Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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What’s your thoughts on EtH so far?

I know you are a fan
My feeling is that he is a fantastic manager and that you can count yourselves lucky to be able to witness what's coming as fans. It's going to be a pleasure to watch the team, however exactly the results will be.
My feeling is that he is a fantastic manager and that you can count yourselves lucky to be able to witness what's coming as fans. It's going to be a pleasure to watch the team, however exactly the results will be.

That sentiment is shared by a few other Bayern fans I know.

I'm really excited, though I'm not expecting overnight miracles. He needs funds and patience (fans, pundits, media)
In fact, we don’t really know if Ole is not good enough. We just know he could not win us trophies as quickly as possible. And, he failed in handling the situation last season for whatever reason. That’s why I always think he might have a ceiling but I am not sure.
Yeah, we know. Honestly we knew from the beginning. The knowledge couldn't have been more common.
Some of us held out the hope that, while he was sorely lacking the experience to manage a big club before he arrived, he might learn on the job. Up to the end of his first full season (the one where we finished third) I still believed that was possible.

Even though we finished a place higher and got to a final, there were numerous indications throughout the following season that he wasn’t learning and that a ceiling had definitely been hit.

Given that he was being “supported” in his job by clueless idiots like Ed Woodward it’s to his credit that he did that well.

Edit: for the avoidance of doubt, I was against his appointment from the start. Not so much because I thought he’d be a crap manager, but because he hadn’t been appointed for footballing reasons.
Some of us held out the hope that, while he was sorely lacking the experience to manage a big club before he arrived, he might learn on the job. Up to the end of his first full season (the one where we finished third) I still believed that was possible.

Even though we finished a place higher and got to a final, there were numerous indications throughout the following season that he wasn’t learning and that a ceiling had definitely been hit.

Given that he was being “supported” in his job by clueless idiots like Ed Woodward it’s to his credit that he did that well.
By the end of his second season I knew he had gone as high as possible, no way were we going to match/surpass Pep.
My feeling is that he is a fantastic manager and that you can count yourselves lucky to be able to witness what's coming as fans. It's going to be a pleasure to watch the team, however exactly the results will be.

Seems you are far more positive than some of our own! I’ve been very impressed so far. Early days but he just seems to have ‘it’. That aura about him.

I’m hopeful and at least at United you know he’ll get plenty of time.
Yeah, we know. Honestly we knew from the beginning. The knowledge couldn't have been more common.
Yeah some people are weird with managers. Can't get an average/mid tier manager to turn into a Pep or Klopp. Those 2 would show their quality and achieve great things everywhere, just like how Sir Alex did. The top managers will excel no matter what, even with a shit structure. Can't wish someone to be more than they are, just like we can't wish a player to become world class it they don't have the potential/talent for it.
By the end of his second season I knew he had gone as high as possible, no way were we going to match/surpass Pep.
Yeah I was doubtful, but we played some really nice football in the second half of that season. Bruno had been a revelation, but Martial had been playing like a man reborn and our attacking play looked consistently good. The semi final exits showed poor game management, sure, but I still hoped he’d learn from the experience. Sadly that wasn’t to be.

We also had a huge boost that season from having a three month break during the first lockdown. Which was why we avoided our usual end of season collapse due to poor fitness.
Seems you are far more positive than some of our own! I’ve been very impressed so far. Early days but he just seems to have ‘it’. That aura about him.

I’m hopeful and at least at United you know he’ll get plenty of time.

I share that sentiment.
To be successful, the evidence from city (small c) and Liverpool is that you need an elite football manager/coach.
The PL has a number of such people in Pep, Klopp, Conte and Tuchel.

Manchester United may well have recruited another elite manager/coach. I am very hopeful that we have.
But we need to temper expectations and give the man the things he needs in order to succeed.

Just an illustration of how far United have dropped.
My young grandson lives in London and is a fan of Chelsea.
He tells me that all the other boys in his class support either Chelsea, Liverpool or Manchester City. I asked him how many support United and he said none.
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In fact, we don’t really know if Ole is not good enough. We just know he could not win us trophies as quickly as possible. And, he failed in handling the situation last season for whatever reason. That’s why I always think he might have a ceiling but I am not sure.
:lol: Is this a fecking joke?? Change the "we" dont really know to "you" dont really know mate. Ole was fecking shit. Prehistoric football. Counter attacking shite. No idea what to do with the ball. Let the other team take initiative, and we will hit on the counter. No shots on target for 45 minutes, hope to score by luck or set pieces. No participation whatsoever in coaching, fecking worst manager ever and rightfully still unemployed. He has ceiling alight, the Norwegian league. That man wasted 3 and half years plus 300m to achieve nothing. Biggest mistake we ever made.
Seems you are far more positive than some of our own! I’ve been very impressed so far. Early days but he just seems to have ‘it’. That aura about him.

