Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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He's just not worth this level of fuss. I just can't picture a world where he apologises and then goes on to fulfill his potential here, he clearly has no interest in doing so.

You are right.

Had he been on 35k a week and cost us only 7mil, we wouldnt give it a second thought. And really, that is the kind of level of a player he has shown to be, thus far.

Unfortunately though, he cost 10x that, so there is the conundrum of how a manager deal with such an expensive, and depreciating asset.
Actually Jose is exactly the kind of boss that Jadon Lingard.. I mean Sancho...needs if he still wants a career in professional football.

If he wants to be an esports player, go right ahead but get off our wage bill.
I fail to see how Jose would treat Sancho any differently. In fact, Jose would probably be a lot more harsh in his assessment to the media.
I think apologising to ETH only gets him back with the first team squad to be honest. After that if the same behaviour is continuing then he can't be anywhere near contention - it's neither fair on his teammates who are putting the effort and professionalism in (we hope) nor likely to see him at his best and hurt his resale. I speak from experience that a gaming addiction, and to be honest it's starting to look that way as he's clearly making bad decisions, can be very harmful to mental and physical performance.

He is so obviously being very badly advised and poorly supported by his peer group and management at this point. You have to wonder how he gets out of this without some proper intervention but if he genuinely doesn't want to change, or can't even see what the problem is, it's futile to try. Until he wakes up to it personally it won't change. Incredibly sad waste of talent, as well as a financial and squad disaster for us.

Im not sure if we can say he has a gaming addiction!
I fail to see how Jose would treat Sancho any differently. In fact, Jose would probably be a lot more harsh in his assessment to the media.

Jose just complains about his players to make himself look better. Some fans still think he's some straight talking mastermind but he's at Roma and not a top club for a reason.

Despite what some fans think, telling players they're sh!te doesn't count as coaching.
Should have sold him in the summer. He has the chance to form some kind of partnership with Højlund but it appears that chance will go begging. Sancho seems like he's an academy kid and we're hoping with enough chances and the arm around the shoulder from the manager he will develop into a real player, but the reality is, we spent a shed-load of cash on him, he gets paid an obscene amount each week, and he's 23. He's not a kid. He's had chances and he's never taken them. He is either unsuited to this league unsuited to life as a professional footballer, or both. Now that he's created drama with a manger who is already dealing with a myriad of off field garbage, Sancho has played his hand very poorly.

Our only problem is getting some suckers to buy him from us. We've wasted the money spent on Sancho, he's never coming good, and the longer we persist with him, the longer it is until we fix the problem.
If im being honest i think he just use the "mental health" stuff as an excuse of being an immature asshole and acting like entitled little shit. I'm not saying mental issues aren't real, but nowadays a lot of public figure just attribute any wrong doings as "mental issue" to escape responsibilities
Im not sure if we can say he has a gaming addiction!
No, that's why I said starting to look like, rather than he has :). Honestly though, if you are in a position where you are late for work on what seems like a problematic basis and you are still choosing to be playing games so late into the night / early morning when you need to be in the next day, then you are making bad decisions which can be a sign. Again - I've been there and it's a sign I recognise. Maybe it's a one off but it's still worrying for me. Hopefully I'm wrong and it's just a reflection of my own experience jading my view.
He's not a good RW though even at his best he was far better on the left, another mindless transfer blowing up in the clubs face.

I disagree. He was played just as much on the right at Dortmund and was excellent.

We shouldn't rewrite history. He was brilliant at Dortmund and next to no-one thought this would be a "mindless transfer". Even thought some of the red flags may have been missed.
Should have sold him in the summer. He has the chance to form some kind of partnership with Højlund but it appears that chance will go begging. Sancho seems like he's an academy kid and we're hoping with enough chances and the arm around the shoulder from the manager he will develop into a real player, but the reality is, we spent a shed-load of cash on him, he gets paid an obscene amount each week, and he's 23. He's not a kid. He's had chances and he's never taken them. He is either unsuited to this league unsuited to life as a professional footballer, or both. Now that he's created drama with a manger who is already dealing with a myriad of off field garbage, Sancho has played his hand very poorly.

Our only problem is getting some suckers to buy him from us. We've wasted the money spent on Sancho, he's never coming good, and the longer we persist with him, the longer it is until we fix the problem.

You not think ETH would have if given half a chance?

Who would have bought him and taken his massive wage on?
No, that's why I said starting to look like, rather than he has :). Honestly though, if you are in a position where you are late for work on what seems like a problematic basis and you are still choosing to be playing games so late into the night / early morning when you need to be in the next day, then you are making bad decisions which can be a sign. Again - I've been there and it's a sign I recognise. Maybe it's a one off but it's still worrying for me. Hopefully I'm wrong and it's just a reflection of my own experience jading my view.

