Elon Musk's epic bacon adventures

You can't hate the guy. For all his flaws he's an absolute genius and is single handedly driving us towards innovation.

I’d hate him a lot less if he could take his own fans, Star Wars fans and Rick and Morty fans and fire them all directly into the Sun on one of his special snazzy rockets. Then he really would be making the world a better place..

Though since he (and his slavish Iron Man daddy fetishist fanbase) likes baseless accusations so much, I think his insistence that people who live in Thailand are obviously pedophiles who could only go there to lust after 12 year olds, is an interesting conviction/obsession for someone going out with a person who looks likes this...

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He must have something on this diver...
The diver doesn't have a chance if he's up against the best legal team in the world and a guy as crazy as Musk, who knows fine well that he can buy as much "dirt" on the diver as needs, whether it's genuine or not.
I’d hate him a lot less if he could take his own fans, Star Wars fans and Rick and Morty fans and fire them all directly into the Sun. Then he really would be making the world a better place..

Though since he (and his sad slavish Iron Man daddy fetishist fanbase) likes baseless accusations so much, I think his insistence that people who live in Thailand are obviously pedophiles who could only go there to lust after 12 year olds, is an interesting conviction/obsession for someone going out with a person who looks likes this...
You leave Grimes alone you monster.
He must have something on this diver...
He's a mentalist and that's the danger, that people spout the old 'there's no smoke without fire' nonsense, regardless of the fact that his rambliings have zero basis in fact.
You don’t usually expect to find yourself in a thread where people are willing to accept a scattergun accusation of paedophilia because the guy who said it is good at cars and that.
I fully expect future tabloid articles to describe him as a "Billionaire paedo hunter"
The diver doesn't have a chance if he's up against the best legal team in the world and a guy as crazy as Musk, who knows fine well that he can buy as much "dirt" on the diver as needs, whether it's genuine or not.

Plenty of big lawyers in America would be champing at the bit to sue on the behalf of the diver in what would be a very high profile case with a lot of exposure. Buzzfeed also dug around and found no proof behind the claims Musk is making. So unless Musk is planning on going the full comic book villain route and bribing folks in Thailand to frame the diver, he would be in trouble.
Plenty of big lawyers in America would be champing at the bit to sue on the behalf of the diver in what would be a very high profile case with a lot of exposure. Buzzfeed also dug around and found no proof behind the claims Musk is making. So unless Musk is planning on going the full comic book villain route and bribing folks in Thailand to frame the diver, he would be in trouble.
I think full comic book villain is exactly the route someone like Musk would take if it meant winning this fight.
You don’t usually expect to find yourself in a thread where people are willing to accept a scattergun accusation of paedophilia because the guy who said it is good at cars and that.

If he had any sense he would stop using twitter, at least for a while. He is doing himself and his companies a lot of harm with the shit he is tweeting. If you can't control your temper, get rid of social media.
If he had any sense he would stop using twitter, at least for a while. He is doing himself and his companies a lot of harm with the shit he is tweeting. If you can't control your temper, get rid of social media.
Email also appears to be a problem for him.
Been pretty clear for some time that his mental state needs checking. His conference call a few month back was utterly bizarre.
I’d hate him a lot less if he could take his own fans, Star Wars fans and Rick and Morty fans and fire them all directly into the Sun on one of his special snazzy rockets. Then he really would be making the world a better place..

Though since he (and his slavish Iron Man daddy fetishist fanbase) likes baseless accusations so much, I think his insistence that people who live in Thailand are obviously pedophiles who could only go there to lust after 12 year olds, is an interesting conviction/obsession for someone going out with a person who looks likes this...


Why has nobody mentioned her oxter before now?
What has he done for you to believe so?
SpaceX is probably his least fecked up company. Even in that case everything Musk has promised, you should add 5 more years to it.

He's selling us flamethrowers to fight those alien from outter space though. I'll give him that.
Elon time is often a little out but he's doing things no one else wanted to.


- Making electric cars sexy
- Getting us to Mars
- Trying to sort out the world's traffic problems
- Calling cave heroes pedos.

Overall he's a cool guy!
Sort of reassuring for humanity that arrogant sociopaths tend to inadvertently expose themselves as being arrogant sociopaths before long.
Why is he melting down like this?

Years of having his ego padded by everyone around him has probably convinced him he can do no wrong and that he's always in the right no matter what. Hence he isn't taking well to people disagreeing with him and calling him out on his shite.
Does seem like he's losing the plot.
Get the feeling it was a massive hit to his ego when this guy didn't bow down and outdid him by actually saving the kids.
When you have that much money and yes men around you I imagine it can be difficult to take a hit for some.

Needs to fecking simmer down.
Can't wait for the Joe Rogan interview though.