Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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The fact he persisted with Dalot despite his poor performances is a worry.

If he starts AWB the next few games then any doubts will be removed.

People need to stop doing this.

He went with the same team to send a message, everyone was bad against Liverpool and it would not be fair to drop 1/2 players after the whole team had a stinker.

He sent the same team so they can redeem themselves. There is a reason AWB came on at half time, Ten Hag saw enough and will probably start on the weekend.
The bloke is winning matches with some seriously shite players in the squad. All too forgotten by those folk who think this bunch should be winning every week.

Weghorst and De Gea at opposite ends of the team and he’s still winning matches so often. The fella is magic.
I loved Ole. But starting to see how it felt for me back then, thought it was just folk who where just backing the manager, but seems some are just carrying flat out agendas, and wild double standards.

I just don't get it.

It's just really fecking weird. He has 23 posts in here: 12 have come since Sunday, not one to praise ETH when he won the League Cup and some of his posts in here are bigging up Ole's away record. That's a pretty clear agenda, and he's not the only one; others who only became active in here after Sunday, have suddenly disappeared after last night. Not a word of praise from any of them :rolleyes:
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It's just really fecking weird. He has 23 posts in here: 12 have come since Sunday, not one to praise ETH when he won the League Cup and some of his posts in here are bigging up Ole's away record. That's a pretty clear agenda, and he's not the only one, others who only became active in here after Sunday, have suddenly disappeared after last night. Not a word of praise from any of them :rolleyes:

He's gone now.
The subtext was completely obvious. As you presumably now realise?
Perhaps you are right. I can't speculate about subtext and try to comment on what's actually written.

I called you out for attacking a poster for something they didn't actually write, even if there was sub subtext indeed (I still can't comment on that).
And I called him out for being a hypocrite and applying double standards to Ole and Ten Hag. And I love Ole, as manager. But it's not about that.
Obviously a great stat but I would be interested to see it in relation to games played.

Napoli 27 wins out of 33 = 81,8%(!)
United 31/43 = 72,1%
Barca 27/38 = 71,1%
PSG 27/38 = 71,1%
Real 27/40 = 67,5%
City 27/40 = 67,5%
Obviously a great stat but I would be interested to see it in relation to games played.

If you look at the remaining league games, we have done all the heavy lifting. We really have like 2 'difficult' matches left till the end of the season. Clubs like Arsenal have about 4-5 difficult matches in April. So do the scousers.
And I love Ole, as manager. But it's not about that.
I mean, each to his own, and this probably isn't a debate we need to be getting into now, but I cannot think of one thing that hasn't improved at United in the few months that ETH has been here. I could understand if you'd written 'I love Ole as a player' or 'I love Ole as a person', but as a manager he was woefully inadequate.
Napoli 27 wins out of 33 = 81,8%(!)
United 31/43 = 72,1%
Barca 27/38 = 71,1%
PSG 27/38 = 71,1%
Real 27/40 = 67,5%
City 27/40 = 67,5%

If you look at the remaining league games, we have done all the heavy lifting. We really have like 2 'difficult' matches left till the end of the season. Clubs like Arsenal have about 4-5 difficult matches in April. So do the scousers.

Yeah it's pretty good stuff. I think Sunday brought back a lot of the feelings of last season for some but the evidence is clearly there for a much more positive direction.
If you look at the remaining league games, we have done all the heavy lifting. We really have like 2 'difficult' matches left till the end of the season. Clubs like Arsenal have about 4-5 difficult matches in April. So do the scousers.
I realise I'm fully wearing my red-tinted specs here, but the heavy defeat at Liverpool could turn out to be exactly what we needed to refocus minds ahead of the run-in. A much tighter game would have been much preferable for us fans, but might not have provided the shock that was needed to shake off any complacency and reset us mentally. A defeat was always going to come after so many high intensity matches in such a short period, yes it was a shitter that it came against Liverpool - and especially the manner of it - but if ETH is clever he can turn it to our advantage.
Perfect response to the weekend really. He must be itching to get to the transfer window and more funds so he can drastically improve the team.