Isn't the story that he was late this week? He is clearly mailing it in, given he is training with the reserves.

Who knows what is up with him, but whatever it is, it doesn't feel like his priority is being the best footballer he can be.
You not think ETH would have if given half a chance?

Who would have bought him and taken his massive wage on?
I was under the impression that ETH was happy with Sancho's rehabilitation, and he probably would have voted against selling him, thinking that Sancho was going to kick on. ?
I was under the impression that ETH was happy with Sancho's rehabilitation, and he probably would have voted against selling him, thinking that Sancho was going to kick on. ?

ETH may have said that he was happy with Sancho prior to the Arsenal game, but i think thats because he knows he is stuck with him given the outlay United made and the salary Sancho is on.

He has been pretty mediocre post return from Holland. If ETH could have sold him and gone into the market with that cash, im sure he would have loved to.

Who knows why ETH called Sancho out post the Arsenal game. Maybe he is playing 3D chess and knew that Sancho would fire back, thus creating a way to get him out.
All I can say that for 300k a week I would be expecting him to run through brick walls regardless if he gets playing time or not. Money in football has went truly mad when we have nurses on the breadline and Idiots like this moping around. If I was offered 300k a week for 5 years I would do anything that was asked of me by my employers. It really is that simple.
Hypothetically, if Sancho apologises to ETH, would people still want to see him back in the team?

If he put in good performances people will forgive most things, but he wouldnt so its mute. Too physically and mentally weak for the league, and he knows it. Which is why he doesnt even want to try to do the job he's paid £300k+ a week to do.

Really extraordinary how this is playing out. Nobody in their right mind would be acting the way Sancho is right now, which makes me wonder if he's frankly not in his right mind. Wasn't his long break last season due to mental health reasons? I know this is speculative, but his behaviour at the moment is so poor and irrational that *surely* there must be a mental health struggle as an explanation?

Or, maybe, he's just exceptionally thick and an arse hole. Why do we have to try and find excuses to justify why someone might be acting like an entitled deluded brat? Most of the time it will just be because that's what they are.
I really can’t believe how poorly this has all turned out. Bruno and Martinez really are the only signings at a good age that we’ve caught a real break with post Fergie despite spending a fortune. I wanted us to get Sancho so badly. I knew there was a chance he’d take a few years to get acclimatised to the league and his teammates but this is an absolute joke. I thought he’d be one of our best players by now.
He wants out. It’s that simple.
He's made to work for his 300K a week so naturally he's going to kick up a stink having been called out for doing the bare minimum.

He doesn't want out. He'd rather try to hang around in the hopes the manager gets sacked so he can continue getting that fat 300k pay packet.
I can’t believe a club of this magnitude spent two years yearning for and chasing a big money signing who was mentally such a complete and utter dud. The club needs to introspect on how we got the personality / mentality check so damn wrong. 350K/week wages and 80m signing that has the mental fortitude of a child - madness.
I can’t believe a club of this magnitude spent two years yearning for and chasing a big money signing who was mentally such a complete and utter dud. The club needs to introspect on how we got the personality / mentality check so damn wrong. 350K/week wages and 80m signing that has the mental fortitude of a child - madness.
Our club is rotten from the top. Has been so for the better part of a decade. It will take a loooooong time to fix that.
It's telling that the briefings are that the other players recognize the issue is with Sancho and not Ten Hag. I can't imagine there's anyone in the dressing room who's on his side given his childish behavior.
Our club is rotten from the top. Has been so for the better part of a decade. It will take a loooooong time to fix that.
I feel even time alone won’t. It will take a long time but under good ownership.
I can’t believe a club of this magnitude spent two years yearning for and chasing a big money signing who was mentally such a complete and utter dud. The club needs to introspect on how we got the personality / mentality check so damn wrong. 350K/week wages and 80m signing that has the mental fortitude of a child - madness.
I’m not sure who was more keen to sign him - the club or the Caf! At the time all the talk on here was that we needed him to fix our RW problem and everything would be rosy! The Caf isn’t always right!
All I can say that for 300k a week I would be expecting him to run through brick walls regardless if he gets playing time or not. Money in football has went truly mad when we have nurses on the breadline and Idiots like this moping around. If I was offered 300k a week for 5 years I would do anything that was asked of me by my employers. It really is that simple.
And all his employers want him to do is play football. It’s maddening. It’s not like he’s being asked to parachute into the Kremlin on a suicide mission, it’s fecking playing a game we all love!!
I’m not sure who was more keen to sign him - the club or the Caf! At the time all the talk on here was that we needed him to fix our RW problem and everything would be rosy! The Caf isn’t always right!
Caf doesn’t get paid to evaluate future employees. (Or am I missing some deserved paychecks?)
I’m not sure who was more keen to sign him - the club or the Caf! At the time all the talk on here was that we needed him to fix our RW problem and everything would be rosy! The Caf isn’t always right!
Oh I was very much on board that particular train. Sancho was the first target (and last) in a long time that was I was super excited for. Then again, I was going off YouTube clips and had no insight into him as a person and his character. The club should be vetting that thoroughly and it’s evident that they didn’t.
He had lots of "unhappy" "disciplinary" news back in his City/Dortmund days, we should have done a much better due diligence on his work ethics.
Roma are in for him? They’re probably willing to pay 5 per cent of his wages.
The longer this drags on, the more I'm bothered by a question - what does Sancho hope to gain out of this? If it were for a few days you could put it down to ego and the ill-advised actions that are borne out of a highly-paid footballer's bubble these days. It's getting into multiple weeks now - surely there's a moment of epiphany somewhere that makes Sancho realize that the only two options for him are to either buckle down right now, or try to restart his career much later on at another club. In the moment of ego/anger, the second will seem possible to all footballers who are told they're the greatest thing since sliced bread. But over time, surely the realization dawns that there's no guarantee he'll ever get a top club again to prove his worth, that being frozen out for so long may have an impact on his game, that injuries could feck it all up and that no matter what he'll never get this money or opportunity if he continues sulking for the next few months.

