Gaming Elden Ring - Fromsoftware

Finally beat him. That was not fun. A total clusterfeck messy cnut of a boss.
I'm reading this a lot, that people aren't feeling satisfaction on winning, just mild annoyance. I got to the final boss of the dlc with no summons/spirits but I can't be bothered to keep trying.

I'm wondering if FromSoft might be in danger of burning fans out if they're going to go down this route for future games. It's really not the difficulty, it's the 'you must avoid a successive onslaught of 7 or 8 attacks before you can get the damage equivalent of a flea bite on the boss, and then repeat the process' that is getting a bit tiresome.
So I skipped most of the game by doing the Varre questline, but now I'm trying to beat Mohg at legel 30, and that's really hard :lol:
I used the method in the video above at RL1, worked a treat. You just need to fiddle with talismans and such to get the damage stats.
I agree, it's just not that much fun. I quite liked the Melania fight, but the second half of the DLC boss is some serious BS. Will be fascinating to see what From do in their next game.

Personally put Elden Ring in my top 5 games of all time, but don't really want to play it ever again, at least right now.
I've been googling "cheese strategies". Pump vigor, endurance and strength and just poke him from behind the Verdigis shield with a rapier.

Gonna try it but I only have 6 larval tears so realistically it costs 2 because it's not a build I'll keep.

Edit: It worked on my first go. It was pathetically easy.
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They nerfed the method I used to beat Radahn. Little relieved I beat him when I did.
Beat Messmer. Fun boss. The 2nd phase a bit of a mess but not too difficult. Now I'm changing again cause I want to implement Messmer's incantations into my build... Going to use Smithscript Greathammer. Feel like you really need to use a big weapon like that or normal great swords just to stagger enemies. Also just having a tank build where you can withstand hits is just fun too.
I bang my head against the wall for a dozen or so attempts on bosses before I swallow my pride with summons.

I dunno, most summons just make fight harder. Unless they the username "Let me Solo", they tend to die fairly quickly and the boss has double hp. I gave up on summons fairly quickly and just went with bleed builds(now behind greathields) + mimic tear. Which is a summon, but it doesnt double or triple the bosses HP.
Impenetrable Thorns

I beat him before the nerf without a greatshield but impenetrable Thorns and mimic tear. Thorns + Mimic Tear + Greatshield is probably pretty effective I imagine even with a nerf. I used the blood sword lance with the blood tax ash + greatshield in my last couple of fights. The most annyoing thing was my mimic being really passive while it attacked quite a lot when I did with thorns.
Having beat this guy three times now, my opinion is just going down each time.

As a parry fight, he was actually not bad. Playing with a spear he was not much fun, but playing with a jumping heavy build was wretched.

The fact he can do the double slash and the 1-2-double slash with no wind up, along with moves that require you to run instantly or take a tonne of damage, means that the fight is a hot mess with this build.

In the end I just ramped up my defences and got lucky with a bit of rng, but I can say with certainty I'll never fight him with heavy weapons again. Quick fast weapons are 10x better. (Link)
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Having beat this guy three times now, my opinion is just going down each time.

As a parry fight, he was actually not bad. Playing with a spear he was not much fun, but playing with a jumping heavy build was wretched.

The fact he can do the double slash and the 1-2-double slash with no wind up, along with moves that require you to run instantly or take a tonne of damage, means that the fight is a hot mess with this build. In the end

I just ramped up my defences and got lucky with a bit of rng, but I can say with certainty I'll never fight him with heavy weapons again. Quick fast weapons are 10x better. (Link)

Is that you playing in the link?
Finished it, Radahn went down in just a few tries thanks to the Fingerprint Shield and a respec to bleed build with the Sword Lance and Blood Tax. Basically puts him on easy mode, which makes him a well balanced and enjoyable fight. I had a lot of fun with it but my first couple attempts with my Claymore Sacred Blade build were enough to demonstrate that his attacks are just way too fast to be fun using most builds. Rellana is still the boss that gave me the most difficulty in this DLC

Overall I'd give the DLC a 9/10. A dozen or so very good, memorable bosses, a few well-done legacy dungeons, a bit of fun world exploration and a bunch of content of markedly lesser quality (similar to the base game, really). Fun, but not as focused as FromSoft have been at their best. Large chunks of the Realm of Shadow are empty and don't lead to any satisfying payoff, unless you're really into cookbooks.

I get the need to evolve and all that but selfishly I just FromSoft to keep making more medieval fantasy, Dark Souls variant games. Nothing hits quite like these.
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High Faith and Dex. I switch between Blasphemous blade and Bloodhound fang. First form is not too hard but the way he chains attacks together in the second form is nuts.

Were you up really early or were you fighting him all night? :lol:

You'll get there eventually. I really can't say how I beat him the second time (without a cheese build). He did a couple favorable moves where I had an easier time dodging, it's a bit RNG dependent. Also some bleed procs.
There's no real strategy to him, it's mostly about getting lucky with the moves he does and hoping your Mimic Tear stays alive to do some damage. He's an awful boss.
Were you up really early or were you fighting him all night? :lol:

You'll get there eventually. I really can't say how I beat him the second time (without a cheese build). He did a couple favorable moves where I had an easier time dodging, it's a bit RNG dependent. Also some bleed procs.
Spent most of last Sunday trying to kill him unsuccessfully, now about to sink a few hours into it today.
Anybody playing Wukong? I'm on chapter three and it's pretty solid so far. Good combat and decent bosses. The skill tree and itemization is also quite good.
Hmm, I'd be pretty pissed off if I hadn't beaten him yet though
I can already see the "i beat pre-nerf Radahn" comments doing the rounds. But the original boss was widely hated and it was difficult because it was janky and had an undodgeable move. So if you only fight it post-nerf you'll probably just enjoy it more, despite not being able to boast about it.
I can already see the "i beat pre-nerf Radahn" comments doing the rounds. But the original boss was widely hated and it was difficult because it was janky and had an undodgeable move. So if you only fight it post-nerf you'll probably just enjoy it more, despite not being able to boast about it.
Oh I'd never boast about it. I more feel sorry for those who were excited to fight him but now it's going to be a lesser experience.
Oh I'd never boast about it. I more feel sorry for those who were excited to fight him but now it's going to be a lesser experience.
I don't think it is a lesser experience. There's more to a good fight than just difficulty.
It's a Souls game. People want difficulty.
But not only difficulty. They also want bosses that are good. There's a reason why the RL1 discords and reddits are celebrating this patch and its not because Radahn was too difficult. Its because he was badly made.