Television Doctor Who

:lol: Yet nine times out of ten the 'New Who' Doctor they like most was, repeatedly, basically Jesus.
I watched from Ecclestone through to Capaldi a few months ago and it’s amazing how people missed this stuff. Even before that you have the fact that the Daleks and Cybermen are literal facist/Nazi charicatures. David Tennant faced off with literal satan like. But now it’s a female Doctor it’s “woke”
No you can see it shift gears when they started this doctor off - they have introduced varied assistants for some time but this doctor's actual stories were preachy and unlike previous incarnations.
The clumsiness of the delivery under Chibnall, mostly due to terrible writing and wanting to simply make a point at the expense of rather than through the story, is notable but it is certainly the case that Who has always been political and has, generally, attempted to be progressive since, at least, the days of Letts.
Andrew Cartmel recalled his reponse to Who producer John Nathan-Turner, who asked him what he hoped to achieve as script editor. He said: "My exact words were: I'd like to overthrow the government. I was a young firebrand and I wanted to answer honestly. I was very angry about the social injustice in Britain under Thatcher and I'm delighted that came into the show."

Cartmel's team of writing malconents included Ben Aaronovitch, son of Marxist intellectual Sam Aaronovitch, and Rona Munro, later to become a scriptwriter for filmmaker Ken Loach

One three-part programme, The Happiness Patrol, featured a transparent caricature of Thatcher.

Sheila Hancock played Helen A, a big-haired despotic ruler of a human colony on the planet Terra Alpha, whose subjects – called "drones" – worked in factories.

The Doctor calls on the drones to down their tools and revolt, an obvious reference to industrial disputes like the miners' strike.

A year later Catrmel wrote a speech for the Doctor about the perils of nuclear weapons, which was based on material from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).

A spin-off children's novel called Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma, published under licence by the BBC in 1987, also featured a villain called Rehctaht - Thatcher backwards.

In 'Turn Left' (and indeed 'Midnight') the show addressed an anti-immigration sentiment that was starting to seep into UK politics. When the rest of Europe shut its doors to us, the government started sending immigrants off to labour camps. In a heartbreaking scene, Donna's Granddad Wilf bid farewell to an immigrant friend his age and tells Donna, "That's what they called them last time."

In the Twelfth Doctor episode, 'Oxygen', we're thrown into a world where everything is capitalised, so much so that you have to pay to breathe.

The Third Doctor story, 'The Curse of Peladon', centres around a nation's entry into a Galactic federation. Coincidentally, this was the same time when Britain was joining the European Community.

In another Third Doctor story from 1973, Jo Grant rants about pollution and how cheap chemicals and petrol will destroy the planet. The Seventh Doctor serial 'Battlefield' is a warning against nuclear weapons and rushing into war without thinking of the consequences. A Fifth Doctor story, 'Caves of Androzani', focuses on war funded by big conglomerates who use the little people as fodder while the rich benefit.
Re-watching all from Ecclestone and I am now on the Capaldi , regeneration.
I have to admit to be enjoying it more the second time around and I think Clara is way better than I remembered.
There is some top notch episodes.
I have just finished the second season of Capaldi, for some reason I did not watch it the first time around.
Apart from ep9 Sleep no more, the rest were excellent, the last 3 eps were for me some of the best Who.
The whole Clara dying and the Ashilr story were brilliant.
Clara I think is in Top 4 of all the companions
I have just finished the second season of Capaldi, for some reason I did not watch it the first time around.
Apart from ep9 Sleep no more, the rest were excellent, the last 3 eps were for me some of the best Who.
The whole Clara dying and the Ashilr story were brilliant.
Clara I think is in Top 4 of all the companions
I was exactly the same as you. I stopped watching Capaldi in series 8 - found him far too cold and grumpy. It was only when I rewatched after he’d left I realised he’s incredible and he is now my favourite doctor. His growth over the three seasons was such a great character arc. It seems to be a very common theme with people giving up on it and then loving him on rewatch. The final two episodes of season 10 are incredible and the last 10 minutes of his finale are the best a regeneration will ever be. They’re just beautiful. Nobody will ever do a monologue as good as his doctor.
I was exactly the same as you. I stopped watching Capaldi in series 8 - found him far too cold and grumpy. It was only when I rewatched after he’d left I realised he’s incredible and he is now my favourite doctor. His growth over the three seasons was such a great character arc. It seems to be a very common theme with people giving up on it and then loving him on rewatch. The final two episodes of season 10 are incredible and the last 10 minutes of his finale are the best a regeneration will ever be. They’re just beautiful. Nobody will ever do a monologue as good as his doctor.
I am on the last few of season 10 now, he has just gone blind.
Not my fav Doctor, that is Tennent.
I was exactly the same as you. I stopped watching Capaldi in series 8 - found him far too cold and grumpy. It was only when I rewatched after he’d left I realised he’s incredible and he is now my favourite doctor. His growth over the three seasons was such a great character arc. It seems to be a very common theme with people giving up on it and then loving him on rewatch. The final two episodes of season 10 are incredible and the last 10 minutes of his finale are the best a regeneration will ever be. They’re just beautiful. Nobody will ever do a monologue as good as his doctor.
Just finished series 10 full agree.
On to series 11 now , was not that impressed the first time round, but willing to give this Doctor another chance.
I stopped watching Dr Who a very very long time ago, on the basis it had got absolutely shite.

Would definitely recommend these new three episodes though. Obviously, primarily aimed at kids but good wholesome family entertainment. Good bonding TV for me and my 12 year old daughter. Both very much looking forward to the Xmas special.
I stopped watching Dr Who a very very long time ago, on the basis it had got absolutely shite.

