Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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No one going to buy him anyway even if club wants to sell.

Saw a vid of him doing "push up" during trainning and all my doubt went away.
A joke calling himself an athlete.
As good as. Reward yes, but publicly belittle him? Im not Sancho's biggest fan, just think it could be dealt better with. Also questions the managers sincerity about his understanding of mental health. If he made this song and dance of supporting him, this does nothing for Sachos mental health.

If this situation could be bad for Sancho's mental health, do you not think that Sancho doesn't have the mentality to play for United in the first place?

I'm not trying to downplay mental health issues. But it takes mental strength to play for one of the best football teams in the world. The pressure is massive, the scrutiny is massive. Lots of people can't handle it, and maybe he's one of them. There's no shame in that if it's the case, I think that's true for most people. But if getting very slightly called out by your manager is bad for your mental health, then I don't think you're cut out for that team. Especially when that manager has already given you special dispensation and given you time to get as ready as can be.
May not be the best thing for his market value to burn him with half a season to go until the next transfer window.
Sancho has done a fantastic job of burning his transfer value all by himself. His value has been on a constant decline the moment he arrived.
As good as. Reward yes, but publicly belittle him? Im not Sancho's biggest fan, just think it could be dealt better with. Also questions the managers sincerity about his understanding of mental health. If he made this song and dance of supporting him, this does nothing for Sachos mental health.
You can't hide behind the excuse of mental health forever. The club and the manager went above and beyond trying to help Sancho out last season. He was essentially allowed an extended vacation on full pay to get his head right. And this is the reward. If he can't handle the pressures of being an elite footballer then he should retire, or at least go play in a less stressful environment. He's not owed a living at a top club that's constantly under the spotlight, and he certainly doesn't deserve to be anywhere near one judged solely on his performances over the last several years.
If this situation could be bad for Sancho's mental health, do you not think that Sancho doesn't have the mentality to play for United in the first place?

I'm not trying to downplay mental health issues. But it takes mental strength to play for one of the best football teams in the world. The pressure is massive, the scrutiny is massive. Lots of people can't handle it, and maybe he's one of them. There's no shame in that if it's the case, I think that's true for most people. But if getting very slightly called out by your manager is bad for your mental health, then I don't think you're cut out for that team. Especially when that manager has already given you special dispensation and given you time to get as ready as can be.
Agree with this.

Mental health is a serious issue that has to be given utmost care and concern. However, If the pressure of playing for a club like Man Utd is the biggest contributor towards his mental health, then maybe he needs to abandon the idea of playing top level football or move to a club where there is less pressure to succeed.
To each to their own. I don't think he's belittling him in anyway. ETH even mentioned in the same response that he has no issues with Sancho's conduct and just that others trained better and he had other options in the positions that Sancho plays so he was left out.

Yep all of that might be right but like said, did he really need to answer it at that moment, after that loss?
Yep all of that might be right but like said, did he really need to answer it at that moment, after that loss?

I mean he just answered the question.

What should he have answered? If Sancho doesn't respond online, this is a non-story.
You can't hide behind the excuse of mental health forever. The club and the manager went above and beyond trying to help Sancho out last season. He was essentially allowed an extended vacation on full pay to get his head right. And this is the reward. If he can't handle the pressures of being an elite footballer then he should retire, or at least go play in a less stressful environment. He's not owed a living at a top club that's constantly under the spotlight, and he certainly doesn't deserve to be anywhere near one judged solely on his performances over the last several years.

Yep, say that to amount of men that take lives each year due to poor MH?
Personally the most staggering thing for me is that a 23 year old adult human being has written a note like that and placed it on social media. Apart from the obvious grammar errors it is written like a 12 year old throwing his toys out the pram and is just plain stupid. Truly embarrassing stuff from Sancho and he clearly does not have a great deal going on upstairs.
Yep all of that might be right but like said, did he really need to answer it at that moment, after that loss?
I just think it was an honest and quite frankly nothing malicious answer to a question that he was asked about Sancho. Similar to how he mentioned that Rashford was late to a meeting and he was dropped to bench last season. Only that Sancho decided to make it a big issue instead.
I mean he just answered the question.

What should he have answered? If Sancho doesn't respond online, this is a non-story.

What about nothing? What positives comes from this? More negativity, more dressing room divide, more toxicity, more unwanted media attention and yet another player now worth FA cause how its been dealt with.

What about nothing? What positives comes from this? More negativity, more dressing room divide, more toxicity, more unwanted media attention and yet another player now worth FA cause how its been dealt with.


The problem with your answer is that it causes more problems from ETH's reaction itself.

Reporter: Why was Sancho not picked for the bench today?

ETH: (says nothing) or "I prefer not to speak why."

