Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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Announcing it this early suggests that they are worried about fan engagement and they are expecting some humiliations against arsenal and chelsea.

I am too, to be fair.

No it doesn’t tbh.
Good news in what has been a sorry excuse of a season. The fans, and more importantly the owners, now need to back him up and give him the time to develop the squad and get us to where we belong. No one should be under any illusion that this is going to be plain sailing not least because we have to rid the club of most of the current playing squad, but let's just start as we mean to go on.
Fantastic news!

I'm really hoping to see a collective bump in performances from the players on this news. Why? Because it solidifies the type of football and commitment that's going to be required moving forward.

Maybe there was a sliver of doubt that Ragniks high effort , tactical methods would be short term and a new appointment might be a bit more relaxed. Certainly whispers of VDBs comments on training unlike what these players have seen before may have sent some shivers all around.

If any of them have ambition of staying with the club, and I think there's a few, really hoping they turn it up for the incoming manager who'll surely be watching keenly.

Or maybe just wishful thinking and we finish awfully and have to revamp 10-15 players in the squad.
A positive step in the right direction. You'll take all those you can get right now. Let's see how he does... I've always said without proper re-structure at the top he's doomed, I hope that is also happening.
Excited by this, just hope he's set up to succeed. Hopefully Ralf tells him exactly who the rotten apples are and they are swiftly moved on.

Apparently we sacked some scouting people yesterday? Maybe, just maybe we we have learnt (far too late) from our mistakes...

At least he's been appointed now, so he can start to plan for what he wants to do for them summer. He will also have had time to watch this current bunch, so I'd very much like to think there's no need for "every player to have a clean slate/ having a chance to impress"

They should have been working hard under any manager, but also under Ralf, especially as they dont know whos coming in, but they havent, so I'd like to think they have nowhere to hide...

He should be great for the youth players as well, maybe once top 4 is gone he will request Ralf use them, so he can have a look at them to see which ones could be ready to promote

I'm another who hopes we properly sort out the structure of the club to help him succeed
Let him do his job, give him complete authority to ship out anyone.
His teams has played some insanly good football in the CL these last few years. This is not a total slam dunk hire like Klopp was for Liverpool, but it's a exciting hire with a ton of potential. Its probably a hire that a lot of rival fans really didnt want.
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Can't believe the club has waited ten years to finally look around Europe and identify and appoint a manager with high-class potential, one on the up, but here we are. Good luck, sir.
Would be lovely if in a few years, we are referring to him as King Erik.

For an old man, I can still dream….
Obviously great for us, although I really can't fathom why he would possibly want to join us. He must've received some pretty hefty guarantees.

Yeah, I understand that its an alluring job but you have to know that there is a reason so many managers have struggled. I guess the upside is that people probably won't really blame him if it goes completely tits up.

I have some hope. For the first time since Fergie left I think we actually have a manager who can bring us into the modern era of football and build something with longevity and quality at its core.
Let's go. First managerial appointment that has really excited me posy SAF. Just hope he's backed and allowed to shape the squad how he wants. And that work continues on structure behind the scenes/facilities.
Glad we have announced it early hopefully means theres no fecking about when it comes to recruiting new players and getting rid of the ones we have already
Congrats to Erik and I hope he gets enough time to make his mark.
Brilliant to get this done and dusted before the end of April.

The appointment of Ralf at the start of the year has obviously been leading up to this point, so it's critical that we got it over the line in good time. I expected it to be end of season, but I suppose the wheels falling off brought the timeline forward.

It happening before the end of the season is a bonus - more time to get the ducks in line.

Now ten Hag can be actively involved with the transfer conversations.
Really hope we keep Rangnick and the two work together. I can only imagine how scathing the player reports would be coming from the German.

Could Murtough actually know what he's doing?
Now get his list of players and start working on that right away..
No "lets wait and see if we get CL" nonsense.. We arent getting CL
Had to give Ajax a call after that Liverpool result, hurry this up.
Rene Meulensteen’s application is in.
Watch the players suddenly decide to put effort in, I hope he's already got their cards marked though as they have shown their true colours the last few months

Is there anyone exciting at Ajax he could sign? Apparently they've a winger we are being linked with when his appointment was rumoured
Any word on when he officially takes the reigns?

Hoping earlier than July 1 like Moyes

Says end of season so hopefully end May, start June latest. Can't afford to repeat the mistake made with Moyes where crucial weeks were wasted. ETH needs to get tore in to the mess as soon as possible.

Welcome Erik. This is my 'good luck you're going to need it' handshake.
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