I’m hopeful and at least at United you know he’ll get plenty of time.
Yeah, he is a football maniac like you need at a job like that. And I think the football is going to be great. And that, really, is the most important thing.

The thing is, this is a point in time for Man United fans, after all those frustrating and divisive years, where everyone can and should agree that the right decision has been made and that the club is on a good course.
Whatever happens, it was a great appointment (that everyone can agree on, even fans who would have preferred another appointment, looking at you @Amadaeus ) and everyone can join and be happy and curious looking forward. Like it was for Liverpool with Klopp (but even then some of their fans kept moaning). What trophies or titles follow, what things go wrong, we'll see.
In fact, we don’t really know if Ole is not good enough. We just know he could not win us trophies as quickly as possible. And, he failed in handling the situation last season for whatever reason. That’s why I always think he might have a ceiling but I am not sure.

One thing we absolutely know about Ole is that the discipline and ethos within the squad was abysmal and getting worse.
We have also learnt that he had little real input into the training and coaching.
And we also know that he was pretty poor on the tactical decision making.

Put simply, he was way out of his depth at Old Trafford.
:lol: Is this a fecking joke?? Change the "we" dont really know to "you" dont really know mate. Ole was fecking shit. Prehistoric football. Counter attacking shite. No idea what to do with the ball. Let the other team take initiative, and we will hit on the counter. No shots on target for 45 minutes, hope to score by luck or set pieces. No participation whatsoever in coaching, fecking worst manager ever and rightfully still unemployed. He has ceiling alight, the Norwegian league. That man wasted 3 and half years plus 300m to achieve nothing. Biggest mistake we ever made.

Can't really find fault with any of this.
You have put it in stronger terms than me. But the evidence shows you are correct.
Some of us held out the hope that, while he was sorely lacking the experience to manage a big club before he arrived, he might learn on the job. Up to the end of his first full season (the one where we finished third) I still believed that was possible.

Even though we finished a place higher and got to a final, there were numerous indications throughout the following season that he wasn’t learning and that a ceiling had definitely been hit.

Given that he was being “supported” in his job by clueless idiots like Ed Woodward it’s to his credit that he did that well.

Edit: for the avoidance of doubt, I was against his appointment from the start. Not so much because I thought he’d be a crap manager, but because he hadn’t been appointed for footballing reasons.
You are fans of the club and the guy and have a giant soft spot for him, so of course you would hope the best, and fair play. But to everyone else in the football world, it was clear that it was an almost recklessly underwhelming appointment. To be honest he did pretty well considering. Surprisingly well. Well enough not to be too harsh on him and to keep him in good memory. But still not really good enough.
Based on how some of you lot are talking, you'd think we finished 12th and 13th in Ole's two full seasons here and got knocked out of all cups in the first rounds.
:lol: Is this a fecking joke?? Change the "we" dont really know to "you" dont really know mate. Ole was fecking shit. Prehistoric football. Counter attacking shite. No idea what to do with the ball. Let the other team take initiative, and we will hit on the counter. No shots on target for 45 minutes, hope to score by luck or set pieces. No participation whatsoever in coaching, fecking worst manager ever and rightfully still unemployed. He has ceiling alight, the Norwegian league. That man wasted 3 and half years plus 300m to achieve nothing. Biggest mistake we ever made.
If oil hadn't taken over city, he would have won the league.
:lol: Is this a fecking joke?? Change the "we" dont really know to "you" dont really know mate. Ole was fecking shit. Prehistoric football. Counter attacking shite. No idea what to do with the ball. Let the other team take initiative, and we will hit on the counter. No shots on target for 45 minutes, hope to score by luck or set pieces. No participation whatsoever in coaching, fecking worst manager ever and rightfully still unemployed. He has ceiling alight, the Norwegian league. That man wasted 3 and half years plus 300m to achieve nothing. Biggest mistake we ever made.
9 months later and you still can't calm down? Jesus what's with the hyperbole.
:lol: Is this a fecking joke?? Change the "we" dont really know to "you" dont really know mate. Ole was fecking shit. Prehistoric football. Counter attacking shite. No idea what to do with the ball. Let the other team take initiative, and we will hit on the counter. No shots on target for 45 minutes, hope to score by luck or set pieces. No participation whatsoever in coaching, fecking worst manager ever and rightfully still unemployed. He has ceiling alight, the Norwegian league. That man wasted 3 and half years plus 300m to achieve nothing. Biggest mistake we ever made.

