was going to look the worse. If maybe he was having really good performances for a long period of time it'd be a different story.

Ronaldo stormed off in the middle of a game after refusing to come on as a sub, and he didn't out him for that. I doubt he's going to out Sancho for a tweet defending himself. ETH is not a baby.

ETH is the manager, Sancho is not. Its not about who looks worse it's whether it is a smart way to manage your players. Sancho will have players he's friends with. There will be players seeing these comments and thinking that's not really fair when the guys you have picked aren't even playing well.
Feck sake. This is the start of it now. Players being in "camps" and undermining the manager. "Feck him, Jadon. He doesn't know what he's talking about." etc.
Rashford didn't like it on twitter, he hasn't liked a post on there for 3 days
Not a very smart answer from ETH, just invites unnecessary drama.

Maybe he intended for it to go that way? It seems like he sometimes have to force the club's hands into action, because they have a tendency to sit on players and not be all that decisive. He pulled a lot of stuff with Ronaldo and Maguire too, and somehow Maguire is still here - even though it is clear as day that he wants him gone.

Wouldn't be all that surprising if this is part of a plan to force the club into selling him.
More drama…if ETH had a problem with Sancho in just this weeks training, I would suggest keeping it in house.

If he has a general problem then why air it after the window has been closed…Have we had an offer from Saudi and Sancho has refused?

I am clutching at straws here but I just can’t understand the timing of this…

The players, manager and coaching staff need a United front right now as we are being attacked left right and centre in published and social media …this will only elevate the issues..and unsettle the team and staff further.

I fully back ETH but this was needless at this time…everything is so unsettled.
What is ETH hoping to accomplish with this? I really cannot understand. Does he hope that now Sancho will feel motivated to play for him? Did he simply give up on Sancho and now he is just trying to turn people against Sancho? How does this help the team?
Sigh, thought maybe he'd turned a corner. People moaning about standards being dropped and then Ten Hag upholding standards is supposedly the problem. Sancho's had ample time and opportunity to show what's required in terms of dedication and effort. Seems like patience has finally run out.
I called it from day 1 with Sancho. From the get go he was just too satisfied with himself. Too laid back.

The summer we signed him. He played very little for England whereas Maguire and Shaw played nearly every game.
Maguire and Shaw returned early from their summer breaks to be ready for our season when they really did need the rest.
Sancho took his full holiday when he should've been looking to make a big impression. He didn't give a damn and came to us totally unfit.

I don’t understand how Sancho can basically say that ETH is lying. All ETH said was that he didn’t select Sancho based off form in training. Even if he disagrees with the reasoning, surely he accepts that as the manager, it’s his prerogative to decide who makes the squad based on what he’s seen in training. Comes across as really entitled.
Offer him to Saudi Clubs for £40-50m. A lot of fans including me have run out of patience with this guy.

He had a 4 month break last season, we stood by him. He constantly disappears in games, we stood by him.

Now he's gotten so comfortable, he thinks its ok to release statements going against the manager, does he expect us to keep standing by him?

Clear his ridiculous wages ad get rid.

We have Amad and Pellistri who can step up.
Ronaldo stormed off in the middle of a game after refusing to come on as a sub, and he didn't out him for that. I doubt he's going to out Sancho for a tweet defending himself. ETH is not a baby.

ETH is the manager, Sancho is not. Its not about who looks worse it's whether it is a smart way to manage your players.

Manage what in Sancho though? He's shown nothing since he joined. He has given him time last year on his issue and it hasn't worked. If Sancho leaves because of it, it literally ain't going to affect us, hence why I think this non-issue of EtH managerial decision to out Sancho, if anything I think it gives more power to EtH that he isn't going to tolerate whatever Sancho's done and sends a message to the players.

I get the 'keep issues in house' argument and I agree majority of the times that should be the case.
I’d like us to adapt a 2 season policy for big money signings. First season is a grace period where a player is given time to fit into their new surroundings, second season is where a player needs to nail down a starting position and show they can perform on a consistent basis.

For me, expecting anything from a player like Sancho, going into his 3rd full season at the club when his previous 2 have been THIS poor is contributing to the gradual decline in standards at the club.

Get him off the books, free up £350,000 a week and put it to better use.
What did or does Sancho think he's going to achieve with such a statement? if issues behind the scenes then get on with it behind the scenes. Nobody other the vile UK media wants dirty linen aired in public and as expected they are lapping it up now.
What is ETH hoping to accomplish with this? I really cannot understand. Does he hope that now Sancho will feel motivated to play for him? Did he simply give up on Sancho and now he is just trying to turn people against Sancho? How does this help the team?
Frustrated after the game? Fed up with Sancho? Trying a different tactic?
Kind've seemed like a last ditch effort by ETH to get a reaction out of Sancho. It did get a reaction but unfortunately it seems like the wrong reaction. Not really sure how anyone can take issue with ETH calling him out, he obviously knew the risks that would come by doing it and decided it was worth it.
EtH definitely had enough of pussy footing around Sancho, trying to get him to perform with a nicey nicey approach. This obviously hasn't worked and is now trying tough love, if Sancho cares he'll fight for it and rediscover his hunger. EtH effectively giving him one last chance until the winter break to get his shit together otherwise he's off.
Sack Ten Hag sell Sancho and Antony as we're into it.

Problem solved.

I'm talking seriously by the way.
Every single post you make is a negative, depressing nightmare. I'm amazed you've not been banned.
I'm no man management expert but it seems to me ETH could have handled this more subtle.
He should be sent to train with the reserves after this unnecessary drama. What a waste of talent.
Every single post you make is a negative, depressing nightmare. I'm amazed you've not been banned.

Are you wishing a ban on a forum member? This is ban worthy as well, just saying. Like the guys asking for a yellow card, will get one themselves.
He's lazy as all feck, puts no effort in training or games, doesnt really want to be a footballer outside of the lifestyle.

This is obvious from his behaviour in 3 different clubs and national team.

Awful scouting from Ole and co.
I’d like us to adapt a 2 season policy for big money signings. First season is a grace period where a player is given time to fit into their new surroundings, second season is where a player needs to nail down a starting position and show they can perform on a consistent basis.

For me, expecting anything from a player like Sancho, going into his 3rd full season at the club when his previous 2 have been THIS poor is contributing to the gradual decline in standards at the club.

Get him off the books, free up £350,000 a week and put it to better use.
This is definitely what you assume a sensible club does and why I think people should hold off on the Antony slandering a little - first season I think the very basic question is have they improved the team overall, if the answer if yes 2nd season and beyond then becomes a question of if we can we upgrade this player realistically.

Sancho is a bit more unique in he already had an unprecedented sabbatical, a red flag in itself, so I can’t imagine there is any patience left in the United hierarchy, not just ETH.
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