Television Doctor Who

Did you also shit yourself when the Master changed gender?

Nope although found in interesting that in this genderless world they tried to create he went from The master to missy, started wearing feminine clothes/colours etc.

Again didn't really feel it made sense for the character but at the same time we know him a lot less given he's in/out of the show.

Not sure why you're so aggressive. I've not said I won't watch the show or anything just that for me I don't think it makes sense for the character I've seen which I guess is different from how you've interpreted them and I think it is driven by a PC culture which I think is supported in Chinball saying he always wanted a woman.
Jodie Whittaker:

"I'm beyond excited to begin this epic journey - with Chris and with every Whovian on this planet.

"It's more than an honour to play the Doctor. It means remembering everyone I used to be, while stepping forward to embrace everything the Doctor stands for: hope. I can't wait.

"I want to tell the fans not to be scared by my gender. Because this is a really exciting time, and Doctor Who represents everything that's exciting about change. The fans have lived through so many changes, and this is only a new, different one, not a fearful one."

Chris Chibnall:

"After months of lists, conversations, auditions, recalls and a lot of secret-keeping, we're excited to welcome Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor.

"I always knew I wanted the Thirteenth Doctor to be a woman and we're thrilled to have secured our number one choice. Her audition for The Doctor simply blew us all away.

"Jodie is an in-demand, funny, inspiring, super-smart force of nature and will bring loads of wit, strength and warmth to the role. The Thirteenth Doctor is on her way."

Peter Capaldi:

"Anyone who has seen Jodie Whittaker's work will know that she is a wonderful actress of great individuality and charm.

"She has above all the huge heart to play this most special part. She's going to be a fantastic Doctor."

The BBC's reveal in case anyone missed it.

Nope although found in interesting that in this genderless world they tried to create he went from The master to missy, started wearing feminine clothes/colours etc.
That's mostly because Moffat sucked at writing for women.

Again didn't really feel it made sense for the character but at the same time we know him a lot less given he's in/out of the show.

Not sure why you're so aggressive. I've not said I won't watch the show or anything just that for me I don't think it makes sense for the character I've seen which I guess is different from how you've interpreted them and I think it is driven by a PC culture which I think is supported in Chinball saying he always wanted a woman.
The character is 2000/2 billion year old character depending on which parts of the show are cannon. One that travels through time and space and comes from a planet where people can't always control how they regenerate. It makes perfect sense for it to turn into any kind of humanoid.
That's the case with Bond who's a male spy. The Doctor is an alien who can change gender.
Is the gender-changing ability part of his backstory?

Maybe it will freshen it up. Having Lucy Liu play Watson works really well in Elementary imo.
Nope although found in interesting that in this genderless world they tried to create he went from The master to missy, started wearing feminine clothes/colours etc.

Again didn't really feel it made sense for the character but at the same time we know him a lot less given he's in/out of the show.

Not sure why you're so aggressive. I've not said I won't watch the show or anything just that for me I don't think it makes sense for the character I've seen which I guess is different from how you've interpreted them and I think it is driven by a PC culture which I think is supported in Chinball saying he always wanted a woman.
But the reason Missy was wearing feminine clothes and colours is because with each regeneration comes a whole new personality as well. Each regeneration is completely different from the last so the character you say you've seen isn't just one, it's many in one.

The BBC's reveal in case anyone missed it.

That's mostly because Moffat sucked at writing for women.

The character is 2000/2 billion year old character depending on which parts of the show are cannon. One that travels through time and space and comes from a planet where people can't always control how they regenerate. It makes perfect sense for it to turn into any kind of humanoid.

I don't entirely disagree with you, inconsistency in very common in Dr Who. However for me given he's been a man 13 times, on numerous times has indicated that he expects to regenerate as a man (and has some subconscious choice in the matter), referred to himself as man, grandfather, father, having a granddaughter only ever showing romantic interest in women, consistently taking female companions etc for me I've come to see him as a man.

As I said before my analogy would be S5 of Sherlock coming back with him having had a sex change. It's possible it can happen, he's as ambivilous to sex etc as The Doctor is and doesn't really have many traditional "male" traits yet I think most people would say it wouldn't exactly fit the character. Timelords can have the ability to change sex, that's fine, doesn't mean they should all want to in the same way that not all humans want to change sex even if the technology exists. Perhaps they'll go down the route of this being a one off due to an uncontrollable regeneration but I highly doubt that.

Ultimately though as I said she's a good actress and I'll give her a chance, I just personally don't think they needed to go down this route.

But it looks like you won't accept any challenge on this so I think it's just best to agree to disagree.

Shame they didn't make the doctor a black lesbian. DM readers would even more in meltdown.



But the reason Missy was wearing feminine clothes and colours is because with each regeneration comes a whole new personality as well. Each regeneration is completely different from the last so the character you say you've seen isn't just one, it's many in one.