This is what you think he should have done. You think that wouldn't cause a media frenzy as well? Everyone would then micro-analyze ETH's reaction/tone/wording.

If Sancho says nothing, no one cares what ETH said initially. That's the problem.
I just think it was an honest and quite frankly nothing malicious answer to a question that he was asked about Sancho. Similar to how he mentioned that Rashford was late to a meeting and he was dropped to bench last season. Only that Sancho decided to make it a big issue instead.

We'll know how malicious it is or not over the rest of the season. Didnt Rashford like Sancho's comment? Anyone that thinks that this will have a positive impact on the team? Yes this has happened before but its the timing and I think they both probably wished it hadnt happened this way...
The problem with your answer is that it causes more problems from ETH's reaction itself.

Reporter: Why was Sancho not picked for the bench today?

ETH: (says nothing) or "I prefer not to speak why."

This is what you think he should have done. You think that wouldn't cause a media frenzy as well? Everyone would then micro-analyze ETH's reaction/tone/wording.

If Sancho says nothing, no one cares what ETH said initially. That's the problem.

When he dropped other players or left players out like Rashford, didnt he say he wasnt prepared to speak about it and would be dealt with internally? It was Rashford would said he was late for a meeting...
Sancho - His form is, and has been poor no question.

But this is a squad that had Martial, Evans & Maguire in it today. Can you really tell me they are up to the same standard and are up to the 'Man Utd level' every day in training? Absolutely not.

Sancho has massively over-reacted and rushed out that statement and will probably come to regret it. But I do think it was unfair (though right) of Ten Hag to call out Sancho for not being up to Utd level in training when we had Evans, Maguire and Martial in the squad. Ten Hag also could have just said 'He had an issue in training this week' and it would have been left at that.

But once again, like the Ronaldo saga we have a player and manager bickering in public and it is not a good look.

The "Don't believe everything you read" thing leads me to think there is more to this to come out maybe.
He made the comments against the online haters, not the manager.
He has basically responded to ETH comments by sayings it’s not true and he has been scapegoat. So it’s either PR disaster from his side, or he is simply publicly voicing out his complain against manager’s authority, which usually only leads to one ending.
I think ten Hag was using hard love technique trying to pinch Sancho let him show anger on the pitch and prove him wrong.

Instead he reacted the worst way possible crying about being scapegoated in social media. Feck Sancho, we don't need any more divas.
We'll know how malicious it is or not over the rest of the season. Didnt Rashford like Sancho's comment? Anyone that thinks that this will have a positive impact on the team? Yes this has happened before but its the timing and I think they both probably wished it hadnt happened this way...
I think the bolded was not true. In any case, I agree with you that this doesn't help the team. But ETH isn't to blame here, it's Sancho.
Sancho - His form is, and has been poor no question.

But this is a squad that had Martial, Evans & Maguire in it today. Can you really tell me they are up to the same standard and are up to the 'Man Utd level' every day in training? Absolutely not.

Sancho has massively over-reacted and rushed out that statement and will probably come to regret it. But I do think it was unfair (though right) of Ten Hag to call out Sancho for not being up to Utd level in training when we had Evans, Maguire and Martial in the squad. Ten Hag also could have just said 'He had an issue in training this week' and it would have been left at that.

But once again, like the Ronaldo saga we have a player and manager bickering in public and it is not a good look.

Yep previous stock EtH responses previously were 'we deal with things internally'....
I think he might have been a bit spikey after the loss, and was an emotive response.
I don't know what Sancho is doing during training but in CANNOT be worse than what Weghorst, Martial, Maguire and Jonny Evans have been doing DURING GAMES.
He has basically responded to ETH comments by sayings it’s not true and he has been scapegoat. So it’s either PR disaster from his side, or he is simply publicly voicing out his complain against manager’s authority, which usually only leads to one ending.
Scapegoated by the toxic fans online:

"Please don't believe everything you read! I will not allow people saying things that is completely untrue.
I have conducted myself in training very well this week. I believe there are other reasons for this matter that I won't go into, I have been a scapegoat for a long time which isn't fair!
All I want to do is play football with a smile on my face and contribute to my team.
I respect all decisions that are made by the coaching staff, I play with fantastic players and grateful to do so which I know every week is a challenge. I will continue to fight for this badge no matter what!"

He respects the decision made by EtH.
Yep, say that to amount of men that take lives each year due to poor MH?

We're not talking about the mental health of men in general in society ffs. We're talking about one person who we don't even know has mental health issues.

The point is that if there is a mental issue for Sancho then he should leave the club. United isn't a rehab centre, it's a football club. He has been given a lot of leeway already and frankly doesn't deserve any more based on what he has done for the team.
Sancho - His form is, and has been poor no question.

