New Member
Let's hope they're saving something for TGS.
They have piles of shit already, they've been releasing trailers for all sorts over the past few weeks. They have a pretty strong line-up, more games than you can play.
Let's hope they're saving something for TGS.
There is a closed door GT5 event tomorrow where they show the whole thing to the press, but no video - probably still needs polishing up, they have 4 months.
They had the eyetoy in what 2003? They are also the first of the three to go fully fledged 3D on a full console.
I really hope GT5 is closer to Forza than PGR, otherwise it's not going to please me.
You said copy from competitors yet PS3 had user interaction with the EyeToy first they just never fully utilised it until the Wii showed how its done properly.
I hope GT5 is more akin to its pc counter parts because anything closer to Forza would be an epic fail given how shit their physics are.
Again ?
They pranced around onstage with a Wii remote with a ping-pong ball attached, while showing off a slightly more indepth Harry potter and a load of slightly prettier Wii sports games.
Another particular highlight was mocking the "fifty dollars!" to sign up to live, then moments later announcing their own subscription at "only 49.99".
Basically the whole conference was sales speak and miss-direction. A classic Nintendo trick when they basically didn't give a feck about E3 or ECTS.
Well I doubt it'll be close to something like GTR, but we can dream. Forza's physics aren't shit either, but they certainly can be improved.
Gamespot has an E3 Trailer on PES 2011: E3 2010: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 - E3 Trailer
I'm still not sure what to make of it. It looks much better than the 2010,2009 and 2008 versions combined, but I still think there's something missing there.
Again ?
They pranced around onstage with a Wii remote with a ping-pong ball attached, while showing off a slightly more indepth Harry potter and a load of slightly prettier Wii sports games.
I found the physics at Christmas were far more inline with Live For Speed, which actually really surprised me.
I found the physics at Christmas were far more inline with Live For Speed, which actually really surprised me. The problem for GTR is that its now dated. It's been over taken by the like of I Racing and R Factor and the Race On series is just GTR with a new skin.
The problem for Forza is that they rush games and make serious feck ups. In Forza 2 it was the rear wheel drive car physics stuff up, and in Forza 3 it was the transition to a more arcade feel with driving assists you couldn't turn off.
...move stuff
On the software level I can agree with you, but that's simply Microsoft and Sony both seeing how well shit like dancing and party games and sports games has done on the Wii. One thing that differentiates the Move I suppose from the Wii and Kinect is that it can do both of things that they do, and also the fact that they are taking fully fledged AAA titles across all genres and incorporating it.
Personally I'm still not convinced about motion control gaming, however, I shall have a go with Move with Killzone 3, Socom 4, and the adapted Resident Evil. If it can provide the control a mouse can give but in three dimensions, then they may be onto something. Apparently it is that accurate that some of the 3D artists in their game studios are using it. A major problem that Sony have with it is that the cost could become astronomical and the different types of controllers confusing. Some games you just need the camera, others the wand, others two wands, others a wand an the nunchuck (or hold a DS3 in your left hand to use its stick - not exactly ideal), and that's for a single player. There are also only 7 or 8 Bluetooth slots on the console.
I asked him had he played the time trial, but I don't think that he confirmed if he had or hadn't, but it feels very different to Prologue.
Why do you guys get heated in discussion when it comes to video games and new technology. Listen to yourselves!
It's a bit sad![]()
This isn't heated discussion, its just a good discussion.
Anyone try out the E3 stand on Home? It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be, I haven't tried Home since it first cropped up and despite the copius amount of tards standing around chatting bollocks its a novel way of viewing the trailers.
The 3DS looks very interesting indeed. They're releasing 3D versions of two classic N64 games, Ocarina Of Time and Starfox.
I would probably buy one just for that!
Will the 3DS use red/cyan glasses or those propper polarised ones?
No glasses at all.
Orly, how does that work then? I thought you had to have glasses for 3D?
You are not seeing any 3Dness other than the fact that in renders in 3D. You can't get depth perception from the 2D display you are looking at, you are confusing two different things.
How much of a nerd would you feel playing a handheld strapped to a beautiful women at a games conference?
'LA Noir' from Rockstar sounds promising.
How much of a nerd would you feel playing a handheld strapped to a beautiful women at a games conference?