Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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Ah give it a rest ffs, we all know your agenda against the manager.

That has nothing to do with it. The club will struggle to sell Sancho and ultimately Ten Hag will incorporate him back into the team. Ten Hag won't last at United more than one more year so Sancho has a bigger chance at outlasting him. Any player has bigger chances at outlasting any manager, because it's easier to move the manager rather than the player.

The issues between both is overblown anyway. Sancho has been disappointing for United but I don't think either of them insulted each other. They are both acting like crybabies when you think about it and I think Sancho will be back in the team eventually
It was indeed just a hypothetical scenario. I wanted to know if people think Sancho is beyond saving and will never return to the highest level, or if it is still possible in another team with another manager. And if the answer is the latter, then what is being missed at MU to integrate such a fragile character?
It's hard to say he'll never regain some good form. However, there's clearly a difference between being asked to perform week after week at a club like Manchester United compared to a club like Dortmund, especially if you're English.

I'd suggest that a "fragile character" cannot make it at United but they could at any number of clubs that are under less scrutiny. We've seen this with Lukaku, Mkhitaryan, Falco, Di Maria, etc.
Can we loan him to a Chinese team or somewhere else where Internet access is heavily monitored / suppressed? That way we can finally see how much he wastes his time playing games / restrict his access to them and see what sort of player he COULD be if he wasn't such a child.

Playing the "I might outlive the manager" card is a really stupid one. He's had every opportunity to impress and shown us the square route of feck all!
Wow, he's doubling down. If he really said something like that... I mean, it's just incredible. So he won't put in any effort until there's a new coach. We should basically ban him from anything relating to the club. There are already sunk costs we will never recoup, now it's just about making an example out of him.
Regardless if the story is true (always doubtful) this sort of thing always happens. We had Luke Shaw admit that he knew he would 'outlast' Jose and implied he was waiting till he got fired. Lots of players do it and probably have always done it. You get a few like Becks at Real Madrid or Silva at City that knuckle down and really fight for their place when they either fall out with the manager or the manager doesn't mind if they leave but often they seem the exception rather than the rule.
Although I first and foremost blame Sancho for this mess, I also find this "say sorry" thing a bit childish. It's kindergarten stuff. "Say sorry that you threw sand in poor Bertha's face". Who cares if he says sorry or not. Instead, Sancho should say "I'll never be late to a team meeting again and do my best in training". I don't really get whyTen Hag insist on Sancho humiliating himself.
Although I first and foremost blame Sancho for this mess, I also find this "say sorry" thing a bit childish. It's kindergarten stuff. "Say sorry that you threw sand in poor Bertha's face". Who cares if he says sorry or not. Instead, Sancho should say "I'll never be late to a team meeting again and do my best in training". I don't really get whyTen Hag insist on Sancho humiliating himself.
It is and if Sancho was wanted a way would be found around it. I think ETH is just using the requirement for an apology and Sancho's pride to keep him away from the team and force a sale. I'm not certain United management or fully supportive of this, so it is a way for ETH to say to management, there is a way back for him while at the same time hoping he doesn't take it.
Although I first and foremost blame Sancho for this mess, I also find this "say sorry" thing a bit childish. It's kindergarten stuff. "Say sorry that you threw sand in poor Bertha's face". Who cares if he says sorry or not. Instead, Sancho should say "I'll never be late to a team meeting again and do my best in training". I don't really get whyTen Hag insist on Sancho humiliating himself.

How is apologizing a humiliation? AFAIK Sancho is not being asked to wet himself in front of his teammates or anything like that.
Although I first and foremost blame Sancho for this mess, I also find this "say sorry" thing a bit childish. It's kindergarten stuff. "Say sorry that you threw sand in poor Bertha's face". Who cares if he says sorry or not. Instead, Sancho should say "I'll never be late to a team meeting again and do my best in training". I don't really get whyTen Hag insist on Sancho humiliating himself.

yes famously only children say sorry?
Although I first and foremost blame Sancho for this mess, I also find this "say sorry" thing a bit childish. It's kindergarten stuff. "Say sorry that you threw sand in poor Bertha's face". Who cares if he says sorry or not. Instead, Sancho should say "I'll never be late to a team meeting again and do my best in training". I don't really get whyTen Hag insist on Sancho humiliating himself.