But this is a squad that had Martial, Evans & Maguire in it today. Can you really tell me they are up to the same standard and are up to the 'Man Utd level' every day in training? Absolutely not.

Sancho has massively over-reacted and rushed out that statement and will probably come to regret it. But I do think it was unfair (though right) of Ten Hag to call out Sancho for not being up to Utd level in training when we had Evans, Maguire and Martial in the squad. Ten Hag also could have just said 'He had an issue in training this week' and it would have been left at that.

But once again, like the Ronaldo saga we have a player and manager bickering in public and it is not a good look.

The "Don't believe everything you read" thing leads me to think there is more to this to come out maybe.

Two things here. ETH has every right to drop a player if he thinks they aren't pulling their weight, especially if it's someone like Sancho, who has had a lot of opportunities and chances to find himself back into form. The truth is that he's not 'good' enough to not be dropped and perhaps ETH was using it as a reason to punish or get a reaction out of Sancho (just like how he did with Garnacho last season) after failing with other approaches. When Rashford was late, he was instead put on the bench because he was actually producing. Also, although I agree our quality of players are poor, the attack wasn't the issue. Sancho wasn't going to be a first choice sub ahead of Hojlund or Garnacho with both of them proving themselves exactly with good performances off the bench. Our issue was in defence today and in midfield where we are lacking, both areas Sancho is not going to help with.

Secondly, the Ronaldo saga was almost entirely one sided with him being the antagonist and instigator. It's never pretty when there's a high profile spat but ETH dealt the cards that was handed to him, he didn't choose to seek or continue the whole thing. Instead he choose to have his standards and it was good that he did, as plenty of players came out afterwards directly or indirectly praising ETH's 'new standards' etc after the mess under Ole.
Scapegoated by the toxic fans online:

"Please don't believe everything you read! I will not allow people saying things that is completely untrue.
I have conducted myself in training very well this week. I believe there are other reasons for this matter that I won't go into, I have been a scapegoat for a long time which isn't fair!
All I want to do is play football with a smile on my face and contribute to my team.
I respect all decisions that are made by the coaching staff, I play with fantastic players and grateful to do so which I know every week is a challenge. I will continue to fight for this badge no matter what!"

He respects the decision made by EtH.
I think you’ve clearly missed the first part where it matters (2nd paragraph), and the current drama its causing because of that. It’s just like saying “what you’ve just said it’s total bullshit but you are entitled to your own opinion and I can respect that”
Imagine if this was Mourinho throwing his players under the bus in public...

Has he thrown him under the bus? He just said he was bad in training. And that's after a year of pretty constant support. There's no way Jose would do the same
It felt like something was off because Sancho has looked good since the beginning of preseason yet he never plays. Its a real shame as a player with his technical ability should be tearing up the PL every week. It would be just like modern day Manchester United for him to leave and play well elsewhere.
I think you’ve clearly missed the first part where it matters (2nd paragraph), and the current drama its causing because of that. It’s just like saying “what you’ve just said it’s total bullshit but you are entitled to your own opinion and I can respect that”
Possibly thinks he's being singled out by those toxic fans for the same reason that him, Rashford and Saka got pelters after the Euros.

That's just speculation on my part, though.

Either way, the conclusion that most people are jumping to based on paragraph 2 is in contradiction to paragraph 4.

For any of this to make sense, the explanation should fit both of these paragraphs.

I'll always give United players the benefit of the doubt, until that doubt is erased. I'm not Sancho's biggest fan, but I don't want to throw him under the bus prematurely.
Given that he chose to alienate one of the alternatives he might as well. Why burn down half the forest?
But he didn’t at first did he. He privately helped Sancho a lot last season, during the season. Cleary he’s sick of not getting the same in return.
Sancho doesn’t like the running part of the game. He’s been a huge disappointment and we’ve been coddling him. As a false 9 he showed a little promise but we don’t really need a false 9, so it’s almost an afterthought. He can’t leave soon enough.
:lol: it's only been 2 seasons of abject performances and no effort. Special training camps and nothing but bad stories.
That's a completely different story.

I've been saying we should sell him for a while. But that's a sporting point and is completely separate from wanting to character assassinate him based on a tweet.
I'm not Sancho's biggest fan, but I don't want to throw him under the bus prematurely.

Prematurely? Hes been here 2 seasons and done nothing.To make things worse he regularly shirked his responsibilities on the pitch last season.

He even went on a special training camp mid way through the season. I mean this is unheard of.

Amad and Pellstri need to be prioritised over this chancer.
That's a completely different story.

I've been saying we should sell him for a while. But that's a sporting point and is completely separate from wanting to character assassinate him based on a tweet.

Well it's not based on a tweet is it. It's based on reports from 3 different clubs about his shit attitude.
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