Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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After another big away day loss & in similar fashion to the way we succumbed late at the Emirates last season EtH choosing to name drop Sancho doesn’t particularly sit well.

If I’m Sancho & see how many chances Antony has been given to be nothing more than meh then I’m probably going to find it difficult to muster my all in training when match days don’t matter.
the Antony comparison is a low blow, he may not be up to it at the moment but he is at least giving it all and working his socks off in matches which is the minimum expectation. You'll have far better argument if you said Martial who doesn't look bothered
And Martial only played because we had no other fit striker to start. The other guy, Rashford, pretty much makes it obvious everytime he plays there that he doesn't want to play as a striker.
Why say this publicly though? What's there to gain? Just give some other neutral BS reason for why you didn't select Sancho.

And if he said Sancho was ill or had a knock you think JS wouldn’t have gone on social media to tell everyone that’s not true? Same end result.
After another big away day loss & in similar fashion to the way we succumbed late at the Emirates last season EtH choosing to name drop Sancho doesn’t particularly sit well.

If I’m Sancho & see how many chances Antony has been given to be nothing more than meh then I’m probably going to find it difficult to muster my all in training when match days don’t matter.
He didn’t name drop him. He was sodding asked where he was. Are people just making shit up because they want to moan?
Sancho would have a leg to stand on if, you know, he actually put in any effort over the 80-odd matches he's played for Man United.

Stealing a living.

Is EtH too blunt? Yes. Is it likely that Sancho's training performances are similar to his match performances? Yes.
Not if the level of laziness is unprecedented.

No fan of Sancho, I hope we get rid of him quickly but that doesn't change the fact that using media for this is exactly the way Mourinho would have done it.
Why say this publicly though? What's there to gain? Just give some other neutral BS reason for why you didn't select Sancho.
Doesn't it go without even saying though. Unless you want him to claim Sancho is injured. Same people faulting ETH would be faulting Ole for covering Greenwood issues. Sancho is entitled. You either earn your spot or go elsewhere.
Why should Ten Hag make things up though. Ten Bag simply saying other players outperformed him in training. Its not like a Mourinho case of calling a player a virus or saying he could think on his own on the pitch and has to be guided like a puppet. A

Because I'd like to think ETH was wise enough to know the sort of stir his comments would cause, especially with the british press. Nothing to gain from declaring this publicly. Nothing.
So Manager now cant even say that players are selected on the basis of how they have performed? Its amazing how people think ETH was wrong in saying he had better options than Sancho at the moment.

Sancho retort is just extremely stupid and I really hope its a badly worded statement and the intention was to target media or someone else. Because calling out Manager who is saying that your performance isnt good, when you time and time again proved the manager right in his assessment is bizarre.
Why say this publicly though? What's there to gain? Just give some other neutral BS reason for why you didn't select Sancho.
I think you need to open your eyes. Because enough is enough? Because maybe EtH has had enough of is lazy arse?
Shocking from Sancho.

It is unrealistic to think Ten Hag is going to leave Sancho at home for this game, unless something has happened. He has said that Sancho was left out of the squad because his training performances were not good enough.

For Sancho to fire back is completely unprofessional. How is it helpful for the team or his future in it?
"There’s another reason but I can't tell you" seems to be the latest PR technique when in trouble.

Amazing how childish these methods are and amazing how they sort of work.
I think it's an interpretation of ETH's quotes, as he didn't say Sancho didn't apply himself in training. Sancho's statement seems to be saying that he did apply himself, so understandable confusion.

Confusion cleared up by taking 10 seconds to find out what was said. It’s all in the OP ffs. Crazy how many people are wading in with knee jerk opinions without even that tiny bit of effort to understand what was actually said. So lazy (ironically)
Anyone complaining about this, did you complain when he dropped Rashford and openly told everyone why?
The club seems to be a magnet for players with questionable character recently doesn't it?
So you want people to get banned because they're negative, nice. You would prefer to live in a world of delusion in which people keep saying we're good, playing wel and improving and only losing due to injuries and referees. Sorry I don't meet your criteria.

I'll stop being negative when we're actually good.

It's funny how these comments were exactly said to me when I was saying the same during the Ole tenure and we all knew how it ended.

Well... to be fair, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
A boring confrontation, it doesn't hold a candle to the Ronaldo drama last year.
What a massive overreaction from Sancho after fairly innocuous comments from ten Hag. If you're offended to this extent because the manager said you weren't good enough in training you shouldn't be at Manchester United.
He answered a direct question ffs. In a press conference. Some of ye seem to think he issued a press release!
That's a moot point. We all know journalists ask questions. And often they like to ask provocative ones. You don't just "answer the question". You make sure you give an answer that doesn't unnecessarily create more drama for the club and potentially hurt the dressing room. It is what it is, this is part of being a manager I suppose?
Because I'd like to think ETH was wise enough to know the sort of stir his comments would cause, especially with the british press. Nothing to gain from declaring this publicly. Nothing.
Maybe he's sick of Sancho bullsh*t, it's not like ETH have not shown enough tolerance to Sancho. What has he given back. How much more did we see after Sancho midseason time off last season. We've seen ETH try him everywhere too. It just doesn't work. I'll say Sancho was very much fancied by ETH upon his arrival. Mourinho would have perma benched Sancho from atleast October last year.
He answered a direct question ffs. In a press conference. Some of ye seem to think he issued a press release!

Yes, and a manager has never given a false answer in a press conference before? He could have said anything else. "I'd prefer to focus on the players I selected today and their great performance, rather than the players not in the squad for reasons that are not relevant. Next" He didn't have a gun to his head.
That's a moot point. We all know journalists ask questions. And often they like to ask provocative ones. You don't just "answer the question". You make sure you give an answer that doesn't unnecessarily create more drama for the club and potentially hurt the dressing room. It is what it is, this is part of being a manager I suppose?

I just don’t know what else he could say?
That's a moot point. We all know journalists ask questions. And often they like to ask provocative ones. You don't just "answer the question". You make sure you give an answer that doesn't unnecessarily create more drama for the club and potentially hurt the dressing room. It is what it is, this is part of being a manager I suppose?

What is the answer he should’ve given, in your opinion? Genuine question. Trying to think of one that wouldn’t have created drama.
That's a moot point. We all know journalists ask questions. And often they like to ask provocative ones. You don't just "answer the question". You make sure you give an answer that doesn't unnecessarily create more drama for the club and potentially hurt the dressing room. It is what it is, this is part of being a manager I suppose?
Right. So he should have lied and said he was injured/ill or said no comment. Saying no comment definitely wouldn’t have led to shit tons of bollocks speculation. Sensible.
He put Rashford on the bench last season because he was late to training, and Rashford responded well. Perhaps Sancho can take a cue from that (or maybe not).
Whatever way you look at things, this is terrible man-management from EtH. Really poor.
Yes, and a manager has never given a false answer in a press conference before? He could have said anything else. "I'd prefer to focus on the players I selected today and their great performance, rather than the players not in the squad for reasons that are not relevant. Next" He didn't have a gun to his head.
Well it is relevant. His a waste of space.
Without reading the whole quote, it looks like Ten Hag is criticising the quality of his performance in training rather than his effort.

And Sancho is saying his effort has been fine.
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