Elon Musk's epic bacon adventures

So apart from calling people paedos (with seemingly no evidence), could someone sum up what is bad about this bloke (apart from his stupid name)?
The paedo allegation was pretty bad tbf. And what @Silva said. The guy is a sociopath.
I'm thinking of myself as the poor 25 year old in that scenario.

Rich people (middle class western country are rich in Thailand) take advantage of poor girls. I don't like it and it is sort of creepy. I will not derail on moralities of if is better this case escenario were an old (not THAT old like 70 vs 25) guy will love you and treat you well vs being extremely poor (and even prostitution) for the rest of your life. But Musk accusing him as Pedophile, there is a stretch, a big stretch. Because being rich or poor, being 20 or being 80, I will still get turn on by a 20,30,40 years old more than 50,60,70,80 and most likely watch porn about them (20-40), with or without the morality or dating one. But never though about a minor and will never think about it. That is what pedophiles do, dating them or not
Elon Musk is not going to revolutionize space travel for mass transit. Thats just not gone happen. Additionally the kind of rocket system he seems to envision would never scale well or be cost efficient. Its space travel thought in a way that would appeal to people with higher income, but not scalable for for the majority of people. People already know how to build rockets and there are very obvious reasons why we don't re-use them. Musk is not going to change any of that. Nobody can possibly believe that building re-usable rockets for hundreds of people is going to be the solution to getting people into space.
Okay thats a pretty shoe-horned argument but the point stands.

If we could build cheap, quick tunnels into cities, that *would* solve nearly every transit problem imaginable.

Above ground we live in on a 2D grid where there are buildings, rivers and other roads in the way. To get from a city centre to the city limit you have to travel through the rest of the city - usually at a snails pace.

Giant arsed tunnel to get into and out of the city - sorted
Okay thats a pretty shoe-horned argument but the point stands.

If we could build cheap, quick tunnels into cities, that *would* solve nearly every transit problem imaginable.

Above ground we live in on a 2D grid where there are buildings, rivers and other roads in the way. To get from a city centre to the city limit you have to travel through the rest of the city - usually at a snails pace.

Giant arsed tunnel to get into and out of the city - sorted

If...find the technology first

As try to find the teletransportation technology too
Well if I'm loaded and single at 60 I'll definitely be aiming for the 25>35 age range. YOLO.
If...find the technology first

As try to find the teletransportation technology too
But that's it

The rest of us daydream. He sees a problem and finds an engineering solution
Okay thats a pretty shoe-horned argument but the point stands.

If we could build cheap, quick tunnels into cities, that *would* solve nearly every transit problem imaginable.

Above ground we live in on a 2D grid where there are buildings, rivers and other roads in the way. To get from a city centre to the city limit you have to travel through the rest of the city - usually at a snails pace.

Giant arsed tunnel to get into and out of the city - sorted
maybe I misunderstand Musk's idea, but to my knowledge it has absolutly nothing to do with "gigant arsed tunnels". If I am wrong about this, I will happily acknowledge my mistake. That said I still don't see what Musk adds to the technical problem of building tunnels for public transportation. What does he know about this, that experts don't know. There are many companies and engineers who do nothing but think about this challange.
A tunnel to solve traffic, genius, maybe we could run trains on them too to carry lots of people into the center of cities.
. That said I still don't see what Musk adds to the technical problem of building tunnels for public transportation. What does he know about this, that experts don't know. There are many companies and engineers who do nothing but think about this challange.
Apply that to the rocket industry though. The same argument applies
maybe I misunderstand Musk's idea, but to my knowledge it has absolutly nothing to do with "gigant arsed tunnels". If I am wrong about this, I will happily acknowledge my mistake
Elon's tunnel idea is basically this;

