And at which point did I mention or make any remark on having any insight on how he likes to rest and unwind? or is this you just pulled nonsense out of thin air and try to pass it off as something I've implied? What I said is that resting and recuperating are important.
Allegedly coming to Manchester early or not really has no bearing on if I think he "really wants to succeed"
Again, as evidenced above, I've phrased it from my PoV, so once more, what are you arguing with me about?
Gesture/action/move - find the synonym that makes you feel most at ease. I'm not moved by them.
Gesture/action/move - find the synonym that makes you feel most at ease. I'm not moved by them.
I was not the one that said anything about
wanting to succeed more. In fact, my stance is that potentially going on holiday/resting/not coming to Manchester early doesn't mean he's less thirsty for success or whatever
I mean you guys are the weirdos replying to me trying to convince me that coming to Manchester early means "he really wants to succeed"

Even making up stuff like I'm trying to find a negative/moaning - when my initial post was "
I don't know why this whole coming to Manchester early thing is being equated to "professionalism" . Verbatim.
Your poor reading comprehension and defensiveness has nothing to do with me.