It's incredible that it only takes 1 win and everyone changes their minds on him. This is exactly the problem with the fanbase right now.
After a decade of going through various managers, it's become like Stockholm Syndrome, it's mind blowing that a win against a mediocre side and all is forgiven. What a lot of fans are falling for is 'hope'. Human beings are hot-wired to respond to hope, everyone needs it to keep going, but the trouble with it, is that its only a short term solution before reality kicks back in. A loss next week and that hope will have vanished. As the old saying goes, 'Its the hope that kills you'.
It's important to see the much bigger picture when it comes to ETH. The results over 3 years, the money spent, the style of football being played. Not a single result against a side that, quite frankly, Everton or West Ham should be beating. By all means, if you want to give ETH another chance, then do so at the end of the season, based on results and league position. Don't be suckered in by a 2-1 win over Brentford, just because the first seven games have been appalling.