Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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Part of me thinks there’s at least a chance there’s something in it if he still feels aggrieved enough that he won’t back down. We’re unlikely to ever know either way though.

He can refuse to backdown while simultaneously turning up for training on time and conducting himself like a grown-up. He sounds immature to me. He's actively making it worse.
Problem is, no one is gonna come near him in Jan with that attitude. I don't want us to go through this cycle of loaning him, paying most of his wages because obviously no one else will, then having him back at the club to run down his contract like Martial and VDB. I wasn't happy when ETH went public with this, but I see no reason why would this be personal, considering all the support Sancho received from ETH last season.
His contract was terminated by mutual consent. I.e. after the Piers interview the club told him you're in breach and we're canceling your contract and will win in court, so you can mutually terminate and move on or get fecked.

EDIT - and for the record, his contract was terminated a full 5 weeks before he signed with Al Nassr.

Can you see how “by mutual consent” means it’s nothing like the Sancho situation? Obviously if Sancho agreed to forfeit £40m quid then sure, it might happen. But there’s no way he does that. They are incomparable situations.

Props on the 5 week gap though, in my head he went straight from Utd to Saudi.
I’d take him in a deal for Regulion.

He is clearly not shite, what ever has went on he’s clearly not very happy. It happens,clashes sod personalities, different managers, high price tag, ego. I’d take him, he was moody at City too, why he left for game time. Just needs a clean slate and fresh start.
Ange a fan of players who don't run?
Can you see how “by mutual consent” means it’s nothing like the Sancho situation? Obviously if Sancho agreed to forfeit £40m quid then sure, it might happen. But there’s no way he does that. They are incomparable situations.

Props on the 5 week gap though, in my head he went straight from Utd to Saudi.
Agreed, the situations are different, mostly in that Sancho has a lot more to lose than Ronaldo did. But if he continues to feck up, United would have a similar claim to breach of contract and being able to terminate.
@vanderpants if you've seen anything of note recently, can you share?

All points to a pretty grim scenario and as far as I'm aware, based on the information to date, this is all on Sancho. Maybe some further information down the line will make it make sense but just seems like a bizarre way to act.
Sorry just saw this, just posted what happened today
I wish I had a job like that. Be shite, turn up late with a IDGAF attitude, be in an open verbal spat with your boss and yet rake in millions.
Sounds like he has a bunch of enablers around him. I hope someone around him is letting him know he's about to fumble the bag.
What an idiot. What is he hoping to gain from this ? No club will touch him even if he wants to leave
Sancho rocked up a whole 30mins late this afternoon to training, fair to say he's not backing down

Not that i dont believe this could be true, can i ask how are u getting this info ? 30 minutes isnt a 'i am suffering from explosive diarrhoea' late it's proper can be arsed late.
Hope they cancel his contract honestly. Surely he’s in some form of breach by refusing to play/train
nah cause then he can just go somewhere else and be rewarded with a new club to play for. Make him feel it a bit with no money and no playing time.
Sancho rocked up a whole 30mins late this afternoon to training, fair to say he's not backing down
If true, how much of a narcissist do you have to be to not turn up on time, despite being paid 250k~ a week?

Astonishing attitude.
Truly bizarre that his actual job is a professional footballer but he'd rather prat about playing football on an Xbox.
Somehow it feels like he's being a bigger cnut than Ronaldo last season.
Anyone still on Team Sancho in this?

I hope not. ETH is stamping his authority, and it's exactly what we need. Get with the program or get the hell out.
What if he was right, would you respect him for taking such a stance or is our view clouded cause hes been shit?
The manager has to be the boss. End of. Doesn't matter if Sancho is right or wrong, he sucks it up. This isn't someone in a junior admin role grumbling that the boss has been unfair. This is a top talent at a world class organisation who is paid to perform in very high pressure situations. He is paid enough money to take some shit. So even if he was right, which he isn't, I'd expect him to shut up, respect his managers standards and show up.
Makes it even worse that when he's not at training he's playing that shit game. Why do these footballer cnuts never get found playing Balders Gate 3 at 3am instead?
Is this true? :lol:
I think so. I had a really bad tendency to sleep heavily so when I had a job that involved travelling I asked the hotel to go in and wake me up an make sure I was moving it was that bad! I slept through a whole fire alarm in Gatwick.

I reckon if I had the earnings he has, I'd do the same, pay someone to get me awake and moving!
Somehow it feels like he's being a bigger cnut than Ronaldo last season.

