E3 2011

Keep your thumbs crossed people. BF3 how it should be, Keyboard & Mouse.
I'm in the same boat, I'm left uninspired by the likes of COD, but BF3 seems tasty!

They've also pissed all over COD thanks to all those additions he said were free, that's the same stuff COD is going to charge people for in monthly payments.

Jesus H, this looks like a thing of beauty.
Loving the scale of the battles :drool:

This has the potential to be absolutely mental in multiplayer.
It's 30fps 720p for consoles, isn't it. Still, looks great and will probably look decent on ps3 and xbox.
Pretty solid conference from EA, gameplay footage of ME3 and BF3....bravo.

Ubisoft up next in an hour, bar any possible announcements on Beyond Good & Evil 2, I'm not particularly excited.
I'm skipping Ubisofts conference to muster the energy for Sony's late 2 hour show.
Yes! I can't wait for Gears of Effect 3...
Does this game actually follow your movements, or does it simply do what it wants at any given time?

The new Assassin's Creed game looks great again. Even the trailer is just perfect, as usual.