Donald Trump - GUILTY!

The most recent one, which has been on the news?

You mean Trump supporters attempting to go after jurors ? That's something the state of NY will have to mitigate by providing them with protection for a period of time until the case dies down.
And once again that's not happening. I have a better chance of winning powerball then a MAGA type becoming governor of NY. Plus that's so far removed from the point under contention ie Trump "pardoning" himself for state crimes.
Maybe they won’t get elected, but I sure do think Team Trump will try to make a campaign platform out of it… especially if he’s elected president.
You mean Trump supporters attempting to go after jurors ? That's something the state of NY will have to mitigate by providing them with protection for a period of time until the case dies down.
Anyone attempting retribution on jurors should be sent straight to jail until they are tried in a court of law
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If they prosecuted him after he was President it would be the deep state, if they prosecuted him in a Biden 2nd term it would be the vengeance of the deep state. There is no reality that cannot be reversed by these people. Prosecute him, jail him, throw away the key.

Sorry, a little bit late to the party here. I must say I have to agree with this. There is an excuse and accompanying conspiracy theory for every possible angle. You simply cannot reason with Maga. The only way for Maga-nuts to see sense is to leave the Maga scene completely. Quite a few have already done so, some of whom have gone online to talk about what the Maga environment is like. Nobody will be surprised to learn it's just like a c u l t, because it is a c u l t.

And any of these people who have come out to talk about why they fell for it are simply labelled paid leftist propagandists by the Maga c u l t, in keeping with your comment TwoSheds. Again, it goes back to there being no reality that cannot be reversed by them. I'm thinking that the only way those really deep in Maga can get out, is if something happens that affects them personally. They cannot grasp general logic, or somebody pointing out Trump's endless number of lies. You'd have more luck convincing a brick wall. The issue though is that Trump has actually divided families to such a degree that some family members have experienced complete breakdowns in relationships with other family members. It appears this is widespread in certain States. It's desperately sad. I am sure a few US based Cafties could pipe in on this one. They may know more on this front. The irony is that Maga, in true fascist fashion, allege to be all about the patriarchal family model. That God is over government, and that the government leader, presented as a Father figure, is over the electorate. It's supposed to somehow mimic the Patriarchal family unit, but all Trump has done is undo families.

Erm....... What a fecking clown. He's just so thick. I can't believe he said all that, especially the last sentence. Clueless. Absolutely fecking clueless.

Erm....... What a fecking clown. He's just so thick. I can't believe he said all that, especially the last sentence. Clueless. Absolutely fecking clueless.

To think of the amount of money that could potentially have been spent giving that guy the best of educations, yet this is the outcome. He is a complete and utter moron.
Eric Trump's "we are white" is one of the funniest mask slips in recent times

what an epic twat
He's a vessel for those who have had their minds broken by the ad-click modern media.

He could be a nonce and they wouldn't care. It's a cult. They venerate him as he represents them, shallow emptiness and pure selfishness.

There is nothing else.
He's a vessel for those who have had their minds broken by the ad-click modern media.

He could be a nonce and they wouldn't care. It's a ****. They venerate him as he represents them, shallow emptiness and pure selfishness.

There is nothing else.

I suspect it all goes back to Steve Bannon. He saw Trump as the type of guy he could use to propel his far right extremism after the far right lunatics appeared to go underground for almost 22 years after the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. Bannon saw a country sick of Democrat rule, and he knew precisely what the right wanted to hear. They were the perfect match. As a malignant narcissist, Trump didn't give a damn about the repercussions of pandering to the alt-right if it meant him becoming President. So long as Bannon was spearheading 2016 and schooling Trump on what to say, Trump was more than happy to ignore extremist views being normalised via the platform that was rolled out for them. Needless to say, Bannon was as happy as a pig in shit. Admittedly, not all Maga are extremists, but mimetics in Republican communities ultimately led to a whole load more than extremists jumping on board the Maga train. Trump (or Bannon) merely tailored his speak to keep convincing them that once upon a time they had something great that was stolen from them. Classic fascist trick. Throw a few wild conspiracy theories into the mix and you had a shit load of people really pissed off over having a time that never actually existed, stolen from them. It didn't take a whole lot of media discrediting to convince the already paranoid following that all mainstream media was a lie. Groups like OAN and Newsmax were only too happy to fill the gap in this market, regurgitating Trump's lies in mass supply. Wash, rinse, repeat and you have a seriously thick Koolaid mix.

One thing I am looking forward to in years to come, is somebody to write an absolutely thorough psychology book on what exactly happened to make Maga.
To think of the amount of money that could potentially have been spent giving that guy the best of educations, yet this is the outcome. He is a complete and utter moron.
Eric Trump's "we are white" is one of the funniest mask slips in recent times

what an epic twat

Yup. Absofeckinglutely. Even the swinging comment is in poor taste and he says it twice as well. Although I have to say his wife is much more insufferable than he is. At least you can kind of laugh at him because he's just such a feck witted gimp. She's just vile, as is Don Jr and Kimberly Guffwaffle.
Yup. Absofeckinglutely. Even the swinging comment is in poor taste and he says it twice as well. Although I have to say his wife is much more insufferable than he is. At least you can kind of laugh at him because he's just such a feck witted gimp. She's just vile, as is Don Jr and Kimberly Guffwaffle.

I suppose you have to consider what a woman attracted to these types of men would be made up of. Nothing of light, that's for sure.
Courts, states governments.

When at least half the courts are packed with MAGA Republicans and half the states are also Republican and they don't give a shit about the law or constitution then what do you do?
I suspect it all goes back to Steve Bannon. He saw Trump as the type of guy he could use to propel his far right extremism after the far right lunatics appeared to go underground for almost 22 years after the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. Bannon saw a country sick of Democrat rule, and he knew precisely what the right wanted to hear. They were the perfect match. As a malignant narcissist, Trump didn't give a damn about the repercussions of pandering to the alt-right if it meant him becoming President. So long as Bannon was spearheading 2016 and schooling Trump on what to say, Trump was more than happy to ignore extremist views being normalised via the platform that was rolled out for them. Needless to say, Bannon was as happy as a pig in shit. Admittedly, not all Maga are extremists, but mimetics in Republican communities ultimately led to a whole load more than extremists jumping on board the Maga train. Trump (or Bannon) merely tailored his speak to keep convincing them that once upon a time they had something great that was stolen from them. Classic fascist trick. Throw a few wild conspiracy theories into the mix and you had a shit load of people really pissed off over having a time that never actually existed, stolen from them. It didn't take a whole lot of media discrediting to convince the already paranoid following that all mainstream media was a lie. Groups like OAN and Newsmax were only too happy to fill the gap in this market, regurgitating Trump's lies in mass supply. Wash, rinse, repeat and you have a seriously thick Koolaid mix.

One thing I am looking forward to in years to come, is somebody to write an absolutely thorough psychology book on what exactly happened to make Maga.
It was also as simple as thin skinned Trump being embarrassed by Obama at the correspondents dinner, after the birther movement, that he wanted to them become president to get his own back.
Courts, states governments.

Trump, if elected, would just tell them all to go feck themselves. If they make a fuss, I imagine his response would be akin to, "you and whose army?" He's untouchable while he's President. The Supreme Court et al will have to decide whether they want to fall in line with Trump or have their authority fully eroded.
Then you're fecked and you've got fascism unless the military intervenes.

Yeah that's the point.

They've been aiding and abetting and breaking rule after rule to bend over backwards for Trump and the rest of the GOP has acted the same for their own interests too, what's to stop them now? A few moany Democrats?

They may very well just say to hell with it given the way they've abandoned all pretence.