I don't even think it's close. With Ronaldo at least the cuntishness comes from a place of ridiculous competitiveness, and his main issue was being unable to understand that he wasn't the player he used to be. That's basically what kicked off the entire saga.

With Sancho he's like a moody teenager lashing out when he has 0 credibility to do so. He can get fecked for all I care.
When he came here there was all this talk of how much of a 'baller' he is and I specifically remember a quote where he said he wants to 'violate people' with skills.

What has followed is one of the meekest, most pathetic Utd careers I've ever seen. Struts about the pitch like he's just eaten Sunday dinner, wusses out of every 50/50, doesn't really dribble past anyone, doesn't really create, downs tools at the slightest inconvenience and now is happy to lose 6 months of his career because he got called out for poor training. This is after that same manager gave him basically half the season off to get his head straight after a bereavement.

Absolute wet-wipe. Good riddance.
Yup. He’s the most fragile and meek footballer I’ve seen at United at least from among the ones who have had the ability. If you’re under pressure he’s the last player you want by your side.
Part of me thinks there’s at least a chance there’s something in it if he still feels aggrieved enough that he won’t back down. We’re unlikely to ever know either way though.

Not in this instance, and not with the many reports out there that he's been pretty much treated like a toddler for years having his hand held begging him to train hard/be accountable for things.

If he was a model professional and then suddenly this cropped up then I'd be inclined to agree.
Yup. He’s the most fragile and meek footballer I’ve seen at United at least from among the ones who have had the ability. If you’re under pressure he’s the last player you want by your side.

If one end of the spectrum is true warriors that would die on the pitch and have 0 regard for their health like Martinez or Eric Bailly types, then he's on the other end of it. The exact opposite. I've said it before but it really feels like he's likes the idea of "being a star footballer" than actually doing what it takes to be one. Being famous and the perks that come with it seem more appealing to him than actually going out and dominating matches on the biggest stage.
If one end of the spectrum is true warriors that would die on the pitch and have 0 regard for their health like Martinez or Eric Bailly types, then he's on the other end of it. The exact opposite. I've said it before but it really feels like he's likes the idea of "being a star footballer" than actually doing what it takes to be one. Being famous and the perks that come with it seem more appealing to him than actually going out and dominating matches on the biggest stage.
Yup. I think the Bundesliga or a similar legaue that is a bit comfy for attacking players is perfect for him. He can strut his obviously brilliant technical ability without having to truly challenge himself or stand up to more serious confrontations.
At this point he should be made to get on with his job. If he doesn't put in the effort then fine him for every week he doesn't bother turning up. Right now he's just living the life of a high school dropout whilst draining millions from the club for the privilege. It isn't on
It really doesn't matter two shits what Sancho thinks. ETH is the manager, if he feels aggrieved, prove yourself in training and do your talking on the pitch. Act like a fecking professional, you don't have to be in love with the fecking manager, you have a contract with the club. Don't fecking say on social media you are going to fight for the badge then take £350k a week and play Playstation. If he's turning up late for training all of the time, I hope we are fecking docking his wages.
Just saw the supposed Sancho stuff about playing FIFA till 3am then turning up late.

As I've said, there's probably more to the situation if he's so hell-bent on not wanting to apologise and that's fine.

However, if it is true, there is no excuse for a lack of professionalism. It's especially concerning when you have players like Regulion coming in showing more fight/care for the club. Hannibal another one. Even 35 year old Evans!

Either way it feels/looks like an irrepairable relationship. One that has to be sold off in January.
It really doesn't matter two shits what Sancho thinks. ETH is the manager, if he feels aggrieved, prove yourself in training and do your talking on the pitch. Act like a fecking professional, you don't have to be in love with the fecking manager, you have a contract with the club. Don't fecking say on social media you are going to fight for the badge then take £350k a week and play Playstation. If he's turning up late for training all of the time, I hope we are fecking docking his wages.

Ten Hag is the man, and I back him totally on this.
This is what he’s wanted for a while. An excuse to stay home and not play football.

If you asked him straight up to either sit on his United contract or get a move in Jan he would sit on the contract

He’s done himself absolutely no favours since being dropped, he’s jetted off to New York and gets seen in FIFA at 3 Am regally what a fecking waster
Might not be him playing FIFA, in fairness. He is clearly a moron, though.
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