Any half decent striker can make all the difference. Put someone like Ollie Watkins up front hypothetically and we’ll look much better.
Yeah it's pretty good stuff. I think Sunday brought back a lot of the feelings of last season for some but the evidence is clearly there for a much more positive direction.

Definitely. Weirdly it didn't bother me anywhere near as much as it should. The way we play in general is so much better than at any time for over a decade.

We have always had heavy defeats in us, even under fergie. If we were shite all the time it would be different but I think we are in a really good position as a squad (although certainly not complete). Definitely beyond where I thought we would be and I am really pleased. Its nice to be enjoying watching us again.
It's funny that you only reemerged in here (like a few others) after Sunday. You seem to be microanalysising ETH's decisions but gave Ole a totally free pass, and were condescending to anyone who questioned him.

It's extreme hypocritical and you hardly thought people would just forget your antics during the Ole era, did you?

Ridiculous condescending he was, bizarre how many Ole-fanatics appear not just hypocritical, but desperate for it to go South for ETH, just so it can paint Ole in a good light.
Either that, or they’re so desperate for their idiotic views on Ole to be proven even partially correct that actively wish things to go tits up for their own team.

Noggie posters like Cato appeared on redcafe for one reason, and only show up now when they feel they can continue that nonsense. Make no mistake, Ole is their entire reason for being on redcafe.
Ridiculous condescending he was, bizarre how many Ole-fanatics appear not just hypocritical, but desperate for it to go South for ETH, just so it can paint Ole in a good light.
Either that, or they’re so desperate for their idiotic views on Ole to be proven even partially correct that actively wish things to go tits up for their own team.

Noggie posters like Cato appeared on redcafe for one reason, and only show up now when they feel they can continue that nonsense. Make no mistake, Ole is their entire reason for being on redcafe.

Yup, when over half your 'contributions' to this thread were posted after Sunday, it paints a pretty damning picture.
I never saw you criticize Ole for his team selections though.

I was plenty critical of continuing to play Maguire when he started to fall off a cliff.

I have not been critical of Ten Hag though. The only thing I wrote is that we will know wether or not playing the same team was right, and we will know after 90 minutes. And playing Dalot over AWB, but thats hardly going in on the manager. I have repeatedly stated that the players on the pitch are the ones responsible for the result the moment they start the game, not the manager. Besides, we all have our biases that contribute to how we view both players and managers, no one here are above treating people slightly different. We arent robots.
I mean, each to his own, and this probably isn't a debate we need to be getting into now, but I cannot think of one thing that hasn't improved at United in the few months that ETH has been here. I could understand if you'd written 'I love Ole as a player' or 'I love Ole as a person', but as a manager he was woefully inadequate.
I do not disagree with the statement that so many things have improved under Ten Hag. That's a fact, in my view. But Ten Hag came after Rangnick and a full season with CRY37.

Let's not derail this thread.

If you want to have that convo, we can use of the more relevant threads and continue there. Just @ me and we go! :D
It's funny that you only reemerged in here (like a few others) after Sunday. You seem to be microanalysising ETH's decisions but gave Ole a totally free pass, and were condescending to anyone who questioned him.

It's extreme hypocritical and you hardly thought people would just forget your antics during the Ole era, did you?

I dont think you read what I posted, I have not been critical of Ten Hag.

But this is a forum for discussing the manager and the team is it not? I dont see you having gone in on fans who lambasted Ole for everything he got wrong, but kept their peace when the team played well. Hypocricy is a revolving door, nice to meet you.
I dont think you read what I posted, I have not been critical of Ten Hag.

But this is a forum for discussing the manager and the team is it not? I dont see you having gone in on fans who lambasted Ole for everything he got wrong, but kept their peace when the team played well. Hypocricy is a revolving door, nice to meet you.

