Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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It sounds like Jimbo is starting to get it .

Does he get shut of Ten hag and go with his own dream team to deliver his promises of a football style of his /their choosing whilst trying to get results ?

Accepting that if he doesn't deliver it in a manner and within a timeframe that is in keeping with demands , the finger is going to point at him and him alone ?

Welcome to the big leagues Jimbo .
It's a whole new ball game .
I was possibly the most anti INEOS in this forum and they are far from perfect. However they aren't cowards, quite the contrary. They are actually quite trigger happy. Ratcliffe wealth is built around turning failing businesses into success and that was achieved by challenging everything that business represented and shape it into success.

I know, a tongue in cheek comment to the article.

I hope we see a conclusion to this by the end of this week though.

If you need this much convincing that he is the right man, then he isnt the man for the job.
Just want them to make the decision one way or another at this point. This delaying isn't helping anyone
He deserves at least two more summer transfer windows. And then another two just to be safe.
He deserves at least another 1 with a proper structure helping him sign the right players in ahead of just former players
Just want them to make the decision one way or another at this point. This delaying isn't helping anyone

But the likelihood is that they have made a decision, they are just waiting for the man to return off of his holidays to let him know face to face what that decision is.

What you mean is, you want them to announce a decision because you think the club should operate around your own impatience.
Strange isn't it that a Man Utd forum, and specifically a thread dedicated to ETH and his future should have such a focus, I came here to discuss my dahlias and was disappointed!

I watch Sky sports news and listen to Talk sport, not constantly but I probably catch up to a couple of hours combined a day.... I would say they are probably the 2 biggest publishers of sports journalism in the UK, I can hand on heart say that whilst ETHs future is not the only topic, it is discussed everyday
I didn’t say don’t discuss it in here, I’m just pointing out the hysterics as if the season is starting in a couple of weeks and everything is up in the air is isolated to this thread. The season finished a couple of weeks ago and most of the club, ETH included are on holiday or international duty. If this doesn’t get resolved in the next few weeks, nothing is going to be effected other than the mental health of a few in here.
But the likelihood is that they have made a decision, they are just waiting for the man to return off of his holidays to let him know face to face what that decision is.

What you mean is, you want them to announce a decision because you think the club should operate around your own impatience.
When is ETH supposed to return from his holidays
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a fan boy as 'a boy or man who is an extremely or overly enthusiastic fan of someone or something'. The Oxford Learners Dictionary says that a fanboy is 'a person who admires a particular person very much'. As you can see there is nothing remotely derogatory,demeaning or childish about this term. It is a good idea to research before getting too hot under the collar about any word. It is what well-rounded adults do.

Now,if Ten Hag was to get booted and the next manager puts out a team that doesn't get overrun by almost all the opponents including those from the lower leagues,does not spout rubbish excuses when he loses due to suicidal and inexplicable(poor) tactics and generally exhibits an upward trajectory in terms of team results and general performance, I will not throw a tantrum when someone calls me a fanboy. In fact I will be proud if somene labels me his fanboy. But that is as long as the team performs. Of course when performances start declining and excuses start I will stop being a fan boy because the team comes first. It is not hard to understand that,is it?And am still waiting for a calm and reasoned explanation on the exaggerations and hyperbole in my post.
For one you called other posters boy and for another you claimed it's a notion for people who is overly enthusiastic.

It's derived from a notion to be star struck in the presence of a celebrity or to demonstrate intense excitement (, if you want to be pedantic).

Now, il let you work out the exaggeration and hyperbole there.
In the case of United I think SJR decided to leave all these matters to the new leadership he wants at the club: Berrada and Ashworth. It's not that he is scared to make a decision, it's that he decided to set the top level first and not interfere with their jobs before they even start.

I just fear that this approach will waste another season.

As said INEOS are extremely trigger happy. They had to be due to the nature of their work. In football they had been accused of maybe being too trigger happy for their own good. If you ask me the major issue at the moment is that the two major roles at United hasn't been filled.

