Enzo 'Terry' Fernandez | Vice-Captain of Chelsea

So to sum all that up: Clearlake's involvement in sports prior to buying Chelsea was non-existent but have since then looked into opportunities to expand their investment portfolio into other sports clubs. Gotcha. On the other hand Boehly, the man not so much in the picture at Chelsea these days, has played a part in the Dodgers and some other clubs which is all well and good but also a completely different ball game, both literally and figuratively.

If we look back to what started this dicussion, it was you questioning whether I'm even a Chelsea fan or not because I supposedly didn't know that Boehly isn't the one running things anymore, which by the way I never even claimed he was. I then questioned what makes Clearlake so special that we should just trust them 100% no questions asked because to me it's looked like they don't really have any prior experience and people with little to no experience are often prone to making silly mistakes which in my opinion they have made an abundance of this summer. And to this you reply with some ramblings about Boehly's excellence which has nothing to do with what I asked.

Earlier I told you talking to you is like talking to a brick wall and that was a exhibit A.

Ah, so now I should just switch allegiances from the team I have supported for more than 25 years because the people who've owned it for just over two years turned out to be utter cnuts?

Thanks for the suggestion but I'm gonna have to pass. I will continue to give my full support to the team but the people running the club can eat a bag of dicks for all I care.

It's not even that I think their methods won't bring success eventually. It's just that I think their methods are despicable and I would prefer the club I love not to operate like that.
You definitely didn’t read what I said right. When they make these purchases they invent holding companies that represent the buy in for investment. Wyss, connected to Guggenheim JUST like the Dodgers is the primary money. The principles are the people listed as the chairmen, etc. You are assuming because some of these parties aren’t listed as primaries on the Dodgers deal that they weren’t involved or investors.

Let’s see, when the Dodgers were purchased they had a big name in place as manager. They didn’t let him go right away, but eventually did until they had the right person AND all of their staff together. They bought some big names, but then started focusing on controlling the young talent pool..

Sound familiar? I predicted in June the year they took over they would reach 500m first window but Tuchel was toast eventually. And got mocked.

I didn’t accuse you of not being a Chelsea fan due to Boehly. I cound care less if you know the mechanics of how it works.

I asked that because you genuinely seemed to hate the team; in multiple posts.

I’ll address that: You want ownership that will spend and invest, not just on players but every aspect. Neglected medical stafffs? Fixed, with the best. Overhaul of the Academy? Check (and it was needed… our best people were coming out super raw). They researched the performance and injury rate of every masseur hired. I could go on in this … including getting the deal Roman never could agreed for the renovation, but on that I’ll stop.

So players: the secret to why players are accepting OUR pitch and why we can bring so many through is because they know we aren’t lying to them. They want to get developed to the point they are assured a pro career, while making good money. Thats it. Some of these teams come in with the “you are going to be a Barca star!” Or whatever. But these families aren’t dumb. A small percentage will be on that same team that first took them from home.

The difference is other teams forget them or just kind of dump them off. Omari Hutchinson was going to be peddled away for peanuts. If he signed on to random side willing to give him a try with little money involved the commitment is low, things go wrong and it’s buyout time and goodbye.

We used a loan, higher wages, a marketing and publicity team … and we still would have kept improving him and giving him shots. But he found the team that was ailing to invest heavy and make him their guy.

And we make a profit. We don’t lie and tell these people we won’t. We will keep the very best that go through and the goal is to find the others good jobs while making money.

It’s not complicated, and it’s not dirty. Aside from the Cobham guys who didn’t make the cut everyone seems stoked about it.
@Bluelion7 I wrote up some of my issues with Clearlake/Boehly and would love to hear your comments.

