Did you miss it? Looks exactly like the original!
Did you miss it? Looks exactly like the original!
Yep. But then again it's not worth them competing directly with Nintendo, there's room for both approaches.
i should hope so as isnt it the same story just with daniel craig
Here Skittles!That was the best Nintendo conference for a long time. Great games and very little gimmick.
Now all we need is a good Sony one later, and the MS one can be banished from our memories!
The news about these future Nintendo games have pleased an old school gamer like myself.
25 minutes then, lets see what we get, it could be great or absolutely fecking awful!
No chance of a PS4, I reckon a re-launch of the PSP GO or a new one.
Somewhere in the middle. Mildly interesting, but underwhelming.
Out of interest will you be watching this press conference instead of Brazil v. North Korea
They have already released trailers for every known game they have in development over the past few weeks, so what are they going to spend 1 and a half hours pulling out of their arses? I know, Sales Charts, GT5, 3D, and Move.
Out of interest will you be watching this press conference instead of Brazil v. North Korea
They have already released trailers for every known game they have in development over the past few weeks, so what are they going to spend 1 and a half hours pulling out of their arses? I know, Sales Charts, GT5, 3D, and Move.
There is no chance at PS4, why would they? What a beefed up PS3 with more memory, a better GPU, because that's what it's going to be at the end of the day. No need for it right now when developers are just getting their heads finally around the Cell, there's loads of umph left unlocked in there.
I agree, not this year. However history shows us that it's right at the end of a console's life when the full power is finally unlocked, I don't think the PS3 will be any different.
Maybe announcements next year from Sony/MS, but certainly within the next couple.