Yes I completely agree. Having to tell a grown adult that he has done something that is obviously wrong and demands the most basic step in acknowledging a mistake and showing some humility is the kind of thing I'd expect with children.

If doing so would involve Sanchos ego being broken to the point that it represents a humiliation, for something so basic, then he needs to get his ego in check and EtH is 100% right.

Maybe if Sancho was a bit more humble he would be embarrassed by the need to promise that he shows up to training on time and do his best. For 300k+ per week.

The shit I had to put with for just €300 a week, thats 0.1% of what he gets paid. Every day. For literally decades.

The boy is a clown.
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I understand Sancho in this situation. ETH went out public and critized Sancho for not training well, and ETH then expects Sancho to apologize for claiming that ETH is wrong, and that Sancho is doing his best in training. ETH was wrong to critize him in public.
Although I first and foremost blame Sancho for this mess, I also find this "say sorry" thing a bit childish. It's kindergarten stuff. "Say sorry that you threw sand in poor Bertha's face". Who cares if he says sorry or not. Instead, Sancho should say "I'll never be late to a team meeting again and do my best in training". I don't really get whyTen Hag insist on Sancho humiliating himself.

It stopped being about setting standards the second a demand was made for what will be a disingenuous apology.

It stopped being about setting standards the second a demand was made for what will be a disingenuous apology.
It's clearly much more about sending a message that the player power status quo of old is dead. I have no issue with ETH taking a stand here, particularly given the object of his ire has apparently shown himself wanting as a professional at several clubs. Sad it's ended this way as I was so excited when we signed him but he's shown nothing since joining and seems to be yet another waster.
I understand Sancho in this situation. ETH went out public and critized Sancho for not training well, and ETH then expects Sancho to apologize for claiming that ETH is wrong, and that Sancho is doing his best in training. ETH was wrong to critize him in public.

Nothing to understand about. Sancho is getting paid £350,000 per week. One of the highest monthly wages in European football.
For that kind of money, Sancho needs to take responsibility, be professional and train for 100% or else he's out.

Ten Hag is 100% right. We have no time for lazy, petulant, self absorbed rich footballers who don't perform on the pitch and during training sessions. If he wants to get lazy ass, then he should pick up, for example, tennis. Football is a team sport, right now his petulance is letting his team down.
It's clearly much more about sending a message that the player power status quo of old is dead. I have no issue with ETH taking a stand here, particularly given the object of his ire has apparently shown himself wanting as a professional at several clubs. Sad it's ended this way as I was so excited when we signed him but he's shown nothing since joining and seems to be yet another waster.
It’s difficult to send a message about training performance when there are multiple members of this squad who down tools in games yet get picked again the next week. Sancho, is hardly the epitome of the player power status quo at Manchester United.

Personally I’ve worked in enough teams to know that not every team member performs to 100% every day. Sancho worded it terribly, for this forum anyway, but his main issue was feeling singled out. He obviously feels his performances in training weren’t that far below others.

People are getting riled about him not apologising but we don’t really know exactly what he’s being asked to apologise for. I’m good either way, sell the whole squad for all I care at this point but EtH chose to replace the carrot with the stick & here we are.

It stopped being about setting standards the second a demand was made for what will be a disingenuous apology.
Are there any quotes from Ten Hag saying that he’s “demanding” an apology? Or is it just journalistic speculation?

I agree that the whole apology thing sounds rather drama-queeny; something that I wouldn’t associate Ten Hag with.
It’s petty and small time from ETH.

Fine he wants Sancho out, no problem at all with that.

His handling of it though is that of a petty man.
You do realise that ETH is an employee of Manchester United? He is there to implement his bosses’ policies.

If they weren’t happy with his handling of Sancho they’d put a stop to it.
You do realise that ETH is an employee of Manchester United? He is there to implement his bosses’ policies.

If they weren’t happy with his handling of Sancho they’d put a stop to it.

Nah, they wouldn’t.

They’re famously negligent and ETH’s the manager.

It won’t be them saying, ‘tell him to say sorry publicly’. :lol:
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