1) giant robots dig tunnels as fast as possible.
2) have back ups of bits that break so no down time
3) do this on an as low cost as possible basis to undercut the fat cost-plus contractors with over-paid engineers working 40 hour weeks and over-paid exectuives
4) have weird mini cars that other cars drive into that drive the cats about. Yeah I'm not into number 4. Just let the cars drive themselves
Apply that to the rocket industry though. The same argument applies

Elon's tunnel idea is basically this;

1) giant robots dig tunnels as fast as possible.
2) have back ups of bits that break so no down time
3) do this on an as low cost as possible basis to undercut the fat cost-plus contractors with over-paid engineers working 40 hour weeks and over-paid exectuives
4) have weird mini cars that other cars drive into that drive the cats about. Yeah I'm not into number 4. Just let the cars drive themselves

The rocket industry is not comparable to that at all.

He bought his tunnel digging machines from a specialised german company, that builds these things. He is just using the same stuff that everybody has access to. There is no magic trick to get rid of the constraints of building normal tunnels for normal streets to improve traffic. Musk doesn't know anything about this and doesn't even try to improve anything related to that. His approach seems to be to build some form of specialised mini-tunnels. If its not immediately clear to you that this is never going to scale, just just think about what he is proposing for a few minutes and make an educated back-off-the-envelope calculation. Ignore all the costs or other constraints and just think about the entry-/exitpoints and how they'd work. Its literally impossible that his vision can work as mass-transit system.

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Its absurd. The whole thing that makes mass transit possible is the savings that come from it being "mass". It cant be done in individual pods that play rick and morty and have george foreman grills to serve bacon.
The rocket industry is not comparable to that at all.

He bought his tunnel digging machines from a specialised german company, that builds these things. He is just using the same stuff that everybody has access to. There is no magic trick to get rid of the constraints of building normal tunnels for normal streets to improve traffic. Musk doesn't know anything about this and doesn't even try to improve anything related to that. His approach seems to be to build some form of specialised mini-tunnels. If its not immediately clear to you that this is never going to scale, just just think about what he is proposing for a few minutes and make an educated back-off-the-envelop calculation. Ignore all the costs or other constraints and just think about the entry-/exitpoints and how they'd work. Its literally impossible that his vision can work as mass-transit system.
Nearly all of that applies to rockets

Elon's background isn't in rocket design. He taught himself.
Its absurd. The whole thing that makes mass transit possible is the savings that come from it being "mass". It cant be done in individual pods that play rick and morty and have george foreman grills to serve bacon.
Why not?

I explained it already. The cost savings that make traveling underground on little tubes come from having hundreds of people at a time paying to use it. When you have just one person in each tube, you dont get the same revenue and it's not economically viable.

Mass transit has to move a large amount of people to work.
Nearly all of that applies to rockets

Elon's background isn't in rocket design. He taught himself.
No it doesn't. Both are completely different fields/areas/markets. One is extremely well established for a very long time, while the other was/is an underserved/underdeveloped niche market. It's in no way comparable.
He made some nice cars but, when I hear about his latest project of the month, I start to have the same reaction as when, 10 years ago, you’d hear about some supposed football takeover in which Keith Harris was involved, i.e. it‘s probably self- publicising bollocks.
No it doesn't. Both are completely different fields/areas/markets. One is extremely well established for a very long time, while the other was/is an underserved/underdeveloped niche market. It's in no way comparable.
I don't know which one you are referring to with either of those statements.

Both aerospace and tunnel building industry are fed by over-paid cost-plus government contractors who are ripe for the taking. Both industries are old, established and (had) seen little real development in ages.

There is some lap that SpaceX and Elon can make use of, but of course they are different beasts.
I explained it already. The cost savings that make traveling underground on little tubes come from having hundreds of people at a time paying to use it. When you have just one person in each tube, you dont get the same revenue and it's not economically viable.

Mass transit has to move a large amount of people to work.

I completely disagree.

Taxi is to a bus, but what is the missing link, that is to trains? The reason that the missing link doesn't exist, isn't because of some economic rule that mass transit systems must abide by, but one of engineering.