Oh, so you have no problem being a hypocrite now? That's fantastic to know. As I said, over half your posts coming in here since Sunday is a really terrible look.
What are you even talking about?

Agenda posting?

You didn't bother coming in here when things were good to offer any form of praise. Then, after Sunday you accumulated more than half your posts in this very thread. You're a parody, and you've become everything you professed to hate during the Ole era, i.e. you're a hypocrite.
Agenda posting?

You didn't bother coming in here when things were good to offer any form of praise. Then, after Sunday you accumulated more than half your posts in this very thread. You're a parody, and you've become everything you professed to hate during the Ole era, i.e. you're a hypocrite.

I have not been negative towards Ten Hag. Unlike you and your ilk that almost managed to get a Masters degree in being overly critical about everything Ole did, you offered nothing the other way around when things were going well. Why in gods name are you talking to me about hypocricy when you wouldnt recognise it if it fellated you in front of a mirror. Also please be informed that Im not the one bringing the former manager up, you are.

I havent been active in the Ten Hag discussion because I havent been very active on Redcafe relatively to the past few seasons at all. Its just a coincidence. Perhaps focus on the quality of your own contributions here instead of going after posters that at least provide something other than rampant negativity like you do.
Yeah it's pretty good stuff. I think Sunday brought back a lot of the feelings of last season for some but the evidence is clearly there for a much more positive direction.

Its simply a ridiculous win rate for a team that was absolutely pathetic last season. It's a shame we haven't fully translated that rate into our league form which would see us at around 56 points at this stage. The fact that we were even considered in the title race is a testament to how good ETH has been this season. Phenomenal turn around.
I have not been negative towards Ten Hag. Unlike you and your ilk that almost managed to get a Masters degree in being overly critical about everything Ole did, you offered nothing the other way around when things were going well. Why in gods name are you talking to me about hypocricy when you wouldnt recognise it if it fellated you in front of a mirror. Also please be informed that Im not the one bringing the former manager up, you are.

I havent been active in the Ten Hag discussion because I havent been very active on Redcafe relatively to the past few seasons at all. Its just a coincidence. Perhaps focus on the quality of your own contributions here instead of going after posters that at least provide something other than rampant negativity like you do.

Nah, I was generally fair to Ole, I was even ok with his new contract. It was, and always has been, his fans that rubbed everyone up wrong.

My contributions in here are top notch. You on the other hand? Awful; bringing up Ole's away record somehow, and getting your claws in after Sunday. You be you, though. The faux 'Mr nice rational guy' act fools absolutely no one.
I have not been negative towards Ten Hag. Unlike you and your ilk that almost managed to get a Masters degree in being overly critical about everything Ole did, you offered nothing the other way around when things were going well. Why in gods name are you talking to me about hypocricy when you wouldnt recognise it if it fellated you in front of a mirror. Also please be informed that Im not the one bringing the former manager up, you are.

I havent been active in the Ten Hag discussion because I havent been very active on Redcafe relatively to the past few seasons at all. Its just a coincidence. Perhaps focus on the quality of your own contributions here instead of going after posters that at least provide something other than rampant negativity like you do.
a coincidence? :lol:
Be fair man, as he says, it’s clearly just a coincidence he joined the caf on 3rd Jan 2019 and was super active until this season.

I mean, what a bloody coincidence. A coincidence that he somehow found the time - at the exact right time for him - to double his post tally in this thread right after Liverpool dicked us. These coincidences just keep popping up.
I mean, what a bloody coincidence. A coincidence that he somehow found the time - at the exact right time for him - to double his post tally in this thread right after Liverpool dicked us. These coincidences just keep popping up.

And again I have not called Ten Hag a "fraud" "incompetent" or any of the colorful language you and the crew use when you describe people you dont like. See the difference?

I even went out of my way to state that the loss is on the players, not Ten Hag. How the hell is that being critical?
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