E3 2011

GAME has started taking pre-orders for PlayStation Vita, listing UK prices of £229.99 for the Wi-Fi version and £279.99 for 3G one.

Sony has so far only confirmed US ($249), European (€249) and Japanese (YEN 24,900) price points for the lower-spec model, whilst the 3G-enabled premium SKU will retail for $299/€299.

The platform holder told CVG that an official announcement of the PlayStation Vita UK price will be made "later in the year", but a source close to the company confidently informed us that there's a UK RRP of "somewhere close to £235" for the Wi-Fi SKU.

Sony confirmed at its E3 2011 conference this evening that the console would be available to buy before the end of 2011.

[ Source: GAME ]
I'd assume it probably will work.:confused:

It will, but who is going to buy it for that specific reason? Would you buy a 3DTV just because you and your mate can play multi-player locally without a split screen?

Probably if you both sit in predetermined positions... which is bit of a hassle...

Positions should not matter with shutter glasses.
Oh, 3d glasses still? When are we going to see 3d without glasses? That's the only time I will take serious notice...
Kinect Disneyland Adventures?

That demonstration was horrific.
Nintendo Network @ E3 2011
stream of the keynote 4pm uk time
Who would have thought it? A knock off Russell Brand.
Nintendo will give us some spreadsheets and sales numbers organised by demographics, narrated by a Japanese guy with poor command of English for a good twenty minutes.

Get in.

Reports coming out of Japan say that the nintendo console controller will have a six inch touch screen.
I missed the Ubisoft conference, can anyone tell me if they dropped any hints on Beyond Good and Evil 2?
Are there youtube links to anything involving ME 3, TOR or ES V?
What are they going to play for the unveiling of the new console?
miyamato pratting about with the orchestra
legend of zelda four swords for free download
So whats the book on how long in minutes it takes them to reveal the new console and for Weaste to start deriding it.