Berrada is basically Gill. He's actually more then Gill as Gill could put his foot off the pedal and let SAF control football matters. Anyway everything financial related (transfers, contracts, sponsorships etc) will pass through him. The role is so important that its one of the rare moments were the Glazers said no to INEOS. In fact the latter wanted Blanc but that was shot down by the Glazers who wanted someone who represented both parties.

The sporting director covers 90% of what SAF used to do in the latter years. He sits at the top of the football pyramid, he makes sure that the right people are appointed in the right roles (fitness, manager, recruitment, scouting, data analysts, sports science, medical etc) and that all the departments interact well with one another. Ashworth will have to be in every room at the same time to make sure that he's present at every major football decision taken by the club.

INEOS had tried to reduce the fallout by appointing Blanc (whose got experience in the role at Juve) and by bringing a best in class technical director. However both people are new in the job, the former is there on a temporary basis while the latter will soon be answering to Ashworth which puts him in a weird position. Imagine if Wilcox gives the nod for a major decision only for Ashworth to take over and say that he wouldn't have done that. Thus we have to embrace a situation were things won't work as perfectly as they should be.

The club had been interviewing managers since post the FA cup win and they haven't stopped even though they are aware of the media leaks. They had all the time in the world to cover their tracks and state that he's safe but they didn't. If you ask me, this radio silence is due to us wrapping the new manager up. The last thing INEOS want is for them to sack the manager only for their plan A and their plan B to go somewhere else. We've seen that happening this very year with Bayern. Its ain't pretty
I know, a tongue in cheek comment to the article.

I hope we see a conclusion to this by the end of this week though.

If you need this much convincing that he is the right man, then he isnt the man for the job.

I am autistic mate. There's more of a chance that a 70 year old Taibi saves a freekick from prime Roberto Carlos then me getting a joke on a forum. So apologies if it went right over my head.
I had a dream last night where I ran into Ratcliffe at the Trafford Centre. Asked him what was with the hold up, and he told me he's waiting for Levy to pull the trigger on Ange next season so we could go for him. I asked him if it's because he thought he could be the next Fergie, but I woke up before he could answer.
He won’t get the sack. He will get another chance with more recruits and hopefully less injuries
As much as I'd prefer this I'm resigned to the likelihood of the sack. Unless the briefs of us talking to managers is just their agents trying to drum up a market.
As much as I'd prefer this I'm resigned to the likelihood of the sack. Unless the briefs of us talking to managers is just their agents trying to drum up a market.

I concur with this. I think he is getting sacked.
I’ve flip flopped on EtH all season. I was firmly in the give him more time side until about February, then changed to out. Now I’m in the “not sure”/“let’s see what he can do with a fit team and no involvement in transfers” group.

But either way, it would be nice to have some clarity from the club, and swiftly. Let’s not let this turn into the same shit the review into Greenwood turned into, where it drags on for an inordinate amount of time before the wrong decision is made, i.e. sacking him in three weeks time.
Think winning the FA cup ruined INEOS plans. They obvs didn’t expect us to win it. They’ve been here for what 4/5 months? Surely they should have planned for this summer and executed a plan by now.
Think winning the FA cup ruined INEOS plans. They obvs didn’t expect us to win it. They’ve been here for what 4/5 months? Surely they should have planned for this summer and executed a plan by now.
If he is getting sacked, perhaps he's messed it up with the timing of his holiday. If they want to do things properly, then they'll want to do it face to face when he's back, and not over the phone so that he comes home to press swarming him. Meanwhile, maybe United are sorting things out regarding the replacement in private so that they can do that quickly once Ten Hag has been informed

Either that, or they just can't make their minds up
While it is true to say that whatever decision Ineos make vis-à-vis Ten Hag, the responsibility for it will ultimately rest with them, it is a nonsense to suggest that Ratcliffe is somehow paralysed with fear regarding that decision. He has conclusively demonstrated over the years that he is a ruthless billionaire businessman - he will not think twice about sacking the manager (or indeed anyone else at United) if he thinks they have underperformed and that superior candidates are available.
Think winning the FA cup ruined INEOS plans. They obvs didn’t expect us to win it. They’ve been here for what 4/5 months? Surely they should have planned for this summer and executed a plan by now.

