And the excuses begin. It's ok because... heard it all before. And now it's a rant as well, reframing what's being said to dismiss and discredit. Again, seen it all before. The people who called me a fag when out with my boyfriends, chatting shit now about men in general because the climate allows it. I've been on the end of this shit my whole life. Just the names have changed.
I know what bigotry is. I know what it feels like to be on the end of it. I know what's it's like to have someone walk up and punch me the fecking face just because I was kissing another man. This is the fecking same, and I'm sick of watching all you insufferable cnuts acting like this is just anti woke alt right whatever the feck dog shit you all repackage it as so you can play the good guys in the dumb as feck culture wars.
That's a fecking batshit rant looks like, cnuty chops. Just so you know for next time when you try be a dismissive prick to someone you disagree with.