The fact that this chain of thought - with the obvious and only conclusion of an apology - hasn't occurred yet makes me believe Sancho isn't thinking rationally. And that makes me wonder if his mental health issues have resurfaced again after that spat. Rumors indicate that EtH had identified his depression as a reason for his tardiness last season, but you can't just remove it with few months of vacation somewhere. Depression resurfaces from time to time, and it consumes you with irrational actions that feel right in the moment. Irrespective of the optics, he cannot make the correct and logical call right now. And this also explains why certain players are still batting for him privately.

Or maybe this is all a long con, and Sancho just hopes that his prolonged refusal to apologize will lead to people like me trying to find answers from the mental health perspective. Possible, but not probable.

The longer this drags on, the more I'm convinced Sancho needs mental help again, and the right people around him. It's not convenient that he's on massive wages at massive club under pressure, and that his manager cannot back down given the optics of the situation which leaves only course of action - freezing him out. But none of that fixes mental health issues, and the fact that he needs help and attention again. Also, if this guess is indeed true, you can see why he'd feel betrayed by Ten Hag saying what he did. A very 'Yes, I'm late, but you of all people should know why, and you of all people should know that despite being late, I'm really trying. feck it, I'm not trying anymore' situation.
I think he just want out. He knew he won’t be first choice under ETH anyway, and in his perspective he might feel he was betrayed/scapegoat won’t get the support/backing from manager anymore, so maybe it’s better to seek his future elsewhere.

Which is perfectly fine for us, as he is shite and lazy anyway. Rather cut loss sooner rather than later and let things drag.
I would not go that far. I am sure there is a quality team out there, that may feel they can make use of his qualities. It was not that long ago he was playing at a high level for Dortmund. I have heard Newcastle could come in for him.

Maybe, but that seems doubtful. A top club wouldn’t put up with this shit. A bottom club can’t afford Jadon. Given the most recent revelations, it’s probably best to refer to his football playing career in the past tense.
It seems I am one of the very few having a bit of understanding for Sancho.
He was one of our better players before the Arsenal game so it was strange he was excluded. Also he is the only player ten Hag publicly called out and it really seems strange that others like Rashford, Bruno, Antony got so much game time despite playing shite.
And I still think it’s better that Sancho wrote the tweet himself and stood by it instead of leaking stuff to others or let his entourage do the talking.

Overall it is of course a joke that someone earning what he earns is moaning, especially given the fact he never came close to justify all the money we paid for and to him. While I think he is among our top 3 most talented players I don’t see how this is turning into a positive. No idea who might be interested in him after all this and with his wages.
Back when most of the CAF was speaking (or inventing?) mental issues to justify Sancho's behavior, I ruffled a few feathers when I wrote that the situation is unsustainable as no employer is willing to pay 250k-350k a week on a long term basis for an employee that doesn't produce anything positive to the organization. Its a shame that I was proven right. TBH I was hoping that the guy would turn things around. We really can't afford throwing a 70m investment in the bin.
How can anyone deny his passion for football when he's playing until 3am?
Does he actually enjoy playing football?

With the money he's already accrued he could happily retire and pursue other interests. Maybe he's just not cut out for the life of a professional footballer.
Are we allowed to 'boo' him yet or do we have to wait until he's sold first?

Lets hope Chelsea think he's a striker in January and do us a massive favour.
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