You are putting too much faith into people who have yet to prove... well, anything.
Not sure he will name players, more the positions needed and the club might not necessarily agree on the positions if they think we need strengthening elsewhere.
How can you expect him to perform when he doesn't get to pick his players?
The role is so important that its one of the rare moments were the Glazers said no to INEOS. In fact the latter wanted Blanc but that was shot down by the Glazers who wanted someone who represented both parties.

Where did you get this from?
How can you expect him to perform when he doesn't get to pick his players?

Him picking his own players hasn’t worked, and if he does avoid the sack it’s by the skin of his teeth and writing is on the wall anyway. In those circumstances no one is going to be allowing him to decide what players we sign as it’s unlikely he’ll be the manager much longer.
As said INEOS are extremely trigger happy. They had to be due to the nature of their work. In football they had been accused of maybe being too trigger happy for their own good. If you ask me the major issue at the moment is that the two major roles at United hasn't been filled.

Berrada is basically Gill. He's actually more then Gill as Gill could put his foot off the pedal and let SAF control football matters. Anyway everything financial related (transfers, contracts, sponsorships etc) will pass through him. The role is so important that its one of the rare moments were the Glazers said no to INEOS. In fact the latter wanted Blanc but that was shot down by the Glazers who wanted someone who represented both parties.

The sporting director covers 90% of what SAF used to do in the latter years. He sits at the top of the football pyramid, he makes sure that the right people are appointed in the right roles (fitness, manager, recruitment, scouting, data analysts, sports science, medical etc) and that all the departments interact well with one another. Ashworth will have to be in every room at the same time to make sure that he's present at every major football decision taken by the club.

INEOS had tried to reduce the fallout by appointing Blanc (whose got experience in the role at Juve) and by bringing a best in class technical director. However both people are new in the job, the former is there on a temporary basis while the latter will soon be answering to Ashworth which puts him in a weird position. Imagine if Wilcox gives the nod for a major decision only for Ashworth to take over and say that he wouldn't have done that. Thus we have to embrace a situation were things won't work as perfectly as they should be.

The club had been interviewing managers since post the FA cup win and they haven't stopped even though they are aware of the media leaks. They had all the time in the world to cover their tracks and state that he's safe but they didn't. If you ask me, this radio silence is due to us wrapping the new manager up. The last thing INEOS want is for them to sack the manager only for their plan A and their plan B to go somewhere else. We've seen that happening this very year with Bayern. Its ain't pretty
Where is this from?

“The role is so important that its one of the rare moments were the Glazers said no to INEOS. In fact the latter wanted Blanc but that was shot down by the Glazers who wanted someone who represented both parties. “
How can you expect him to perform when he doesn't get to pick his players?
He picked the players last season and that didn't exactly work. A goalie that cost us CL, a second goalie he ignores, a midfieler who was injured most of the season, a midfielder on loan that it took most of the season for him to play him in the right position and a forward who came to us injured. His first transfer window he spent most of the summer chasing a player who didn't want to play for us. He might have a veto on players, but doubt he will chose them otherwise we might be getting a load more Ajax players.
Not wrong though is he. As I said the other day, it's going to be a long summer for some.
That's not the reason I'm saying that to them, they've been pushing ITK bullshit for weeks in here about ETH and have been caught out, but yet is still posting crap like that post like as if they know something. It's beyond tedious now.
Their pattern doesn't exhibit any readily recognisable changes. At least in terms of league standings

19/20 - 5th
20/21 - 9th
21/22 - 5th
22/23 - 9th
23/24 - 5th know, that really doesn't fill me with a great deal of confidence looking purely at the league standings.

I don't pretend to know the French league, the dynamics of the division, the finances, or the club history of Nice but that looks unimpressive at face value.
Where is this from?

“The role is so important that its one of the rare moments were the Glazers said no to INEOS. In fact the latter wanted Blanc but that was shot down by the Glazers who wanted someone who represented both parties. “

It was circulating in the media during that time. At the time the talk was that INEOS was given control over football with the Glazers retaining control over the business side. Thus the CEO (who covers both aspects) had to come from both sides
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