  1. The multi-club ownership. Said this a couple years ago and stand by it but I think any owner who dabbles in multi-club ownership is a cancer to the beautiful game. And I say this despite supporting a club that stands to benefit from the same owners also controlling Strasbourg but I just think it’s an utterly indefensible way of doing things. Ask any European fan what they think about multi-club models and 90% of us think it should be weeded out and killed with fire before the cancer spreads any further. I’m sure you think it’s a great new innovation to the sport, right?
  2. The handling of academy grown players. These owners have no idea what it means to be Chelsea. They could give less ducks about whether a player has grown up supporting the club and been raised by the club’s own academy. These private equity leeches will always prefer a foreign talent over a homegrown local boy of the same player quality if it means they can streamline the business and save even a tiny bit in wages, or if they think they can clock some delicious pure profit by selling off the homegrown player and replacing him with an imported one. It’s all just a business with zero room for emotion anywhere. I don’t know about you but football without emotion just seems boring as shit.
  3. The handling of the foreign youth policy. The youth hoarding has gotten to ridiculous proportions with hundreds of millions spent on an armada of young players with the intention of just farming them out on loan for other clubs to develop and then reaping the rewards ourselves. And I'm not talking about all the young players they've signed because there are those anyone with a set of eyes rates highly (ie. Estevao, Paez) and who will most likely be immediate first teamers upon arriving. I'm talking about the ones who just get bought because the scouts saw some potential in them but no thought goes into whether there's a pathway for each player or not. A few promising youngsters is okay but deary me they've really overdone it. Even though I can easily see scenario where this kind of strategy could lead to the club getting a few first teamers for a well below market value price I can’t help but think at the same time quite a few young players’ careers will get derailed along the way and I can’t say I’m a fan of this kind of scattergun youth strategy. I reckon very few of the numerous teenagers signed will even get a chance in the first team and eventually not everyone will even be afforded the best loan places for their development, thanks to the FIFA loan limits. I can guarantee to you with a 100% certainty within a few years we’re looking at a minimum few young players who haven’t developed quite as to expectations but who the club also can’t afford to sell at a big one-off on the books loss due to the financial regulations. At that point the club will use the loan spots for players with higher potential so those inbetweeners will just get kind of stuck and have their careers more or less ruined in the process. But hey what’s a few lives ruined if at least the business is booming, right? Isn’t that the American dream?
  4. The sponsorship fiasco(s). These arrogant wet wipes came in and exclaimed very publicly that they thought the previous regime didn’t do a very good job in increasing the club’s commercial incomes. Even if that may have been true, at the very least the club always had a shirt sponsor before each season started until these guys came marching in and started doing things their way. Now we’re going into a new season two years running without a main sponsor in place. Maybe inside your mind you can somehow spin this failure into something positive but to me this just screams amateur hour at the director level. Aside from pure incompetency what could possibly be the excuse for failing to secure a shirt sponsor when these clowns had all of last season to do that? Doesn't exactly fill one with confidence about these people knowing how to run a football club.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think everything the owners/directors have done is bad. In fact I think they’ve done quite a bit of good as well. The incentive-based salary structure has put the club in a much better position to being financially sustainable in the long run and despite some obvious mistakes in the transfer market they’ve also signed some really exciting and very talented players to the squad.

That I don’t agree with their methods and think they’re utterly soulless people doesn’t take away from the fact I rate the current squad quite highly and am feeling more optimistic about our chances than I did this time last year. I will continue to praise the good decisions but also call out the bad when I see things that don’t sit well with me, of which there is plenty.
Oof, we should probably take this to the Chelsea thread. I think I just accidentally answered half of these.

Multi club model. Hard truth: many clubs (hell even the countries they are in) are close to the point Bourdeux just reached. It’s a different faculty question to answer because the obvious remedy would be the hated “Superleague”

Strassbourg fans hate us, but the fact is they were easy to acquire for a reason. I believe they were a near relegation team, and now some people are picking them to finish top half. They LOVE Andrey Santos. That’s the part I would feel bad about: getting attached to players they know won’t stay. BUT, let’s be honest, that’s the reality the Strassbourg face anyway if they have a big talent.

Remember that Murky finances thing? Well, just like City Group (which is actually Silverlake) we will be set up so no single entity owns more than 30 percent of both. We can drive them all the way to Europe. I only half joked that they might make it before us.

City has 13 teams under the umbrella. I don’t think we will do that. I get that it isn’t the romantic idea of local ownership and unity and shared bonds with the fans. But without the money feeding through more teams would fail. Leagues would struggle to meet their obligations … and fail. Why do you think Barca and Madrid are so desperate for the SL? That is still in court by the way. They know they choked La Liga to death.

Once the decline seems inevitable those teams would ban together and the English clubs invited would not want to miss out just for nostalgia. The league would go through, and the WHOLE format you love would be dead.

I’m NOT a big Superleague fan. So my vote is for real investment

I’ll cover the others in separate posts.

The Spondorship fiascos. Yep, they are brutal. It isn’t that they weren’t thorough. It’s a combination of two things: they made assumptions about how well we would do in setting g the deals up (Jordan Brand), and the premiere League hates us.

Teams are allowed mask e shirt deals from nonexistent gambling sites, but we have to say “sorry it’s off” to Paramount Plus on a Huge deal because they show a few games in the US on Peacock. Other leagues had this kind of conflict on a similarly small scale and didn’t care (Inter). We brought no fewer than 5 very good don word before them and they dissected them like the android going at the alien parasites in the second movie.