Absolute horseshite from you, fecking diabolical post. It wasnt prehistoric football, we actually played some great one touch football from time to time. Ole's trouble was lack of discipline and no cohesive transfer strategy. I suggest you stop speaking for other people on this forum with your anti Ole feckwittery understood?
Absolute horseshite from you, fecking diabolical post. It wasnt prehistoric football, we actually played some great one touch football from time to time. Ole's trouble was lack of discipline and no cohesive transfer strategy. I suggest you stop speaking for other people on this forum with your anti Ole feckwittery understood?
Understood? Sorry, are you trying to give me an order or something? I don't care what you suggest to be honest.
He is probably one of those LUHG arseholes on twitter
He is probably worse…. A Mourinho Fanboy who is still butthurt at him getting sacked and couldn’t wait to turn on the new manager. It has got nothing to do with ole. At least thats what i can think of as it’s completely irrational to hate someone you don’t know personally.
Orders? what the feck is this? The Navy? Just keep your generalisations to your self Jose fan boi theres a good lad.
You need to start keeping your personal insults to yourself. I can guess your age when all you can come with is Jose fan boi even though I've never mentioned his name once in 16 years on this forum. And you can call your little mates good lad, not me.
You need to start keeping your personal insults to yourself. I can guess your age when all you can come with is Jose fan boi even though I've never mentioned his name once in 16 years on this forum. And you can call your little mates good lad, not me.
Log off and don't be weird plz.
:lol: Is this a fecking joke?? Change the "we" dont really know to "you" dont really know mate. Ole was fecking shit. Prehistoric football. Counter attacking shite. No idea what to do with the ball. Let the other team take initiative, and we will hit on the counter. No shots on target for 45 minutes, hope to score by luck or set pieces. No participation whatsoever in coaching, fecking worst manager ever and rightfully still unemployed. He has ceiling alight, the Norwegian league. That man wasted 3 and half years plus 300m to achieve nothing. Biggest mistake we ever made.
My take is that you don’t have a balanced view and probably can only judge thing in the simplest form. It’s ok. Different opinions. But it’s naive to assume I am the only one to share that thoughts in this world.
You are fans of the club and the guy and have a giant soft spot for him, so of course you would hope the best, and fair play. But to everyone else in the football world, it was clear that it was an almost recklessly underwhelming appointment. To be honest he did pretty well considering. Surprisingly well. Well enough not to be too harsh on him and to keep him in good memory. But still not really good enough.
I didn’t particularly have a soft spot for him actually; I was against the appointment from the start because I believed it had been made to appease a sentimental fanbase rather than for footballing reasons. I was delighted when the interim stint turned out so well, but also dreaded it being made permanent.

Given the inept way the club was run post-SAF, I didn’t really think it mattered who was manager as long as they did a reasonable job and didn’t do a Jose. We’d never have got to the top with Ed Woodward in charge, whoever the manager was.
I am very excited. Finally a coach who seem to have a system, philosophy, a plan… He also seem to be one of the few coaches who also leads the training sessions. Our squad was filled with talent a few years ago but I think many of the players suffer from not having had proper training. It has stalled their development.
I didn’t particularly have a soft spot for him actually; I was against the appointment from the start because I believed it had been made to appease a sentimental fanbase rather than for footballing reasons. I was delighted when the interim stint turned out so well, but also dreaded it being made permanent.

Given the inept way the club was run post-SAF, I didn’t really think it mattered who was manager as long as they did a reasonable job and didn’t do a Jose. We’d never have got to the top with Ed Woodward in charge, whoever the manager was.
In hindsight, I don’t think there is any other option which could be truly different than failed tries, i.e., LVG and Jose. This year, it’s different. There are ETH and Potter, but I guess they didn’t really consider Potter at all.
I just hope we can take this momentum into the start of the season and really get off on a good foot. There are definitely going to be some tricky periods as the squad lacks quality in areas. But if we can get off to a strong start and raise confidence that we can have a good season that'll be key.
Which player was dropped after being late twice, as reported by The Athletic?

Am I correct in thinking it could only be Shaw or McTominay?
Which player was dropped after being late twice, as reported by The Athletic?

Am I correct in thinking it could only be Shaw or McTominay?
I don't see McTominay being late twice.
Shaw is more likely of the two.
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