Would definitely recommend these new three episodes though. Obviously, primarily aimed at kids but good wholesome family entertainment. Good bonding TV for me and my 12 year old daughter. Both very much looking forward to the Xmas special.
I agree that the 3 eps were very good, but not that they were aimed at kids.
The eps were a bit dark for kids, maybe aimed at a younger demographic yes, with a new younger doctor.
When did you stop watching ? The reboot from Eccleston has been on the whole very good, much better than the originals, I would recommend you to give them a watch.
I think they were a bit less kiddy than the episodes with Jodie. Everything there was force-fed in terms of explanation whereas I felt this was a bit better in that respect.
I stopped watching at Capaldi, I want to get back into it, is it worth watching all of Capaldi and Whittaker to be fully caught up?
I stopped watching at Capaldi, I want to get back into it, is it worth watching all of Capaldi and Whittaker to be fully caught up?
Capaldi goes from being wonky to arguably my second favourite, just slightly behind Davey T.

I liked Whittaker, but the dialogue she got was trash. They had some great story threads but the out of place monologues, and how they often took what should be one companion's lines and split them between three people randomly huddled together, just piddled me off at times.

I swear that Chris Chibnall didn't actually give a shit about being "progressive", he was only interested in people seeing that he was being progressive. His stories had zero focus. I gave up after the first season.
I stopped watching at Capaldi, I want to get back into it, is it worth watching all of Capaldi and Whittaker to be fully caught up?
I stopped after Capaldi’s first few episodes - too grumpy and cold for me - but having rewatched years later he’s now my favourite doctor and with Heaven Sent and World Enough in Time has some of the best ever who episodes. Season 9 and 10 are just consistently very good. If you want to catch up for Christmas Day I’d just watch the three specials but definitely check out Capaldi’s run at some point. I won’t comment on Whittaker’s run - I’ll end up going full nerd saying lots of mean things about Chris Chibnall and it’s Christmas.
I stopped watching at Capaldi, I want to get back into it, is it worth watching all of Capaldi and Whittaker to be fully caught up?
Capaldi improved over time so worth a watch.

Jodie's run had some good episodes but Chibnall was not a good showrunner so you can just google which epis were good and read a synopsis for everything else if you want.
Capaldi goes from being wonky to arguably my second favourite, just slightly behind Davey T.

I liked Whittaker, but the dialogue she got was trash. They had some great story threads but the out of place monologues, and how they often took what should be one companion's lines and split them between three people randomly huddled together, just piddled me off at times.

I swear that Chris Chibnall didn't actually give a shit about being "progressive", he was only interested in people seeing that he was being progressive. His stories had zero focus. I gave up after the first season.
Yeah the 3 companions right from the word go thing ruined it. Should have been gradually brought on like Moffat did with Amy and Rory.

Wasn't enough time to properly develop the 3 companions well enough that you cared for all of them.
I stopped watching at Capaldi, I want to get back into it, is it worth watching all of Capaldi and Whittaker to be fully caught up?
100% worth watching all Capaldi , agreed he starts off a bit weak, but he get much better, I think series 9 and 10 are of a very high standard thought out and his re-generation was maybe one of the best.
Like all Who there is a running story in the back ground all the time.
Good start to the Christmas Speical, also have I missed something, what with Mavity and not gravity?

Pretty sure in the Tate episodes they went back and Newton called it mavity and not gravity hence changing the origin of the name.
What’s with this guy’s accent? It seems to be changing with every sentence. And fecking hell this intrusive, childish Murray Gold score makes this unwatchable by itself.
It wasn't as good as the most recent specials but I still enjoyed it.

I also find Ncuti's changing accent very noticeable, but I think it suits The Doctor. He's an alien time traveller with no home, he has no nationality, region or community, so it'd make sense for him to have a kinda fluid accent.
15 is going to be a lot of fun. Not 100% sold on Ruby though.

Very interesting ending.
I liked her, I agree 15 is going to be fun.
Apparently Mrs Flood is a recurring character, but who ?
One theory is that she's an associate of the Master's. In the third anniversary special, The Giggle, we saw a woman with red nail polish pick up the Toymaker's gold tooth
I liked her, I agree 15 is going to be fun.
Apparently Mrs Flood is a recurring character, but who ?
One theory is that she's an associate of the Master's. In the third anniversary special, The Giggle, we saw a woman with red nail polish pick up the Toymaker's gold tooth
Did you copy and paste that from the Radio Times?
100% worth watching all Capaldi , agreed he starts off a bit weak, but he get much better, I think series 9 and 10 are of a very high standard thought out and his re-generation was maybe one of the best.
Like all Who there is a running story in the back ground all the time.
Agreed about Capaldi. I think most Doctors stories tend to get better when they get an original companion.

Good start for the new Doctor, roll on the new series
It wasn't as good as the most recent specials but I still enjoyed it.

I also find Ncuti's changing accent very noticeable, but I think it suits The Doctor. He's an alien time traveller with no home, he has no nationality, region or community, so it'd make sense for him to have a kinda fluid accent.

It would make more sense for him to have no accent. The way it leaps around from one accent to another is, at best, distracting. I’d love to know what accent he is supposed to be doing. They surely can’t have asked him to be this all over the place?
It really is a reinvention which was very much needed. Fairly average and predictable story but I thought they were both very good and it was enjoyable. I found myself smiling quite a bit at Ruby’s complete wonder and I’m a total grump normally! I’d put it on par with the Star Beast I think.

I’d be pretty surprised if Mrs Flood is anyone we’ve seen from the modern era as I think this is intended to be a soft reboot free from that baggage.