
If this is hiphop, then I'll stick to dub, cheers.
Eminem is a knobcheese of the highest order. feck I hate that guy's "music".

Cheesy feckin knob.

:lol: Definition of a hater. Thing is Eminem is that good he just takes the piss most of the time and the end product is still better than most of today's artists.
The thing with Em is that he's at his best when he's seriously pissed off and has something to actually rap about that actually means something. Thats why his earlier stuff was so good.

Nowadays he just kinda takes this piss, infact it was 'The Warning' that is one of his better songs recently, and surprise surprise he was seriously pissed off.
The thing with Em is that he's at his best when he's seriously pissed off and has something to actually rap about that actually means something. Thats why his earlier stuff was so good.

Nowadays he just kinda takes this piss, infact it was 'The Warning' that is one of his better songs recently, and surprise surprise he was seriously pissed off.

True ***.
:lol: Definition of a hater. Thing is Eminem is that good he just takes the piss most of the time and the end product is still better than most of today's artists.

I can name about 150 underground artists who are better then Eminem, and have had better careers then Eminem, except they don't have the money or general recognition to compare.

Eminem is a perfect example of what's wrong with todays artists.
I can name about 150 underground artists who are better then Eminem, and have had better careers then Eminem, except they don't have the money or general recognition to compare.

Eminem is a perfect example of what's wrong with todays artists.

I wonder what you would say about him if he stayed Underground in Detroit?

Fact is, he is one of the most talented artists out there, this can't be denied.

I'd like to hear your list when you have time because and I'm pretty interested what you define 'better career' as. I understand the recognition from the mainstream is different from the underground but as far as a career goes you will find few who have had a better career than Eminem.
I can name about 150 underground artists who are better then Eminem, and have had better careers then Eminem, except they don't have the money or general recognition to compare.

Eminem is a perfect example of what's wrong with todays artists.

What a load of rubbish
I can name about 150 underground artists who are better then Eminem, and have had better careers then Eminem, except they don't have the money or general recognition to compare.

Eminem is a perfect example of what's wrong with todays artists.

I can name about 150 underground artists who are better then Eminem, and have had better careers then Eminem, except they don't have the money or general recognition to compare.

Eminem is a perfect example of what's wrong with todays artists.
Hmmm...I'd have Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne, Drake etc. ahead of Eminem in terms of perfect examples, although that's just my opinion.
I never thought I'd say this, but I completely agree with Vuc on this one.

Hectic, I respect your opinion and there's no doubting you're knowledge of Hip-hop, but you seem to dislike any artists that make it 'big', and like Vuc said, I'd love to hear your opinion on Em had he stayed underground. I agree that he's gone off the rails a bit in the last few years, especially compared to what he was producing at the start of the decade. But there's no doubting his talent. It's there for all to see, regardless of whether you particularly like his music or not.

Oh I'd love to see 150 artists that could produce this

Nuff said really.
the first verse is ok, goes downhill after that and the chorus and the beats are pretty far from being anything even remotely hip hop

SSLP was fecking ace, MMLP had a couple of decent tracks everything he's done since is '....meh'. Shame as he's clearly very talented but he seems stuck on flogging the same image and issues he's been doing since making it big and its boring now
Hmmm I should probably have said Eminem currently is an example of what's wrong with todays artists. I see him as a once promising talent who, like so many others, changed his music for the worse in order to achieve more success, by catering more and more for the mainstream. His earlier career wasn't so bad, but one of the best? Never for me. Fair enough a lot of you appreciate Eminem in ways I can't, and I'm not trying to change any minds here, just speaking about my own.

I will compile the list, it will take some time though.
he used to be funny too, could genuinely crack me up

why cant he just make tracks like this anymore? solid rhymes full of wise cracks over a phat beat. he's as good as anyone at doing that

he doesn't have to constantly face his demons/attack the system/represent under privaledged white people/justify his latest feck ups. its boring now. just write solid rhymes, deliver them with style and give us something to nod our head too.
I wonder what you would say about him if he stayed Underground in Detroit?

Fact is, he is one of the most talented artists out there, this can't be denied.

I'd like to hear your list when you have time because and I'm pretty interested what you define 'better career' as. I understand the recognition from the mainstream is different from the underground but as far as a career goes you will find few who have had a better career than Eminem.

but you seem to dislike any artists that make it 'big', and like Vuc said, I'd love to hear your opinion on Em had he stayed underground. I agree that he's gone off the rails a bit in the last few years, especially compared to what he was producing at the start of the decade. But there's no doubting his talent. It's there for all to see, regardless of whether you particularly like his music or not.