Now the issue is the TRULY believe they will be back in the CL hunt and they don’t want enter a Long deal with a lot of these offers. They get offer, but they want to lock us in on like 30m a year for 5 years “thanks but no thanks”

I get their long term strategy. I believe in it, but they counted too much on Michael Edwards coming on board. They are close with the FSG group, they had recommended him highly, and they were convinced he was coming. When he didn’t, in a panic, we literally went off the list Marina still had of previous Chelsea targets and asked Tuchel to act as de facto DoF. Which he said “ya sure” then essentially ignored.

Our first crop (looking at you Koulibaliy) was a disaster in terms of the veterans.

So I guess the answer is they were TOO confident in every aspect of their plan.

As an odd side note: Koulibaliy may have inadvertently been a good key asset. He formed a very good friendship with Boehly, was honest about what differences in leagues were like, where players struggle , etc

He was already that. He was basically 5th in line last season after James, Chilwell. Gallagher and Silva, but with Chilwell and James out most of the season, Gallagher ended up being the captain, and Silva used to defer to Enzo a lot, so when Gallagher wasn’t playing it was Enzo who wore the armband, which ended up happening pretty often.

Now Silva is gone, Gallagher is as good as gone and Chilwell has seemingly been relegated to just a squad role, who could still end up being sold.

You’re presenting this is as some kind of reward despite what has happened, when he already was one of the captains.
Imagine if he played for us, the media would have mounted pressure on us to sell him just like Greenwood. But because he played for Chelsea, he got away with it just like that.
Imagine if he played for us, the media would have mounted pressure on us to sell him just like Greenwood. But because he played for Chelsea, he got away with it just like that.
It would be different to Greenwood, because singing a racist song, whilst awful, is different to physical and sexual assault.

Some people will never let it go.
Imagine if he played for us, the media would have mounted pressure on us to sell him just like Greenwood. But because he played for Chelsea, he got away with it just like that.

One of these things is not like another. Can't compare singing a song to battering your girlfriend.
It would be different to Greenwood, because singing a racist song, whilst awful, is different to physical and sexual assault.

Some people will never let it go.
One of these things is not like another. Can't compare singing a song to battering your girlfriend.
Remember the Cavani incident? And it was just a private message with his friend. Now imagine the scale of Enzo’s song. You’ll get your answer.

Our players get punish for almost everything. While their players get away with almost anything.
Boo him in all the matches. Let your feelings known. Kick racism my arse. This guy was clearly seen in a video singing racist chant and looked happy as feck doing it. There's no excuse. So what if other players were there too? investigate them if you should but Enzo was clearly in front of the camera so he must be stupid / comfortable enough to do it at the time AND he must be punished. The video made Lingardz' beans beans beans look 100x better and that's some achivement.
Remember the Cavani incident? And it was just a private message with his friend. Now imagine the scale of Enzo’s song. You’ll get your answer.

Our players get punish for almost everything. While their players get away with almost anything.
Agreed, while it looks unfair, remember that even without winning the league for a while or the champions League for a long time, United are still one of the biggest clubs in the world, have a huge following across the globe. Even people who don't follow football know Real Madrid and United.

So there's a lot of eyes on the club which unfortunately in some cases doesn't seem to go in our favor. The racist song issue has almost died down and will come up again for the first couple of games he starts and then it will be about how well he is playing or how bad he is at Chelsea.
Cavani was banned for a smaller fraction, UEFA banned Rodri & Olmo if I am right, Enzo needs to be charged and banned to ensure players do not behave like that, Argentina is one of the best teams in the world and they will be a strong presence in major international competitions like WC, Olympics and Copa America and they are bound to win something so these players need to know that they can celebrate all they want but they must refrain from any questionable behavior.
It's quite strange it's taking so long though, honestly. It's pretty straightforward as the elements are out there in the public domain, and other (somewhat) similar cases were handled with much more celerity.
Cavani was banned for a smaller fraction, UEFA banned Rodri & Olmo if I am right, Enzo needs to be charged and banned to ensure players do not behave like that, Argentina is one of the best teams in the world and they will be a strong presence in major international competitions like WC, Olympics and Copa America and they are bound to win something so these players need to know that they can celebrate all they want but they must refrain from any questionable behavior.

It looks to me like it's being swept under the carpet.

You can get away with being racist if it'll cost too much to deal with. That's the message.

Argentina are World Champions and it'll do big reputation damage if half the squad is banned for racism.

Typical corrupt FIFA and football generally that has sold it's soul for $$$.

He was one of the vice captains last season and wore the armband a ton because of injuries

The manger was asked if that was going to change and he said "nah".

I hate the media sometimes.
He was one of the vice captains last season and wore the armband a ton because of injuries

The manger was asked if that was going to change and he said "nah".

