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I missed the Ubisoft and Sony conferences, did I miss anything noteworthy?
Also, what's this I hear about EVE online?
Also, what's this I hear about EVE online?
20% vat!
I didn't see the Sony one, but by going on the lack of buzz both here and round the net, do I take it they've once again bored us to tears with yet another souless presentation? Anything of note that we didn't already know?
Is there likely to be any news at all about FFVersusXIII at any time in this E3 business does anybody know?
That was a lot of anys.
Possibly in Sony's conference at 1am, don't quote me though.
Judging by the comments even the Kinect ridden MS presentation was better than Sony’s?
Errmmm. No!
As predicted is was NGP/Vita that was their focus, but at least they actually showed some games. Nothing much new, but there were actual exclusive real games.
Judging by the comments even the Kinect ridden MS presentation was better than Sony’s?
As much as I do not like the direction MS are going in, at least their new thing is innovative. The Move is just a Wii after all. I reckon Kinect sales will go through the roof with all those kids releases in time for Xmas.
meh, I have no interest in hand helds like many.
Weaste, I remember you saying you'd suck Elvis' cock if the NGP was more expensive than the PS3. It looks like it'll retail for £249.99...
Elvis better have cleaned his dick this morning.
$249 = 171 EURO's. Though, if you add 20% on that its still only just over 200. In theory in £'s at max it should be £200 with VAT.
Do you reckon they'll be any news on Final Fantasy Versus XIII. The game has been in development for , something like , 9 years now ?
I doubt it, Square have XIII-2 to push, you know, the stuff they took out of FF-XIII so they it could run on XB360.
So for three yers in a row Sony don't do much? Not surprised really.
But for people who have no interst in ... handhelds it was a big waste of time
They only showed the most powerful handheld gaming device by far, with real games, and priced it the same as the 3DS.
You're in for a shock, because this next generation of consoles, and even PCs/Laptops, will be the last, so I'd suggest that you get used to the idea of a tablet or handheld sat in a dock.
Doubt it somehow, but then you do tend to always make claims like this. We've argued about it before though, so it's not worth it again.
I won't stand for gay tablets and fruity handhelds, Weaste. You better be wrong about this.
You recently got an Xbox didn't you Lance. Have you got Kinect? It seems everything's being pushed that way at the moment and I can't imagine you jumping around your living room.
Same old, same old. There's no soul there for gamers, nothing new.
It's more complicated than that isn't it? Distribution costs are higher in Europe (the cost of fuel is) as are differing distribution channels, publicity and marketing costs are higher (they have to deal with multiple languages of adverts and packaging etc.), social security costs for employees, etc. etc.
You can't simply do a currency conversion.
Cheaper to import it.
Probably is, but then you have the hassle when it breaks.
Now, this is a bit daft.
It's a 3D display, but if two people have their 3D glasses on, it gives you local multiplayer in 2D without splitting the screen! Basically, each person sees something totally different.
It's not going to work is it?
I'd assume it probably will work.![]()