I don't dislike big artists, some of the more recognised talents still continue to produce excellent music. What I don't like is the artists who helped progress Hip-Hop to a far greater audience and help build a recognition and respect for a growing genre. Artists like Nas and Jay-Z are good examples, their first albums were groundbreaking, I can't describe it any other way, but then from that point both artists failed to ever produce anything like their debuts. There's no question their careers have helped the genre benefit, but they moved away from the sound that really turned our heads. That's in regards to the big artists comment anyway, it's more a disappointment then a dislike. That's why I appreciate artists like Blaq Poet who never comprimised his music in order to achieve more sucess.

As for Eminem being underground, it might have made a difference to how I view him. For him to be there he would have had to shun the production that made him, which in recent years has got progressively worse.
I'm half and half on this...as someone who shuns the mainstream and listens generally to UK Hip Hop, and is involved in the scene to some small degree, I actually agree with some of you having a go at Hectic for being a success hater...because, lets be honest, anyone who has any nouse in Hip Hop fandom will hate the more commercial rappers...that's just the way it is..It's uncool not to. And from what I've seen of Hectic in the various Hip Hop threads he prides himself on such a thing...As do I to be completely honest....

but I also know it's actually a bane for many underground artists who want to make the step up but can't because the second they do they know they''ll be damned for it...trust me, I know a fair few (and it applies in not just hiphop but DnB, Dubstep and any genre you care to mention), and they hate people like Hectic (no offense Hec...but they do).. even though it's only the UK rappers I can speak for, I know it applies for many a US one too in that respect

That said, as Abkatoutiaboobitou18 said, there are far better examples of shite as feck rappers being paid to drag the name of the genre through the mud

Eminem was the nuts at one time, and there's no doubting that he had the ability to be such and that Lose Yourself was the pinacle of a man who had extreme talent....However Hectic's last line is spot on...His production has been absolutely appalling for the last 8 or so years. At some point he realised he could get more money if he produced his own shit, but he didn't have the talent to do that....

And now he's chatting on pop beats, which is essentially a sell out from everything he ranted against in his old days...

In short, he's lost it.
However Hectic's last line is spot on...His production has been absolutely appalling for the last 8 or so years.

I'd say more the last 5 years or so. Up until 2005 ish he was still producing some cracking tracks. Then he seemed to just self destruct. But yeah, I'm being a bit pedantic.
His voice annoys me ever since he came back.

IMO he has only brought it on two tracks, Forever and Microphone freestyle.
Make a radio hit - headz criticize it;
Underground classic - nobody buys it:
So, rap is fecked
And everything blowing up sounds redundant
But money talks and bullshit does 9 flat in the hundred
And goddamn if I don't slam my wallets in danger
So I'm coming out like unborn baby's with hangers

That track is shit though to be fair.

And I thought Relapse was excellent.

Apparently from his new album 'Recovery'

It's amazing

Boss, you have the most deluded views on hiphop that I have ever come across.

Each to their own though.
To be fair Hectic I totally respect your opinion and in many ways agree with what you say. I too like the underground scene and I know the difference between mainstream credit and underground credit. There are bound to be some sick mc's who can flow just as good as Em but are not heard of - in which case show us them? That 150 number that you threw out IMO is vastly over exaggerated.

I will agree with you and say production wise he can make some shit, but thats to be expected when that is not his forte. He has also made some really bad tracks, which he even takes the piss out of in some freestyles - that to me shows he just takes the piss half the time, but when it comes to making a serious track he is still up there with the best in terms of flow, delivery and punchlines IMO.

It's just a shame that people think he totally 'lost' it after MMLP because really he made some great tracks after that, 'Lose Yourself', 'Sing for the Moment', '8 Mile Run' etc.
Here is a freestyle between Mos Def, Black Thought and Eminem from last year.

This is a good example of how Eminem could still have been in the Underground circuits.

It's a shame that all of Mos Def's albums, apart from the first, are shit.
There is no way on earth those are freestyles....have you ever actually watched a freestyle battle?
There is no way on earth that's a freestyle....have you ever actually watched a freestyle battle?

Freestyles aren't freestyles these days, they have not been for years, these days I read freestyle as just random lines that's already been written, like EM said, you don't want to show up ryhming hat with bat, or mouse with house.

Hehe I think I'm quite a good freestyler off the dome though, I could go for ages.
It's just a shame that people think he totally 'lost' it after MMLP because really he made some great tracks after that, 'Lose Yourself', 'Sing for the Moment', '8 Mile Run' etc.

Exactly, up until 2005 he was still producing quality tracks. Then after that he just went off the radar, proof got killed and that obviously hit him hard, and we didnt really hear much from him for a few years. Then he came back last year with Relapse and the silly voice and basically just took the piss. It'd be a shame if that album kinda stains there opinion of Em. But oh well, each to there own I guess.
The Slim Shady LP was amazing and Marshall Mathers also class.

More or less everything since then has been rubbish. Once he started pretty much only rapping about the music industry, often in kind of novelty styles that seemed to be aimed at the eight-year-old market, it just got incredibly dull.