E3 2010

KZ3 looks amazing, out Feb 2011 and will work with Move
Alot of 3D stuff. Motorstorm, MLB, Mortal Kombat, Crysis 2, NBA 2K11 and GT5 announced as 3D games
You need a 3D TV to experience it though if I'm not mistaken, and those are far too expensive to become mainstream yet. Most have only recently upgraded to HD.
Move looks quite accurate. although there seems to be a bit of a lag (that might be my stream though)
Move isn't really my thing, but I'm impressed by it's accuracy.
Is this guy actually going to announce any games, or is he just there to give a pep-talk?
Well the Kinect is $159.99 right? so its cheaper but feck me have they milked this with no real games.
They're selling parts of 'move' separately? Do you need both the 'navigation' and 'motion' controller, or just one to use 'move'??
Really, they're showing ads.
I honestly expected big things, but other than KZ3, which we already knew about, it's been rubbish from Sony.
Move wasn't too bad, until they started repeating themselves.
Finally they are talking about games... LBP2 is shown.