True but seems a bit weird/coincidental that the personality we get with a female bodied Master is also more feminine then what we've seen before? As Silva said it might just be bad writing. That's going to be the main issue really. Can they write a Doctor who is female but feels like the old man we've come to know? I don't think Moffat could pull it off from what we've seen, hopefully Chinball can.
Think this one is my favourite though.

I don't entirely disagree with you, inconsistency in very common in Dr Who. However for me given he's been a man 13 times, on numerous times has indicated that he expects to regenerate as a man (and has some subconscious choice in the matter), referred to himself as man, grandfather, father, having a granddaughter only ever showing romantic interest in women, consistently taking female companions etc for me I've come to see him as a man.
He also constantly talks about peace, co-existence then goes on to commit genocide every now and again. It's best not to take everything he said too literally.

As I said before my analogy would be S5 of Sherlock coming back with him having had a sex change. It's possible it can happen, he's as ambivilous to sex etc as The Doctor is and doesn't really have many traditional "male" traits yet I think most people would say it wouldn't exactly fit the character. Timelords can have the ability to change sex, that's fine, doesn't mean they should all want to in the same way that not all humans want to change sex even if the technology exists. Perhaps they'll go down the route of this being a one off due to an uncontrollable regeneration but I highly doubt that.
Sherlock isn't a time travelling alien that regenerates so the analogy is nonsense.

It's also worth noting that classic Dr Who episodes are only loosely cannon, if there's anything in the newer seasons that contradicts old ones, the newer ones are what counts.
True but seems a bit weird/coincidental that the personality we get with a female bodied Master is also more feminine then what we've seen before? As Silva said it might just be bad writing. That's going to be the main issue really. Can they write a Doctor who is female but feels like the old man we've come to know? I don't think Moffat could pull it off from what we've seen, hopefully Chinball can.
The personality comes with the body though so it's to be expected that a female body comes with a female personality.

Christopher Ecclestone - Cheeky lad who likes a laugh but gets serious when he needs to.
David Tennant - Shows the more intelligent and emotional side, plus some comedy.
Matt Smith - Bit goofy, funny faces, smart.
Peter Capaldi - Gruff, bit grumpy, serious, shows a softer side sometimes.

For me each personality matches the body and that's how it should be.
When the biggest criticisms are "He's always been a man" and "PC gone mad" you know the people against it are chatting shit.
To be fair, some have a valid point. I know I won't be able to watch the Doctor battle daleks with the same suspension of disbelief now I know that she has to sit down for a wee.
The personality comes with the body though so it's to be expected that a female body comes with a female personality.

Christopher Ecclestone - Cheeky lad who likes a laugh but gets serious when he needs to.
David Tennant - Shows the more intelligent and emotional side, plus some comedy.
Matt Smith - Bit goofy, funny faces, smart.
Peter Capaldi - Gruff, bit grumpy, serious, shows a softer side sometimes.

For me each personality matches the body and that's how it should be.

But what does personality have to do with gender in a gender-less society?
Shame they didn't make the doctor a black lesbian. DM readers would even more in meltdown.


It's scary how wound-up and sometimes even aggressive these people get out of sheer narrow-mindedness.
I'm in the camp that believes any character should be able to be male or female, black, white or anything in between, straight or queer, etc. provided they're not based on real people. It's fiction after all, and it would be loads of fun to see iconic characters portrayed in wildly different ways by wildly different people. I certainly don't think having a white male Bond or white female Lara Croft is necessary for me to enjoy their characters. You can keep their personalities and change the person playing them, and it'll be great if the script and acting is good imo.

Such a bizarre thing to be up in arms about at the end of the day.
It's scary how wound-up and sometimes even aggressive these people get out of sheer narrow-mindedness.
It really is, isn't it. Morseso those who are against it even though they don't watch it or know anything about it, but are outraged nonetheless.
The only way you can really win this is by promoting talented people. A good actor should always trump being a female actor. And Whittaker is fecking brilliant, it's inspired casting and she deserves it. May tune in for an episode at last.
But what does personality have to do with gender in a gender-less society?
The personality matches the look. The Doctor puts themselves among humans and sees them as the better race. If i'm right The Doctor is also half human. The other Time Lords are generally personality-void machines. The Doctor and The Master are unique in their ways.

It is therefore easy to see why The Doctor would regenerate with a personality to match the look.
Good choice imo, a talented and funny actress, and a million times better than the goon from my family
can she do funny? i like the Actress but she has played quite a serious character in everything i've seen her in so can't really picture been quirky and odd like all the Dr's have been in one way or another.

still think it might do Dr Who some good having some one who isn't as goofy in the role
You know what's surprising, that Buzzfeed hasn't released a single article masturbating at a female Doctor, it's weird considering they would normally love this kind of stuff.
Sorry, last one I promise!

Jesus Christ, I wonder if their stubbornness is super strong or they genuinely cant tell the difference between fictional and non-fictional people.
Jesus Christ, I wonder if their stubbornness is super strong or they genuinely cant tell the difference between fictional and non-fictional people.
Crazy that people believe that an historical figure is analogous to a fictional shape-changing sci-fi character, isn't it? Cretins.