E3 2010

Sony's big announcement - Medal of Honor has unlockable beards. I can't fecking wait....
So I take it was more of the same?

Looks like I'll just skip to when BioWare, Obsidian and the like present their shit.
Valve supporting the PS3 directly is quite a thing considering their prior attitude.

I don't think so. Besides, do we know they haven't farmed it out again? It looks like they just bribed that fat feck with a taco.

In any case, I'd never buy Portal 2 on a console anyway, so I'm not in the slightest bit intrigued by a PS3 version.
I'd much prefer to see a kid playing with a tiger and a fat nerd try to dance, wouldnt you?
Decent finish with Twisted Metal and InFamous 2, but overall it was poor.
Was there any Last Guardian footage, I switched off for 10 minutes but don't remember any.
Most important thing out of that was a GT5 release date, oh and Vettel and Newey popping up which indicates some F1 cars maybe? The rally at night looked brilliant, Nascar too.
Most important thing out of that was a GT5 release date, oh and Vettel and Newey popping up which indicates some F1 cars maybe? The rally at night looked brilliant, Nascar too.

There is a closed door GT5 event tomorrow where they show the whole thing to the press, but no video - probably still needs polishing up, they have 4 months.