Trains run every 10 minutes or so because of

Imagine we have two sensors, A sensor and B sensor, which are places 3 miles apart. Trains on this section of the track are designed to operate at 60 mph, so take 3 minutes to pass from sensor B to sensor A. If the train slammed on it's brakes at sensor B, it would take 1 minute for the train to stop, and it would do so on sensor A.

Now imagine there are two trains, Train X and Train Y.

Train X passes sensor B. Train Y is following but it can't enter this section ("block") until Train X has passed sensor A. Until Train X has passed sensor A, it could theoretically be *anywhere* between sensor B and sensor A, including right in front of sensor B.

So where is a safe pace for Train Y to be when Train X passes sensor B? Well it needs to the same distance again away from Sensor B (let's call it sensor C). And the same distance again away from sensor C (let's call it sensor D).

That way if Train X doesn't ever reach sensor A, Train Y will have only reached sensor C in that time, and it can slam on it's breaks and stop before it reaches sensor B.

Trains are trains. You can't have train taxis because trains are trains. It's engineering, not economics.

But you can build tunnels and have lots of cars in them because cars are cars.
I don't know which one you are referring to with either of those statements.

Both aerospace and tunnel building industry are fed by over-paid cost-plus government contractors who are ripe for the taking. Both industries are old, established and (had) seen little real development in ages.

There is some lap that SpaceX and Elon can make use of, but of course they are different beasts.

I completely disagree.

Trains are trains. You can't have train taxis because trains are trains. It's engineering, not economics.

But you can build tunnels and have lots of cars in them because cars are cars.

The obvious answer is that taxis are many multiples more expensive than buses and they only serve the small segment of the population that can afford them.

If you want to scale that up, the costs rise massively. So it's a vanity project for the wealthy and not any serious attempt at mass transportation.
I really hope he says something really really stupid again soon
I don't know which one you are referring to with either of those statements.

Both aerospace and tunnel building industry are fed by over-paid cost-plus government contractors who are ripe for the taking. Both industries are old, established and (had) seen little real development in ages.

There is some lap that SpaceX and Elon can make use of, but of course they are different beasts.

I completely disagree.

Trains are trains. You can't have train taxis because trains are trains. It's engineering, not economics.

But you can build tunnels and have lots of cars in them because cars are cars.

If the tunnel is the size of a single car in diameter for all intents and purposes cars are trains.
Rogan's podcasts are almost always the same old shit. Chimps, AI, simulation theory & weed.

I've listened to the first hour and given up. Musk is dull as ditchwater. At least Tony Stark has a sense of humour.
Rogan's podcasts are almost always the same old shit. Chimps, AI, simulation theory & weed.

I've listened to the first hour and given up. Musk is dull as ditchwater. At least Tony Stark has a sense of humour.

He's obviously an interesting guy and very intelligent but I couldn't get past 18mins, he's very awkward in these situations and so many long pauses.
Did he even inhale that? Looked like it was just a cigar-esque coat the mouth for a bit then exhale.

Didn't look like it to me. The more I see and hear of him, the less and less I believe the old rumour he is a Culture special agent pushing humanitys development, and more he is possibly a sign we are approaching the idiocracy
The obvious answer is that taxis are many multiples more expensive than buses and they only serve the small segment of the population that can afford them.

If you want to scale that up, the costs rise massively. So it's a vanity project for the wealthy and not any serious attempt at mass transportation.
I don't understand.

How many people use the dartford tunnel? How many people use the channel tunnel? The Tyne tunnels? The mersyside tunnels? Are they vanity projects?

Turning our 2D gridlocked map into a 3D map of cheap tunnrls basically solves traffic. If you can get into and out of a city centre without going through the city, that's much better
Didn't look like it to me. The more I see and hear of him, the less and less I believe the old rumour he is a Culture special agent pushing humanitys development, and more he is possibly a sign we are approaching the idiocracy
You think Elon Musk is an idiot.. okay.