I hate the media sometimes.
But maybe, just maybe, in light of new events, his response shouldn't have been "nah"?
He was one of the vice captains last season and wore the armband a ton because of injuries

The manger was asked if that was going to change and he said "nah".

I hate the media sometimes.

Ah, makes sense. Stuff I was reading made it seem like he was the primary vice-captain now, which is still a bit...eh considering what's happened recently.
Imagine if he played for us, the media would have mounted pressure on us to sell him just like Greenwood. But because he played for Chelsea, he got away with it just like that.
Look I think Chelsea have had a shocker here, but let's not compare Enzo's situation to Greenwood's, nowhere near the same thing. And the media have put plenty of pressure on Chelsea over Enzo's situation and will continue to do so now.
Let's knock Greenwood comparisons on the head please. Not only are they daft but no reason to talk about that cretin on here anymore.
believing that at Chelsea hell be treated the way he's treated among caf members is naive. it's obvious his teammates don't really mind him, so it's probably an easy decision for their manager.
Ah, makes sense. Stuff I was reading made it seem like he was the primary vice-captain now, which is still a bit...eh considering what's happened recently.

Last season it was Chilwell, Silva, Gallagher and Enzo (in that order if I remember rightly).

Silva is gone and Gallagher is on his way so the backup captains are Chilly and Enzo.
believing that at Chelsea hell be treated the way he's treated among caf members is naive. it's obvious his teammates don't really mind him, so it's probably an easy decision for their manager.
Thought it's one of his teammates that highlighted the issue in the first place?
Thought it's one of his teammates that highlighted the issue in the first place?

time and couple of apologies took care of everything, plus it's just a vice captaincy.

this will be a hot topic for us here much longer that it will be for his teammates I bet.
time and couple of apologies took care of everything, plus it's just a vice captaincy.

this will be a hot topic for us here much longer that it will be for his teammates I bet.

It's more the message it sends out. A vice-captaincy is still a role of responsibilty and an example for other players to follow when they've had little to no punishment for their actions. I imagine the apologies were sincere but the type of situation that occured needs more than just apology.
Thought it's one of his teammates that highlighted the issue in the first place?

That was Fofana, and he did, but he has since said they've had a chat and they've put it all behind them now, and he's ready to move on. Enzo has been back with the camp in the US for like a week now. The teammates appear to have hashed it out in person, and want to just move on, which is completely fair enough imo. Chelsea, I had hoped, would give him a suspension, but they appear to be trying to quietly move on without doing anything too drastic, and this is the disappointing part for me.

The captaincy stuff is just noise. He was already one of the captains and wore the armband a lot last season. Even this preseason, he's basically been second in line after James because Chilwell has been on the bench so often.
That was Fofana, and he did, but he has since said they've had a chat and they've put it all behind them now, and ready to move on. Enzo has been back with the camp in the US for like a week now. The teammates appear to have hashed it out in person, and want to just move on, which is completely fair enough imo. Chelsea, I had hoped, would give him a suspension, but they appear to trying to quietly move on without doing anything too drastic, and this is the disappointing part for me.

The captaincy stuff is just noise. He was already one of the captains and wore the armband a lot last season. Even this preseason, he's basically been second in line after James because Chilwell has been on the bench so often.
Not really - if it's being portrayed incorrectly by the media, it's fine to call it out, but the fact he's being maintained as the or one of the vice captains, considering the fact that there have been, you know, events between last season and this one, is an issue. It's not like there's not been several cases of captains being stripped of the captaincy for disciplinary (and I'd say less serious) reasons, so it's just utterly moronic for Chelsea to not have just announced he'd no longer be a vice captain. Kinda shows that if you have the right level of profile, you can get away with a lot of things.

It's genuinely concerning to see how this seems to be going in the direction of being brushed under the carpet - emphasis on "seemse to" as there might be repercussions still, but it's seeming to take a lot longer than necessary.

He's not being rewarded with the vice captaincy but he's also not being punished at all for singing a racist song.
Thought it's one of his teammates that highlighted the issue in the first place?

Wesley Fofana has since then done an interview where he said as far as him and the the rest of the squad are concerned the matter is settled and nobody has an issue with Enzo. He's apologized and promised to educate himself so no need to drag it any further at the expense of the team. Mind you those are Fofana's words, not my own take about the situation.

As much as I rate him as a player I personally wouldn't mind Enzo getting banned for a few matches if for nothing else than to keep things consistent and send a message to everyone it's not okay to act like that. But to expect his team mates to hold some kind of a vendetta against him and keep hacking him down with two footers in training is fantasy land stuff.